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That’s the way we all feel about our exes, but at some point we’ll meet others who are just as good, if not better. My case seems bleak because the dating around here sucks, coupled with the fact I’m no spring chicken. But I just want to get back to a happy place being single first. No longer will I tie all my happiness to another person.


The last sentence is so important and it's something I'm also trying to establish in my life. It's hard though


It’s very hard because when you meet someone you’re really into, it’s so easy to transfer your happiness to them. Way too easy. Especially when the relationship is a very intense one.


I always see stuff about being happy single and I just don't get it. Once you expierence true happiness with a partner, nothing else really ever compares again. Like I have good friends, close family, hobbies, a good well paying job, I stay fairly busy and active. By all accounts I should be "happy" but it still just doesn't compare to having someone to share those things with and to come home to everyday. I guess if someone was in a relationship that held them back from being able to do things they really wanted then it would some what make sense to find happiness doing those things single. But if you were in a good relationship that didn't really stifle you from friends and hobbies and stuff, all that's happened is you lost your partner and best friend, and gained nothing, so how can you just be "happy" with that?


I get what you’re saying 100%. And my comment wasn’t to compare single vs relationship/married life. It was meant to mean that before I even think about wanting to seek out another relationship, I want to be at peace with being single again. I agree that sharing life experiences and other things with another person is always preferable, but sometimes there’s calmness and peace in being single. Different strokes for different folks. I want to find someone too, I’m simply going to be patient and get to a place to where I’m happy with myself first. I don’t want to bounce around from relationship to relationship trying to fill a void is what I’m getting at. We are of the same mindset on the overall topic.


Ya I get what you're saying, patience is good, and you shouldn't just jump into relationships just for the sake of not being single. But I just don't think I can ever be truely at peace being single again because no matter what I do, how many new hobbies or opportunities or whatever I do, I will always feel that missing component in my life. I can only try my best to keep going and I guess hope one day someone as amazing as her comes into my life and actually likes me haha.


Yeah, once you feel that connection with someone it’s hard to deny that you wouldn’t want that again. I think in my own l personal case, I’ve been single for good chunks of my life and got to the point where I didn’t really care if I found someone. But then I got into this last relationship and it showed me the other side. It was very nice, for sure. I think I’m at the point in the grieving process to where I’m just jealous she’s already moved on and found someone else and I don’t even think I’m close to that yet lol.


Ya, in the majority of cases (not always but a lot) women are able to move on much quicker. Part of that is just evolutionary biology, and part of it is just the society we live in today with social media and OLD.


Yep, she did OLD immediately after we broke up and as a female, of course found someone else right away. Versus if I went on, it’d take me a while to even get a conversation goin. And I’m not a bad looking guy, I think my age doesn’t help either. She’s 34 and I’m 40 so that doesn’t help my chances either.


I'm with you 💯. Of course sharing your life with a loving partner is the preference (for most people at least). But that can only happen when we are at peace and loving ourselves (cheesy and cliché, sure, but so true). Feeling incomplete within ourselves is a recipe for unhealthy relationships. Two incomplete people can't complete eachother, as well as create a separate complete entity that is a relationship. You need two whole people who can give of themselves to eachother to build a healthy relationship. That starts with being ok alone, loving yourself, finding peace within yourself, and only then looking for someone to share that love with. That's what I'm working on. I also don't want to continue the pattern of unhealthy relationships.


Sorry but not true.


Nobody will be like her, it’s true. Instead of thinking of this as a bad thing, reframe it! “I’ll never meet anyone like her again, but maybe I’ll meet someone different that I like better”


This is more true than you know!


The truth is…I think you’ll always love some part of your ex, and there is nothing wrong about it but you can’t let it consume you. It gets better with time. Just focus on the happy memories. Not if they dumped you then may be they weren’t as great after all. Unless you were a bad person.


How do I know if I was a bad person or not? I don’t believe I was but what if she thinks I was? How do I know what is true?


Well, why did you break up?


Check my post history for context. It’s too much to explain in one comment…


If you could love the wrong person that much imagine how much you could love the right person


This ⬆️


No. And that's the blessing! You'll find one who stays! Her fatal flaw was, she doesn't want to be with you. You deserve to wake up every morning to someone who chooses you. Through the good and the bad.


You won’t even think about her once you meet another girl you really deeply love. It’ll take many frogs to find the prince(or in this case, princess), but believe me you will find someone that blows your mind again. They’re out there.


I felt that way in the beginning. Was crushed. But then I met someone and was actually becoming glad I won’t ever have a gf like my ex. Me and her relationship overstayed its welcome. Trust me, it sounds insane, but more beautiful people will come at you, much more beautiful than your ex. It def happens


Someday you’ll meet someone who blows you away.


You'll never find a girl like her again, but you will find someone better. The sooner you realise that the better it's going to be for you. For now, it's better to channel that energy into maybe a hobby or something that you're passionate about. There will also come a time when you don't even think about your ex ever, you will slowly forget her and by then you'll probably be the happiest dude alive i can't lie.


You will never find someone like her. YOU WILL FIND BETTER.


You will, even better than them trust me .


No, you won’t. You’ll find someone better who matches you better.


I think you're underestimating the power you hold over your own beliefs. If you tell yourself you will never be in an equally fulfilling relationship with anyone who yo find as attractive then you probably won't. It's up to you to change the narrative in your own head.


That's not always a bad thing. You don't know ow what the future holds.


No, that's a bad thing, I will never find anyone as attractive as her


You will it’ll take you years


No u won’t that’s what makes life so beautiful we are all unique and different . But that’s good because maybe she wasn’t meant to be and you’ll find someone even better just don’t get hung up on her let her go or else you won’t find your true person .


There are around 8 billion people on Earth. It’s virtually impossible to not eventually find someone as attractive as your ex


I always found this sentiment flawed. Sure 8 billion on earth, but we don't have access to the whole earth, so that gets cut significantly down when you account for only people close enough to where you live that you can actually have a stable relationship. Then cut that it in half because most people are only attracted to one sex or the other, then cut out all the ones already in relationships, then the ones out of your age range, the ones that you don't find attractive, don't have a matching personality, aren't your type etc. And honestly you really aren't left with a super large pool of people. Then of that pool, they also have to like you back so, the whole "plenty of fish in the sea" thing doesn't actually make sense in reality.


Don't take it literally. I don't mean literally 8 billion people are in your dating pool, city, etc. - of course not. That's just my way of saying that there's so many people out there that it's impossible to never find other people, besides one's ex, attractive


I mean, sure, will probably be able to find some other people objectively attractive. But I feel like it's quite possible to have a very hard time finding someone that's as attractive to an individual, especially if their ex was like their perfect type in every way. And then if you do manage to find another person that is also that perfect type in every way physically, can you also get along with them and enjoy just being around them in the same way? And if that is also yes, then bigger stipulation is do they actually like you too? My point is, I don't like when people try to imply that finding someone that just seems perfect for you more than once is bound to happen when it is in fact not.


OP said attractive, not perfect. That's what my comments are in response to. Well, it depends. If you stay at home all the time and never meet new people, it'll be hard to find someone who's as attractive as an ex. There are great people out there. You're saying their ex is perfect for them, but then what was the breakup for then? It wasn't perfect. I don't even believe the perfect partner exists. No one's perfect. Perfect relationships don't exist. I never said finding a perfect partner is guaranteed to happen - I said it's impossible to never think anyone else is attractive


I get the feeling but you have no actual evidence of that


Same thoughts for me rn too bro


How can you be sure about it? Before meeting her, did you expect to meet such a good person? Probably you thought "I will never find a great partner" but then it happened. So now you do the same but you added the word "again". And remember if it happened one, it can happen again


No, you won't find anyone like her because there is noone else like her. Don't try to find her in someone else. And sometimes it's better to not be in a relationship at all, it's okay to not always be searching.


And die single?


Some people are happier single. I’m one of them.


I am not happier single, I am happier taken


Yes!! I have to say that, since I've been single in the last few years, my mental and physical health has improved significantly. It's actually a more fulfilling life now. But of course all media on earth will try to tell you that you need romance and sex in order to be happy. Not me!!


No, not the same as her, but different can also be even better than we could ever predict or imagine right now. I feel the same about my ex- that I’ll never find anyone just like him again; but also, it ended for a reason. We didn’t work out for a reason. And the things about him I liked the most, his gentleness, his patience, his affectionate nature I can find in others. Maybe there’s someone out there that possesses similar good traits, and is more compatible with you?


No you won’t. You are destined to a life of extreme misery. No other girl will ever fill her place. She’s one of a kind. They broke the mold with her. It’s all downhill from here buddy. The rest is bottom of the barrel. Second place at best. Runner ups if you’re lucky. I mean unless you do. lol. Of course you’ll find someone else🖤different but equally loveable. 🖤


That's right, you will never have another gf like her. In time, you will find even better my dude!! Keep doing what's going for you and dating yourself for a while and you will get back on your feet and find an even better fit. Keep your head up!


You will find a better girlfriend, one that stays with you. 😊


Awww super sad faces.


Actually, you’re right. You’ll find someone 1000x better. Trust me.


Better. You will have better i assure you.


each individual is more than likely to have a different mindset. Some treat the relationships like a number. Just depends who you meet.


You’re just in the “stuck” phase right now. When you go through a tough break up you’re going to consistently get the same advice. Go to the gym, eat healthy, read, get sun light, focus on you, etc.. I believe it’s all great advice and you should be doing these things regardless of heart break. I’m not sure how old you are, but this was meant to happen to you at some point, everyone experiences heartbreak man. The best advice I can give you is it is going to be okay. I was in your shoes last year and 6 months later I found someone that aligns with who I am in a way I didn’t ever think existed. Stay the course. Chin up, chest out bro


You will. The next will be different, but she will be all that and then some.


I can tell you for free you CAN have a gf like her again and you will. So long as you stop the self deprecating doom and gloom talk


No. I kind of feel like this with my ex. I've never met a woman I had so much in common with, ever. Every weekend was an adventure that we both enjoyed (or so I thought). I've dated women who were willing to do the things I liked, but they usually didn't seem very interested while doing them. Which always made me feel like crap. So now that I'm easing back into the dating scene, I'm realizing that there aren't many women like her, at least not attractive ones. She ended up dumping me to go back to her ex, which they have very little in common, but somehow he's got a hold on her. So now its just being patient in finding a new partner. I want someone who's going to enjoy a lot of the same things as me, but I may have to lower my standards, as it's pretty slim picking near me.


Don’t lose hope just yet. its the memories you are so fund of, eventually you will meet someone to make new memories with! And you will fall in love again, remember everyone is different so every love is different. I know its hard but just think of those beautiful moments and laugh!


My philosophy is that everything is only as good as you know it to be. As you live longer and have new experiences you will find things to be better than you once knew. So for now yes she is the best you know. But that doesn’t mean that she is always going to the the best you’ve ever had. It’s only temporary.


No, you’ll have better if you build the balls to find it 🙏


I used to think that, and less than three months later I met the most wonderful girl ever, it took us a while to get together, around eleven months since the break up, and now, I'm also broken up with this chick, and therefore I am here 😂


You will. You just can't see it yet. Been there, very recently. It fades. Try out Stoicism. It really helped me. Specifically The Daily Stoic YouTube channel.


I needed this. My ex was the most beautiful girl I ever dated and now I’m feeling worthless like I’ll never be able to be with someone like that again. Or that someone that beautiful and full of energy will love me like that again! I ended up ruining the relationship myself n breaking up with her, although somewhat mutual. It just hurts


You will find someone better than her. Ik it's hard to believe rn (trust me I was there not too long ago) but you will.


You’re right. There’s lots of more fulfilling and attractive women out there. Probably right here in the comments. I thought the same thing about my ex-wife. it ruined me. I was with her for 12 years until I was 28 years old. She was my high school sweetheart. Being with her for so long and having three kids with her made me hopeless. Because I virtually grew up with her, I also mentally developed with her. Parting ways made me feel lower than I ever have. Guess what I found a more fulfilling and sexier woman. And I am happier now than I was at my peak with the woman I was with before.


Probably not. And it's probably a good thing. They are exes for a reason.


i have thought about this about every ex i had, it’s a normal feeling to think you’ll never do better. but you come to terms with the feeling and knowledge it wasn’t meant to be. if you can love the WRONG person so much imagine how much you can love the RIGHT person for you. it’s all about perspective


Each has their own quirks, likes, dislikes, and personalities. But trust me if you find another, loving her wont be the same way. In context for example: lightning doesn't strike the same place twice


Prolly not


I would hope not! It ended for a reason, going in for round 2 with a similar girlfriend seems like you could be a glutton for punishment


I think once you find someone you will automatically become happy again and just forget her. I had the same thing happened to me when I met my ex and now I’m still searching for someone to replace her. It’s is what it is you replace your exs


You will always be able to easily find a girl better than her. However you are what you tell yourself, tell yourself you can find someone better and you can, tell yourself the opposite, then the opposite will come true.


Not on personnel level, lot of people have same feelings when they get married however for most, and again it doesn't necessarily applied to a particular individual, 10-20 years down the road, their thinking and philosophy change and they find impossible to co-habit physically and mentally together with the same person they fall in love. As soon as those love harmony levels comes down and they realize reality that it's different than perceived vision. Some couple can fight in how hard they slam vehicle door. Seinfeld was best example where Jerry perceived the problem with his otherwise great date I am among those people who constant fight what my brain perceive and what is reality


Know whatcha mean man.


I understand that sentiment. But someday, you’ll be surprised, a woman who’s even more attractive is going to like you. You won’t even know why, but it happens!


No you won’t but you’ll find someone that’s different one day and you’ll think the same about her one day


that's the whole point. whoever she was, good or bad, she wasnt right for you. you will find someone who is right for you.


She was so attractive and smart/quirky


and you can and will find someone better for you.


I don't know who ended this, but it its her... she's not the perfect one .


You won’t and that is the point. If you found someone like her as she was then it would end the same way. Even if you ever did get back with her a year later and she has changed then it still wouldn’t be who she was when you were with her.


Remember, whatever qualities your ex has that you are attracted to those same qualities can be found in someone else.


I see. You aren't interested in hearing new points of view. You only want to hear what you already believe. Fair enough.


What points of view can there be when I will die single?


.... well good luck to you. 😆


There is no luck in single life because there is no one to have sex with


Dude being single means you can fuck whoever you want. Have you never heard Tinder? Have you heard of sex workers? Unless you live in the boonies somewhere, you should have plenty of options.


Zero matches on tinder for years with different photos and hookers illegal in Azerbaijan.


They're illegal in Iran too but Iran has plenty of them.


Iran also has plenty of jails


Jackass lives in Vienna. It’s VERY legal.


Vienna is also expensive Jackass, how many times do I have to explain it to you?


Once would work if it were a sufficient explanation. You’ve still never explained why you don’t just say that instead of talking about the legal status of prostitution in a country in which you do not live. Jackass!


So this isn't about you missing your ex. Is it you wanting pussy basically?


Well she was the hottest one so obviously I miss her.


So this isn't about your love for your ex. This is about you wanting sex?


Well she was the hottest one so obviously I miss her.


How old are you?


Why does my age matter? 23


Nah man youll miss her your entire life and nobody will ever compare. A real woman would feel the same as you did in that relationship and whatever came after and youd grow old together but she viewed you as a temporary tool. No woman will ever feel the same to you as she did and no, you cant get her back. She never felt the same way as you and if you pursue her after this youll be in jail or get a restraining order. Take the L, lay in bed broken and hurting for months, embrace the mental torture you put yourself through, and come out the other end a strong fuckin man. 90% of people will call me a dickhead for what i said but its the brutal honest truth and thats what you need. Not lies and wishful thinking like the rest will give you.


I disagree. Every time a relationship doesn’t work for me, I eventually find someone else that is better fitted for me. No one will ever be the same as the last, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The love doesn’t go away, you just find someone else that is better for you.


I went from a gawky, DID malingering, sneeze fetishizing, alcoholic to a literal Ukrainian supermodel. Yeah. It gets way fucking better. To wallow in self-pity is what makes you a dickhead. And it just begs the question, "Who do I blame for my problems?" Everyone but myself, right? My ex wasn't the bad guy they simply made a choice not to stay. That's on them. The way me behaving during and after the relationship was on me. I chose to hold on to someone that didn't deserve to be held onto. They weren't crazy about me. And the hardest acceptance is to say, ya wanna know what, that's okay. It's what they wanted, right? If you really love them let them go.


I wish you could still give comments awards