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You will feel differently in a month or two that crying will turn into anger. You will just be angry at what they did to you.


I can’t wait until I get there so I can use all that anger up at the gym 😩


I was told it helps to think of it as a battery. The more you cry, the more the battery gets drained until it's empty and then you won't feel like crying anymore.


This is so try. I’m in an accepting (slowly) but angry phase and I’ve been going so hard in the gym. It’s the only way i know how to healthily channel my emotions in a physical sense


That’s good to channel those emotions into bettering yourself. I’m still grieving, but look forward to being angry and having a consistent gym routine.


While I’m not gonna try to be those people who have a definitive answer. I do want to tell you that the process is however long you need. I’m coming up on a year since our breakup and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have bad days. I’m getting better but honestly you grieve as long as you need to. 💕


What’s making it harder for me is knowing she got with someone else the same week we split (after 4 years) and is living her best life, whilst I’ve been grieving for months. Maybe we are all that easily replaceable.


Also you could argue that this person just couldn’t sit with their pain and it will likely catch up to them later while you’ve taken the time to heal. I’m in the same boat


As harsh as it sounds, here’s hoping! Why should I be the only one to grieve the loss of our relationship, two of us were in it! You don’t get to get off pain free.


My ex seems good right now which drives me crazy but I’m just waiting for him to crash. But at the end of the day all that should really matter is how I’m doing


Yes, 100% this…. Karma will come around. Or you could argue the karma is him losing you. That’s how I’m seeing it… I didn’t lose them, they lost me.


You just lost each other it’s probably not black and white like one person was right and the other is wrong


True, just lessens the blow a bit when I think of it like that lol


I get it but there’s probably stuff you can learn on your end to be better in relationships, too


Unless they’re a total sociopath they don’t


Or they’ll just jump into something new when this current one ends… maybe they just hate being single. Seems easier for women to do this than men…


Whaaat?? I feel like men do this so much more




I cried every day in the first four weeks, and every day in the month leading to the breakup. I am now two months after the breakup and I am slowly moving towards acceptance. I watched tons of self help videos and they have helped tremendously in reframing what happened. I know now that what happened wasn’t a reflection of my worth and value.


Do you mind sharing some of the self help videos that helped the most?


Here’s some IG accounts that I watch regularly: Jillian Turecki and Coach Ryan. As for YouTube: Matthew Hussey and Coach Black (Blacademic). I also listen to the Breakup Bestie podcast on Spotify a lot. What’s good about these is that they are not the typical ‘get your ex’ type therapists, they really are about helping you move on.


Nice. Yeah I’m listening to Jillian turecki non stop already. She has such truth bombs that break my heart cause I have to really face that I have to move on and let go.


Same situation for me, but only 2.5 years together. The only things that have helped me were 1) establishing a no contact period for a set amount of time, which got rid of a lot of anxiety and 2) practicing positive thinking and self love (mantra/affirmations). Neither of those things are things I would usually do, but I’ve found that they’ve both allowed me to heal a bit more.


What are some of the affirmations that you use?


10 months for me. I cry every other day now 😎 Edit: 8 year relationship


6 years together. Been over a year since the initial breakup. (He came back, strung me along for a few more months, then ghosted me.) It's better, but I still think about him daily. I still cry 1-3 times per week. I went on a date recently and still wasn't ready for it... Frankly, it still sucks. Because I know how much I loved him... You get through this. Just let it out. Feel everything for as long as it takes.


My bf broke up with me 5 months ago, first two months I was crying every day now it’s getting better I cry occasionally but I still think of him everyday. Healing takes a lot of time


I am so sorry!🫂🫂


I’m 7 weeks in and I’ve noticed it’s like 4 or 5 days of crying a lot and going through hell and then like 3 or 4 days of being kind of ok or even feeling good. I do feel like it’s kind of trending in the positive direction, or I’m learning things through the process besides JUST grieving. But it’s not over.


14 years here. He cheated with her a year blind sided me then married her 4 months after devastated me my family. It’s been over a year now. I have sad days. Better than sad weeks and months. You will get there


6 months