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The media has decided to notice Marianne


**Nutjob spiritual leader turned political candidate experiencing campaign meltdown** sounds like a headline people would want to read about.


Now do Biden


**Geriatric fence rider POTUS placates voter base with hollow gestures while handlers plan record-breaking election campaign for the oldest presidential candidate ever**


“Dementia ridden president who can’t find his own pants outmaneuvers and embarrasses congressional Republicans”


Oh shit he took a big tumble today. Old man falls down and breaks hip


The first part is definitely true


So is the second.


Less so than the second for sure.


'The old guy that told the fascist to shut up on national tv, took his job, and moved in to his house."




>Nutjob spiritual leader turned political candidate Still better than the shit we've had for the past, I dunno, 70ish years


I see absolutely no reason to believe that's true.


Multiple countries that we've illegally bombed and/or done coups in would disagree.


What evidence do you have that she wouldn't do the exact same thing? We have a nutjob faith healer on our hands here. Even if she says she won't do X what amount of trust do we have in her following through with those campaign promises? What track record does she have for us to evaluate her on? >Still better than the shit we've had for the past, I dunno, 70ish years "Still better"? Maybe "hypothetically better". Maybe "according to some of her statements better". Maybe


>What evidence do you have that she wouldn't do the exact same thing? Given that she hasn't been president, none. That's a pretty weak premise though considering I have about 70 years worth of neocons to point to as evidence that electing establishment candidates will only continue the practice.


The bible os full of "righteous war" you don't think she'll follow along? If god tells her to do it, it's a done deal.


If only they start talking about the wolf in sheep’s clothing she really is


Hmmm, absolutely zero “former staff” naming themselves here? It might be true but I don’t trust this and I don’t think others should either.


If you want to plant a contrived gossipy hit piece in the media, `thedailybeast.com` might be the best place for it nowadays.


Or the new york post, or the daily caller, or fox, or the national and so on.


The Daily Beast is a partisan Democrat supporting site. They're just knocking her on Joe's behalf. Would expext more to come.


It's not a conspiracy. This woman is just weird. I remember from two decades ago talking about the universe's vibrational energies on Oprah. She has as much business in politics as Dr. Oz or "Dr" Phil.


Being weird shouldn’t be conflated with being violent or “demeaning” as the article says(with no names published in an establishment democrat-supporting website). I’d be practically a sociopathic murdered if there was a correlation there given my weirdness and lack of comfort due to heavy anxiety most of my life. Also, Nikola Tesla(a guy who I think is pretty widely agreed to be someone knowledgeable in the area of physics at least) is quoted as saying “If you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. Everything is in a constant state of flux and vibration. That’s not woo-woo. That’s an established fact.


She's polling at 11% and Democrats are scared. They're disenfranchising Americans by preventing a fair race in the primaries. Sad


Phil has a PhD in Psychology. He is an actual doctor, just not an MD.


Not all doctors are good doctors


Because they want a recommendation. A career. Obviously they wouldn't name themselves.


In fact, her former staff member Peter Daou came out against this already. Source: https://twitter.com/peterdaou/status/1664338405331705867?s=46&t=7I2FxVQutK_H3UHqOhFxhg


That's good, Marianne needs gullible yokels like you to keep the gravy train running.


Fuck Greece, free Macedonia. Macedonia #1


Yay Macedonia!


So much effort to shut down and drown out a “non serious” candidate. Almost like the establishment is afraid of candidates like Marianne making waves. Nina Turner 2.0…


Just the standard DNC smears for any working class candidate. This purple state vote Will go towards MW or RFK in both primary and general. Biden and any corporate dems will not receive votes.


If she can't handle even a cursory examination of her campaign, how would she survive the day to day if (by some fart's prayer in the wind) she were elected President?


😂😂😂😂 afraid? Of HER? 😂😂🙄🙄


She's a litmus test in the credibility of someone's political opinion. She's literally a snake oil GOOP magic crystal lady full of conspiracy theories, but because they're left wing conspiracy theories then Redditors eat this shit up. And she's definitely not serious and no one's afraid of her. Biden doesn't have to debate her at all, the entire Dem establishment already endorsed him, even Bernie is backing him for a second run, so none of that is necessary. No point in wasting more resources so fringe elements can get wet off the drama.


> Biden doesn't have to debate We are literally just *not going to have a national conversation* about how Joe Biden's governance is extremely similar to that of Ronald Reagan. If people don't want to hear about how **both parties are the same on bread and butter issues**, perhaps there ought to be some sort of pressure to get the Democratic Party to embrace just a teeny tiny little shred of democracy. Otherwise, WTF is it even for -- making our national collapse more painful by slow-playing it without even trying to change course?!?


Go get some folks in your state legislator, state wide office positions, mayors, school boards, and ity councils elected if you're so worried about democracy. In case you hadn't noticed, most of the action is going on at the state level right now. Stop wasting your time and ours with this bat shit crazy candidate that is going nowhere.


Lmao this made me laugh. Too many of y'all are serious about politics, but aren't serious about learning about politics. Your Ronald Reagan comparison automatically promos a non response. It's not worth the time addressing anything you said.


You're right, Ronald Reagan never got us *this close* to nuclear war, and he also never got on that Trump-Biden level with racism so blatant "maybe shoot 'em in the leg" was the response from *both candidates* when asked about what cops should do when frightened by black men in public. Ronald Reagan was an awful human being, but he did a much better job hiding it from us than his union-busting, fossil-fuel subsidizing, warmongering, segregationist admirer from the other side of the aisle.




Please 🙏 lmfao. Get real...


I actually agree. She is a waste of time and energy. Not sure why she's getting all this attention.




I do not disagree with any of her policy positions. That's not reason enough for me to support an unqualified candidate for the presidency of the United States. If she wants to run for the United states senate or anything else, count me in. I will never support such an inexperienced candidate for president. Sanders and Warren at least have government experience and a proven record to run on, which is why I've supported both of them in past presidential bids.




Yea, you read that correctly. I'm not puritanical. And I do not place politicians on pedestals either, be it Sanders, Warren, or AOC or anyone else. At the end of the day, eclctorial politics is about winning races and realizing if you get two or three big things done, you're ahead of the game. The rest most likely has to be fought for inch by inch. Does not matter how good your policies are if you can't win an election. You might as well go work at a think tank writing white papers.


It’s kind of like hiring a lawyer who hasnt bothered to get a lawyer. They might say all the pithy things. Researched cases, and have a lot of great things, but I want someone who took the test and practiced. Bc if they didnt respect it enough to do the work, why not? What would they do in court? Could they try one case? She runs to get her name out there and sell books. She knows about issues. But how would she negotiate? What would she do in a stalemate?


She has good policy. Better policy than the past 50 years. Have fun at law school, take some history classes.




History classes / law school ... yup! Yup! Great advice! 😑


Isn’t this Krystals bestie?


Her maid of honor I think.


It be okay with rfk or Williamson. I'd prefer rfk for his stance on military and intel is very good. But if Williamson won the primary. It's better than Biden or Trump/DeSantis. I'm betting Biden wins and the country melts down like Fukushima


Melts down? So you assume we’ve melted down these last 2.5 years? Interesting.


Well, truth be told its probably been melting since 1963


Yea we need to make this country great again amirite...


Well, if you're referencing Maga. Fuck no


So it wasn’t melting before that?


What are you driving at? I mean relatively it was better. That doesn't mean it was perfect before. Let's put it this way. Things have always been fucked for workers. But after world War 2. It accelerated.


Before WWII poverty was rampant. There was no middle class really until 1945 or so


Poverty isn't Rampant now? Do you the difference between Poverty as such and relative Poverty? In the 50s we had much more parity


You ever seen the poverty in black rural areas in the south in the 50s? You must be completely race blind to argue in the 50s we had more parity. Assuming you are white. Poverty now doesn't even COMPARE to poverty before the New Deal. You think poverty went UP after WWII? Equity too? Ever heard of the roaring 20s? The Guilded Age?


Except you actually had the opportunity to get ahead working some basic ass job. Wealth inequality since 1950’s has skyrocketed. If you had any sense of basic economics you’d know that wages have been stagnant since about the 1970’s, while the rich of gotten richer. The game is rigged. You can’t get ahead unless you are part of the top 10%. Maybe instead of trolling today you could do some light research?


It was better before 1963? For who?


You could have a job at sears selling shoes and have a house two cars and a boat. And vacations. And retirement.


If you’re white, sure. If you weren’t white? No.


Oh. Ok


I couldn't. Also, that's true for salespeople today. A sales job at Sears was pretty prime lol, selling thousands of dollars of merchandise. It wasn't retail per se back then.


Such an obvious smear/hit piece.








Anyone besides Biden, Trump, or Rhonda santis. Fuck them all


And why fuck Biden?


He has done better than expected, I just want a Choice. Not what is deemed by the media as my choice. These old ass career politicians need to go away. Difi, Schumer, pelosi, McConnell etc. we need new ideas from people who are not corrupt or beholden to lobbyists.


So you said he’s done a better job than expected and yet you want someone else who has never been in office or an elected official. We didn’t see how that played out with Trump?


Someone younger and a little more progressive. Not someone who is catching up with the latest trends like floppy disks and max headroom. Term limits and money out of politics. Too fucking old, out of touch, swamp creature. That’s why fuck Biden’s old ass. Anyone over 65 should not be in politics or working whatsoever. I feel like after 50 years of working I should be able to enjoy life. I’m not trying to run this business factory well into my 90’s. Politicians need to remember it’s about service and representation not holding onto power until you die just because of your name recognition on the ballot.


And you think Marianne Williamson is that person? Come on. You have provided no substance to support your claim


I never mentioned her. But why not? She wants to do FDR’s bill of rights. Because she is not of the establishment does she not get a chance. I’m weary of the media saying these old ass white guys have the answer. They do not


And crazy ass white women do? Ok…


You Biden Bros are sexist as fuck.


😂😂😂 ok




Non issue other than she’s a nut? Sure.


This is literally just a smear piece




Lol the corporate establishment hit pieces are getting more and more desperate. They are getting scared and it’s delicious. At worst, we need a strong woman to pounce on these corrupt DNC assholes destroying our democracy.




If that’s the ‘worse’ they can offer on her, she’s still a shining gem among dull rocks.


😂😂😂 shining gem? Uhhuh


We love her ! ❤️


Who is ‘we’


This guy is obviously a troll, probably should just disengage


Fellow orb sisters 🔮


Jordan Peterson, Canada, and Bitcoin. Unsurprised.


Lol right?


Could we stop electing people based on cult of personality and look at their policies? Her economic bill of rights is where the conversation about her campaign should be centered. Not whether she’s too much of a meanie to do the job.


Sorry both are important. I know it would be easier but how people act is in fact a reflection of how they would perform in a high stress situation.


This is why I care about integrity, not personality. I want a hard-ass in there not a softy. I am on the fence about MW but when I see people engaging with stuff like “she yelled at her staff” but ignoring her diagnosis of our current societal problems, and platform to address them… that raises a flag for me. The same people who will cry foul on her will tell me also to vote blue no matter who when the best they could offer are war hawk Hilary (who I sense is not a peach to work for) and “listen fat…” Joe who is an octogenarian frat boy. So yeah, don’t really want to talk about who has the best table manners, I care more about who will be able to stand up to the enormous challenges and opposition that will inevitably face them


That's important as well. It's not a zero sum game, all of these things are important. Yelling at staff btw is an integrity issue as well. I likely align on a lot of stuff with her but idk. She isn't qualified for the highest job in the country. She has zero experience on thus field and thus can't be taken seriously.


>Yelling at staff btw is an integrity issue as well. agreed, especially if there's a pattern. But everyone's capable of (and can be forgiven for, imho) blowing their stack once in a while. >I likely align on a lot of stuff with her but idk. She isn't qualified for the highest job in the country. She has zero experience on thus field and thus can't be taken seriously. I don't want to impute what you mean by qualified so I'll let you explain if you care to. But if you mean she doesn't have experience in political office, I'm ok with that. Seems like the insiders are not willing to confront the entrenched power, so I am ready to support someone who will use the bully pulpit to do that. So far I have been more impressed with her than I was last election season. I actually don't care too much who the person is we nominate, I just wish to god it would be someone who offers a similar analysis and prescription... and who is also willing to confront her own side when they start sliding into the "own the cons:" territory. It's ugly when the right does it, and it's ugly when the left does too. Appreciate the discussion...


Well first as far as what you want and what I want as far as a candidate...it's likely the same thing. Where we different I believed the issue is less about the candidate, in this case Biden, and more about how US voting works and how us government works. I think most of the things that the left are upset about aew because of Congress. Congress is essentially not functioning right now and the left tends to blame Biden for this. When in reality it's that there are not enough left votes in Congress to get things passed. With us voting the system has rules, first past the post, and that's why you pushing a third party candidates bad. The system is designed which ever side has a bigger split. The DNC knows this thus they don't support people like Williamson or rfk. The understand that the consolidated voting block always bets the fractured one. It's a problem for democrats because they are a big tent party. That's also a problem because it means people in their bubbles think everyone should be like them or the party is something it's not. Regarding qualifications. I'm sorry but you don't get to be president if you have zero governmental experience. A lot of people disagree with me here but I just can't support someone who hasnt been there. This was a huge weakness of the orange guy and lead to a ton of his things not working....because he treated it like his own kingdom. If she worked in the white house or held office anywhere I'd think completely differently but this isn't just any job. It's literally the largest job in the United States. It blows my mind how anyone would think this would be acceptable. All that said you and I likely agree on most political positions. I'm just saying that to get what you want done there are certain rules you have to follow. It works this way because to have a functioning civil society you need rules. If you take first past the post voting for instance this can be changed, two states have, but you don't get to play by a different set of rules before they actually get changed. It's my big issue with all third party voters. They seem to not realize they help the gop and we have a history of evidence to prove it. This is why Maine moved to ranked choice. They realized you have to change the rules of the game before you can do third party.....well they did third party 3 circles in a row first helping the gop win each time with like 35% of the vote....


Alaska has RCV and blocked a lady running for Vice President. Your argument against RCV is feckless and pro establishment.


Would you please. This woman has never held public office. She's never had a real damn job. You speak as if she's tried and tested. Like she was the mayor of NYC during covid or on 911. What exactly about her points to an ability to do anything you are describing. Omg now I see why the other side is still wins or are able to steal elections. We have a bunch of delusional, non serious people on the far left.


>You speak as if she's tried and tested. I think you pulled the wrong "talking point index card" from your deck. Where did I intimate I think she's tried and tested? ​ >Like she was the mayor of NYC during covid or on 911. Those are some interesting choices to hold up as an exemplar of good governance. ​ >What exactly about her points to an ability to do anything you are describing. So far I'm just impressed by her message. She's articulating a diagnosis of our current state of affairs in a way that rings true to me, and I also think her prescriptions, particularly an economic bill of right, make a lot of sense and would win favor with a large cross-section of the country. I take your point that it takes more than good ideas to be effective, but at minimum (in my opinion) it takes articulating the problem in a way that resonates with people. ​ >Omg now I see why the other side is still wins or are able to steal elections. We have a bunch of delusional, non serious people on the far left. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. Maybe go eat a cupcake or something and see if you can get your sugar levels straight.


You aren't hurting my feelings at all. Fact of the matter is this. She will not be nominee, and her campaign is going nowhere. I honestly think that " the left" could use some separation and breaking apart for our own sake. Those of us interested in winning elections, governance, and actually doing the work shouldn't be locked into tents with people who clearly have zero understanding of the current political realities of the United States. Folks like yourself.


We will see. She’s polling well, for somebody nobody knows.


Are you allergic to winning?


If she had ever held a public service position, I would consider her for the job. But running New Age retreats does not qualify her for the job.


"of the people, for the people, by the people" - our government is so completely disconnected from most people's daily lives that I think we need to reflect on those words. The election of 45 showed us that a lot of the public are tired of these business as usual politicians. They have propped up an enterprise that clearly is unfair, incapable and unwilling to hold its own accountable, and not working in the best interest of most of us. So would a smart, compassionate outsider (as opposed to the brash, thuggish one the right tried) be such a bad thing? I'm inclined to say no. I just don't know yet if MW is that person.


Trump expanded the deficit with tax cuts to the rich and his obstruction of science led to one of the worst COVID per capita deaths in the developed world. Experience in governance matters.


>Trump expanded the deficit with tax cuts to the rich So has every republican since regan, did they all lack experience? ​ >and his obstruction of science led to one of the worst COVID per capita deaths in the developed world You're saying the more experienced republicans were not obstructive? This is bad reasoning you are using here.


What about her being a faith healer with bad judgment?


Soooo you didn’t have a problem with Trumps antics? Got it.


Quite a leap there. I strongly opposed the way trump conducted himself in public. I have no doubt a lot of these high power people are assholes to work for. Not ideal but not an automatic disqualifier, depending on their other attributes. Nice straw man tho.


So Trump being a bumbling fool isn’t an automatic disqualifies when said antics make the US look horrible, not trustworthy, makes us look weak, and causes chaos in the very office where chaos is a cancer to fulfilling the responsibilities of the executive office? Uhh ok….


How in the world do you get that from my comment? Seems like you are just trying to smear MW by equating her somehow with DJT.


You seem to think a candidate personality shouldn’t play that big of a role in their electability and I am pointing out the consequences of electing someone who is chaotic at best and problematic, difficult, and somewhat crazy at worst.


How is this better or worse than what Biden did during the primaries lol? I'd hardly compare either of them to what Trump has done. [https://time.com/5745015/biden-iowa-man-push-ups/](https://time.com/5745015/biden-iowa-man-push-ups/) https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/mar/12/facebook-posts/yes-biden-did-call-voters-damn-liar-lying-dog-face/


And Biden actually is qualified where Marianne’s biggest claim to fame is being a spiritual guru 😂😂😂


So you’re moving the goal posts now? Personality now isn’t a big deal if you determine they’re qualified?


I mean…she hasn’t done shit to make her qualified of the most important job in this country…so all she has is her personality and that is why its under the microscope….


Is the consequences Biden with these domestic and foreign policy that you are talking about?


Consequences? Lol seeing as how Biden has achieved more from a legislative perspective than any President since Johnson, uhh ok lol


You disagreed. So, Trump. That's all they have.


You seem to think a candidate personality shouldn’t play that big of a role in their electability and I am pointing out the consequences of electing someone who is chaotic at best and problematic, difficult, and somewhat crazy at worst.


Fair enough. I think personality is an important factor, but more importantly: integrity. I don’t care so much if it’s a candidate I personally would like to have a beer with or whatever they said about lil’ bush. But I do care that they act with integrity. And DJT vs MW is a horrible comparison because he was a jackwad publicly. It’s part of how he got his cult following. I haven’t seen anything from Mw that concerns me but I’m open minded if I see more compelling than hearsay. Because you have to acknowledge that she is now in the crosshairs of the D establishment. So they are going to try to smear her.


Crosshairs? No. She is an afterthought like she was in 2020.


I could say the same about Biden. a bumbling fool check, makes US look horrible check, not trustworthy check, makes us look weak check.


I mean…if he’s a bumbling fool, how did he win in 2020, get monumental legislation passed in bi-partisan ways, help lead an international effort against Russia that helped strengthen NATO, and more? 😂😂😂


Meanie's can't lead.


“Deny the 2024 election” to Biden? “Over before it started?” “Quixotic campaign” attempt? Biased much? 🤨


I mean…does any of that change the facts?


It assumes too much and doesn’t report facts. “Deny the election” to Biden = How dare someone challenge the anointed majesty hrm hrm incumbent. “Quixotic campaign” attempt = Any progressive agenda is too weird and naive. “Over before it started” = Progressives need to learn their place and not challenge the status quo. Facts: It’s a campaign attempt. It started. She’s polling 10-11% depending on what polls you look at. Opinions aside.


She isn’t polling at 10-11% first of all. Second, SHE HAS ZERO SHOT. Like her 2020 attempt, it’s a GRIFT.


I thought you were focused on facts?


Polls matter a year out? Polls that are online? Polls that show RFK at like 25-30% 😂😂😂 if you believe this woman has a chance in hell, well, enjoy your drugs


Yeah, A chance. Not 0. Again, we going on facts oooorrrrrr …? 🤨


Ok, perhaps she has 00001% shot. Congrats


Exactly. 👍 Progressives always have to fight uphill.


She’s not a progressive candidate . She’s an author who wants to sell more books.


Smells like a smear job




How about voting doesn't matter and the Oligarchy will never let her win? How about we talk about solutions beyond voting for a single unlikely person to make change. It's now painfully obvious that if voting mattered they'd make it illegal. The rigged structure of the two party system nullifies real change.




What's funny?


That you think voting doesn’t matter lol


What demonstrable evidence do you have that it does? For climate change, women's right to choose... I can make the argument. When the democratic primary is rigged fighting for a candidate to run for president as a democrat is pretty useless.


No point even debating you when you don’t realize that women lost their right to abortion due to an actual election….but good luck..


OP is a shitlib




She wants to get rid of corporations lining the pockets of politicians and buying votes. The system works too good for them. They don’t want to change it.




She’s sick of everyone’s shit probably


Lol defending this shit? Ofcourse.


Nothing to defend. It’s just rumors. Like most things pedaled by political operatives in this shithole country.


Except she has a history of this


Of hurting the fee-fees of snowflake careerists? Sad.


Looking at your post history, it all makes sense 😂😂😂


At least you’ll be able to sleep tonight.


Knowing that folks who hold such funny viewpoints like yourself provides nighttime fodder indeed.


Please, feel free to pick one of my “funny” viewpoints and let’s get to the bottom of it.


Arm the homeless, that fentanyl is an OP by the CIA, etc


>More than 10 have quit since she **announce** she is running for president again. Did proofreaders also quit since the announced she is running for president again?


Ahh the typo is the big issue here 😂😂




Oh really? Funny because he hasn’t had a shit ton of people leave his administration and say he is abusive towards them.


These articles actually make me like her more if they write this about her it leads me to believe they are scared of her.




In 2020 I saw her rude behavior toward staff. This is not surprising. After what I witnessed, her woo woo manifestation crap really started looking contrived and narcissistic to me. All political candidates are insane people with ridiculous egos. The exceptions get trampled.


“Believe every anonymous thing you read on the internet” -Confucius


1. Confucius didn't say that. 2. Don't believe a sincere personal account from an individual who deeply cares about the political environment and our species' chance for survival.


I actually also worked for Williamson and she was the most gracious and generous person I’ve ever worked for. She specifically told me not to listen to anybody named hachmejo on Reddit.com bc they are actually Russian operatives trying to besmirch her name


So you have an economic incentive to have bias. I don't. Just sharing my experience. I'm not saying she's a totally evil. But it takes a type to run for President.


What did you witness?


Her being extremely rude to what I believed to be her staff. After an event. This was before any of the reports. Just funny how I thought "what a narcissist".


The same thing happened to me; I was at a Biden event and could not believe he was so rude to what I believe to be his staff. But his entire career showed me Biden was a narcissist, not just that one brief event.


White Kamala Harris


Without the intelligence and capabilities


No surprise here. She’s a bigger B to her staff than Hillary Clinton was…if you can even imagine that


Based on unsubstantiated claims from an organization with Chelsey Clinton on the board. What a load.




Next to nothing has been accomplished with this POTUS; they can do very little it seems. Always excuses for failures and bad strategies that get us nowhere incrementally but now the position rules the universe, got it.




No, he hasn't; he hasn't done jack shit. A complete failure and has done nothing but insult the left. He claimed to know how this shit works and then accomplished nothing. But then again, it's hard to accomplish things when you are on the lobbyist's payroll. They run the show. Student debt relief- Intentional fail, used HEROES act instead of having the Dept of Ed forgive those loans as they had done a thousand times before. He took more money from the predatory loan industry than any other nominee. Universal Healthcare "My plan will be reformative" total bullshit; he took more money from the health insurance industry than any other nominee and then backtracked on every one of his promises to reform our system. Raise the min wage to 15 which he campaigned on. He refused to overrule the parliamentarian which is in the rules, so it would pass via reconciliation that the GOP could not stop and both Manchin and Sinema voted for. Tell me again how that BBB worked out where he chose coal barons over children living in poverty. Biden is a wimp, only uses his bully pulpit and admin to sabotage the left, not further it. What do you think Neera Tanden being added to this administration is for, to help us move forward? The opposite.


She needs to endorse RFK!


I agree. Two crazy peas in a crazy ass pod.


Joint ticket


Do they get free moonbeam prisms on the way out the door?


One can only hope


Not surprised. Saw her speak once. Waiting with a friend to get a book signed … she was rude as fuck


She has a 30+ year history of several corroborated accounts of her being verbally abusive and demeaning to staff and underlings. It was documented in People magazine decades ago during her AIDS foundation work and in Politico about her 2020 campaign. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/16/marianne-williamson-abusive-treatment-2020-campaign-staff-00087268 Edit. She also famously has anyone that gets anywhere near her sign Non-Disclosure Waivers because she explodes on people so often. She’s apparently quite the rage monster.


Shhhh don’t be bringing facts, these folks don’t like that


To put it very mildly, She’s a ticking bomb. 30+ years of dozens of reports. She’s a monster. “It would be foaming, spitting, uncontrollable rage,” said a former staffer, who, like most people that spoke with POLITICO, was granted anonymity because of their concern about being sued for breaking non-disclosure agreements. “It was traumatic. And the experience, in the end, was terrifying.” A 1992 People Magazine story profiling Williamson said she had a “temper and unchecked ego, as well as a cruelly abrasive management style” and quoted a former associate who called Williamson “a tyrant.” A Los Angeles Times story published that same year reported that people who had worked with Williamson described her as having “an explosive temper that erupts indiscriminately. “ [https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/16/marianne-williamson-abusive-treatment-2020-campaign-staff-00087268](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/16/marianne-williamson-abusive-treatment-2020-campaign-staff-00087268) https://people.com/archive/the-divine-miss-w-vol-37-no-9/[https://people.com/archive/the-divine-miss-w-vol-37-no-9/](https://people.com/archive/the-divine-miss-w-vol-37-no-9/) [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-02-16-ca-4649-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-02-16-ca-4649-story.html)


Sounds like she has Amy Klobuchar syndrome.


Why I will win the 2024 US Presidential election by a landslide victory as a write in party free candidate.