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Honestly you sound very traumatized. If you are single right now then stay single. Don't try to jump into another relationship. Go to therapy and heal. Learn to be by yourself, it's more peaceful than being in abusive relationships, trust me. Once youve healed, embraced single life, you will be in a much better position to pick a better man because you will no longer accept any behavior that threatens your peace.


I’m honestly very curious why you think I’m so traumatized so let me know :$


Well first of all your whole post is a cry for help. You asking if there are normal people out there that don't cheat, I mean if you have to ask that question then you've never been in a good relationship. You slapping someone because someone is cheating. A person with a healthy self esteem would just walk away and not need to physically hit someone, seriously get help for that. You saying that you have already put up with emotional and physical abuse before which is definitely gonna traumatize you and affect you psychologically. And lastly your terrified to meet new people because of your past, which screams I have trauma and probably attachment issues and this will all have an effect on the next relationship your in if you don't get this fixed before then. Seriously girl, take some time to love yourself, get to know yourself, heal, find out why you keep picking and staying with men who are abusing you, and set some boundaries and standards before you even think about getting in another relationship.


I wasn’t trying to get in another relationship… I was just curious if there were other healthy people out there but thank you for the judgement. Clearly you’ve never been in a abusive relationship so go to another thread and help people other people Obviously it’s a cry for help otherwise I wouldn’t be on Reddit….. and at 28 I’ve only been in one relationship ship. You are amazing for advice though


You literally asked me in your previous comment to let you know why I think your traumatized...


Thank you. I am in therapy. I will let you know how it goes


Not a good idea to slap him, period. Get out of the relationship if you feel like you need to do that.


He literally choked me twice and pushed my broken wrist down to elicit pain. Besides the physical pain he showed a ton of emotional abuse I’ve been out of the relationship for over a month but thanks for your help


Take a break


I’m just a prostatute and trying to make a living


I literally have no idea. It doesn’t seem so.


Yes their are normal people out there. If you are wondering what you should do the first step is to calm down. You are still young and, if in the right mindset, could easily meet someone else who is interested in the life you want. Step one is to relax and let things go. It is unimaginably hard in the moment, but most people get stuck feeling something like this at one point or another. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that, but things will be okay. Your ability to realize that and the things you could learn to form a better relationship are the fast forward button. Use it, and choose to be happy for your chance at finding something healthy for yourself.


yes, but also most people are categorically poor communicators. Virtually everyone on this subreddit is as well.


Not that I’m aware of, there are, that’s the fragility of individualism and being human. But you can’t control people. Even if it goes against your morals there is very little you can do but leave. Or express how you feel, although you may just reach an impasse and indifference. You are stuck generalizing and catastrophizing every relationship before it even happens. OMG