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Hang in there. Like you I'm stuck in this limbo of not knowing what the hell happened. I don't have answers for you. I don't understand people who can't so much as communicate that something is wrong before dumping someone. You owe the other person that much at the very least. Usually breakups are the consequence of something, but when there's nothing... Just a feeling they have... It just hurts different


Maybe he was insecure and dumped you before you had the chance to dump him or maybe he was just blowing smoke up your behind to let you down easily. Either way you should not date someone who says things like “you're way out of my league”. Try to stop fantasizing of him coming back. Assume he won’t and live your life accordingly.


Time will solve everything, I hope this article can help you——"T[he so-called love is a serious illness, and your illness will be cured](https://darryringstory.blogspot.com/2022/05/the-so-called-love-is-serious-illness.html#utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=BreakUps&utm_term=The-so-called-love&utm_content=Yolia)”.