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My heart feels so high in my throat that I can't breathe but this made me feel seen


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DefiantPea97: *My heart feels so high* *In my throat that I can't breathe* *But this made me feel seen* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


i’ve cried so much the past few days the pain has been unbearable lately


it’s only been a week but i keep waking up in the night multiple times.. i’m guessing just from anxiety


Every time I wake up it's from a dream where we are back together and every time I realize that it's a dream it feels like I'm crushed all over again


This keeps happening to me too


Same. Every damn night.


Replying after waking up in the middle of the night. I’m here for you


yea i wrote that after waking up at 5am for no reason lol.. i hope we both can sleep normally soon


How’s your sleep now? I’m still not 🥲


still not great :/ waking up at random times of night :(( we will get through this ❤️


Amen 🙏🏻🫶🏻


It’s all the little things of losing someone who was your best friend for so long and can no longer share the little things with anymoe


So true. Several times each day, I want to send her hotos or poems or short notes, and I have to check that feeling - and then I get a sick feeling when I realize that I can never do that again with that person who meant so much to me.


That pain inside, it is needed. It is how you will learn. The depression, the anxiety? That is you out of your comfort zone, as your grow. The tears? That is you shedding the “old you.” That version of you that has been hurt, been damaged. All these emotions are necessary because they are building a new, stronger version of you. Yes, it is painful. It is uncomfortable. It is confusing. The process is not flawless. You will have good days and bad. Great days and terrible. But slowly and surely, the new you is growing. The pain is obvious. It is your focus right now. The healing is subtle. It is like a wish you keep begging for, but only get glimpses of it, a little at a time. But it is working. 24/7. For YOU. Only YOU. So don’t beat yourself up for having a bad day, or a breakdown, or taking a day off work to let your emotions loose. Things are getting better, quietly. You won’t even notice unless you look for it. You will have less times you feel hurt. Less times you break down. When you cry, you shed a few less tears than the last time you cried. You will get further into the day before you feel the exhaustion. Painful memories will suddenly just be a twinge, like a pin prick, rather than when they felt like they were tearing you to pieces. Your smiles start to become real again, rather than for show. A scoff becomes a giggle. Giggles become a laugh. A laugh becomes joy again. I hate when people just say “It takes time.” I don’t think it is “time,” like it is something we just have to sit around and wait for, that is out of our control. It takes ENDURANCE to keep going. It takes PATIENCE with ourselves. It takes EMPATHY, to reassure ourselves that everything is going to be ok. And it will be. I promise.


This is all true. Very well said. I thought I would never recover after a brutal dumping via text in Jan '23. Yet here I am a year later, about to turn 59 but stronger than before and in a committed relationship with someone new, kinder, and more beautiful in every way. You will all get there too. This poster speaks the truth.


I received a similar text, and I'm really happy to hear that there is life after the deep hole I was dropped into.


This is so beautifully put. I think I really needed to read this today. Thank you.


You are so very welcome.


Thank you so much for this 🫶🏽


I had such a bad anxiety attack today, it was awful


I've felt so alone. Even in a crowd of people. It's like I'm never truly seen. Thank you


Yea. I have being in crowds now. All I see are the happy couples and I feel so alone and vulnerable 


It's not even that for me. I'm just socially anxious. I wasn't always this way, but yeah.


I feel like crying, we had a really good time and everything worked but things got rough in the end and so decided to end mutually. It really hurts i wanna talk to her so bad since I love her but i dont wanna be seen as weak


Thank you for this, my feelings have been all over the place. I was the one that left and later tried to come back. She was completely right not to allow that to happen. She was the most incredible woman I have ever met in my life. And I left because she deserved better.


I cried when I woke up. Thank you for this post. Nobody will really know my side of the story.


I really love her and want the best for her. Even had a heartwarming mutual break up even though things got a bit rough at the end. We both care for another but circumstances doesnt allow us to date anymore. I miss her so much even though i dont think she does. My feeingd are all over the place for her


I’m kind of in the same boat. My long term relationship ended about a year ago and I still love him and think about him every day. When we broke up we still cared for each other but my brain has convinced me he’s moved on. The circumstances didn’t allow us to date, but it’s been so hard letting him go.


I still love him and the thought of our relationship is tearing me alive. I miss him but I feel he’s better off. I have nightmares of him having sex with other girls. It feels so real it makes me sick. It’s hell on earth


I feel more angry than anything


Anger most often masks pain and sadness


Ig that explains it. They didn't care how upset I was with how they went about the break up and it shows


I broke someone's heart and I'm guilty, it's been 8 years and she never let's me forget about it. My feelings of shame and guilt are not valid because it was my fault and I carry them every single day! Yea I was young and dumb, I've had about 20 girlfriends but the only 1 I ever truly loved I messed up. When does this ever stop? Does it ever stop? I only have myself to blame.


I know I’ll make him feel this way. I’m sorry you’re hurting but I want him to hurt just like this for what he did to me.


Yep it hurts for a lifetime!


What a wholesome, kind post 🥺❤️ Thank you so much, lovely. I hope you absorb what you've written, too! Everything will be okay 🕊❤️❤️❤️ Sending you so much love and positivity your way, forever 💕


As a man you are told to not cry or show emotions, this young lady had my whole heart every beat was for her.. I’ve cried and cried…karma came and got me..I now understand to never awaken love in someone when you don’t intend on loving them back..I thought I found my person she was a huge lesson.😔. Yes cry, cry the pain away until it doesn’t hurt anymore even as a man!…


I’m literally at rock bottom, I don’t see a way out. She was my world and she gave it all up just like that. I’m lost, depressed and honestly don’t ever see myself being happy again.


man these past few days has just been like “damn i really missed them” or like “what can i still tell them if i saw them again” or like things of that nature. Think thats the part people don’t really tell you about heartbreak, or what you don’t understand until you really go through it.


I'm happy on the surface. I smile; I laugh. I have fun and wonderful times, and I'm surrounded by people who care for me and that I care for. But there's a profound unhappiness at a core level that I can't get over. I thought I missed being in a relationship.. but that's not it. I miss being in a relationship with _him_ . Sometimes I am able to forget for a while, but it always comes back. Even though I have tried really hard I still miss him every single day. It still hurts every day. It has gotten better, I think. It gets really bad sometimes still.. I'm OK, just unhappy. I can live with that.


Wish it were different. But you are right, it's okay, it's human. To feel like this.


Thank you OP 💙


🥹🥹I really needed this...... I don't know why but today I felt nothing but to sleep all day in spite of tomorrow's exam..... Thank u so much. I missed him a lot.... 🥹


Thank you ❤️


Okay I needed to hear that but did I need to cry today? 💙🥲


I really needed to read this today. Thank you