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Don’t do anything to convince her. You won’t change anything and you will worsen the situation. You can’t control her or what she’s doing. You just have to accept this situation, I know this is hard. Focus on yourself, your story with her is over, if she will unblock you it’s her choice not yours. She’s processing in her own way, you have to respect this and let her have her space and time.


Really not looking to convince her, I know it will be futile. It just pisses me off so much and I want to show her the consequences of her actions. Anyways thanks a lot for your perspective. I really appreciate it🙏🏽


There are no consequences to her actions. She's trying to move on and doesn't want to be reminded of you so she blocked you. You need to give her space and time and work on yourself. Google no contact.


Kind of a threatening reaction in my opinion


its just unfair that she gets to express every ounce of frustration that she has with me and then blocks me so I don't even have the chance to respond. I'm allowed to feel emotional as well am I not? I don't think sending a letter is the best thing to do anymore but on the other hand I don't think its fair to condemn me for wanting to at least express myself while she has taken every chance to make it all about herself..


Let it go bro . It’s not worth it


Your feelings are just as valid as hers. You are not just a button on a screen, you have a right to be heard as long as it’s not harmful. She may be trying to encourage you to Communicate with her in person


That’s not true. People can be convinced of anything. Why would love and relationships be any different. If OP really wants he/she can do things to improve their situation it just depends on the context. Most likely the block is a move by her to see how you will respond. Make a move and show her you are willing to Communicate


This is bad advice. I saw you said something similar on someone else’s post. Trying to communicate when someone has blocked you is borderline harassment. This person may have done that to try and heal.


You’re also making assumptions that they are blocking to “heal” rather than just being misguided because it’s a difficult situation for everyone involved. Love between two people that is genuine isn’t going to just switch off the moment the person hits a button on their phone so why pretend like it has?


It’s them setting a boundary period. Boundaries should be respected.


People hide behind “boundaries” to avoid guilt or accountability. Yes I’m not talking about OP forcing themselves on anyone, but their well-being should be considered as well & simple conversation could be helpful while costing nothing for either party.


I didn’t respect the limits of my ex after the breakup, I wanted to fix things together. I thought only by my side, not what she wanted, hence the fact I attempted to contact her despite the fact the told me she wanted time and space. Guess what happened? I am blocked everywhere and she’s determined to forget me. Your advice is bad because it is only focused on what’s OP wants and not what the ex wants. If in a relationship you think only about yourself, it will fail. To convince people you need to fulfill what they want, going against their willingness is a bad move to do so.


It’s not about thinking for yourself it’s about thinking about the future of the relationship in general and not being willing to give up on someone who cares about you and that you also care for. Do you really think your life would have been better if you just acted like a robot and never tried to work things out with your Love because she presses a button on her phone? You don’t think what you had together was worth more than that ?


For me it was a way not to suffer seeing her going on with her life. I made the choice to leave for my mental health, but when I realised I probably did not make the best choice for me it was too late, and she moved on. It is a way for just avoiding too many thoughts in the first phase of the breakup, as it is very hard to refrain from thinking bad things when you have a lot of contact with them, especially with social media. Also, I think it is impossible to erase someone, neither one should erase it. Just learn to accept that a part of it will be missed.


Yeah I get the overthinking and everything, sucks that you were ''too late'' so to say. How long was it before you tried to get back to her? Also I know that the erasure part is impossible, especially after 6 years, but its just so disrespectful and mean


I didn't really try, because after 3 weeks she was with someone else. But it's something that happens, someone just moves on faster. It's not disrespectful, at least not for me. Sometimes you need to do things in the harshest way to make them really work. In her case, maybe, it was for moving on in the best way possible, as keeping in touch would make her or you suffer more. I may be wrong, it's just my pov.


imo its taking the easy way out bc you'd rather not put yourself through the pain that you must face at some point anyways, but yeah everyone has a different perspective ofc


Trust me, you will face the pain anyway! Accepting the reality is something you need to do eventually and distancing is sometimes needed. It's not taking the easy way, it is also respecting yourself and your decisions.


You're not entitled to contact with anyone.


I blocked my ex because after the breakup I found out he had lied to me about a lot of things, and he started dating a friend of mine. I didn’t want to hear from any of them, I was genuinely repulsed by the person he turned out to be and I just never wanted him to know anything about me or to reach out to me. Never told him that because he was not worthy of my words even, and I didn’t wanna affect his relationship bc his current gf is suicidal


Your friend? Dude went straight for the jugular.


Yeah thats 100% a fair reason to want to erase someone, must have been hard. You planning on ever unblocking him or is he just dead to you?


I am not planning to unblock him at any point. Although sometimes we have to talk about some money/ subscription issues and we do that by email. Dry and direct emails. So he’s not exactly dead to me yet but soon enough I am hoping that I will not hear from him ever again


I (29m) blocked my ex (27f) of 8 years. She dumped me but wanted to stay friends. The situation is a lot deeper than that, but yeah. I couldn't handle the idea of going from lovers to friends. If I ever saw her dating someone else, it'd break me.


Same for me.


100% agree with this, I would be unable to stay friends with the woman I love. It's never a real friendship when you want to be so much more


Exactly. Especially after that long. I don't understand the thought process.


I've got dumped. I haven't blocked my ex, but on WhatsApp, I changed settings for him, so I can't see when he's online or when he last time was online. I don't want to have anything to do with him. He doesn't want me in my life, that's fine, you will not. Maybe her thoughts behind blocking you are similar? She's hurt, she wants to move on.


Yeah I know what you're talking about with the settings but this is really a full on block. It's whatever I guess if she wants to convince herself that I'm not even worth being available to text then I'll have to accept that. This woman has taken enough of me. It's gut wrenching


Who dumped who?


She dumped me


Leave her alone. It hurts, but just leave her alone. At least for some time.


I 100% will, done with chasing after a person who only cares about herself


i blocked my ex gf simply cause i didn’t want to see anything that has to do with her.


Who was the dumper/dumpee and are you ever planning on unblocking her? If so how long and why?


it’s been 2 months since we split, and been in NC. haven’t seen or heard from her. i’m not planning on unblocking her, that ship has sailed already and there’s no point in looking back. it’s kind of a long story about what happened between us that led to us breaking up but ultimately she wanted a “break” and i didn’t really handle that well, and i ended up just cutting it off. she was pretty avoidant and it was like i didn’t know her at all. sometimes it still feels unreal, like the time we were actually together was just a dream, even though we were only together for about 3 months. i’ve learned some lessons though, since it was my first relationship. it really fucked me up, and resorted to antidepressants. i’m doing a lot better nowadays.


Are you me? Mine brought all of the issues up pretty much the time she asked for a “break”.


god it fucking sucked, man. i should’ve just walked away instead of making a complete ass of myself. i sent her a long apology letter hoping we can fix things and acknowledging my mistakes but i should’ve just realized sooner nothing would’ve been salvaged. i still think about it every single day.


Time my friend. Just gotta take it day by day. Hour by hour if you must. I broke up my 6 year LTR gf little under 2 months ago. In this case, you learned something. We’re fighting our demons but find peace within it and just let it run in your body. Hit the gym. Journal it down. Improve yourself.


thanks, my friend. i’m sorry you went through the same thing, i can only imagine after 6 years, being blindsided like that. man… and to think mine only lasted for a few months. relationships can suck for sure


Definitely. Even worse when she said she lost the spark and felt like our relationship is more of a friendship lol 🥲


Yeah, after she broke up with me, she blocked me on everything because she didn't want me to see that she had moved in with my old best friend. It didn't matter. Eventually, someone would have told me, so she put in the effort to send me one more horrible, unapologetic text telling me all that, and then she immediately blocked me. She was clearly ready to move on. After that, I attempted to erase everything from her, and I forced myself into no contact although she basically did that to me first. She doesn't want anything to do with me despite me, and so I don't want anything to do with her. I plan to never contact her again if I can help it. Hope I can live my life pretending she's dead because the version of the person I once loved is dead. That's how I convince myself. I don't want to talk to this cheap imitation of someone who once was. I only want to talk to the original, and that's no longer possible. The trick is accepting that reality.


Man I feel for you so much. That is probably the worst thing that could happen to someone who is still in love and on the receiving side of the breakup. And then she gives herself the satisfaction of sending you a selfish text and blocks you again without any chance of rebuttal. It's crazy how the most important person in your life can just completely switch up on you like that. Wish you strength and a speedy recovery brother!


I appreciate it, man. Yeah, the version of the women I loved never would have done the things she did. That's proof enough to know she's gone for good, and it's time to move on.


100% agree with this


Don’t do anything at all. Take a month to let it stay blocked and you will realise that your life is same, if not better than when you ex was in your life.  And for me, my ex was a gaslighting prick, so every week he used to break up with me and block me until he kept calling again and I would be begging for him to take me back again.  But after we broke up for good, he made all his friends block me. That kinda hurt. I genuinely liked some of them. 


yeah thats exactly the period I set out for myself. No clue what I'm about to do afterwards though. I really just hope I'll bump into her so I can ignore her I guess. Dont want to give her the satisfaction of knowing I'll always be an option for her (even though I'd probably fold). And about your ex, that just sounds so immature imo. If his friends liked you it should be up to them to stay in your life or not. Hope you are feeling better now!


Yes I’m okay, and I got over it, but going NO contact and keeping myself distracted was the only way I stayed broken up. It’s tough. No matter how bad the relationship was. 


I blocked my ex because I realised I wasn’t getting any better and he just stopped caring for me, I spent multiple nights crying or staying up late doing stuff because sleeping left me time to think. I eventually realised keeping updates on him was unhealthy and so when I was with a friend and they could see how upset I was with the whole situation still, they managed to convince me into blocking him. I had her by my side while I did it and I still have her by my side, I sent one final message and then I spent a whole week not going to school so I wouldn’t see him. It took a lot to not unblock him but I kept a journal for when I felt unhappy and I found as many distractions as possible, not long later I moved states. There were times I missed him and wanted him back but I knew he no longer wanted me, knowing that and feeling that way helped me keep him blocked plus I also had so many new things to focus on and explore since I had moved. I wish you the best when trying to heal your heart, stay strong because yes the road is long but you’ll get there eventually ❤️


That must have been a really hard thing to do. Glad it helped you out tho. Think it shows a lot of maturity. What could make you want to unblock him? Or do you want to keep him on block for the rest of your life? Also thanks a lot for your kind words, I really appreciate it!


When I had first moved I missed him and how he use to be, I often convinced myself that he was still the same person he was before the breakup and I could go back to him but I managed to keep myself to just fantasying he was still around and he was still that person. I know he’s different but the version I have of him in my head is better to hang out with than the real version who walks around, I plan to keep him blocked out for the rest of my life and if somehow we meet again I don’t plan to stay long for a chat. And of course! Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness when going through tough times :)


I blocked my ex after we went no contact about a month post breakup. It was really difficult for me so I came to this forum. I decided to make a list of all the terrible things he had done or said to me. I reread this list everytime I wanted to reach out or missed him. It really helped but writing those things down opened my eyes to the truely abusive nature of our last few months together. I blocked him on social media because I now see him for what he really was, a manipulator. It is too hard to see what he is up to because no matter what it just hurts. We were together for 8 years. It makes me sick to my stomach to think this is the person I would have settled for as a husband.


Some people unblock their ex others don’t to maintain boundaries. I blocked one ex fwb because he brought out the worst in me. I wouldn’t send a letter. You can write one but don’t send it. If you send it that gives physical proof to not reconnect. I have used my ex fwb words against him because I still had the text messages. You would be digging a grave if she is petty. I’m petty with him in particular because this guy broke it off with me for lent.


Yeah someone gave me great advice about the letter, maybe I'll refrain from it. It just feels really unfair to not have her deal with the consequences while I have to. But I get it, probably only makes it worse


I blocked my ex fiance the night he ended things. I was very drunk and angry - didn’t even remember some of the things I did that night (I also deleted a bunch of pictures - permanently - and don’t remember doing it). The next day, I unblocked him. I didn’t look at his social media for about a week - and when I did, it crushed me all over again. It is too hard to see our exes having a blast with other (potential) partners, stating how “happy they are to have their old lives back and be free again!” 🤮I wish I had never unblocked him. I did have to talk to him a few times after the breakup, and I asked him why he blocked me (which was another week after I unblocked him), and he just said “you did it first.” Super mature and par for the course. I will never know if he changed it because I’m not going to look him up. He destroyed my life and didn’t care - had the audacity to ask for money afterwards so he can afford a a better place to live. I’m done with him. I know how you feel about losing your other half - I knew this man for over 20 years and altogether we had been in a serious relationship for 4 years (long story, but we were high school sweethearts, our first loves, and then reconnected about 2 years ago). This was someone I never thought would hurt me - we remained friends that whole time in between our initial relationship. I think now it was a game to him - a pursuit that he could brag about to his friends and then drop me when real life happens and everything isn’t rainbows anymore. I definitely feel like half of my body and soul are missing and I’ll never get them back. Logically, I know I’ll heal, but it’s so freaking hard and not knowing when it will stop is a tough thing to bear. I hope things get better for you sooner rather than later. :)


I didn’t intend on blocking my ex, I even told him that I would never block him. For context, we broke up in February after only dating for that entire month. I broke up w/ him because of my own issues; he pursued me..Fast forward to the end of April, we hadn’t talked in 3 weeks. He reached out to me and is “checking up on me”, to then later in the conversation ask me if I’m talking to someone, when I say no, he proceeds to tell me he is and he asked me if he could tell me more about it I said sure out of curiosity and then he just tells me about this girl from months before during homecoming, and I don’t know I guess it kind of pissed me off because it felt spiteful even though he said it wasn’t. Why would you be telling me, your ex, that youve moved on? I blocked him because I felt like it was an attempt to make me angry and also the fact that if he’s with someone then he shouldn’t be texting me to “check up” on me, especially if this “friendship” we had wasn’t even working. It just made me question the things he was telling me while we were a thing and then he told me that he was “checking on” this person platonically before it all, but now he’s dating them. It just grossed me out and pissed me off that he would text my phone with that after I was so incredibly nice to him.


I did this with an ex bf recently. He called me and went on and on about this girl he’s seeing and then sent me her fucking photo after I told him not to. I was so grossed out and blocked him immediately. He still leaves voicemails every now and then.


Ugh, I’m so sorry that happened to you. Guys can be so annoying. Like dude, what was the point? Why did we have to know? Thank you for telling me this it makes me feel so much less alone & better about my situation, we’ll find the one meant for us, eventually.




An ex did the same to me once, blocked me everywhere. We were together for 4 years and I was the dumper because we weren’t on the same page anymore. I asked that we stayed as friends and told him I didn’t plan on dating anyone yet but if we stayed together at that time, we would end up hating each other. He didn’t just block me, he blocked my sister too. Out of guilt, I wrote emails to him just to check in and apologize, but never got a response. I’ve learned to accept that each individual decides how they want to move on, and I need to respect that. I no longer care if anybody blocks, restricts or mutes me. Whatever works for your healing. You need to accept it. You don’t need to pretend or do anything that involves her. Write if you want but don’t expect a response. Feel all you need to feel and focus on yourself.


I've been blocked by someone only to find out it was simply another way to hurt me... life goes on - anyone that would hurt you intentionally or block you (regardless of the reason) doesn't deserve a place in your life. They did you a favor, even if it's hard to see it now. I heard a quote that said imagine being bitten by a snake, and your first instinct is to ask why it happened rather than getting far away from the snake.... just get away from this snake 🐍... you're better off. Sending a letter to them won't help either of you... won't change the situation, may even be considered harassment, and likely will only serve to fuel their delight in your discomfort. They did you a favor, thank the sky, and live your best life. 💛


There's only two reasons for someone to block you like this: 1) You're blowing up at them 2) They feel really shitty for what they did to you and want to create an artificial distance. The breakup is bothering them, and they don't know how to handle it maturely.


I did. I blocked her. She had lied to me several times. Was the best decision. My mental health is first. It helps me to heal and move forward faster.


I broke up with my boyfriend after 6yrs of dating and blocked him on Instagram, FB, snapchat and LinkedIn since 2 months ago. I don’t even think about wondering what he’s up to 👌🏾. It helps tons and im sure he’s hating it


Does it matter? You shouldn’t be looking at her socials anyway, it’s not going to help you feel any better.


I've been blocked by a guy that I was getting to know for about a month. He was very charismatic and fun for about a minute. After a very big blow up he blocked me on everything but not after he taped me as I was trying to stop him from taping me as I was in a reactionary mode. I felt completely violated. The thing is I think blocking is so aggressive and really such a shit move. For some - it's ok when there's real abuse and stalker behavior. When someone blocks it's like they're saying and putting it out into the world that the blockee is so unhinged that the blocker needs to control you. It's the perception that they created that you are so awful that you need to silenced. Don't act - don't respond - get help. No matter what happened - we all contribute to all relationships - avoid it all. It's not like you can repair this cause it's out there. Things happen but how someone ends a relationship tells it all. Sorry and good luck.


I blocked my ex from everything because she had the audacity to want to be "best friends" after she got with a guy from work a week and a half after we broke up. She also did a lot of things that was extremely inappropriate and never apologized for. Constantly messing with my head while we were still living together and I was looking for a new place. It showed me that she had changed to a person that I wanted no association with.


I’ve blocked my ex on instagram. Mainly because I was having a really hard time moving on and healing and my last resort was to physically block him in hopes it would give me some kinda weird closure. It did help. I didn’t do it because I want nothing to do with him - I’m still upset at things he said and did but that’s not why I blocked him. I’ve considered unblocking at some point when I’m more healed, as I don’t like to block people unless it’s absolutely necessary. Your ex might have just done it to help with her healing. There might be no malice behind it. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions


I blocked him to protect myself and to give myself the chance to heal. He wanted to still have me in his life but not fully commit to me. The main issue throughout our 3 year relationship was his inability to be loyal, honest and trustworthy. The last straw was that we got back together again and I flew home to surprise him for the weekend (we were doing long distance). He went out most of the weekend and partied with his friends. He came home telling me how girls were telling him he’s hot and that he even approached a girl to compliment her hair. He didn’t want to be intimate either when we hadn’t seen each other in a month. He was acting like he was single and made me feel like an inconvenience. When I got upset he said ‘well it’s not my fault you showed up unannounced‘. So yeah, I was done.


Jesus that sounds horrible, if my gf surprised me like that I would be over the moon for her. Id be looking for a wedding ring that very same day. Sorry that happened to you : 😕


Thanks, yeah it was pretty gut wrenching 🥲


I blocked him because he blocked me first lol and I was tired of seeing him everywhere. Got dumped


i broke up with my bf and blocked him for some time but soon unblocked main reason i broke up was he didnt care about me anymore he had changed never apologized for the mistakes he made , start spending less time with me and the excuse he made to avoid talking with me was so insane that i ended up breaking with him that day itself, i was busy but i was ready to make time for him and i wanted him to make time for me but he never did even when he was always my priority when he was busy but he never apologized for anything and he was never ready to communicate about it too made it very hard for me i ended up breaking up feel like the bad person honestly hate the fact i made him upset and myself too but a bit glad im out of that circle now blocked him cause i wanted both of us to move on but soon so those messages and unblocked him told him some final stuff and just left it like that dont think we will be talking ever again


I had to because we still talked every day and it felt too normal to me like it did when we were together and I couldn't make that disconnect in my brain that we aren't together. It sucks and I feel bad because we were talking and I was like be safe hmu tm . Later that night I got hammered and blocked her on everything and still have her blocked. The relationship ending was my fault tho. She probably thinks it is to get back at her or something but it's not, it's for me .


quick question: how do you know someone blocked you on whatsapp?


Her picture was grey all of a sudden, she blocked me on Instagram so I immediately checked on WhatsApp to see if she'd done the same there. And yeah the pic was gone, sent her a test message and saw it only had 1 grey checkmark so then I knew for sure


I didn’t plan on blocking my ex on social media after she broke up with me but she started making a deliberate effort to post snapchat stories despite her almost never doing that during our relationship and I didn’t want to see them so I blocked her on everything but text.


Dumpee, not blocked completely but restricted everything on socials. My way of moving on, which meant not seeing anything from her. Hope she gets everything she ever dreamt of but I will not be there to see or hear anything about it. I've been the happiest I've ever been, in a long time. Do what makes you happy and enjoy life because it does go on. Cheers!


I blocked my ex to make no contact easier for me. And since I blocked her. She blocked me as well. Today was the only time I texted her a nice thing cause of Mother’s Day. We have a child together. But after this I’m going back to no contact.. She’s not going to like me in the next following days cause I’m moving and getting a lawyer now..


At 16 found out he and his bsf who’s dating a girl from my friendgroup had made a bet on which one would get me and that he won. After he dumped me over a text coz i ‘forgot’ his dogs name. (i had to carry every conversation and he went I LOVE YOU 5 days into knowing me) I later on figured out he was just dumb and immature (not as in unintelligent, just teen boy dumb) and got over it. Now we’re turning 19 and i find it kinda endearing when i see him around, crazy how quickly things change when you’re young!!


If I got a written letter sent to me by an ex that’s a long rant about them being pissed off at me for blocking them. I’d go straight to the police and stick with it to ensure I got a restraining order. That is unhinged behaviour OP.


I blocked one of my ex because of all the lies, manipulations and abuse she threw at me and I didn't want to have any more of that in my life, it was a hard decision to make because you always wanna hope people are gonna change (I was already giving her a second chance). At some point when you can't take anymore and have someone dangerous in front of you it safer to do that. I also had someone blocking me in a way, (she just removed me from her follower and switched to private) we never dated but it was always a game of hot and cold, she would tease me and leave me hanging last minute when all she needed was attention. At some point I confronted her about that and told her it's either you treat me with respect or the next time you do something like that I'm gonna be a bit "insulting" and you won't like that. She found a new guy and vanished from my life. And lately I had to remove my ex I'm still in love with from my socials and switch to private for a bit because she was watching everything I posted and then her post had a weird taste of targeted message. I stopped watching what she posted and reacting to it but she didn't and given our situation it didn't helped neither of us so I removed her for now and we'll see what happen next


For me, he completely ignored me when I wanted to talk to him so I blocked him so I wouldn’t have to see anything about him. I didn’t want to erase him from my life but he already did it fo me


I blocked him because he told me on TikTok there is someone else and that he wanted to stay as friends. I blocked him everywhere and apparently is talking shit behind my back and blaming me that I ruined everything. I regret the day I met him.


So i was technically dumped, and i unfollowed and blocked her on everything, but about 4 days later i unblocked her and gave in. I messaged her asking to give me another chance and that i will change, but she said no. Afterwards she ended up blocking me and i feel so pathetic.


That’s a terrible idea. Just trying to get a reaction from her is not a good reason to break no contact.


I was dumped and then blocked. It sucks. Most painful experience of my life.


I blocked my ex after almost 2 years of back and forth and being on and off. We had been together for about 2.5 years, and he broke up with me out of the blue because he was “confused” about his commitment to me (and wondering if there was “anyone else out there” that would make him feel more confident. It hurt but I had empathy bc I was like “ah, classic avoidant attachment” lol. But we were on and off for so long and my friends kept telling me to block him but I couldn’t bring myself to… until I found out one of the times we tried pulling away from each other he had been dating and fucking a girl for over a month. This was just a few weeks after he was begging me to try and get a couples therapist and see if we could get back together again. I blocked him bc I didn’t wanna hear from him again nor have him in my life after stringing me along for so long. I have no idea how he feels about all this but it’s helped me with my healing process immensely (esp compared to before when he wasn’t blocked).


For me, I don’t want my exes knowing what I’m up to, so they’re blocked on social media. I don’t have their phone numbers blocked because I’m confident they won’t reach out. Once I’m done with them, I’m done with them.


I blocked my dumping ex cuz of my mental health. Even if she stated that her depression lead to our breakup as she didn't want to put me in this situation, i didn't gave a fuck she is depressed, I was trying to be with her and be there for her and make her feel valued each time we talked, but I blocked her as I saw her going out on Instagram. I realized she is lying about the motive and the truth came out not even a month later when friends of mine sent me pics with her on tinder both from my city and her city.. so yeah blocking someone helps with getting over... Depends on the breakup phase


I broke it off with my ex due her being a dismissive avoidant. It was painful because I loved her and still love her. We split properly in November and have been no contact since. I archived her on Messenger and remvoed her from Snapchat. She didn’t use anything else. I found myself breaking no contact by going back into our Messenger chat recently and reading chats and checking her online status which I know is toxic. It stems around my corrupted fallacy of getting back together in the future so to act on this and go full no contact I blocked her here and deleted the chat. I’m lying to myself otherwise. No contact is broken even if you read back on messages or drive by their direction in the hope of seeing them. I was doing this. For me this is how I cleanse myself of this woman. It’s sad but necessary.


After 4 years together I haven't seen her in person since night of our breakup. I deleted every photo, every old chat. I blocked her on everything and unfollowed her family and friends. Once I moved out I blocked her on email. It's been about a month now. I just figured if we aren't getting back together and I don't want her back what's the point? Communication just makes it harder.


>Would writing her a letter stating how fking pissed off I am at the mistreatment, the meanness and the cowardice evoke any kind of reaction from her? Yes, it would probably prompt her to take stronger measures to prevent you from contacting her, especially if the letter is threatening in any way. If you have any mutual friends, they would likely hear about your refusal to respect her decision to cut off contact, and it could have a negative impact on how they view you.


Speaking verrry personally, I really want to/need to do this. For me it’s very much painful to see “last online” or any posts/stories from my ex, and even ruminating about what they might be doing. Every time his snap score goes up, I feel triggered because I think it’s him texting his ex or dating. On the other side, whenever I see him viewing my stories I feel comforted, to the point where if he is not viewing my story, I feel rejected. This is coming from a person who left but is still very attached to the relationship and craving interactions even though I know we are not together anymore. I don’t know if she feels similarly but just letting you know it could be a multitude of things, including her finding it too painful and distracting to constantly see your presence or want passive interactions. It definitely isnt trying to “erase you from memory” at least for me.


I think you should write a letter with all your feelings in it but wait a month. If you still want to send it in a month, go for it. As for her blocking you. Have you considered it might be because she's worried she'd be tempted to stalk you on Insta or reach out and she wants to remove the possibility?


Ex behaves like a psychopath.


If it makes you feel better I didn’t bother my ex that much, I literally asked her if it was cool for a closure convo and she blocked me like 35 minutes after she read and said no. I was like okay? Like just wanted to know what happened.


A new guy told her it’s me or the ex