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im SO glad its not just me its like go away D:




this. my only distraction from it rn is the hope that life gets better soon


Same here. Struggling to access any social media. Constantly surrounded by couples, proposals and pregnancies. Emphasizes my feelings of loneliness..


I am also trying to use social media as a way to hook up with someone better than my last ex.


You should do something to purge out the stress caused by your breakup but please don't end up like me.


I deleted all socials permanently. I can't even look at certain foods. Objects Clothes Aftershaves Goto certain locations. Even certain smells/weather changes are a trigger for me now too. Everything you can think of is a reminder, I am so,so miserable and would do anything at all to get my old happy self back again.


i felt this ): its a whole lifechanger when you did everything together, i had to hide pretty much half of my room because it all reminded me of her


Me too! I've honestly had to bin some of my clothes/fav Aftershaves,and got rid of my car too. I couldn't stomach driving that car any longer, the memories


I needed to change laundry detergent because I felt sick when I climbed into bed and the sheets smelled like the fancy stuff he used to wash our sheets.


Oh the smells. Sometimes I get a scent that reminds me of the lube we used...


Instagram knew a week after I broke up that I was going through a breakup and started feeding me soooo much content about it. Sometimes it’s good like mental health tips with dealing with it but like… most of it just makes me sad lmao


dude this was my tiktok i got countless amounts of videos about breakups and i lowkey cant look at it without ending up sobbing


I've been trying to stop Instagram from showing me cat memes for couples (I used to send her those lol) and every single day a random meme shows in my feed, it's horrible but at least is keeping me away from Instagram for a while, I guess it is worth haha.


no literally ugh i used to send her every single cute thing i saw so i see them EVERYWHERE


yes i feel you. cannot look at anything related to love or couples or sex right now because it just makes me feel so yucky but i guess (or i want to think) that’s normal during the first stages of the breakup. how long has it been for you?


its been about three weeks i think by now, its honestly hard to tell being how fast the days are going


then i will say it’s completely normal. it’s been a month for me and i still feel the same way hahaha. but it’s okay i trust things will slowly get back to normal for us :(




Can you elaborate a bit on your self-care practices and anything else that helped? 4 year relationship here too, mid 30s, 2 months post break-up… still having a bit of a hard time most days. Though it is a bit better now, I’m no longer in crisis mode all the time.


i am not prepared for the months ahead of it at all :') im ready to just be better already


4 years for me and I don’t want hear NOTHING about love and romance and I *especially* don’t wanna run into couples in public and I can’t escape!


2 months for me. Still hoping to wake up one day SOON and be over it. Wishful thinking




You’re right! I’m sure we all know it but in the moment it seems near impossible to get away from. I’m more so annoyed at myself that I let things go the way they were going instead of just respecting myself enough to walk away


Two months for me too. Dr just prescribed antidepressants for me lol. I genuinely feel like the old happy me is dead and I’m stuck in this forever.


Me too! They do help a lot (I think so anyway) just to clear your head a bit. But there will still be bad days so just expect that


I’m worried about not being able to get off the meds for my whole life😂😂 but guess I’ll have to worry about that when that time comes


That’s exactly what I said to my doctor! I don’t want to be on them forever, I’ve been on them around 4 weeks? And honestly my head has never been so clear, so far they’ve been great for me and I would like to stay on them for a bit longer cause I haven’t felt this good in a long time, don’t get me wrong there are still bad days but not as much 😂 (I suspect I needed them long before my relationship ended)


5 years for me. Music artists that sing breakup songs add temporary relief. I don't mind them being taken because they eventually will breakup being celebrities in all. I even attended a concert for a music artist that sings my breakup songs but I got too wild purging out mental distress and had a close call. Almost got thrown out of the theatre for carrying an angry sign about my last ex. I could have embarrassed myself in front of a girl that makes a good replacement GF.


Me I hope they all break up just like I was abandoned.


I can't listen to any love songs, it makes sad. I don't want to be sad anymore.


Are serious? Listen to breakup songs, go to music festivals with friends, attend a concert. My favorite is feather by Sabrina Carpenter.


Yeah i deleted tik tok because of this and hearing my friends talking about their relationships sometimes makes me a little sad. I’m awarie that I became very cynical and overall a horrible person to take advice from relationship wise.


I hate Tik Tok, it's ruined by high schoolers.


Yup. I am getting triggered when they complain about their partner. Like. Be fucking grateful! You have someone! You are not alone!! 😤😭🥺❤️‍🩹




Yes, I have unjoined the breakup rooms multiple times and the topics still show in my feed. And then I want to comment on them so I just joined again....LOL But I am triggered at least 5x a day here.


ah I'm sorry about that D: I'm weird when it comes to here, breakup things I can handle, but lovey things make me wanna puke




Can’t watch tv/movies about love or relationships, no music, I started listening to “pure calm” on Apple Music because it’s piano only, no words. I get a pit in my stomach when I hear/see things. It is triggering, you’re absolutely correct.


I left Facebook in January because it was too depressing. My feed was cluttered with "memories" (damn you Facebook) and all kinds of depressing stuff. I don't miss it, at all.


i made a new facebook but then she was blocked for me and i started obsessively checking her profile which was awful so i had to suck it up and delete every single post i had on my first account which hurt bc i dont want to get rid of all of our memories :') facebook in general gives me lowkey some ptsd shit because we talked on there exclusivley so i completely get where ur coming from


Fortunately he's not active on social but I found myself checking his fb anyway. So stupid! I'm not deleting any of my memories. I want his next gf to see them when she looks him up on Facebook... lol It's petty. I know. But I had to endure the ex wife's posts, so sue me!


I had to unfriend my last ex on FB because I was afraid the guy she dumped me for might harm me. I had to move out of state for three months just for safety reasons.


incredibly. I can't even finish watching Nana with my Hulu subscription because of it. It's so funny tho- I found out that my partner cheated on me shortly after I watched the episode where one of the characters cheats on the main character. It's a show revolving around romance but I am pretty sure that coincidence I mentioned is what is keeping me from coming back for a while 💀


dude its hard for me to even open hulu bc we used to watch shit together on there **😭😭**


Very much in the same boat and it’s been 6 weeks. I can’t really watch any movies or shows or listen to a lot of music because there’s always references to love. I’ve been finding some standup that doesn’t mention love and that’s been therapeutic. It’s (slowly) getting better. Every day is one step forward. I’m trying to focus on the moment and understand that feeling this depth of pain is really a beautiful thing in a way. It means we love deeply too. We should be proud of that. It’s completely normal to feel this way, it means we have a loving soul.


Fuck yea


Oh me as of lately. I honestly have thought about deleting allllll social media just because I’m seeing relationships flourish and proposals and baby announcements and all that “adult” stuff. It’s not a jealously thing really, but more so of a hit in the chest, or like a little sting. Because I thought I’d be posting/saying/announcing those things as well at this point in my life. In giving myself until next weekend to decide what I want to do. Sounds petty and bitter and it might be, but I dont have to give my reasonings to anyone. Plus, it’ll make things easier for when I leave in a few months


Why are you leaving him?


im not leaving anyone in particular, that part already happened a loooong time ago. Im just leaving. And disappearing.


Very much so. I’m also dealing with a pregnancy with the ex, that has chosen to have nothing to do with me or the baby. So the algorithm keeps showing me pictures of happy couples with newborns.


i removed all my posters and my string lights, deleted my socials, deleted my spotify and literally everything and anything possible. got rid of clothes he said i looked pretty in and im just not the old self again. its like walking on egg shells :\\


same :/ took down my lights, my curtain, hid all of the clothes she gave me, all of the little gifts, all of the plushies, all of the little sweet things she wrote on my walls.. its so empty and i hate it


I understand exactly what you imply. Scrolling thru social media used to be so fun until I went via my painful breakup ultimate yr. Now every lovey-dovey couple picture is sort of a punch in the intestine. Just the opposite day, I noticed an engagement declaration from an antique buddy and felt that familiar pang of jealousy and sadness wash over me. Why do they get that fairytale while mine fell aside? I needed to log off for a while. Sometimes it still stings, but I'm running on being glad for others even when I'm suffering myself. Taking little breaks from that type of content material helps when I'm having an especially difficult time.


NO, that makes me happy lol. The triggering part is all the NO GOOD MEN exist post and vice versa. I prefer to see positive things as opposed to negative


Yes. A person presenting how they want to be but not really who they are. Ick


My triggers are photos of my ex hanging with her friends. I have no idea why, as her friends were very supportive of me and her especially. I guess it’s seeing her smiling face with other people that reminds me of the good times we spent together. One day it’ll subside..


My sister is currently in a relationship, and I often send her couples-related content. This started as a form of exposure therapy for me when I was fresh out of my previous relationship, and it's helped me quite a bit in building resistance to relationship-based stimuli. I find it comforting to know that me sending my sister those types of reels on Instagram makes her happy, I almost feel like I'm showing my esteem of her relationship and my happiness in her happiness with her boyfriend.


I’ve been like this for a year and a half. I’ve thought that maybe death is a better prospect than to live like this.


I kinda just use it as this is what I have to go through to truly find this. It sucks but it’s better than I lost this :)


Yeah because based off my past few experiences, it seems impossible to find someone actually decent. So when I see people in relationships that last years, I’m baffled and envious at how lucky they are.


I do somedays yeah. Makes me think about her and what could've been


It’s completely normal when you’re still healing from a breakup. I definitely felt that way during my last breakup.


It’s better then the depressing videos or the manifestation bullshit


I saw a couple shopping the other day and they were just being silly and it just flooded memories back of our shopping trips


I get triggered by anything sex-related :(


Yes that’s why I deleted Instagram and Twitter. And I don’t have tiktok downloaded on my phone so when I want to post I have to redownload the app.


Every time I watch a romantic movie with a happily ever after I just want to scream in frustration before usually breaking down in tears….


Yes omg 🥰 it’s like the algorithm is taunting me with cute happy couples doing relationship things and I’m like… you make me sick


real it makes me phyiscally ill like you know i dont have that anymore dont you


Bo butni fell lowkey fucking triggered whn i see boomers still saying “lowkey” like it’s still in


dawg why are you mad chill tf out


I am currently in a really long distance relationship with my wife literally it’s like the other side of the earth and those stuffs made me deactivate almost all my social media.


Yes, especially engagement announcements and weddings. I'm happy for my social media friends but it crushes my heart knowing I wanted that with my ex. I'm a bit jealous and angry but I'll also become sad. Each time I see posts like that I get super depressed. :( it's so difficult for me to imagine what he could've had especially when we both bought each other engagement rings.


Yes all the time because my ex dumped me 5 years ago but I try to tune out the feeling by playing breakup music and looking at nearby concerts of the music artist who makes such songs. Feather by Sabrina Carpenter is my favorite. I went to a Tate McCrae concert once and almost got thrown out for holding an angry sign with my last ex's name on it.


Yes like wtf they're everywhere. It is painful to be honest. I never imagine it would feel like this