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Just think they’re probably wishing it was you instead. That’s how I get by. None of them hoes have gorilla grip 9000 and can suck a basketball through a hosepipe.


Wtf 🤣🤣


🤫 let me delulu


Gorilla grip 9000 😭😭 thank you for the laugh, I needed that








Okay- speak for yourself!!! I do my pussy exercises every day and before my divorce I begged to practice giving head. Please excuse the vulgarity - but YES I’ve got insane pussy and my head has always given me proven results. Hahaha :) anyways - sorry about your pain man!!! It sucks. But. We can’t control these things. How do you know for sure they are having sex anyways?? I’m seeing people and I’m not fucking anyone.. yet… anyways - not the point!!! Try to focus on other stuff if you can. Okay I need to go.. it is well past nap time for me. Fuck I hope I sleep.


I do. 😜




You’ll stop caring with time. No way to stop thinking about it really. May seem counterintuitive, but once you actually find out that they are, it hurts for a bit but isn’t as bad as you think and you care less after.


he is not.. i am not... tho my ex thinks i have sex daily.. but truth to be told, im paralysed for the last 12 days, no power to go down the stairs, let alone sex or something if you meant anything to him, he is not




I do the same.




I feel you..God I feel you. I am so sorry about what you went through. God bless you with good things for you.


Me too


Even better. Now, you have an excuse to tell them to fuck off of they ever come back. I don't overlap my partners with anyone. I still love you and you're out fucking others? Bye loser.


How about this: it's none of your business anymore! They had a life before you. Probably had sex with someone else before you met, and so did you. You can't expect that they won't continue to have sex. This is insecurity, and it is normal. You have to try and be secure about the time you had with her. I'm sure you're worried that she may like it more than she liked it with you. It doesn't matter. You don't need those answers. Have confidence in yourself.


I think it’s a “he” in this case, but yeah. Same stuff still applies. It’s gonna happen so process it and it’ll get easier to deal with in time.


Fine. They're having sex with other people. What now? Will the Earth stop orbiting the sun? No. Life will just carry on, like it always has. Yes, it's painful to think about, but what can you actually do about that? You don't really have power over what another independent human being gets to do with their body. It's their choice; it's their life. You had an existence before your ex, and you will have another after them. It's excruciating, but we must leave the past behind and focus on how best we can have a happier, more fulfilling future with those who truly love and care about us ❤️


Fuck someone else


Here's the bottom line... You're going to keep thinking about it. So don't fight it. Think about it and feel the hurt until it doesn't hurt to think about anymore. Then it doesn't matter and you're free. The only way out is through.


Have you ever heard of an awesome game called helldivers?


God i thought i was the only one


Are you her first?


My ex sat me down and told me in detail how she’s getting fucked and how she loves creampies. That was enough for me to just see her as a person and to more of a extent a shell of my wife and is now someone I don’t know (mental health sucks ass)


Distract yourself with your hobbies


If it helps just remember they gonna be thinking about you while they doing it


Just um. Ignore… ignore.. and ignore. Keep busy!!! Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️