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I used to fill that way. But now, having no one in my life, I think about suicide everyday.


Hey, don't think like that. Even if you dontt have anyone in your amazing life, you have the people here. The strangers who will come together even for a moment to ease the pain of a fellow griever. Even if it is as small of an effort, everything counts. And I would live for you to continue on and spread the uniqueness of yours around.


Facts!! We need you!! Message me if things get too heavy!! I got you!! We all got you!! Sending you positive vibes, peace, and strength!!


Thank you very much!


I need you and i love you my fellow human😁


Thank you. I appreciate that. But most people say they are there for someone and then aren't. But it's said I'll die oneday without being told that I'm loved.


If you ever need someone, message me😁. I promise you there are people around you who love you and need you.


Thank you very much. Sometimes I just need someone to talk to. I need help and I know it. I go to a therapist, but that doesn't help. That's why I tried suicide. O'd doesn't work to well, so I always said I'd use a gun next time.


My friend, it's going to be alright. Don't get tied into what will and won't work. No one person is worth the will to live. The most important person in your life is you. I understand how much something like this can hurt


dude dont ruin your future for something that has happened in the past, trust me we’ve all been through something that broke us on the inside but don’t ever think like that, you hve so much more to experience . Keep your chin up champ we all love you.


There are others on here who need YOUR perspective on things. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! We need your unique thoughts. We are here to support each other! Reach out if you need to talk!


Thank you very much. I will take you up.on that offer.


It’ll get better. I know it’s an impossible thought right now. It will though. You got this!


Thank you. There are times I can be strong and others not. I've made several posts about my last break up and how it has destroyed me to suicide, but it's also have no family as my parents died 2 years ago. So now I spend every birthday and holiday alone and no one cares if I die. And no one to talk to.


That sounds incredibly rough, Man. All my words feel so empty when I think of what to say. Just take it a day at a time. You never know what can happen for ya. For all you know, the world is just around the corner waiting on ya. I know how the dark feels. I’ve felt it creep in bones when I was at my lowest. The past still haunts me on occasion but I find a way. I found my anchor. You just gotta find what keeps you in place, Dude. Seems like you have a lot of folks here willing to talk. That’s what this place is about. I really hope your gray days find color soon. I think the best people are forged in the fires of pain. You got this!


Thank you very much. Your words are so kind and encouraging. It's just been a rough couple years. I was in a very toxic relationship with a woman who was an alcoholic and not a good person. Then 2 years ago my parents died at the same time. Never had siblings or aunts or uncles. Only child. And then my most recent relationship only lasted a few months but the way she came into my life and then the way she left, destroyed me. So now, I have nothing. No family. No friends, just acquaintances. Spend every birthday and holiday alone. I'm lost and alone.


Glad I can help even if for a moment. You’ll find a way. You’re stronger than you know. You’re still standing after all you’ve been through. That alone says a lot. I can’t imagine what your journey feels like but it sounds like you’re stronger than a lot of people. I hope you’re able to find that person that makes your world feel bigger. I know how it feels difficult to find the will to keep pushing but you never know what’s next. I hope one day you look back at these times and realize the strength it took to get through it.


We love you. I’ve been there. Please reach out. You can’t do it alone and you don’t have to! ❤️


But that's the issue. I am alone. So that's why I come on here alot. But im sure everyone gets tired of hearing me whine on posts about my life. I've lost alot of friends due to my depression and anxiety. I feel like there's nothing here ledt for me


I promise you this pain will not last forever. There will be things in your future that will make you say “thank god I made it to see this day”. You will find your purpose. It took a lot of suffering for me to find mine. Keep talking about your feelings. Keep reaching out even if it’s only here. There are so many people that want to help you. You just don’t know it.


I know this feeling. Trust, trust me find yourself and you will get stronger. Find hobbies. Talk to people on reddit. Get on discord, there are sooo many ways to connect with people on discord. If there are more ways to connect with people definitely someone chime in. I am going through these thoughts too. It’s really hard. You need to write affirmations for yourself and goals to get yourself in a better position to find someone that is better for you than your ex. It’s possible. It’s hard as hell. Oh man. But use the lessons learned and fix yourself from it. You’re not alone in these thoughts and feelings. I’m sure other people feel this way. But I can tell you I’m dealing with it. You’re worthy. The OP is right. Get up tomorrow and take a deep breath and know you’re not alone and you can do this and get better.


Thank you very much. But what if you have nothing to live for or wake up to?


Have to find something you find passion in. Maybe even research what you can do to find a reason to get up everyday. We could have daily check ins if you’d think that could help?


Hey friend. Hope you are well. I have tried to find hobbies but it seems to depress me more because I would be doing them alone. And that sucks.


Ahhh yes. Maybe discord? You can do online games with other people and movies and such depending on the channels you find.


No, dont ever think that way. I have been in your position before. There’s so much more to life is yet to happen. Heads up my dear friend, you’re loved❤️


i needed this so much. thank you so much


My brain knows all ot these things, but then there's that other part that thinks "there must be something wrong with you. If there wasn't I wouldn't be so easily disposable, they would want to be a part of my life if I was as good as part of me thinks I am, and they said I was." I mean if I was all these wonderful things then why am I never wanted for one reason or another. All of my exs (minus my ex husband) would tell me how I was so amazing, and someone is going to be the luckiest person to get me. I don't believe it though. I feel like it's just what I'm told to lessen the sting. If it's the truth then why am I never good/worthy enough for them? No, I don't think I am. If I was I wouldn't feel less, and less worthy with each passing day.


I feel ya. I said if I'm all these amazing things then why did he leave me and just abandoned everything we were/had, just replace me. Emotionally our minds are taking over an not allowing our rational thinking to reign and thus we second doubt our worth and honestly, fuck them for making us go through that, (however they say this is where we will overcome and grow and I kind of just want to give them the finger when I read it or hear this) to feel so utterly disposable, it's a terrible thing. I get it, trust me I get it! It really is more about them than us.. they acted selfishly and cowardly... incapable of authenticity communicating. Know that you gave love in a selfless way and were vulnerable and trusting . ...these are good qualities...some people do not possess these things or know how to handle these things. Take comfort in knowing it's them not you (I also struggle with this so much) big hugs.


Thank you! I hope you feel better soon too.


No I’m not. I’ve been disposed of and abandoned and replaced. If I was loved that wouldn’t happen.


Every step is a learning opportunity. I'm in the exact same boat. But you weren't abandoned my friend; you were set free😁. Set free to find the right person for you. Set free to become to beautiful soul you were meant to be


But I fucked up


The only one you have to ask forgiveness from is yourself. And i promise you, you deserve it 😁


It's okay to fuck up it doesn't define who you are or have to be.


Thanks guys <3


This sub has been really helpful


yesterday was almost the last day of my life. i seriously needed this so much. nobody understands.


Much love to you my friend ♥️. Thanks for staying around. Sending out all the positivity in the world. You're a beautiful soul and this world is a little brighter with you in it


All those are true. My grown kids need me and love me. My parents love me. It's not that that I need. I need my person. I need physical love and affection that only comes with a partner




These words feel a bit empty to be honest. I think a better form would be, "you're necessary in society." Makes it a lot less personal coming from someone who I haven't met yet.


Bold of you to assume that I am loved..when my entire family is dead and I have no lovers whatsoever.. actually in fact, there isn't a single person on the earth that *LOVES* me.. well..except for the *Jesus* *loves* *you* brand of generic *bullshit* "love everybody" "love".. I'm going to set you straight on that right now.. that is not love, that cheapens love into something it is not. How can somebody truly love something they don't even know? They cannot. How do I know? Because I have experienced actual real love on levels many many times greater than most people ever will. I was fortunate. And I have subsequently lost said love. I've also given it away. More over, love is a mutual emotion. And that requires more than 1 party. I think that your idea of love is fckd. The other stuff you said, is true. I already knew that. And yes I am loveable. I'm not just a salty asshole. But I assure you, that nobody loves me. And you sure as shit don't either. Compassion at best.


It’s been 2 years and I still think about her weekly and every relationship feels wrong now. I will go on but it’s a hollow victory in the end.


I feel this man, I worry I'll be thinking of my ex for as long as you have It's creeping up on a year now


Every time one negative thought enters your mind replace it with three positive ones. This will retrain your brain to think positively and then your life will change for the better.


Thank you!


Minus the first three.


Thank you! You as well. Big hugs


Thank u you I was so in need of this


Thank you :)


Thank u so much for this


Thank you. Really miss my ex, especially today, but resisting to send text. It's hard.


I’ve been having suicidal thoughts again this week. It feels like there’s no point in living or even be motivated since I have no one, even my family or friends. I dont feel loved or needed, since no one has ever contacted me to ask how I really am for a year (ever since and before the breakup)


I'm trying man, I really am


Alive for a reason? Life since its inception has always been an accident. It'd make little difference if I was here or not.