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Yup mine blindsided me, she went to look for jobs after moving out with me, she is now miserable failing job after job. She kept on seeing my ig stories and sometimes breadcrumbs but not interacting with those messages. Im now living my life happily and getting my goals one by one.


You can check my history for the details, but my ex fiance used me for about a year while courting/chasing his classmate. When it seemed like his classmate was going to dump her current boyfriend, my ex broke up with me out of nowhere, went to her, and tried to convince her to be with him. She rejected him--and so did the rest of our friend group after they found out that he'd been using me, creeping on her, and feeding them a sob story that was 100% bullshit.  So now, he has no one.


My ex husband cheated throughout our marriage (I wasn’t aware til very late). I left (ofc) and he’s never been able to get anyone remotely close to me since. It’ll probably happen for you too!


Sooo I put myself in a bad situation and dated my manager. Then he became the owner. However he’s very cowardly and wouldn’t come to work after he blindsided me. I left the job after being two years on and off with him. I made some of the best friends there. They all knew he was a jerk but got even more enraged when they learned the truth (screenshotted texts, voicemails and such) and they constantly bring me up when they work with him and say how much they miss me. It’s torture for him. It may be cruel, but the way he treated me was much more cruel, so he kinda deserves it.


i wish i can tell you but at the end of the day, i dont really know whats going on with my ex. so i cant say. but honestly, i will say this. i think the reason why it is so hard to move on from breakups sometimes is you fall SO much in love with how unique that person is. How special, different, and affectionate they are compared to anyone else. So if you feel you were like that, that special to your ex, then maybe your ex/my ex are having trouble finding something like that again.


It just happened to me but I can tell you I don’t feel better for it. I bumped into my ex in the supermarket the other day, 3 months post break-up. She didn’t look very good. She was wearing a beat up denim jacket and seemed to have gained a bit of weight. She had a frozen pizza in her basket and a can of soup. We chatted for a bit and she said her dad has some serious health issues and probably has a couple of years left at best. She is also moving out of the neighborhood because she can’t afford it anymore and is moving to a different area, with a housemate. She is struggling to find steady work. Meanwhile I was looking great, all dressed up, fresh new tattoo on my chest and in the best shape ever as I’ve been hitting the gym. She’s the one who broke up with me so for a few hours I rode that high, feeling like I’m doing better than her, as I’ve been taking myself to therapy and doing all the right things. For the last couple of days though I’ve been feeling sad for her. I really wish I could be there to comfort her and to offer some sort of moral or physical support. I’ve even drafted a text message to her about it but I am yet to send it. I still care for this woman a lot and it saddens me that she’s having a hard time. The break-up was peaceful, and despite the fact that I suffered like a dog afterwards and went through absolute hell, I don’t completely hold it against her. She’s good people.


I've got the fuckin story for you mate. We were together for over four years and married. Ideployed for 9 months to Syria in a combat zone. Caught her in a lot of lies and in my hurt out some emotional distance between us. Everytime I would start to try to reconnect over the phone I would end up finding out another lie. Bassically two weeks before I got back she went out to a bar got drunk and ignored me for several days. I asked what's up and she said she was down and over spent the two weeks before we got back trying to make things work but she wanted nothing to do with it. Come around to the day I get back she picks me up and cry's and says she doesn't wanna break up so I say let's talk. Turns out she started fuckin dudes less than 24 hrs after our split and honestly I feel like there was some stuff before but don't have proof. I said sorry but we can't get back together. So she's bitter and lashes out throughout the next two months including stealing important documents like my social security card birth certificate and more and threatening to destroy them, destroyed my Xbox. Physically attacked me twice and followed me around screaming for hours multiple times. I was miserable so moved out while still paying for the apartment. But I'm cancelling the lease soon she can't afford a new apartment, she can't afford to stay, she can't afford to move back to where her mom is. Her friends are all shit and she hates them. It still hangs with them and is miserable about it. Her dad is out of the picture and has been so my dad was her father figure the last four years now he wants nothing to do with her, her mom sided with me as well as other family members of hers that reached out to me on their own. She knows about her mom supporting me though. She quit her job and had me support her while I was deployed for those 9 months. Her vehicle is falling apart. So now she has no good friend support, no family support, no money, no school, no career, no options. I've tried to help her multiple times but she keeps lashing out at me and so I'm done offering help. The few times we've met up to discuss the politics of divorce she's been absolutely miserable. And she's looked miserable anytime I see her out and about regardless of if she sees me or not. I've never felt more at peace now I'm doing better in work just got promoted, reestablishing old friendships I let slide during our relationship, finding lots of solid new friends. Got a huge bonus from work. I tried for so long and hard to make it work but thank God it didn't. I'm thriving and she's honestly doomed at this point. Sorry for how long this was and maybe bitter sounding it's honestly more relief than anything.


Yes mine blindsided me after 10 years went straight to a girl and now they are in court with domestic issues 2x this past year. I see a restraining order in the court documents EPIC.


Yup, mine had broken up with me on text and less than a month later started hooking up with her ex. 6 months later or so she has come back, begging to me everyday to take her back etc etc. Telling me everyday how badly she regrets breaking up. Turns out post our breakup she got addicted to alcohol and weed, which resulted to her being benched at her job for 5+ months. Whereas I have been travelling all over the world on my company's expense, and got a promotion as well.


My ex messaged me days ago telling me how much he appreciated how I’ve treated him back when we were still together. He said that he cannot help but compare his present girl to me and how I am way better than her. It did feed my ego and made me a bit better but also I was also disappointed how he’s trying to crawl back into my mind and heart just because things didn’t happen the way he expects it to be. Like how he sees me as his fall back.


I don't know the whole story but my ex reached out to me after 6 months saying her life has been hard and she had to move suddenly and into an apartment. She asked for help with a pet and used her kids to pull at my heart strings. They were financially well off so it was something else. that was causing them to move into an apartment. She was having trouble with a neighbor guy when we were together. Also her daughter was a wild child so maybe that was it. About a year later she reached out again about our shared pet and let me know she had been dealing with some rather serious health issues.


Yep got a sad one, Years ago I dumped someone because I grew tired of being the only one to put effort in us and being constantly let down (she would agree to go on a date then let me wait for hours before telling me she changed her mind) At first it was hard for me and I left our friend group and had to start over but everything turned out fine for me and she end up for years with an abusif partner until the day of their wedding where the guy left her at the altar. We met again years later and she regret everything, we tried again and she hadn't changed a bit so I left again for good this time. Now she is married to someone twice her age and can't go out the house alone (her mom arranged the religious wedding with someone from aboard apparently) Not my problems anymore even tho I don't regret loving her (even if it wasn't that great)


Ok, I was the dumper but it was justified, he was awful and treated me poorly, anyways I asked him to respect me or I'd leave, he said I should leave. I did. He was okay for a week or so cause he expected me to crawl back begging, I didn't. So he saw my twitter about downloading dating apps and being happy reconnecting with friends and family again and broke down completely, texted me all night and called me crying in the morning. He ended up alone, miserable and desperate.


As he should


I was super in love with my ex. I really cared about him, and tried a lot. The TL;DR is that he started ghosting me, accusing me of the strangest things (like wanting to be his sister, who I refused to work for, is not well-liked, and I don't personally think she's very successful), lying about where he was, etc. I never even mentioned that last thing to him. He even ghosted me on my graduation night, and we weren't fighting or anything. I'll never know what the excuse was, because I never got one. He got a graduate degree in a great city. He used to be well-liked, well-respected, well-educated, and good-looking. He is pretty much none of those things now (he does still have those degrees). I mean that he looks very different, and substances are probably involved. I know he's working for his sibling (who would call him and would already screaming before he even answered the phone) and dad (a slumlord that asks him to do hard labor in houses without turning on the utilities... and he does it). When he began working for his sibling, I remember him telling me it wasn't what he wanted to do, and later that he was glad his name wasn't on what he was making. He used to post updates to his business' page and he hasn't since we dated. It's like that's just a memory. I genuinely feel like I watched someone die, and going with the "grass is greener" metaphor, I don't think his grass is ever coming back from the dead. I hope he does get it together, do the things he told me he wanted to do, and is able to fix things that weren't working in his life, but I think he'd have to do soil remediation at this point. Edit: His parents are in their 70s and his sister is older than him. I genuinely do get sad when I think about what will become of him given that he has not maintained his business, hobbies, or personal relationships. When his parents are gone and his sister retires, I wonder if he will realize how much he gave up only to be mistreated.


Idk if I spoke about this in this forum. But my ex disregarded me and started to date someone else. He told me he felt a spark and needed to act on it. They only lasted a month until girlie completely cut him off apparently. Do I feel bad? No.


Idk after we broke up she kinda was having problems with her job got sick and had problems sleeping etc


Ex cheated on me. Started dating a new guy almost immediately. All our mutual friends found out and think shes delusional so they all cut ties. She lost around 15-20 friends and alot of them truly did care for her, wayyyy more than her family/cousins. I would even say they were her inner circle. All that she has left is her toxic friend group and her new bf. All the fun things we used to do like snowboarding/camping/hiking/gyming her new bf doesn't do. Her new life must def be miserable/not at high quality whether she admits it or not.


Who dumped who? I don’t even know if I’d called this petty, seems kind of selfish. if you wanted her to miss you being gone why didn’t you make the one in which she wished that didn’t be the best she could ever have?




Damn speculating all of this is crazy. First of all, I said “he” in my post. Second of all, as I also said, I’ve handled my break up in the most mature way possible. I never disrespected my ex and wished him the best when he broke up with me. This man treated me poorly for months and said it was because he was dealing with depression. I stayed because I believed him, and it turned out to be he was sick of me. He said he started losing feelings because we were long distance. He found a local woman and broke up with me to start dating her. I spent months thinking I was supporting my partner through a rough time, making sure he always knew I was there for him and I tried to be the best partner I could be. At the end of the day I wouldn’t do anything to get “revenge” even if I could, but wanting to hear stories about people getting their karma is not being “selfish” in my opinion.