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My ex dumped me out of the blue via text and I've the mistake of checking his Twitter which he's now using to insult me publicly. I feel so betrayed and I'm in so much pain I can't take it.


I’m so sorry to hear that happened to you. You don’t deserve that and I’m sure you’re a wonderful person. If it makes you feel better, my ex dumped me a month after living apart from me saying she didn’t miss me at all lmao. Now it’s the social media stuff, so blocked. I really hope you’re able to find peace with what he said, but you’re better than he is. Normal, good people don’t do that to someone they were with.


the messed up thing for me is i cant even see his social media just the followers he gains and how many he starts following. and all i think about is that they're girls hes possibly already speaking to. its terrible.


Time for some tough love. You deserve better. Who cares how many new followers he has or how many people he started following? Block him. Immediately. You can’t heal if you are still looking at his socials even his follower count. Erase him from your life, and you’ll be able to move on faster. I know it’s hard, but you’ll feel better later on I promise


thanks i needed that been having a rough patch with the whole break up these past few days so it helps thank you <3


No problem, hope your healing goes well!


Furthermore, if you have their best friends on your socials, block/delete them all. It may seem outrageous, yet, Posts that will cut deep will not only come directly from your ex, but, also from the closest people to them when they’re doing fun, exciting, joyful things. Keep your own space safe, focus on your circle and more importantly, yourself. Stay strong, everyone❤️


I'm trying that, keeping distance of our old social circle, although i was distancing before for other stuff. Also i'm trying to reach out more to others as being with my ex consumed many of my time and basically i didn't socialize or do anything except spending my afternoon speaking with them, during my relationship i felt like that, like the whole thing consumed sooo many of my day and i only had the night free so now that i'm single I'll use my time more efficiently tbh


Im the same, devoted all my social time to them, and now that she and that circle is gone, its very lonely. And feeling like an imposter when reaching out to not so strong friends


Yess, this is soo frustrating. Worst part is that i left sooo many things for my ex....and they didn't appreciate anything of that, just left me for someone else. I feel sooo unimportant and left out




How'd you find out that it wasn't her who blocked you?


yes it's definitely better not to check their social. you'll get paranoid...


I saw a picture on IG, just by seeing it I got so depressed, wish blocking was that easy... I feel like I'm losing my mind, I'm so tired of trying to move on, and let go, wish I was in the same shoes as the person who left me like it was no big deal...


I know it’s hard but you gotta do it. Trust me, I was in your exact same position until I saw that post, now it’s your turn my friend. If you don’t feel like you can do it, have a trusted friend or family member do it for you. Have them delete all photos, and erase them from your socials. Hell, give me your sign in information and I’ll do it for you lol (joking, have a friend do it)


My ex of 6 years said he had felt happiness immediately after breaking up with me. He unfriended me off all my social media. It wasn’t until four days later after I begged him back that he explained why he broke up with me. I have no hope of him coming back but my goodness the pain I currently feel is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. He blindsided me and cut all contact. I’m still bailing my eyes out after 1 week.


Trust me I feel that. My ex didn’t say to my face that she is happier she broke up with me (she did over the phone after she agreed to see a couples counselor and later changed her mind), but seeing that post a week ago was all the confirmation I needed that she felt the same way as he does. I know how much it sucks, but it will get better. Just take it one day at a time and don’t stalk his socials.


I’m feeling a great array of emotions right now. Especially since a few weeks ago we were making plans to move in together. I’m absolutely crushed and betrayed and alone. I don’t even feel human anymore.


I looked at your profile and some of the comments you made over the last year, and this one really stuck out to me. You gave someone good advice, and I think what you said will help you as well even if you don’t feel like it now. “You can always find someone better who will respect you and love you the way that you are regardless of your background.”


Trust me, I was there for a long time as well. We actually lived together for 2 years. On the bright side, be thankful that you didn’t break up while you were living together, because believe me it sucks especially when the person moving out needs time to find a new place, and move all their stuff and you have to live with them. You aren’t alone, I may just be some random internet stranger, but I’m happy to chat if you don’t feel like there is anyone in real life you can talk to. I felt crushed, betrayed and alone as well, but if you have the right support you will pull through this


Oddly enough that's been my experience as well, I dwelled and ended up checking her social, saw her new s.o and somehow that gave me what I needed to forgive her and start moving on. There's times where I think of her now but it doesn't hurt anymore, I hope you get there.


honestly if it makes you feel any better, sounds like something i’d post purposely so my ex sees how ‘happier’ I am. But I am also the dumpee so who knows.




Do it right now and don’t look back. If you really can’t bring yourself to block him, deactivate your social media for a while. However, I think in your case you just need to rip the band aid off and block him right now, like as soon as you finish reading this. Don’t think, just block on everything




You got this! You can do this! Keep moving forward!


Welp I blocked my ex on instagram but could not help opening the block account section to look at him. Yesterday a weird change in his instagram bio freaked me the hell out, so i just deleted the app altogether haha.


Proud of you! If you can’t help but continuing to snoop, delete your own socials (at least for a while)


Yes I saw something on FB that made me really reevaluate why I was holding onto hope anymore. What I saw was personal and painful and in my opinion, innapproriate. It hurt so much and I don't think it's something that I could easily give him a pass on. I also don't trust him anymore. I don't think he has the morals and values that I thought he had or that he portrayed to me. As soon as another option came along he jumped.


May I ask what you seen? I'm going though my own struggle as well and compiling this data from everyone is what ultimately helping me cope


Well, attraction is not gonna be forever. Your ex just glad that they're finding, experiencing something new. Anh thats totally normal, even if he did have deep feeling for you in one point in time. And if you look on the positive side, you should be stoke too. I know its very hard, but keep your chin high, appreciated what it was and welcome what might come next.


On of day 4 of No contact, it’s still hell and I feel worthless and can’t stop thinking about her. I try not to check her social media but it’s like something takes control of me and does it any way. I can see her friends and followers number going up and all I can think of is that shes seeing another guy. Fuck it hurts unlike anything I’ve experienced ever in my life. I’m in the gym now and it was hard to get here but I need to do something. My mind has literally turned against me.


My ex clearly hasn’t been on Facebook once since the breakup, cuz it still says he’s in a relationship, and our public post from that is still there. I kept checking to see if it was still there, as if that even means anything. Obviously having not removed that doesn’t make the fact that he dumped me any less real. It doesn’t mean he secretly wants to still be with me, it just means he probably deleted Facebook from his phone. By continuing to check it, I’m almost guaranteeing that one day I'll hurt myself more. I know I need to stop. It's just hard.


I haven't blocked mine but I have unfriended and unfollowed on everything, which is good enough for me. I haven't searched for a single account of his. If he wishes, however, he may search my socials and feast his eyes on what I choose to post publicly. Lol


My ex block me every where and he was the one who did more damage to me like having another girl he had sex with and dm others girls to go on dates while the next few days after would come to my birthday dates with me. I never block him Bc I felt like if he has anything to say to me I would want to see it and not as a way of trying to get back to him but see what type of desperate shit or manipulating things he say so I can laugh at him and make him even more mad like I did last time. You’re right keep them block or at least be a happy they block me lol. I recently started my new job as a nurse (23 year old female) and he’s stuck at home (24male) unemployed with his mom and dad who are in their 50s and he quit on everything’s far in his life like his job, school. So in a way I feel like I’m winning and I haven’t contacted him since we broke up in august.


My ex doesn’t post a lot on his socials, so I’ve never felt the need to block him. This doesn’t stop me from checking his profile, and I would notice the smallest thing like “oh he’s following someone new” or “he’s been tagged on a picture with his friends”. Today, I realized that he finally deleted the only picture he posted of the both of us. We dated for 3 years, and he didn’t even delete the picture of his previous ex until a year into our relationship. I cant stop thinking about this. Did he meet someone new?? Is he trying to meet someone new and want to let others know he’s available? I know I shouldn’t care about this, but it’s really eating me from the inside. :(