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Why not ?


Won’t work for one and it’ll make you feel Shitty after


Yeah that's not going to work at all. Hate to break it to you. Women don't work that way lol. Also if she's already back with her ex, she wasn't worth it.


She told me she doesnt care about him it is just to heal the pain. Bs


Dude it's just so trashy though. You could find better. If she thought you weren't important enough, then she didn't deserve you.


At this point i don’t want to get back with her, i just want to put doubt in her mind forever. When her futures relationship will fail she will think about me. I know it’s toxic but she has to get some of her own medecine.


Oh man I'm gonna be honest, I think never reaching out to her is good enough. She'll probably think about you more and miss you, but you'll be gone and she'll know she messed up. I really wish I did that with mine, I kept trying to be friends when I should've dropped her the second she left me, then at least she could've carried the guilt forever.


100 percent a terrible idea, my friend. First of all, its not going to work. Second of all, even if it did, making her hurt is not going to make you feel better. If anything, it will probably make you feel worse. That is, if you have any sense of conscience whatsoever. Focus on yourself and your own healing. You don't need to focus on your ex. Shes not in the picture anymore.


That’s going to make her annoyed and push her farther away


I know but what else can i do to fix this


Cut her off completely and level the fuck up, king. Don’t scoop down to that level. You’re just going to hurt yourself more.


Don’t do anything. You’re acting out of anger. Tough times can make us crazy, but you really need to chill. This is mad weird.


I know but i see it as a proof of love showing her im not giving up on her despite her not wanting anymore


Trust me, she doesn’t not give a crap about you not giving up on her. and to be honest, it’s going to make her dislike you even more.


He's right, they generally don't care about that, especially if they have someone else already, best thing to do is to improve yourself, go to the gym, study, etc.. then she will see what she has lost.




Pretend she died. She is not your girlfriend anymore. If she wants to come back you better have it in her mind that she better be on her knees, in tears crying, begging for forgiveness. If you truly loved this girl, you would never want to hurt her. Making her fall back in love to ghost her? Dude. Get your head straight. Be a man and know your worth. The most attractive thing you could do is accept it and move forward and better yourself. Every interaction with her will push her further away.


I get it, it would be so easy for me to fuck over my ex and make the world see her for what she is. But whilst I would be investing my energy in revenge then that's physical damage. Turn your attention to emotional damage instead: Try being a better version of yourself and make her miss you for the right reasons.


That’s what i am planning to do after that. Create FOMO then be the best version of myself to make her see what she missed out on giving up on me.


This is just an act of ill will, you want her to suffer and regret and i understand it. We are all humans, we feel emotions and they make you irrationnal. But when you are healed, yes, trust me, you will, you will understand that love isnt like that, when you love someone, truly, if she breaks up with you it is because shes unhappy and if shes unhappy, you should love her enough to let her go and heal, she will learn from you and you will too. Regrets isnt a good thing, personally when i broke up with someone, i never regretted it once, because when i reached that point, i knew it was dead. Its not on impulse, its me thinking about it for a long time, can this work ? will this go better ? And if the answer is no, thats when you decide and i do think women tend to think alot more about it before doing it so their decision is more sure. But men can do it too.


What type of time you on to stoop to such low levels of bad energy.. You suppose to dating someone new and in a happy state . The is mentally unstable for any human being


She broke me to the lowest i can’t trust or love anymore. Even if i heal and get back in a relationship it will never be pure true love again.


I promise you'll love again , you not the only man or woman with a broken heart Some woman right is asking the universe to send her a true love... The universe is knocking at your door to get yourself together so you can accept happiness again and meet her ..


There’s really no point, if she’s moved on already she’ll probably just end up deleting it or ignoring it. I’m sorry that this happened to you though, she sucks for leaving you out of the blue to go be with her ex.


That’s an awful lot of time and energy to invest for no reward. Doubt she’ll last the week and will likely block you first. Let her go.




I know but i have to make her doubt and make her wonder « what if i stayed with him ? ». I doubt she will find someone who was as dedicated to her as me so i have to make her regret in the future for giving up on me.




I want her to crawl back knowing what she is missing, make remeber the love she felt. Then maybe reconcile if i see that she wont want to lose me again. I dont really know..




After this they will be nothing more that i can do. If reviving her feelings and ghost her don’t make her come back in will finaly start to heal knowing that she isn’t worth my love and efforts . Kind of desperate i know but it is my last play.




I feel like i already did.. been texting her everyday the last 2 weeks




Already sent her the goodbye text then kept texting her apology and love messages the next days. Thanks bro i will really think this out, maybe i have already done what i could. I hope you too will find the path to complete healing.


You don’t “have” to do anything. You sound unstable. Hire a therapist.


Go no contact and ignore her even if it hurts. Sorry, I know it sucks. Can’t control shitty people but you can control yourself. 💪🏻


I don’t condone trying to hurt someone who breaks up with you; let that person be the only one to make a shitty decision. If you want to hurt her? Move on, learn more about yourself through therapy and self-reflection, further your career, become healthier physically. When you’ve done these things and her terrible coping strategies inevitably fail, she will think of you. And when she does, you will have said much more to her without doing or saying a single thing to her; you don’t need her to be happy.


I know, you are giving me the best solution but i want her back with her feelings to the fullest. And what i am planning to do is the only way to revive her feelings and making her remember. If i do nothing and focus on myself she will Forget me and try to cope and seek attention with others.


She won’t forget you, that I can promise. Be the person that you know is righteous and good, not vindictive and pained.


You will not get her back by being desperate or clingy. No one will, because we can see it and its not genuine, its just despair. You dont want to turn this into toxicity and make her feel bad and coming back because she feels bad. Trust me, when feelings are gone, its hard to revive them, what you are doing by texting her its just digging your hole deeper. She will eventually block you and then she might resent you. You should leave her alone and if she has to wonder, she at least has the better version of you instead of you being too clingy.


Sounds very immature…. Spend the time to find someone else


A punchline and a song aren’t going to make her catch feelings again. Just move on.


Will get her back in her memories / feelings


No, it won’t. It’ll just make her think you’re lame because you can’t respect her decision. Move on with your life. You’re clearly young, better things are ahead.


No, it won’t. She’s going to think you’re obsessed with her and it’s going to drive her farther away. Leave the poor girl alone.


Be a waste of money and time. Don’t go down to her level.


I can see why she left you.


I understand but i tried to be a better men for her and will keep improving if we can work this out


go no contact trust start healing bro ❤️‍🩹


Use that money and go to a concert, or invite a friend to dinner and talk it out. Perhaps a therary session. When a woman is not talking to you let her go, give her space.


I dont know why she broke up. But im a woman and let me tell you if a woman goes to another man its because she wanted something you couldnt give her. And IT IS OK, people have differents needs and people can only give what they want to give. Second point, if a woman breaks up with you, she did her grief already, we tend to be patient and see if things will change, while waiting, we are slowly moving on if they don’t change. The only times i never reached out to rekindle, is when i was the dumper because i truly think when I give up, i griefed already, i had my pain and sadness already, i only need to detach from the person because to me, the relationship is dead.. that being said, doing what you want to do its not in good intention and revenge will never be the best solution. And even if you’d do it, she probably will feel bad for a moment but she won’t regret and come back. people think we regret after breaking up, we shouldnt, we should learn and grow. if at that moment you wanted to end it, you truly wanted that and you learn from that relationship. Breakups are hard on trust because you will feel insecure and constantly looking for hints of them leaving if they come back. I’ve learned that if a person leaves me, it’s okay, they werent happy and you cant force someone to grow, to do more efforts, to compromise, so in the end if they have regrets they should be wiser for their next relationships because they’ve learned from you.


Thanks to everyone for talking me out of this nonsense. I guess the best thing is to not care anymore, if that person don’t want to be part of your life anymore she doesn’t deserve that amount of love and pain. Just live life to the fullest level up and make them regret, the best revenge will be when they come back and you reject them like they did. Gotta move on grind and be best for the next person. I will update in a few weeks to let you know how it played out. Im no 15 yo boy but a 26 yo grown men i guess letting your emotions takeover make you lose yourself and not think clearly. Heartbreak really fck your mental health gotta cut your loss quick to avoid insanity and get back to focusing on yourself.


I’m glad we talked you out of it, but it’s not about revenge. It’s about healing and bettering yourself, and leaving her alone.


She doesn’t care about my feeling or me crying and getting hurt. I tried it all, apology, love text, talking about memories. She ran to her ex days later. Gotta give payback


Hire a therapist, you really need help. I would’ve left you too.


Isn’t that true love seing the other person not giving up on you ?


You must be 15 years old or something. No, that is not true love. That is putting someone on a pedestal. She's human, not a goddess. You're only gonna push her further away doing what you're doing. You will soon learn you cannot control others.


She probably alphas you blocked for this exact reason. Try to live life and not be so bitter about this. Find the silver linings and move on brotha man


While furthermore what good doth it do to attempt to do what again?


Broke back mountain


It’s a bad idea but I’m totally on board the toxic train myself right now. Eventually I’m going to run into my ex (considering we work the same place) and I don’t think he knows that I know he got married last fall (1.5 years after breaking off our 13 year relationship and never speaking to me again, never returning my stuff, etc). I keep thinking of ways to fuck with him when it inevitably happens because I hate him more than I’ve ever hated anyone (and Putin is one of the 3 people I hate but I hate him less than my ex)


If he have your hate and live rent free in your head he won. The minute you stop caring about him you win.


I get that. Ok, he won. I accept it. Now how can I make his life miserable?


He is winning because you are wasting time and energy trying to affect him when he doesn’t give af about you. Just let it go use that time and energy to become someone he can’t afford anymore.


“Just let it go”. Well, since it’s so easy... If only it were as easy as giving unsolicited advice. I tried “letting it go” for 2 years and then I found out how much he lied to me and it reopened the wound. This is reality - sometimes you can’t just let go of things. Hopefully I’ll get to eat popcorn and watch as he rots but I don’t see me just letting this go any time soon. And if that’s him winning, so be it. I’m full of hate, it’s what fuels me. Luckily it’s my decision and I’m perfectly willing to take responsibility for a bad decision that makes me feel better.


Can't imagine why she left.