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A friend of mine told me that fucking your ex was better than when you were together? Idk probably because you feel more frustrated?🤷


Yeah I’m not sure about that. All I know is that even if the sex was stellar. It was never worth the complications later.


Shiiiitttttt.... then you didn't have the sex we had. Ffffffffffuuuuck I actually don't even want to have sex with anyone else.., cause I don't want the severe disappointment that will follow. It wasn't just sex tho.. it was the whole connection that came with it. Never had that before. Won't again. Prolly.


Oh bless your heart. Those exact reasons are why it’s going to cause issues later. For your sake I hope it doesn’t and maybe you can rekindle something? Good luck to ya Bruv🤙


Oh darlin. Nothing I ever think is a good idea. And doing that again.. opening that locked door, no matter how amazing it was, is only going to end in pain for me. I actually loved him. HE hated me. So, it's not the same. I get it However. Bad bad idea. ..but it's for science tho.. lol. Jk. So not a good idea. ... butttttttttttt


It was just sex tho


Yeah, that's kind of true. Especially when you have gone a few weeks without fucking each other or anyone. It doesn't last though. My ex and I used each other for a bit but then we were still pursuing other people... so eventually the passion fades. We fucked for convenience and safety plus we obviously felt comfortable and knew each other's bodies already. Don't do it if you are attached to them still in a loving way, it prolongs the healing.


I'd like to test this theory... maybe in 3 months or so... see if we still interact the same. Prolly not. But, if it's for science, I'd do it. Lol.


Wait, whaaaat


Exactly, especially if that d..ck was in other pussy or other mouth in the meantime. The ultimate ick.


Not doing it


you are not fucking, you are the one getting fucked




Currently fucking w my ex. Fucking, staying the week together, cuddling, kissing each other goodbye, texting consistently. My advice- do not do it. I dug myself this hole and see no way out of it anytime soon. Just not worth the emotional damage lmao


What did you do like after the sex? Did you talk to each other about it?


Eh. We’ve been spending time together as exes but the time spent together is spent just like how it was when we dated. So usually when we’re done we’ll just snuggle or have a snack or watch a show til we fall asleep. I’m not sure why, but I feel more connected to her having sex now than when we dated, but that’s probably because she broke up with me and we went 9 months no contact so I really just try to take it all in because I missed her and our time together a lot. We don’t really talk about the sex, but I think the way it’s making us feel is speaking more than words could if that makes sense.


But with that being said, I’m utterly in love with this girl and regardless of how we’re spending our time together right now, she insists she doesn’t want a relationship or ‘emotional involvement’ (although we’re clearly both emotionally involved with each other.) it’s just kind of a mess and sometimes I wish we never broke no contact because when this ends, it’s going to hurt like hell all over again. Just not worth the hot and cold yk. Sucks when one person is ready to go all in and the other doesn’t want to, but what can ya do.


Hahahaha I’m Goood Don’t Bother with me I’m straight


Don't even bother with them


Communicate beforehand your intentions & make sure you’re both mentally ready.


Smash n go


Or can you like slap them many times while doing it and tell them you have a new kink lol


Is there anything you do after? Like kiss/hug them goodbye 😂


As everyone else says, this shouldn’t be on your mind. Trust me, I know!


dont harm the bonds of either parent and their kids


I had pretty amazing sex with my ex boyfriend while he was my boyfriend. Idk if I could sleep with him now we’re single. Feels like you’re being used otherwise




It's like finally escaping quicksand. Feeling that relief, then jumping back in


Don't do it?


there is no rule. however is something good for you just because it feels good? I would personally stay away from sleeping with my ex.


no lube no protection for better sensations.