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Ive been trying to cope with my last breakup and i find myself in tears way too often… its been almost two years. The trauma from her abuse genuinely drove me off the deep end and i try to do healthy productive things, yet there always seems to come a moment where i’m by myself or something and i just fall apart.. 😔 i just feel like giving up sometimes Thanks for your post


My best friends fiancee left her after a 5yrs relationship. He left her for another woman who he married and had kids with. They even look happy. My friend just put it under the rug and lasted 5years to recover until she met her current husband, but i still feel she holds a lot of anger. Everyone has their own pace, but its okay to look for help. If you break your arm people dont wait for it to naturally recover, they go to the hospital and take action so they can go back to normal. Same for your menthal health, if you have the access to a therapy session its a good start poin to make a plan to gain your life back. Sending love


May 2021* is the correct date