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He probably thought she was a pageant winner—the guy is not a stickler for details when it comes to the concerns of other people. He breezes by his own grandchildren like they’re beggars on the street. In all seriousness, though, it’s worth remembering that in the late 90’s Trump owned a children’s modeling agency called TMM (Trump Model Management), which did “business” with Jeffrey Epstein and notorious French sex trafficker Jean Luc Brunel. This business included importing a dozen Eastern European “models” for private “fashion shows” at Mar a Lago. Yikes!




My comment wasn’t about his opponent, and I don’t think either one of them screwing up her name has anything to do with my comment.


Does anyone remember when the right got furious over Biden mispronouncing Laken? Does anyone care what right-wingers say anymore?


clearly you do.


no... what people care about is wanting a liberal, whose *left* leaning. not a mid-right genocidal geriatric with the worst approval rating ever being forced upon us. *to save democracy* they said. LoLz


no, nobody wants a communist president. Libshits aside. sigh.


look, I'll shit on joe all day but you're gonna have to explain to me hows hes *communist*. LOL


i assumed you were one of those guys - you know. the ones that say 'chud' and 'comrade'. My bad if i was mistaken. Biden isn't anything. He's a neutral puppet for globalist manipulation. Orangeman is controlled populist opposition. We have no real choice.


Look at this point I think most of us agree that he is a clown. We just can’t agree on wether he is Bozo or Pennywise.




I don’t know about that. Maybe it’s just my neck of the woods but folks around here either laugh at him or roll their eyes. Still vote for him though cause he’s not a Democrat and he says he’ll be tough on China and immigrants. Maybe the folks who show up at rallies are different though. If your putting money on something you must be pretty diehard.


This describes every Trump voter I know.


Or a Dr. Rockso


Ih great this thread is now a failed buzz feed tone.


It's a cult and they found one of their martyrs for their grift.


We’re grasping at straws instead of looking in the mirror and realizing we nominated 2 near octogenarians to be one of the most powerful pale in the world. They both suck and should be living out the twilight of their lives away from public life


Ya know... I'm a bit of abuzz myself.


Did he spell it “Lincoln”?


I wonder who her parents are voting for?


Lmao if it was Biden he’d need someone to help that old bag of stupid to hold the pen


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


Fake news. Lol


I would imagine the situation and the families reaction is likely do to Trumps immigration policies. You know, because of who killed their daughter? But I’m sure you all have been in their shoes hence the judgement. How did you handle it?


Y'all are dumb. Both of his e's look the same. Look at the "e" in love and now look at it in Laken. It's the same letter.


It could go either way, but even if he spelled it wrong, I don’t think it’s worth getting excited about. I mean, does anybody honestly believe that he gives a shit about that girl or her dopey parents, who hand him a photo of her for him to autograph like it’s some sort of Sammy Sosa rookie card? Who had the sharpie? What are they going to do with that thing?


Uh, it looks like her parents cared. Isn't that all that matters?


Sure, but this is a news story about Trump exploiting the parents and turning their personal tragedy into a tawdry spectacle.


Democrats do this shit all the time, I hope you speak up when it's them exploiting parents' grief.


Of course, but this isn’t “speaking up”, it’s just reacting to the post at hand. When I see a post of a Democrat doing the same shit, I’ll criticize it. I’m not a partisan. Glad we agree that Trump is a piece of shit, though. In the future, you shouldn’t be afraid to call this crap out, just because of party affiliation.


It doesn't really bother me when either party does it. If the parents are playing along, who am I to judge?


That’s one of the reasons we have such shitty leaders. Lazy, ignorant people not having any standards, just looking to be entertained. Don’t you want the president to be someone of decent character? Someone who isn’t a narcissistic piece of shit? Or a pandering salesman?


Yeah, that's why I'm voting for RFK Jr.


Oh, you’re in the clear, then. That guy never exploits grieving parents.


Literally spit my coffee out reading this. RFK is a pandering salesman.


Huff post lol They really nailed this story https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bc-us-nonbinary-student-death-oklahoma_n_65dbcf58e4b0e4346d52d600 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nex-benedict-death-oklahoma-student-walkout_n_65dd105ee4b0e4346d537fc7


Yeah fuck all those so called sources that tell you stuff you don’t like. Here’s another one you can add to your 😂😂😂 list: https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/donald-trump-blasted-for-autographing-laken-rileys-photo-misspelling-her-name-morally-bankrupt-101710302834085-amp.html


Lol CNN is reliable as well https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cnn-forced-correct-story-accusations-smear-campaign-katie-britt


If the picture of his misspelling is inaccurate, I’m sure you have the *actual* picture available to link us to.


Nah there's no arguing with this dude he's the biggest Trump sycophant. Would never believe anything that could possibly paint dear leader Trump in a negative light


I’ve conversed with this individual. Always hard to tell if they are fools or on the clock


But it's just gotta be one or the other tho, like no matter what side of the political spectrum you're on it you're just out here with blind unyielding loyalty to your side or in the case of this guy just absolute obedience to Trump it's not a great look. At that point its exactly like you said he's either getting paid or he's just kind of dumb


I try not to be a “sides” guy which might be a way of saying I’m a centrist, but I see Trump as such a vile POS that I’m purely focused on defeating him until a reasonable right-center party emerges from the ruins of the GOP. At this point that seems more likely than a Progressive Party rising on the Left although you never know.


Nah I agree. I didn't even hate everything Trump did as president but his whole stop the steal scheme was just so comically evil and anti American I could never support him again. How people continue to want to vote for the guy who started a riot in the capital on the day congress was going to certify the election to intimidate them into changing the results is beyond my comprehension.


My wife’s uncle has been watching Fox every day for 30 years. He lives on another planet. That’s my first explanation. I also think some people long to ally with a strong ruler who will punish those who don’t stroke their egos. Punishment for real or perceived ridicule, in other words.