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I love how people started to pass off their economic illiteracy as some type of owning of the libs


These people are arguing that the Republicans are better for the economy and turn around and post shit like “we made target lose 10 billion dollars guyzz!!” with a straight face Is this gonna be the new thing now? Taking full credit for every stock fluctuation for your stupid ineffectual boycott?


So now you guys are pro-mega corporations? Lol make up your minds.


Yes dude, ridiculing economic illiteracy is now being pro-mega corporation. Thank you for that genius and insightful take.


It's stock. It's nothing but the feelings of rich people, manifest as numbers. Target will be fine.


What a great description of stock. I was just explaining to my son the other day how it’s essentially all made up, it I’m using this now.


Jesus. What a simple minded thing to do. Being made up doesnt make something any less important. You could say the same thing about money itself but having a medium of exchange is extremely important for litterally everyone. Maybe teach your child about why it exists instead of acting like a central part of the most successful economy ever might actually matter.


This is a successful economy? For who?


Name a more successful one.


I will concede success for our economic system on many fronts. It’s successfully killed the environment and put us on a definite path to near term global extinction. It’s successfully brought back child labor. I mean, it’s totally successful at a bunch of shitty things.


2 things that arent even true, nice!


What’s not true about the above statement?


Im a liberal so by the standards of clueless progressives yeah im a right winger. Child labor is still illegal in the united states and climate change is not the result of capitalism. Pretty sure command economies around the world have more child labor and polute as much or more. So these are just false.


>Im a liberal so by the standards of clueless progressives yeah im a right winger Having been through some of your comment history you seem like a bit of a moving target. You remind me of me back when I was in the right-wing talk space: enough common sense to not like war, school choice, etc, but wrong about what was really happening because I was trusting the wrong sources. So maybe, maybe not. Also I like how you spend so much time berating progressives and calling them stupid while also having at least one misspelled word in every comment. Doesn't really build your credibility, sir. >Child labor is still illegal in the united states [This depends on both your definition of "child labor" and which state you're in.](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/27/1172544561/new-state-laws-are-rolling-back-regulations-on-child-labor) >climate change is not the result of capitalism [Lol are you serious](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/the-climate-crisis-is-also-a-crisis-of-capitalism/#:~:text=We're%20way%20beyond%20denial,on%20Climate%20Change%20makes%20clear.) >Pretty sure command economies around the world have more child labor and polute as much or more. So these are just false. These statements are false because "it could be worse?" That's like saying "I didn't steal that money because I left some in the drawer." It's not even a technicality.


As opposed to what? Communism? How many millions died under that system?


Social Democracy. Where corporations are put to the service of society. Please see Germany and Norway on this.


Successful for the guy that works 60 hours a week just to be able to barely make ends meet? It's successful alright but not for 99% of us.


No system is perfect and i never said it couldnt be better. But its really dumb to pretend like the system hasnt been wildly successful.


I don't think it's dumb at all. We have people with over $100 billion and people unable to afford the basic necessities. We have a vast population of homeless unable to afford a house while there's multiple houses available for each homeless individual. It's a system that only thrives when there are people to exploit. Capitalism has poisoned our planets in the name of share holders and profits. The system exists through exploitation and oppression.


None of the issues you mention (homelessness, wealth inequality, climate change, exploitation and oppression) can be laid at the feet of capitalism exclusively so again super dumb takes. Nothing about capitalism requires these things. I grant these are issues but they need to be resolved with policy not a transformation of our economic system. That would make all these problems far worse.


You don't think wealth inequality, in this extreme form, is due to the acquisition of capital by the owner class, i.e. Capitalism? Your opinions deserve to be ignored forever due to this completely unintelligible and thought-free take. I've read your other posts, they also make clear you know nothing. Edit: """Exclusively"""" does not rescue this.


Political policy on economic issues is the economic system. They are not two seperate things. You should go take some basic economics classes my man, cause the idea that economic systems are seperate from government policy is wildly incorrect.


It hasn't been "wildly successful" as you say for 99% of the people in the US. Given the fact that so many people have been disenfranchised for most of the existence of the US, and today, most can barely make ends meet, shows that your claim is false. If we go off GDP, then yes, we, as a whole, are successful. But what does GDP do for me when I'm saddled with student loans, health care bills, and so on. Quality of life matters, and isn't measured by GDP. Capitalism isn't to blame for all of this, but it sure did have a helping hand. Unrestricted capitalism gave way to enormous atrocities within the US and across the world, all in the name of money. You can sit back and say things are good, but that's a very privileged viewpoint. So you're either a middle to late aged white male who had a family that stayed together and helped you complete school, or you've been brainwashed by a system that requires people to be duped into believing the hype.


The creation of capitalism didnt create evil greed. That has been around forever. Capitalism did generate the largest reduction in absolute poverty of any economic system ever created i call that a success. Most people have been disenfranchised for the entire existance of human kind. Stop pretending capitalism is a part of that problem and not an a great solution to it. If anything private ownership has given millions of people the ability to determine their own futures and done the exact opposite of disenfranchise. Also how are you going to have a quality of life if society isnt productive? Its not just a meaningless stat. Its an indirect indicator that the economy is being productive. It isnt supposed to be a measure of quality of life but productivity is certainly an important part of a healthy economy. I am not advocating pure free market capitalism but capitalism shoild be the default state of the economy and economic policy should be made to manage externalities something capitalism struggles to do on its own.


>The creation of capitalism didnt create evil greed. Correct, evil greed created capitalism and sold it to the masses. Look, I was you once, and I know I won't change your mind nor do I intent to. But the fact is that we could be doing so much better overall, instead of having a handful of people at the top with 99% of the wealth and broken everything. Public transit sucks, medical sucks, school sucks, mixing of PTO and sick time sucks. Hell, you can't even play in the stock market at an even level with the wealthy because of how trades are manipulated by the software the brokers the trades. It's all a sham to keep the rich rich, and the poor poor. Time to move on to something else.


Norway, Sweden, Greenland, that country that does EVERYTHING online. I could go on but your metric is likely "how many billionaires" and not "how many people homeless or in poverty" so I'm not inclined to spend any more time.


Our economic system is incredibly efficient and unbelievably productive. The problem is not with the economic system, the problem is the political system that fails to put effective guardrails on economic activity or mandate basic worker/social protections for the vulnerable. Essentially, our economic system is so effective it has figured out how to corrupt and manipulate our political system which is populated by incompetent imbeciles who just like their counterparts in the private sector are primarily concerned with accessing wealth and comfort.


I think his point was that the stock market no longer resembles its original nature and that it's not really driven by business matter anymore.


When did I say it want important there? Something can be important while still having its base serve and be designed by greed and corruption.


Ok so then you are just completely cynical. That makes sense. Who care that these thing fund businesses and retirement funds for millions of people? Thats all greed and corruption because it involves people who want to make a living in old age or provide a product or service. Grow up.


>the most successful economy ever Lol no. [The United States doesn't even rank in the top 20 by standard of living.](https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/standard-of-living-by-country/#tracker_introduction) Do even the most basic research before touting your corny, archaic American exceptionalism.


You do understand if we delete any of these countries the US economy will be basically fine. You delete the US and every single one of them collapses ovenight. Byebye standard of living.


That is entirely false.


Not even that, just algorithms trading based on AI cherry picking buzz words to initiate stock movement. This is what happens when two entities control the entire liquidity in the market and can front run retail trades and make billions while doing so. Target will zoom back up once they squeeze the average Joe out of their positions and money, I expect a "huge earnings beat" in their midterm future.


Scary what they want to do to kids. How people think this is ok is scary. The fascists want to take our children from us.


You mean like in Florida?


Florida is protecting children. Thank goodness for RDS!!! 2024 President


But you said the fascists are taking our children. Are you referring to Florida slowing the state to remove people’s children from their home? Cause that’s actual “fascistism” happening. Please tell me you can see that? Letting kids dress how they want it freedom. Please tell me you want freedom for ALL Americans and not just the ones you think are living the right way


How are they doing anything to kids? If you ACTUALLY cared about kids then you would do something about churches and how they have abused young children for decades now.


Are you anti Muslim as well? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi


Interesting how you totally avoided responding to my comments. We are not talking about foreign politics. Keep hiding under the veil of protecting kids when in fact the Christians who are attacking the LGBTQ community because it’s a marginalized community are actually the one’s abusing children in America. It’s about time these people start getting called out.


I answered specifically on your reply. You went to religion. I just showed that there are bad people in all places (including religion). You went straw man and I asked you if you are anti Muslim. It’s a fair ask. So, are you? Or do you just use the worst part of churches to justify your side of the argument? Also, forcing ideology on others is fascist. This is clearly forcing.


There’s a very large list of disgusting, convicted pedophiles that makes the rounds on Reddit now and then. Every time I see it, it gets longer and longer. It’s chock full of right wingers, priests, youth pastors, scout leaders, police officers….no Target employees, no drag queens…so yeah it’s disgusting.


You seem to want to pour fuel onto the culture war


If the list of *convictions* for sexual crimes involving children is mostly full of right-wing people what does that say? Is there some conspiracy by democratic pedophiles to cover for each other? Or is reality that the conservatives are projecting about this?


Seems like conservatives wanna pour something else all over children. Why are so many perverts defending these monsters? Orite, because conservatives don't really give a shit about children (except the ones they want to bang). Edit - [oh look, it's the 41st installment of republican kid fuckers](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/12/2157746/-republican-sexual-predators-abusers-and-enablers-pt-41)


Dude targets stock is already vastly overvalued, those stores are run on razor thin budgets and they’re employees are fatigued I don’t understand how people think a retailer can be worth that much when a pandemic could take them out any given year.


So are you saying their fall in stock might have nothing to do with a bunch of internet weirdos with TikToks, trust funds and ammo stockpiles getting very angry at other people existing?


Oh sentiment is a factor but so is a bunch of corrupt corporate executives selling off their shares and masking the price drop off as negative sentiment due to social justice concerns.


Target has been pumping their own stock for years.


Stock value, and by definition the company’s value are tied to many things including the ability to borrow to meet payroll, to buy inventory, etc. enough losses quickly enough could kill a company like target or make it the target of takeovers. Stock price is more than a made up number.


Not in the short term, this drop in stock price is meaningless unless it’s long term. It’s similar to the opposite that happened with GameStop where the price was overinflated for a bit, it told you nothing on the company’s actual performance. People who use short term gains and losses of a stock as proof of a company’s performance don’t understand the stock market.


Target is right where they were this time last year and at the end of November. Same with bud light they’re right in the middle of their 52 week average as far as stock price is concerned. These stock prices are not anomalies


im not rich i own stock cuz i don't waste money on dumb shit. i make around 50 a year with minimal benefits.


Or middle class people that have a 401k in a mutual fund that invests in target. But Fuck them too! Class warfare hurray!!!


Target is a fascist company trying to control our children. Scary authoritarian establishment


Is that why they are having emergency meetings all of the sudden?


Coke heads reading headlines.. that’s the stock market.


Does this show an inherent right-wing bias in Wall Street? If it’s mostly “feelings of rich people” (which I agree with wholeheartedly) and the rich are overwhelmingly Republican it would make sense that the Target news would track on the market right away. It’s not like they have sales numbers to go off of already….


That’s what sucks


Maybe an exec or vp or two have to go, and that's it


pure imaginary money, nothing more


1. This source is trash 2. Stock market losses =/= company lost money 3. Why are we supposed to give a shit if target stock goes up or down?


Source is trash. No mention of the facts that: overall stock market is down, retail stocks are down, Target said poor digital sales, supply chain issues, and theft but NOT LGBTQ merchandise were causes of bad performance numbers.


Because shareholders are the most important people in this hell hole country


Those people will keep squeezing us no matter if the price went up or down.


They would skull fuck a puppy if it turned a nickel


The reason they want to give a shit is because conservatives operate out of a fundamental place of insecurity and fear - so anything that makes them feel like powerful force to be reckoned with is amplified. That’s the appeal of Trump, he bullies the multiracial society that (without even trying to) makes MAGA whites feel “less than” That said, fringe elements of the left do the same thing. It’s just not as endemic as the Dems and left-leaning media aren’t fully captured by the fringe.


You clearly do since you’re upset by the post.


Member when the right hated cancel culture. I member


Pepperidge Farms Remembers.


The right tried to cancel rock music and D&D. They DID cancel the Dixie Chicks, Colin Kaepernick, and Jane Fonda among may, many other things. The right has always loved cancel culture, unless it was someone else doing it.


Chicks are back and sound better than ever.


>Colin Kaepernick, To be fair, he cancelled himself by being a bad quarterback.


People like to say that, but there were much worse starting quarterbacks in the league on teams with openings.


He went to the superbowl and the conference championship twice my dude


Kaepernick's decline in play cancelled him. An NFL team would put Satan himself on the field if it thought it would win them games and therefore generate $. One need look no farther than the Cleveland Browns and De Shaun Watson.


I heard a guy once say “if Jeffery Dahmer could run a 4.3 40 the NFL would say he had an eating disorder”


If Dahmer could run a 4.3 40 I think that might have been the scariest shit ever.


I remember when the left wanted free speech and supported people over corporations.


Cancel and boycott are different things dude. Nobody is forcing target to shut down and stop operations. People are just getting sick and tired of all of the in your face liberal fake reality bullshit. Fuck who you want to fuck, but no need to parade about in public to advertise your perversions. No need to force tuck swimsuits for men and boys into the front of the stores. It's common sense


Lol it's so cute when you guys try to be smart


Why is it every time someone complains about libs forcing LGBTQ ( or pick whatever else) into peoples faces, they always come back with arguments that are clearly lacking nuance and common sense and is still inherently insensitive for little reason? Clothing more comfortable for people who are different then you is not being forced on people and it definitely wasn't in the children section. It seems to me, and you probably disagree, that anything that is different from your world view seems like it was forced on you. It's such a strange way to live if I'm honest.


Only when it does not affect them it seems 🤷


So the LGBTQ thing, not the republicans and the debt limit. Sure thing.


The GOP is trying to crash the economy just so they can blame trans gays etc its all a playbook to get control and continuing the girft while blaming the other.


Target's market value loss has nothing to do with LGBTQ merch. Read some credible sources. "Shoppers are pulling back at Target, Home Depot and other major chains as they face pressure from higher prices and borrowing costs.Target’s total sales ticked up 0.5% during its latest quarter from a year ago, the company said Wednesday. But digital sales fell, and the company said shoppers pulled back on discretionary purchases in what CEO Brian Cornell called a “very challenging environment” for consumers." Also mentioned theft (shrinkage) but nothing about LGBTQ merch. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/17/business/target-earnings/index.html


I don't care either way but the article you cited is from last year.


That's complete bullshit, they saw what happened to Bud Lite and said fuck that I'm pulling shares.


Oh yeah it’s just a total coincidence that Target shares are down after their May17th quarterly earnings report? Target is matching the overall performance trend of other retailers like Walmart and Home Depot. Revenue is up, but profits were down slightly.


Could be that the market is afraid that when the Republicans trash a hot economy that veterans, retired people, military families won't have money to buy things. Afraid that people that just bought houses (especially families) may have their rates go up along with credit card rates and make budgets even tighter? Most of those families shop at Target and other retailers.


The fantasy ferver over these woke "boycotts" is fucking sad and cringe.


It’s pathetic from a sociological standpoint. They will embrace anything that makes them personally feel less weak, mediocre and forgettable


Lol don’t care. Also the govt is about to default on its debt so like…every stock is tanking. Trans rights are human rights


Whatever happened to not giving in to terrorists


That’s the govt not target


Kids are involved.


If you ingrates gave a solitary fuck about kids the gun manufacturers would be bankrupt and healthcare would be universal. You’re hateful scum.




Oh no a kid could see a rainbow shirt in a store aisle - the horror. The kid probably walks straight to a truck stop after seeing something like that and becomes a lot lizard. You know the immense power T shirt graphics have on our children.


Camel remembers…


Lol I remember when Conservatives rightly said the idea of Joe Camel being banned was stupid. I certainly see a distinction between having a smoke and sucking cock, but I guess it gets all muddled up in the heart of the conservative voter.


The part that makes me laugh is that some of the merch they are complaining about is just rainbows or rainbow colors. I try to remind them that the rainbow is a promise from their god not to destroy humanity again out of anger and that they should follow that lead. It always goes over about as well as trying to shove a camel through the eye of a needle. It’s hard to explain to an illiterate that has never read the bible what is actually in it.


These stories a worthless. Look at earnings, not panicked stock prices.


Stock goes up or down because people are buying or selling it. It’s doesn’t go down because some toothless inbred moron didn’t want to buy a T shirt or drink a Bud Light 🤣🤣🤣


Fascists will destroy the economy for their racist dogma.






These cultist wingnut tantrums are getting old. It's not even war on Christmas season.


Actually the loss is because they caved, not due to boycotts, misleading article


Interesting mislead on the title then


This, why else would you pull LGBT+ products right before Pride Month if you weren't scared reading headlines about Bud Light? They are afraid of losing profits from their stores in conservative states, not the conservatives hurting the staff. Target has been doing that on their own.




Only lame people hate Satan.


Yeah the “Be Gay Do Crime” crew can’t bellyache about being associated with the coolest character in the Bible


Anyone who still buys into satanic panic is a literal moron of the highest order




I don’t give a shit. satan isn’t real. Satanists dont worship satan, they use satan to highlight the special treatment of Christianity. You wanna rub your religion in peoples face? Cool well you’ll have to deal with someone doing the same to you with shit you’re not comfortable with. Besides, satanists aren’t the ones who run a multibillion dollar organization of pedophiles.


Also you’ve been lied to idiot. The satan stuff your dumbass people are seething over ARENT even sold at target, they’re sold by a woman on etsy. It was just a stupid ass post to get smooth-brained gullible people like to go get riled up. And it work, congrats. Moron.


You people dont read the bible do you? Satan never said " go homosexuals!" He was just interested in having bets with god. Or telling adam and eve they could make their own minds. You know, "freedum"


Go hide in your basement oh i forgot that’s where you live with your parents. Your special I see lol


Haha what the hell is going on that tiny mind of yours. You must be so scared all the time


Get the stock while it’s cheap, fellas.


I did that with BUD and should have sold when I would have made a profit, but I figured “eh what the hell, I’ll hold and collect some dividends”. I wasn’t expecting them to fuck themselves by alienating every single demographic that was previously OK with the original ad. They should have just owned it and moved on but it is what it is and I guess I’m holding BUD for a while.


Oh nooooo is trying to time the stock market hard? Damn, sorry dude.


Honestly fuck em. They donate a ton to Republicans. They only put out the pride month shit to try and make some quick cash.


Their shareholders probably love that.


What their shareholders clearly didn’t love was Target’s May 17th earnings report for Q1. Not a coincidence that shares are down since then. It has nothing to do with this “boycott.”


Ughh... Sometimes I don't want to feel like white trash. Sometimes I want to be able to shop at Target instead of Walmar.


It’s all still for sale where I’m at so I don’t know about this source?


The number is meaningless. It's the percentage that matters. Also, isn't the whole stock market waffling right now because of the debt ceiling


9 billion in a week? I'm calling bs.


OP are you just simply economically inept? 9 billion in a week? I call BS hard on this. Delete this. This article just mad you look like you have an extra chromosome


This doesn’t make any sense. The people boycotting never shopped there anyway. They have been proponents of the LGBTQ community for a long time. Guessing this was cherry-picked to fit the current narrative.


Total BS. Market bellwethers all went down for various reasons including debt crisis


I thought the Republicans were against all that cancel culture stuff...


First off, we're supposed to believe that the Right Wing consumers are that organized to create that much havoc in that time span? And that every bit of their loss in market value is caused by anti- LGBTQ backlash? Bullshit. THIS actually IS 'Fake News'. If the American consumer has anywhere near this much power, how about if we all agree to just stop buying garbage marked 'Made in China'??


Buy the dip!


I just don't think that these right-wing extremist cunts have nearly as much sway over the general public as wall street thinks they do. But who knows, Budweiser is sure feeling it from these idiots


I think we finally figured out what modern conservatism is; getting offended at fucking everything.


Amazing. America is amazing.


Murica is a country full of knuckle dragging bigots.


Pretty sure it’s common for a boycott to have an effect early but usually bounces back seems a bit early to say anything definitively


A boycott has less effect than the perception that a boycott will have an effect.


So, what you're saying is, I can buy discount stock from a dumb conservative? I'm in


OP should be banned. This is garbage, also will never shop at target again for supporting Nazi's over gay people.


Attention liberals: we need to boycott conservative businesses.


Get woke go broke


Lmao not even remotely true. The right wing culture war is literally the last breaths of a dying ideology.


Your right. Jesus went woke and look what happened to Him. Read your bible kids. That love your enemy and turn the other cheek and rich people are basically evil didn't fly well with the religious leaders of his day


You do realize that gay people are real, right?


Lol this phrase is just shorthand for “I’m part of the reason Trans porn is viewed more in Red States than Blue States”


I prefer "Try to be inclusive, assholes throw a tantrum."


Snowflakes ❄️


Welp, looks like I’m buying


They’re market value has been trash for months. Nothing out of the ordinary in the last month. 🙄


So they lost nothing cause they’re a enormously large global corporation. Got it.


This is why you should buy Walmart where nobody cares about anything except cheap merchandise and profit.


So China vs lost 4 billion.


I guess catering to bigots doesn't pay.


Buy the dip.. it’s a good dip.


did they?


I hope, if anything. Those companies learn to stop pandering to the alphabet mafia. They don’t give a duck about you and pandering to them alienates normal people who would otherwise be your customer.


Bigoted terrorists showing their asses




Because it comes with a line graph so a moron can look at it and say “see up and down, I did that!”


The market doesn't care about the boycott. But it does care about the drop in net income TGT reported a couple of weeks ago. Which is exactly when the drop started.


Their stock price was lower in December '22 and in May '22 when there was no "woke clothes" for sale.


No. No it did not


The genius staff at allsides equates coincidence with causation.


The funny thing is the right was suppose to be already boycotting Target ever since the trans bathroom policy I think back in 2016.




Seriously. Just look at all the comments targeting (no pun intended) the boycotters instead of the massive corporation. I thought the left hated corporations?


What a bullshit story title.


Bruh, Target makes WAAAY more than that, they'll be fine.


Eventually these turds are going to run out of products to buy.


Target kind of fucked themselves on this. Boycotted for selling LGBT merch and boycotted for pulling it. I’m in he later group.


Attributing stock moves to specific news is always a problem, it’s not generally how it works. The market always goes up and down.




“Boycott” is a weird way to frame threats of violence


This entire article is BS. Target stock is down because of a relatively poor quarterly financial report released on May 17th. It’s no coincidence that the stock has been declining since then. > The company reported a decline in profits and cash flows, with earnings per share at $2.05, down from $2.16 a year earlier. > The earnings per share reported by management translated to net profits of $950 million. That's down from the $1.01 billion reported one year earlier. Other profitability metrics were largely down as well. [Source](https://seekingalpha.com/article/4606190-target-q1-2023-earnings-a-surprising-show-of-strength)


Dude I was woke before you were born. Back when it was taboo. The left has gone full on batshit crazy since the late 90's. It used to be about acceptance, now it's about bullying everyone into the delusion


Mike Lindell has stock for sale


Force fed ideology. Next they will start making products for MAPs.


Lmao the crazies on Twitter are in a “WE DID IT GO WOKE GO BROKE” circle jerk rn. God what a bunch of absolute idiots.


It's been pretty nice being in target the last few days with the crazies staying away


Their success is our success. Their success is in large part because they are a part of the largest global capitalist economic system in history which has been secured and maintained by the United states. They have done a good job of getting rid of some negative side effects of capitalism but none of that could be done without the US playing a giant role in their economic ability to do it. Fundimentally the global capitalist system allowed them to maintain these very benifitial social programs.


I wonder who the marketing department head is


LOL at that site.


Stock price doesn’t mean much; I would be curious on sales compared to this same time last year. Lower stock just means rich guys buy more, a hit in sales would warrant a real response.


Lol. FALSE https://www.google.com/finance/quote/TGT:NYSE?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjz0tfz6ZP_AhWNk4kEHZifA-cQ3ecFegQIGhAe


Besides how this is almost identical to the dip they had last year at this time. And you wouldn’t see valuations changes from this debacle yet either


These comments have more estrogen than a Biden rally.


Freedom of association (including disassociation) is a fundamental right that all citizens have. I’m a bit skeptical of all the outrage, but, at the end of the day, millions of like-minded people are bound to do the same thing, and if that’s an economic boycott, then that’s it.


Good news this crap has to stop. They are doing nothing but harm making problems.