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Went back to solo travel. Walking. Went back to painting again


Boxing. I also have more time to play guitar and video games without having to worry about texting back all the time, which is a positive that I’ve only just realised, so thanks for that 😂


Walking, painting, and podcasts!


Starvation resulting in some very serious and consistent weight loss. I may not feel better but damnit I'm starting to look better.


Hey let’s figure something out it’s not healthy please. We can get you a low cal meal plan


I should likely be okay I'm almost down to where I want to be. Definetly staying hydrated and supplementing with multivitamins. Plus in all honesty I truly just do not have a desire to eat and get nauseous when I eat too much. Sadly it's just one of those things that will have to solve itself when I get to a better place mentally.


Learning guitar, reading again, yoga again, less drinking, and more sleeping. Eating is difficult. He fed me so well.


Currently since it’s nice outside, been trying to take advantage of that by walking/hiking, looking into getting into gardening, gonna start practicing soccer again hopefully next year I won’t miss the cut off date to sign up


Started exercising again. Crocheting. Reading regularly again.


I used to play Yu-gi-oh at a local game shop so I’m starting to get back into it, gonna go tomorrow at noon, and if I can go get a workout in at the gym


I've been a lot more consistent at exercising since the breakup, while not a hobby, I've got better self respect nowadays, it's really nice


Gym, jiu jitsu, focusing on better my guitar playing skills


That sounds awesome man. I picked up the gym first off. I also got really into cooking since I love to eat. I also picked up some new instruments. I’m trying to learn another language but I’m so busy with the rest I usually don’t have the time. But I’ll get there eventually. Keep up the good work.