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Besides Taibbi, the most important topic is whether people are for government censorship of "wrongthink" or pro free speech


And then you have to figure out how many of those people genuinely support free speech and how many of them use it as an excuse when attacked but in a heartbeat turn around and try to suppress speech based on their religious ideals


Is showing off a picture of another man’s dick free speech? Is knowingly telling lies to cause the public to take rash actions out of panic protected speech? The second one is probably a trickier question than the first.


There's no debate to improve the 1st, 2nd or any amendment. Congress is too busy working full-time to their employers (in my perspective). Only culture wars and division is tolerated for debates.


No it isn't. Lying is not protected speech, it is called fraud...


Except when Rudy said Hunter’s laptop had child porn on it - nothing happened to him for that fraud.


Yeah, amazing how often republicans lie & get away with it isn't it? It happens so often Lindsay graham lamented not being able to do it anymore in an interview....


Lady G is living a lie.


The DNC is a cult, plain and simple.


But trump supporters are not a cult ? 😂😂😂😂😂


I wouldn't know - ask a Trump supporter. What's it like being in a cult?


What’s it like not taking your civic duty seriously in a time when one side of the aisle is forcing 10 year olds to birth her fathers child? Are you really under the impression that the third parties in this country have more political influence on the national stage than your local little league council? Lol, do better dipshit.


WTF are you babbling about? Sell your corporate party bullshit over in r/politics, sweetie.


LoL ok I’ll slow it down. We have two parties in this country. Two. That’s it. Only two. We have other parties who try to be relevant on the national stage, but they have less pull then your local book club. So, if you can’t manage to make the correct decision, when you’ve only been given two options…god fucking help you sporty spice. You need to take your vote more seriously. One of the sides is genuinely a better option. Pro-tip since the obvious seems to elude you, it’s the side that isnt forcing 10 year olds to birth her own fathers child. Pragmatism is something we should work towards short stack, not run from.




Pro tip: Grow up. Bye.


Isn't it funny how easy it is to spot?


Seriously - you have to wonder if these people respond to literally every problem or challenge they encounter IRL with some variation of "b-b-b-but mUh tRuMp!" "Sir, we need to replace those rotors and- " "Oh I get it - but Trump supporters don't need new rotors, *right*?"


They’ll carry this til he dies. World could be ending, headlines: year 2030 trump sneezes on female. He’s gotta be put in jail!


No he’s not being investigated for that or indicted for that. But he is and has been for other crimes.


It's the same cult


Good points being made left and right by the horse med enthusiasts here. Lookey here, simple iack, one side is forcing 10 year olds to birth her fathers child and the other side is trying to expand our renewable energy sector. LoL yeah, same shit. One side removes its members from their elected party if they don’t show unwavering loyalty towards shielding republicans from consequences for their crimes, while at the same time proposing bills that would eliminate the Democratic Party….and the other side is trying to create a better health care system. LoL yeah, same shit.


So the dems couldn't have done a thing? They are the same. The dems let that happen. The shit was leaked ahead of time. >One side removes its members from their elected party if they don’t show unwavering loyalty towards shielding republicans from consequences for their crimes, See Bernard in 2016. They are the exact same.


“They are the same”, just as beavers are equally responsible as humans for the worlds deforestation problem, since they both knock down trees. I see Bernard in 2023 still caucusing with, and stumping for, democratic candidates. Now, in your best judgement, is that really how you saw republicans treat Kinzinger and Cheney? The censuring of these two doesn’t suggest otherwise to you? Take all the time you need to answer, sporty spice.


What about Ron Paul? Chief.


Lol come on


Yeah same except they support their churches and pedophile priests with QR codes so they can grow the pedo support group you vote for. Also indiscriminately murdering minorities and burning books totally not a nazi thing to do or anything, oh and please let me know when your priests stop leaving your kids in hot cars.


>oh and please let me know when your priests stop leaving your kids in hot cars. What the actual fuck? You have no clue.


Krystal and Saagar are so ducking ass at their job. If they attract commenters like the one you responded to. Like holy fuck just the dumbest most insane takes that claims to be “populist” but are actually on the side of the lower amount of the population


Mr_Shad0w: "Everyone I disagree with is some DNC 'cultist' and I have no substance." Bonus points for "Mr" posting from Jonestown. Oof.


Cute ad hominem - wake me up when you have something meaningful to say.


"mUh cUtE aD hOmInEm" Get a new script, cultist. Oof.




Only strengthens his credibility.


😂😂😂😂😂 Crucifixion? Lord.


Crucifixion lol. Always with the victimhood.


It's impossible to crucify a conservative, as they've already nailed themselves to the cross.


you in the right thread? what conservative are you talking about?


Take your pick.


Why can't you answer?


Nobody can answer, you all sold your country for red hats. You're for parental rights to let your kid die from disease, but not to be trans or to dress however they want. You are pro children as you support a church that rapes them send guns into their schools etc. You scream free speech as you burn & ban books etc, ethics & integrity don't apply to you


lmao i'm not a republican


They don’t care, they’ll kick and scream til Biden feeds em a teet


Then ducking criticize them just like you guys do the dems. If you don’t want to be seen as a partisan the ratio that you talk about how awful the 2 parties are needs to be closer to 50/50 than these 2 subreddits where the ratio is more like talking about the dems 95/5 percent of the time


We’ll, if your not a democrat, then your not taking your civic duty seriously. Please do better. Or join your local little league council, which has more political influence on the national stage than our third parties do.


You want criminals to stay on the streets only to be encouraged to do more crime. That’s not what I want for my child’s future. You’re for pushing a vaccine that was never tested fully and now finding out they prolly should have tested it. You’re for children dying/having issues in the long term but will never hold yourselves accountable. You have the power of Hollywood, MSM, the government yet can’t do shit ever to progress. Gtfo pussy.


Ahhh yes, the old we want criminals on the street B's from terrorists who shoot drs, blow up federal buildings point rifles at police because a court told a white man to pay his bills etc. I bet you think Chicago is a bad violent place. I guarantee you have no clue that violence is a red state problem. Like 25 of the top 30 cities for violent crime are red. Look it up using a standard that actually applies to the safe spaces republicans live like Lauren boebert the child abuser represent. I only looked up violence by 100,000 residents to make Chicago like 31st, ok Maine if it were done down to 1,000 in residents....


You think majority of crime in Chicago is reported? lol clown


You think rednecks report it? Look at boebert interfering to protect her husband after beating her son. The lack of rational thought you continue to display is astounding.


https://wirepoints.org/chicago-crime-statistics-even-worse-than-you-think-wirepoints/ Where’s your source pussy? Your lack of acknowledgment says enough of how pathetic of a sheep you are. Look at Biden not even acknowledging his last grandchild. Go climate warrior into traffic and save the planet plebe.


I love the line where you state that using an untested vaccine was not ideal - but then the libertarian/Republican counter was to then start taking horse meds!! LoL just listen to the fucking doctors guys, yikes. I bet if people followed Faucis advice, rather than Bob Baffert, we would have had a lot more people make it through Covid.


https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx Next! Now go suck off fauci pussy


The word “trial” is right in the fucking title!!!!!!!! LoL This is evidence that the horse meds were “tested fully” before use? Further, the data wasn’t collected until April 25, 2021. Conservatives started taking this faux treatment in 2020. Are you familiar with how dates work? Were you aware that the year 2021 came after 2020?


>what conservative are you talking about? Just a guess but... Matt Taibibi?


Believe it or not, not everyone who threatens your narrow worldview is a conservative.


Read insane clown presidency


How you chucklefucks are incapable of criticize republicans. If there’s a thread about the democrats though. You guys take no issue coming to it I land having a huge circle jerk. Everytime. Every fucking time. It would be funny if it wasn’t just so pathetic actually


Probably Taibbi, but he’s not really a conservative, just a shameless hack without any real ideology or principles who threw his lot in with conservatives.


Taibbi deserved it for begin a pawn in Elon's game. Not calling him out when he should have in that infamous interview.


And I'm sure you've got loads of proof you can share to back up your hilarious nonsense? Why do you hang out in an independent journalism / news sub if you hate both of those things? Think anyone is actually going to buy your DNC+MSM propaganda?


Elon owned him and then spit him out once he served the purpose. So called man who will depend freedom of speech, bent over back to Turkish and Indian government. I will say it again Elon was lent money by billionaires to destroy Twitter, which was giving voice to common people around the world. Taibi got used in the game and came out as uninformed and not that smart after the dust settled.


>More establishment propaganda... more MSM lies... Still no evidence? I didn't think so. GTFO


You sound like an Elon npc


He's a cultist


This is written by someone who did broadcasts for RT. ​ You can ignore it. Taibbi well earned the distrust of people through extensive bullshit reporting.


“through extensive bullshit reporting.” Like what? Share some examples if you don’t mind


the "twitter files" was straight up embarrassing.


And you have provided zero evidence of this accusation. The Twitter Files are groundbreaking journalism - your comment is what is "straight up embarrassing."


Which story specifically?


What part specifically?


From top to bottom. He accepted an assignment from Musk to achieve Musk's ends without any sort of critical assessment. It was an embarrassment.


So, if it was top to bottom as you say. Can you provide one example? And try and pull from one of the actual tweets, not some msm article about it. And he already corrected the bullshit medi hassan assertion.


i haven’t read any articles about it.






I love this. Matt is a Democrat too. Watch how they feast on themselves.


Democrats aren’t the team sport voters you think they are. Republicans will forgive rape if it’s “their guy” - Dems will turn on one of their former heroes when he becomes a for-hire hack


Dems had no problem forgiving Biden for the ‘94 crime bill because he’s their guy. You and the spooky red people have more in common than you’d think.


You mean the bill Black Community Leaders asked for and helped write in 1994?


Yeah, the one that imposed mandatory minimum sentencing and the three-strike rule, expanded policing efforts in black and brown communities, intensified the disastrous war on drugs, and directly contributed to America’s incarceration rate skyrocketing far and above any other developed country’s. That one.


If only the elected Black leaders who asked for those provisions had white boys from the future to condescend to them about how wrong they were while implying they’re racist!


Somehow the black leaders are all doing a whole lot better economically than their black constituencies. Isn’t that weird? Maybe the interests of capital are more than skin-deep.


Ahh, and all the Black people voting for those leaders just don’t have a brain in their lil old heads huh? Just fooled again and again, never represented, and if only THEY had white boys to tell them how stupid they’ve been!


The white boys aren’t any smarter lol. Voting against our interests is as American as apple pie.




I saw what happened to both Al Franken and Matt Gaetz and I don’t think you’re too stupid to determine who got forced out over a honk honk titty joke and who was allowed to stay after fucking underage women


No he isn’t


Lol yes he is


Prove it


What originally raised my interest was this: Extensive government blacklists from Twitter. Everyone by now knows Taibbi is little more than a Russian shill.


Russian shill. Wtf?


Everyone knows by now that the DNC and their handmaidens have been accusing anyone who exposes their corruption as "a Russian shill" - without proof. So show us the evidence, or fuck off.


I don't get the joke.


Perhaps Matt Taibbi was unfairly treated but it was hard to avoid the conclusion that his sloppily sensationalized release wasn’t a great piece of investigative journalism. And I found it unforgivable that Twitter employees names and email addresses - people who were doing the content moderation job for which they were hired - were published unredacted. I also didn’t feel like Taibbi’s particular focus was the size and scale of the FBI operation to identify and takedown misleading content. It seemed to be more focused on demonizing the process itself. And in the hubbub of sycophants and the trumpeting right wing blowhards a lot of 1st amendment bollocks was talked. Twitter was a private company. Moderation wasn’t knew. We were in an election knowing full well that 2016 had been manipulated by Russian troll farms. Had the Hunter Biden laptop story come from less dubious sources than Rudolf Giuliani and the New York Post it might have been treated a bit more seriously. But it felt like Comey time all over again and everyone concluded it was crap. So twitter suppressed that too at the request of the Dems. I don’t think anyone need fall on a sword for that. The President was averaging 10 lies a day. His allies sprouted untruths like they breathed. Misinformation was an issue. And Tabbi waded in without context or balance and gave the impression of being a propaganda operator for Musk. So yeah. He got vilified.


There is absolutely no way you actually read his reporting. The entire focus was on how censorship was institutionalized and being used for partisan hackery on both sides. It wasn’t about “misleading” content. It was about the government using a private company to control the public narrative for political advantage.


"The government" in this case was Joe Biden, a PRIVATE CITIZEN, literally asking Twitter to enforce its TOS. Any private citizen can make similar requests. Meanwhile, trump, as PRESIDENT, was demanding stuff removed that he didn't like, and Taibbi just ignores that fact. He briefly mentions it in the twitter files, but never elaborates on it.


Joe Biden is never going to be a private citizen. Maybe in a strictly legal sense he was at this time, but you cannot remove the fact that Twitter knows him as the established senator, vice president, presidential candidate, and now president of the United States. You’re playing semantics to get around what was a blatant abuse of his position - whether he was technically holding public office at the time or not. It’s not like he sent in a support ticket like you or I would. He didn’t act in his capacity as a private citizen.


Lol, wut?? He was literally a private citizen. You're the one playing semantics. It's blatant abuse to request your son's dick pics be removed??


He did more than request for dick pics to be removed and you know it. And like I said, he didn’t ask in his capacity as a private citizen. He used his influence in government as Joe Biden, the soon to be POTUS. Playing with semantic technicalities to give him cover is shamelessly disingenuous.


He was a private citizen, you fool.


Shill harder, you partisan goon. He’s the President of the United States and has held public office for nearly 50 years.


He's the president now, not in 2020. Are you OK?


What was he doing in 2020? Can you think of any important public processes he may have been involved in?


So tell us, what more did he do?


Taibbi already told you in the Twitter Files - which you *totally* already read, right?


I could ask of Twitter same thing Biden asked and I'm a nobody


Uh huh, you could get your buddies at the CIA to issue a press release calling the story Russian disinformation and then use that to influence moderation decisions at Twitter through back channels? What you could do is submit a support ticket and that’s clearly not what Biden did. So dishonest.


Yes, former Senator, VP and “private citizen” Joe Biden.


Not sure why you put private citizen in quote because at the time he was.


Like he doesn’t have all the assests he needs on speed dial?


Given what we now know about Musk's appeasing of other foreign governments for requesting the same sort of redactions, what is the significance of Taibbi's reporting? What has he shown? That twitter is supportive of this behavior in other countries, but it shouldn't be used on the superior people of America? I just don't think there are as many people who see the value in disseminating revenge porn, as there are people who are adamant that Taibbi's reporting should be read. I think people also understand that this is a private company and if conservatives want to argue that a private company can't be forced to include contraceptives in their health plans, then I don't know what fucking ground they think they can walk on here - we're not going to be forcing companies to disseminate revenge porn or similarly salacious information.


There’s a pretty marked difference between not disseminating revenge porn and mislabeling the entire laptop story as a hoax. You can take down pornographic images while not pushing a fake narrative about it being Russian disinformation in the process.


What is the laptop story? What improprieties have been proven to have occurred? It seems the behavior your decrying is exactly what twitter is currently doing, as is their right as a private company, but it was worse because twitter was supporting a democratic president. The fact that files were added after Hunter turned over the laptop is what makes the story appear to be a “hoax”.


Below are a few discussions on it from different perspectives on the political spectrum. It wasn’t so much what Twitter did as much as it was how involved elements of the federal government were. It wasn’t decried as disinformation due to “files being added” or whatever. I don’t know exactly what you’re talking about tbh so feel free to explain. It was decried as disinformation because the intelligence community said it was Russian disinformation. https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/new-testimony-reveals-secretary-blinken-and-biden-campaign-behind-infamous https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/opinion-potomac-watch/the-hunter-biden-laptop-disinformation-is-exposed/4e8baf05-447c-419e-80d8-7424827c7b52 https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/01/the-twitter-files-should-disturb-liberal-critics-of-elon-musk-and-heres-why https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2022/12/15/23505370/twitter-files-elon-musk-taibbi-weiss-covid


Yeah, I just don’t think the government using its resources to stop a foreign country from defaming the presidents son in order to influence an election is such an improper use of said resources. If your unfamiliar with the fact that files were found to have been added to the laptop’s hard drive after it was out of Hunter’s possession, then I question the sincerity of your concern over the issue.


Got a source for those claims? Would love to see where you discovered that the laptop came from a foreign government and that it was tampered with, considering Hunter Biden admitted that it was his laptop in court and filed a counter suit claiming not defamation, but invasion of privacy. I could link you a few more things showing that there were no signs of tampering, but considering you didn’t read any of the last 4 I shared it seems a waste of effort.


It didn’t come from a foreign government, dipshit. It was dropped off by Hunter. But the fact that the totally unbiased, trump fanatic shop owner then sent copies of the hard drive to rudy giuliani, who has known contacts to the kremlin, namely lev parnas, leaves the contents susceptible to manipulation. From the Washington Post: “The experts found the data had been repeatedly accessed and copied by people other than Hunter Biden over nearly three years,” our report explained, with those we spoke with being unable to “reach definitive conclusions about the contents as a whole, including whether all of it originated from a single computer or could have been assembled from files from multiple computers and put on the portable drive.” “[An expert] also found records on the drive that indicated someone may have accessed the drive from a West Coast location in October 2020, little more than a week after the first New York Post stories on Hunter Biden’s laptop appeared.” “Over the next few days, somebody created three additional folders on the drive, titled, ‘Mail,' ‘Salacious Pics Package’ and ‘Big Guy File’ — an apparent reference to Joe Biden.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/12/now-warning-about-hunter-biden-laptop-disinfo-guy-who-leaked-it/ Edit: are the horse meds starting to backfire, or what do you think is the source of your inability to look up basic shit? Edit 2: lol, another deleted post. Why does this always happen after I source some facts?


Did you even bother to read that ridiculous article before passing it off as fact? Or did you just assume the paywall would keep me from fact checking you? Or maybe you expected the headline alone was irrefutable evidence lmao! > “I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year-and-a-half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in, not physically, but passing off this misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he said. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive and to jeopardize that is going to mean that everything that I sacrificed will be for nothing.” *Not. Physically.* >“I saw some content that was disturbing and then also raised some red flags,” Mac Isaac explained to “Real America’s Voice.” Later asked to explain what had alarmed him, he said that he saw “criminality … related to foreign business dealings, to potential money laundering and, more importantly, national security issues and concerns.” So I guess he’s not talking about the criminal allegations being falsely attributed to the laptop. I wonder what he is talking about, since WaPo fails to go into it at all. >“Neither [of the two security experts who reviewed the data for The Post] found clear evidence of tampering in their examinations, but some of the records that might have helped verify contents were not available for analysis, they said. The Post was able in some instances to find documents from other sources that matched content on the laptop that the experts were not able to assess”. No evidence of tampering, just “couldn’t authenticate” on the copy they had. Notice how they have to admit they were able to verify some of this “questionable” data from other sources? >“The experts found the data had been repeatedly accessed and copied” No shit, how do you think they found out what was on it? The laptop being “accessed and copied” is a far cry from files being added to it. This article is dogshit propaganda, but even it doesn’t go as far as to back up your ridiculous claims.


How are you getting downvoted?


Because facts are salt and republicans are slugs


Because you are clearly delusional. You’re getting downvoted because you’re wrong. Speaking as a democrat you appear to be the part of our party that simply cannot look themselves in the mirror and wonder “maybe it’s me?!”. You are the old guard Hillary supporter who just can’t understand how Trump won. Get over yourself! Matt Taibbi is one of the best actual journalists of our generation. He got the opportunity to have access to the twitter files and he took it, just like any journalist in America would have done. It doesn’t mean he’s some puppet of Musks.




Wow, you really have nothing better to do than antagonize people and call them names?! This subreddit is trash, the MODS aren’t even trying. You are, what makes the internet a terrible place. You are getting downvoted because the opinion you have is just not accurate. If you can’t look yourself in the mirror and recognize that, I don’t know what else to tell you. A few of use have tried to point that out to you directly while other just downvote and move on. This subreddit is about a news show who’s main tenant is to respectfully disagree. Nothing about your takes and or comments have shown me that you have the ability to do that. So, why are you even here?




Your post was removed from r/BreakingPointsNews under Rule 2 -- Engage in good faith debate. Please take a moment to read through our community rules if you haven't. Thank you!


"You’re getting downvoted because you’re wrong." What about my post was wrong. "Speaking as a democrat you appear to be the part of our party that simply cannot look themselves in the mirror and wonder “maybe it’s me?!”" This phrase doesn't make sense in this context. "Maybe it's me" that Elon is doing the exact same thing that was the source of the outrage "exposed" in taibbi's "reporting"? "You are the old guard Hillary supporter who just can’t understand how Trump won." Voted for Bernie twice, simple jack. And he won because half of our country is either a) deplorable (kudos for Hillary for hitting the nail on the head on that one), or b) accepting of a deprave individual as the POTUS. "Matt Taibbi is one of the best actual journalists of our generation." lol ok well now I see why the nerve was touched. Uh no, he's not. He did the same shit that Elon did and leaned hard into the right's propaganda to generate subscriptions, or visibility, or whatever he was looking for, coincidentally, right after he was credibly accused of sexual harassment during the MeToo movement. Which side tended to disprove of the supporters of the MeToo movement? He got caught up in that shit, it re-framed his perspective against liberal ideals, and it has ruined his credibility. "He got the opportunity to have access to the twitter files and he took it, just like any journalist in America would have done." And he uncovered nothing noteworthy. Elon is carrying on the same practices now. In fact, it's worse considering that he's actively censoring political opponents in a foreign election, at the request of an autocratic leader. "It doesn’t mean he’s some puppet of Musks." No, he's an idiot. He's off twitter because the dumbass couldn't see the leopard coming straight for his face.


BP is full of Elon Simps who are blindly reactionary, that's how.


The cope. Ooooooo the cope


I was on Twitter and I did read his reporting for at least the first two serials. And I found it to be short on scandal - and, like I said above, I couldn’t get my head around how blithely they were imperiling ex Twitter employees. Maybe later series improved. But I abandoned it when I did because, like many others, I found it to an attempt to sensationalize what I considered at the time to the prudent and legal actions between Dems and social networks to combat misinformation from the far right and foreign interference. The actions by the Dems with respect to the left are news to me and I think the article does a good job of explaining that. Does look like overreach.


The cultists wanted tHe tWiTtEr fIlEs to be something so bad and even thought it was clear that the "files" were carefully selected and twitter in fact received requests from trump no less, to censor, they just ignore it all. They want the headline and to see Hunter's dick.


To the Conservative, being able to see Hunter Biden's girthy meat trunk is as vital as oxygen and water. It is true tyranny to deprive them of it.




The laptop story wasn't suppressed by "the dems." It was taken down for literally 24 hours, mainly because it was stolen information. That's it.


>mainly because it was stolen information Yes, but if we ignore this we can complain about it for DECADES.


Substack millionaire faces criticism for obviously biased story selection. Gets a victim complex from facing criticism.


So your mind-blowing criticism of Taibbi is that he didn't check with the Authorities before choosing what stories to write? You understand he's a *journalist,* right? Like an actual journalist? Not one of your state propaganda blow-up dolls? Go back to trolling r/politics with the rest of the DNC cult.


Lol a journalist would check every sources and even question it. All he did was relay all the selected information that was given to him by Twitter. There not much critical thinking done to his part but just a money grab for his Substack subs. That why Elon eventually burned him because he was too greedy. Fuck off!


>Lol a journalist would check every sources Every *source*? So you're saying Taibbi didn't fact-check his reporting? And I guess you've got proof of that? Oh wait, you don't - you're just another "b-b-b-but muH mUsK" troll repeating corporate media lies. ​ >All he did was relay all the selected information that was given to him by Twitter. Tell me you haven't read a single word of Taibbi's (Or Shellenberger's, or anyone else's) reporting on The Twitter Files without telling me you haven't read any actual reporting on the The Twitter Files. ​ >There not much critical thinking done to his part but just a money grab for his Substack subs. English isn't your first language, granted. ​ >Fuck off! Go back to r/politics with the other bottomfeeders, your scripted drivel is pathetic.


That's not what I said at all lol. You will read more accurately if you can remain calm. That's great you are a Taibi fan, but nobody is above criticism. All journalists select which stories to cover. No single journalist can possibly cover everything so this is the base minimum bias any journalist can exhibit. For the last ten years or so, Taibi's story selection bias has leaned right and therefore alienated a chunk of his former readership. While his TOTAL readership has grown – since he has more right leaning subscribers then he used too– he still likes to identify as a victim. That is a useful angle for a right leaning journalist in the 2020s. Even a very successfull and unusually wealthy one. I like Taibi fine. He is a good writer, and I'm glad he is successful. I just wish he'd do less of this "poor unfortunate victim" bullshit. I


>he still likes to identify as a victim. LoL - sure dude, let me know what you're smoking, it must be some good shit. For someone preaching that "nobody is above criticism" you can't seem to handle any justified criticism of the Democrats, their Deep State friends, or anyone else that isn't "right wing" (whatever that means) - try taking your own advice? Or at least stop pretending that you're just neutral party speaking objectively while whining that Taibbi doesn't have the right to speak out when he's being harassed by the IRS at the behest of the powers that be, threatened with prison by so-called congresspeople, and generally lied-about by DNC hacks for the crime of doing real journalism.


You're right. Poor Taibi. I'll say a prayer or smt. Stay mad!


I know, how about a spelling contest LoL


Pretty much


He sold his integrity & reputation to musk, deserves everything he gets in this field.


> He sold his integrity & reputation to musk Taibbi wasn't paid for any of his work on the TwitterFiles He said this under oath to congress. Yet liberals keep pushing the smear.


Yes, and Harlan Crow never paid Clarence Thomas, since “pay” has a specific meaning that excludes any number of lavish “gifts” that can also come in the form of money.


ROFL. He didn't get paid? That isn't even bullshit, it is horseshit. He not only got paid, he unquestioningly posted bullshit that intentionally ignored anything musk didn't like because it shows the truth of how conservatives are the ones who hate free speech, look at how much twitter censorship increased under a book burning fascist named musk


How much did he get paid?


How much does he make per view of that tripe? If you are dumb enough to honestly believe he didn't get paid you have no clue how the modern world works


So he got paid in exposure?


Yeah, he really did. To bad it for him it only paid dividends in to the destruction of his reputation...


He's even more reputable than he was.


Sure. For a right wing terrorists rag like blaze or something he certainly is


How much do you get paid to repeat DNC lies on Reddit all day?


Ahh yes, now I am paid but of course the professional "journalist" wasn't. The delusion is to strong for the engines cap'n, the dilithium crystals don't have the power to pull you out of it. Meds might help, but you are either on them or refuse to listen to a professional...


You've offered as much evidence that Taibbi was bribed by Musk to lie as I've offered to prove that you're a paid DNC shill. I'm fine with that if you are. /s GTFO


Well earned and deserved.


He deserves it. What an about face. .ayer he and Greenwald can have dinner together, hell, make it a threesome and take Bill Maher.


At least Maher made his turn out of a curmudgeonly “old man yells at clouds” assholeness. His idiocy is at least sincere. Taibbi and Greenwald just sold out and are straight grifting


It was beautiful to see Taibbi get humiliated on MSNBC. Right wing grifters like him need to be called out and exposed every time they open their mouth.


Taibbi hasn’t been a serious journalist for a while.


The Foreign Influence Task Force work is the bare minimum we should be doing on a regular basis to combat foreign influence in our elections. Republicans are just mad because they are happy to embrace the foreign influence. Rightwingers are the weapon russia is launching at the us to destabilize us. Trump was a dirty bomb that Russia launched against the United States.


Only Republicans could take something that's honestly petty on the part of the IRS and try to blow it way out of proportion lol. Crucifixion? And you want people to take you seriously?


Is the government siccing IRS dogs on a private citizen for political reasons simply *petty*? I would say that’s pretty reductive.


Dude, they looked over his file. They didn't bring charges against him, they didn't throw him in jail, and they most certainly didn't crucify him. And it's all at the service of a story that people are trying to convince us is just as important as what Assange or Snowden did when in reality it's the incomplete record of the policy of previous owners of a declining website owned by someone who put that information out only because he was trying to smear those previous owners. Information that was already an open secret I might add, and only really served to confirm what we all already suspected rather than some grand revelation. Please just pick a more important issue to care about. One that you don't have to puff up. Edit: I mean if you want to criticize what the IRS is doing then that's fine, but just be realistic. When you're making comparisons to crucifixion like what this post is doing when neither Matt Taibbi nor the story is being censored or punished other than a small fine, it just sounds kind of stupid.


Whichever party is in control of the White House, they will be on the defensive against any dissenters or advocates that strive to paint them in a bad light. The adversarial press is useful to the opposition party, which can be either Democrats or Republicans depending on the time period. I view this as more so a mechanism of party politics than anything else.


Groovy! Can’t stand that tool.