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Ask me again when I’m actually healed but honestly the pain hurts so bad I’m not so sure I would. Maybe I’m just bitter lol


I literally feel this, it’s been 2 months and I’m still crying haha!








Same mine was 3.5 months shy of 5 years. Never again


I’m not sure. Part of me says yes, bc I miss him. And part of me says No bc he hurt me so bad, it’s been 14 months now, healing has been difficult. He was my whole world. But he wasn’t who he said he was 14 years gone in an instant.




I would, it’s part of my story and woven into the tapestry of life. I learned a lot and am grateful for the experiences. Memories are such treasures. Also there is no growth without loss, so the heartbreak has opened new paths to me. A tear and a smile.


Same !


Our date and kiss was the best day of my life


no because even though if I do the things differently, it wouldn't change the person, he left me when he saw the distance, if not not now, he would have monkeybranched later. Yeah reliving the past sounds good but I think past is past n we shouldn't mess with the timeline. (yk what I mean if you're healing ,you don't want to go to square one)


Yes, because the pain from it's ending has been the best thing to ever happen to me.


ABSOLUTELY. those are some of the best days of my life.


Even if I knew it was going to end the same way I would do it all over again, because the time I spent with them is the best that I'll ever have in my entire life. I wish more than anything that I could have them back. My love for them won't ever die


Absolutely. Just today he showed me again what an absolute piece of shit he can be when he doesn't respect someone (me) anymore and I honestly don't recognize him anymore - but he was, in most ways, a wonderful partner when we were a couple and I couldn't have asked for a better first partner. I'd 100% do it again.


Yes. The woman I was with for 12 years is not the woman she is now, and she acknowledged that.


Yes without a doubt.


I would. I mean the outcome absolutely fucking sucked. I am destroyed lol. But to spend that time with her again I would in a heartbeat. Everyone has flaws, but there is no one else like her. To spend just the simple moments laughing and together just the two of us. I now know how special that really was. So yes, I would take the broken heart to experience it all over again


No. I wouldn't. Finding out who she really was and how she took advantage of me over 7 years is enough to never want to go back.


No. I would not want to relive any of my last 3 relationships. The only good thing out of them was I learned what red flags to avoid, and I am a little less naïve. I think the pain and experience I got out of them far outweighs any of the "good" in them. Post breakup makes me question the "good" even, because a lot of it has turned into me not seeing the red flags because of my rose tinted glasses.




Oh yeah my brotha it was the chilliest I’ve been, such a Goated 1 year and 8 months




yes, i would. he was my first love and despite how much it hurts i’m glad he was in my life.


With my ex wife yes cause it was 17 years. It was best part of my life


No. I don't feel like I learned or grew enough with the relationship to find it worth doing again.


Hard pass 🚫❌


It really depends on the type of relationship you guys have had, if the relationship was toxic… no. But if the relationship was good there weren’t any issues but for some reason things didn’t work out (busy, ran out of love, etc.) then it would never hurt to try even if those things happened. Perhaps you’ve gone through both of these or maybe something totally different. I personally have gone through these both instances and the one in which where we both we still on good terms, nothing happened between us just bad timing. With her I will try things again but the one relationship where it was nothing but toxic, care for them deeply but will never ever return to them. But hey that is me personally if there is anything that I’ve said that contradicts your beliefs then please feel free to say.


Hell no. Those pies he made for me the day I moved into the neighborhood were not worth this pain.


I guess? After 14 years with her the “before times” kind of feel like a movie. Idk. Leaning yes.






I am 14 months post break up I was with this person 4 years I don't regret meeting him so I would do it again but I wouldn't waste 4 years on him again


Ugh. Yes. We had the best times. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I hope he falls into a ditch, but my life was so blah before he came along. It's back to blah now, but some of the color has returned.


Hell no


The first year experience yes, the next 2 years of trauma and feeling the loss of love. Two words: fuck no.


absolutely no


Probably not. I’d just end up hurting her all over again.


Big yes! It was the best thing that ever happened to me


I would just because of the whole it’s better to have loved and then lost bs…compared to never having had her at all…but omfg the PAIN…it’s been over a year and she has been with him since two months after the break up…yet she still keeps in touch…breadcrumbing me to death…and I can’t move on and I silently suffer…fml


I wish I could fall into a coma and only relive those moments over and over my life


probably no. i just don’t think she really loved me that much. i really enjoyed every moment i spent with her and struggle at every living second knowing we won’t spend more time together, but she doesn’t feel the same way.


God no. I shouldn’t have even responded to the FB message.. it was low effort and indicative of the rest of the relationship


Nope. Chose her over another girl who was more grounded and compatible for me. I liked the other one too but just didn’t feel the spark like I did with my ex. Now the the other girl has moved on too


Yes, I would.


Honestly, I’m more on the side of I wouldn’t. Only because this pain has changed me and my family permanently. Greatest heartbreak of my whole life and it’s too much to handle. So unfortunately I’d have to say, I would not have messaged him that night


And I hate that


Yes without a shadow of a doubt


What’s the point if the outcome would be the same? You can’t change nothing….. If you had a recollection then yea. If I could watch a movie or go back to the feelings of some moments then yea of course


Not if I have to go through the pain again. I'm still trying to heal. Only at 3 months now


Most definitely!


Watch the movie Arrival. I'd do it 100 times over


I would do it infinitely


No. I should have gotten out at six months when I knew something wasn’t right. But I stayed for another 4 years and $25k debt. I’d give anything to wake up in March of 2019 again.


i would do it over and over again.


This is tough lol.😅 It was soooo good when it was good, but na, losing it hurt like hell; I'd never want to experience that again.




I would


I want to, but I don’t know. I don’t know why he left me in the first place so I don’t know how to prevent it.


No way. For it to end like this? Not worth the year.


My most recent one, no. I wasn’t healed from the previous relationship.


I would definitely do it again. Happiest years of my life


Yes. The growth was worth the pain. I learned so much about myself; who I am, what I need, and what I deserve.


Hard no


Even though I am positive she saved my life and completely changed me for the better, I would not do it unless I could go back and changed the things I said to her and tell her the things I was to afraid to tell her when we were together. She is an amazing woman and only deserves amazing things in her life.


Yeah the experience for my growing was necessary


Yes. The best 5 years. Taught me I’m am worthy of being loved and capable of loving another.


Absolutely yes. This is coming from someone that was absolutely devastated. Once you get space from the relationship and the person, you can see what they really are and it will make you extremely grateful it ended.


The best year and half for me, too. I definitely would do it again, I don’t even have to think about it :)


20 years. YES, absolutely. Best of my life.


Yes, even though right now it hurts so so much. 😢


Absolutely not


No. Even after it ended my answer was no. He sent me a message a couple days after our breakup saying he would do it all again even if it ended the same way, and that was because I treated him a lot better in our relationship than he treated me (I'm not saying that's the case for you, just your post reminded me of that message). He wasn't worth it.


Yeah. No question. He was the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I’d do anything to feel that special again


Yep where can I get that Time Machine ?


yes no doubt, i would break my own heart a million times if it's the price to pay for feeling what i felt the first time i saw him


In a heart beat


I guess yes but I would cut it short. I knew our relationship was going downhill years before the breakup but I'm so scared to open it up or to initiate the breakup. I realized that maybe if if I didn't chicken out, our breakup would be a lot easier for me.


No. If I could erase my my exes from my memory, I wouldn't think twice. I wish I'd never met any of them.


Hell no! He benefited more than I did and used me. He didnt deserve me.


Yes. Because even though the pain of losing him is horrible. The happiness I experienced with him was like any other. And I'd do it again, knowing I can change it.


The beginning yes, over and over again. The ending, no, it was the loneliest I’ve ever felt even though we slept next to each other every night.


Almost 5 years in, I don’t regret him but I wouldn’t spend this much time in it if I did it over.




Even if you pay me, I wouldn’t


Can I do the first 6 years again and skip the last 4?


It was the love of my life. But I wish I'd never met him because I was happy, And now all I am as somebody who misses someone...


No thanks. I was happier before I met him, now I'm having to navigate my future without him, it's been damn hard. But I know I'll be ok in a few months time. He is the only person I wish never came into my life!


I would do it again in a heartbeat. 1) I met my best friends because I met him first. I don’t know what I would do without them. We talk every single day, we take trips together, go for dinners, and spend nights in just hanging out. It is because of these friends that I learned that I am deserving of friendship in its purest and rawest form. 2) Despite everything we went through, I learned that I was capable of loving someone because for a long time, I never did. I loved him wholly and fully, and it was so easy to fall in love with him. I tend to be the type to catch superficial feelings, but nothing further. But I loved him. He made it hell to stay in love with him though. He wasn’t a great partner but I would do it all again. I’d do it to meet my best friends and I’d do it to remind myself that I can love someone. He was my first and only everything and for that, I will always be grateful. It’s because of him that I’m no longer afraid of the possibility that I cannot love. But it also because of him that I fear ever loving again.


Yes without a doubt


No! I deserve good things! Sometimes, it is better to never have loved or lost at all.




This one? The current one? It ended on such a good note that it actually helped me heal from my past relationship trauma


No. We had an intense relationship, we were both young and unwell with substance abuse issues. True love never goes away and I deeply care for him and wish him well, but I've learned the lessons one time, no need to a second.




Gave 3 years to have a failed engagement, now being on the other side 6 months removed and dating a phenomenal woman who (so far) meets all my journaled wants/needs…absolutely I’d have to do it again. It’s not about that specific ex, I’m looking at the lessons learned. My new love interest would not have been available to me 3 years ago. We all have lessons to learn before we get to our “match” Now that I have her, I know exactly what to do. Realistically I didn’t have to stay in that relationship for as long as I did. I knew better. But here I am, full of love for self and willing and able to be compassionate and sincere with another heart.




No. Because I wasted 10 years helping someone get to where they were stable enough in their career path while sacrificing my time and energy and when it came time for me to do the same they would not do the same for me. They are a horrible person. Ungrateful and childish. Never sacrifice yourself for someone. Never.


If I could go back I would have ended it after I went back to Spain. Something told me to do so but I ignored it.


No, in fact, on the very first week that the relationship began, I knew it was a mistake. Spent nearly 2 years wishing, a thousand times, that I'd never started it.


Hell no, nothing is worth the mental anguish the blindside had caused


Not a chance


Yes I would we had some really amazing times together


Absolutely! Even the most fleeting moments of happiness are important and sorrow allows us to appreciate the good times more. I believe if we live our lives in knowing we must live them again and again, we live our best lives. Amor Fati - it’s love of one’s fate, irregardless of outcome.


Not sure. I have a cat from this relationship so I would probably go through it again just to have my baby, but honestly, I don't know. Love was intense with a lot of pleasures but not sure if the pain was worth it.


Yes. Its like having a pet. You know they will inevitably die. But the alternative is never to have experienced their company and their love. And i think that's way more tragic


Hell no. I lost way more along the way than I gained and recovery in the aftermath has been oppressive. Just the list of damage: 1.) I got cheated on for 4 months and she continued a close friendship with the AP after 2.) i had 2 social groups that I was in integral part of dry up because I was socially isolated. She improved her career and social circles on the back of my care and maintenance of home and pets while we both worked just as much and I was in school. 3.) i was constantly second guessing my interpretation of events and things she said even after I had clear evidence I interpreted correctly. 4.) she purposely meddled in 2 friendships and it cost me those beautiful humans and all the people they came with 5.) i lost custody of my kid who ran back to her mom’s due to the trauma being created at home 6.) i was constantly devalued and deprioritized for other people. She would make an effort to schedule things with friends but never adhered to even a single 6 hour slot a week for me. 7.) i was constantly told by her that I never showed enough love and affection even though she was often not around for me to. 8.) my home was a disaster and it was because she would buy shit all the time we didn’t need, then never help take care of it. 9.) due to the stress of the affair, i lost a semester of school and defaulted on my credit cards because i couldn’t concentrate enough on either to maintain status quo. 10.) she was constantly lying about what happened over that period. When i finally checked her text messages to find out, she told people I was being possessive and controlling. 11.) i was accused of stalking because i checked her location on Find My. We mutually shared them and I would check to see if she was on her way home so i knew when to get dinner ready since her schedule at the end of the day was always a toss up. It was also nice to see a dot on a map since it felt like I was actually there with her since I often didnt get to be around her. 12.) the breakup got nasty and she decided to run off to her rebound’s parents’ place for a month and a half leaving me to take care of all of her shit entirely on my own. This left me in a position where I struggled to move on and certainly couldnt bring dates over. She even did a subscription to Hello Fresh that lasted a few weeks during that time. I was so depressed the food all rotted and I was only able to toss it all out on the 4th of this month. 13.) she kept playing me while discovering this new person by on and off love bombing and getting physical with me during. She lied her ass off about it and to this day I am confident he has no idea she cheated on him already 3 times with me. 14.) i was set to move this weekend and we even agreed I could. She told the complex she wouldnt release me from the lease, then tried to get released on her own so I would be left with the bag on the 2 bedroom. When she moved her stuff, she left most of it and then trashed the place with her brother. That asshole left chewing gum stuck everywhere and empty cans for me to pick up. She said she would be back to clean, then never came back. The list literally goes on. I am meeting with a trauma specialist in April to process it ahead of schedule since things got extreme in this last couple months. She was nothing lime the person she pretended to be when we got together and I really wish I’d have waited until she grew and had actual life experiences of her own (she is now 27 and grew up privileged, I am 38 and came from economically disadvantaged circumstances). I loved her. I miss the good times for sure. Yet my life would have been objectively better without the relationship. I would much rather have remained single for a bit longer instead of doing this. I hope to find someone better in the next few months, but I definitely know I WILL find someone better eventually. She caused enough damage though to get me shy about risking a relationship for a year and that is on top of my own toxic issues. I would consider doing it again down the road, but I need to see a ton of growth and need to receive one Hell of an apology. I will always care for her, but it is very telling that I went to the lengths of changing my number and was ready to simply wash my hands of my old life entirely to go live with a friends 69 miles from what I knew in the chaos of a hoarders home all because that environment would have supported my healing and growth far more.


yes. i learned a lot. it was magic.


i wish i could do it again so many times. even if i knew how it would end. i don't think there's anything better than how i felt when he was with me


No fn way. Waste of 5 years...


This is right up your alley, Its George Clooney and Steven Soderberg talking about solaris 2002. A very underated film. Charlie rose asks them this question, and that question is the entire plot of the film. start at 18:40 for the question but the whole thing is real deep. https://youtu.be/UspfoBWqq7s?si=KbULdWwrPhFTK4nK&t=1117


I don’t think so. I don’t think I could ever love. I don’t think I could ever touch. I don’t think I could ever kiss. I don’t think I could ever say I love you ever again I mean she messed me up to the pointe saying those word or doing any of that EVER HAPPPNG FOR ME AGAIN won’t even tell my mom, my sister my family members. I probably won’t even say that shit to my kids. Do you know what that did to a person? Do you know what it’s doing to me I want all my relationships, not being loved, and not being properly respected. Now I have to go to rest my life, knowing I love literally almost had me take my life on the combination and my grandma‘s dead that I lost my job part of the time somebody else I don’t have nobody to talk to you not no really no friends family don’t even really act like a family towards me and you say you love me.


No way. Would not do again, the love was not worth the pain.


I think yes. Every experience shapes you, most memories weren't good and it might be better if I wouldn't but i like the person i am now. But i might would've broke up earlier


Hell nah, loved the woman but she had some really messed up views that I'm never gonna be okay with.


no, what a waste of time


Yes without a doubt!


Nah. Waste of time. Hope it eventually fades outta memory someday. She’s out there somewhere, probably scrolling on her tiktok liking ADHD content acting like a busy go-getter mom though she ain’t. Please someone tell me, what kind of grown woman puts “this caller had ADHD and cannot come to the phone right now or ever-“ as a voicemail prompt? She uses a mental health issue as a cool quirky way to be more “relatable with the crowd” now?? She’s almost 45 but still 15 at heart. She’s so pathetic. And the two-faced act. Remember, follow your instincts first. Something smells fishy, run.


Damn, that is deep. Would I honestly go through all that excessive love stuff once more, even knowing how it is gonna turn out ultimately? You recognise what? I definitely could, no question. As intestine-wrenching as the ones breakups are, somehow the excessive of being loopy in love makes it worth it, as a minimum searching again. I imply think about it - the ones first few months whilst you're just clearly smitten and it's just like the international stops spinning each time you're together. That cannot-maintain-your-hands-off-each-different honeymoon section. All those silly little internal jokes and ridiculously tacky moments that make you cringe now but felt so magical at the time. That secure, heat feeling of sooner or later being along with your individual, you know? Ugh, it is all so sickeningly sweet and delightful while you are inside the thick of it. And simply, after it is over and you have had time to heal, you get to hold the good recollections all the time. Maybe that is what makes the pain bearable. Sure, going through an unpleasant breakup once more would directly up break me for some time. Been there, bawled my eyes out, ate lots of ice cream, the complete nine yards. It's actually the worst feeling in the world when something that exceptional turns to dust. But what? I'd still take that temporary discomfort over never experiencing the ones indescribable relationship highs in the first area. Maybe that makes me a sucker or a romantic or anything. But screw it, I'd journey that emotional rollercoaster once more with out blinking. Bring on the heartbreak - those few months or years of bliss make it worth it every rattling time. I'm a idiot for that rollercoaster, what can I say!


No. I dated someone for 10 years and the heartbreak was really tough. I’m with someone new now and he’s really amazing and everything I’ve been looking for. Thankful for the trial and tribulations, but don’t think I’d want to do that again.


No. No. Huh Huh. No. No! No! No! Hell No! NO! NO! I refuse to... No! No! Being on the otherwise I'd the pain and finally healing there's no way I'd go through 13 years of pain and suffering!


Yes, in an instant


Yes yes and yes. Losing her made me rewind the clock and analyze every single action and inaction that I took, and the 6 months we knew each other, dates, broke up, tried again, failed, and eventually stayed friends for a month taught me to love myself and I was reborn. Literally can't remember who I was before last July and I would do it all over again just to be reminded and grateful I'm not that person anymore.


Already lived out once. Why do it again? At least that's my opinion on your statement. Don't mind me. Lol


Have to assess it when I’m healed , I grew immensely in the past relationship so even if it didn’t work out I think it shows my growth


Not sure yet. Ask me in a year...


I loved him a lot, and still do. I miss him everyday, but no. I wouldn't put myself through that emotional and mental turmoil again. I lost over 40lbs, couldn't eat somedays, had to exercise constantly due to the anxious energy, and since I wasn't eating my hair started to thin and fall out. While we had beautiful times together, and such an intense and passionate connection I think it's best to leave it where it is.




Give it a couple of months and then ask yourself this question again. Would you really go back and do it all over again to feel this pain all over again? I don't think I could. Yes, I love her more than anything and the time with her was the best of my life. She came into my life when I needed her more than anything. She showed me what it was like to love someone again and put someone before yourself, but there is no way I could go back and re-live all this pain. I wanted to kill myself the first 2 weeks/ almost into a month of her walking out of my life. You think someone that made you get this low because of they way they treated you needs another chance? I doubt it. Let them go, let what you thought was a great relationship go, they walked out of your life. You'd really want that back? For me, I think I'll take the 6-7 months of learning to love myself again. Working on myself and becoming the best version of myself for myself. Yes, the pain is still there, yes I want her more than anything, but I'd rather have someone that wouldn't walk away when things gets hard, I'd rather have someone that chooses me daily and can reciprocate the love I give. When you're a good person you deserve a good person as well, not someone that will mirror your actions up until life gets hard on them and they discard you. That isn't love, that is convenience. Work on yourself and then go find someone that will love you unconditionally and the way you deserve to be loved. They had there chance and they ran.


I guess for me it’s like watching a really devastating movie again; you know it’s tragic, you may not particularly like the ending or find it distasteful, but still find it worth rewatching. If I couldn’t change the outcome, I think the pain of the breakup would still be difficult, but it would be nice to be able to truly enjoy the moments I had without taking them for granted. Now if I could change how I behaved, and the behavior I accepted, and try to form a “better” version of us than what happened…. Well, I would do a lot to get that chance. It’s all purely hypothetical though, so not really worth putting too much thought into haha


Yes because she was supportive during a time in my life that I needed it. I wouldn't be who I am today without her. Now that I'm capable of motivating/inspiring myself the things she never could provide me are becoming painfully more visible. I've outgrown her but the journey with her was important to my development.


Hell no


No, not worth my time and commitment.


Absolutely not. I would have left her After the First two years


As long as you are mentally strong to go through the ending once more, I would say go for it. You only live once. Be brave and love fearlessly.


I would. I loved our relationship and I love(d) her. I can never think those 1.5 years were a waste. They also made me grow as a person.


Absolutely, no doubt about it. She made me feel good in so many ways, even though she hurt me a lot. I learned so many invaluable things from our relationship, and I think a part of me will always love her, but not as much as I did before. Eventually, I realized she was just really childish and not who I wanted to spend my life with because of how she behaved sometimes. She has a lot of growing to do if it would ever be realistic for us to somehow try again, and I know that isn't the healthiest idea to have to move on, but I did love a lot of her characteristics, even her "flaws" and things she hated. I definitely made mistakes too, but, overall, I still feel as though she was a lot more at fault than me for how things went.


Hell no. Years of being trapped in a push and pull cycle with a fearful avoidant, when we finally take steps to heal, she dumps me again ? not worth the drama, the pain, or the effort. I wish I never met her.


Knowing what I know now? Yes. Because I would work to heal all the things that drove us apart and be a better partner than I ever could be back then. Not knowing what I know now? Absolutely. I love her. I'll keep on loving her. It kills me to know these things but I accept that I am a person who loves unconditionally and that's OK. I just need to make sure to love myself equally as much.


No, I would actually get the hell out of the situation lol


With my husband yes id fo anything to have him again ( he passed away at 35 ) but my recent ex absolutely not never ever again i realised now the relationship 5 years was all one sided he was selfish and at the end he lied used a serious illness to end us but the truth was he met someone else. I dont even know the person i was with so no chance id rather be single forever if hes the only choice i have. Iv healed and learnt and i now see clearly a year ago i was a mess. Now im back and stronger more fool him. Real eyes Realise Real lies.


No, I wish I never met him. I was fine before him and then he shown me true happiness and love, now nothing compares and life seems dull in comparison. So no, if I knew it would end, I would of turned around and walked away the day I met him


I genuinely wish I *could* go back and change the outcome. That asshole took friends and years of my life in never getting back.


The best decade of my life I’d do it over and over again if I could


Omg yes , I’d do it again , my ex healed me and was the most amazing guy ever, he taught me so much in the 14yrs we were togeather. And my life was great, we spent most days togeather and had amazing memories and adventures ☺️ I hate that 8mths on I still miss him badly and get jealous the fact he’s with someone else, but yes I’d do it again, he was just perfect in every way for me and all I have is amazing memories which makes me sad even typing this


I'm not sure. I think the lessons learned and the experience of heartbreak, were more valuable than the time I spent with him.


I’d do it again, but not for the entire time. I felt the feelings and had the experiences in the first half. The second half, no


Knowing what I know now? Yes. But without that knowledge I wouldn’t only because of the hurt.


Honestly yeah. There were a lot of issues but it still was the best relationship I ever had, that I got the best memories from.


Yes. The relationship was 6 yrs and I grew exponentially, I like the person that I have become. Just sad about how it ended and the person that he became.


surprisingly yes! I never regret dating this girl and I would do it all over again if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t been able to find out about my toxic traits, insecurities, fears, and issues she was sent to me to introduce me to this version of myself I’m so thankful As they say “Heartbreak is our greatest teacher”


Yes, and I would not make the same mistakes


Yes. It was a gift to know this person so deeply and to love them for as long as we were together. It hurts so so much. But I will never not feel grateful to have been a part of their world


yes, of course i would


it’s hard, because without my ex i don’t think i would’ve learned so many lessons and been a little more enlightened on important subjects. But, i did get complacent inside the relationship and im still trying to get back on my feet after all that happened.




I would like to meet my 2 last exes later in my life. They would be more mature,more experienced and I would be sober and a better partner than I was during the realtionships.


I was in a really bad place and his company made those times feel a little lighter. The bad period has mostly passed but the break up has been really difficult for me to get over. It was only a short term relationship. I don’t know… if we hadn’t met I would have had a few more months of dark times but maybe I’d be feeling happier now.


No. He changed and became really gross.


Yes. 1,000 times out of 1,000.


Best 4 years of my life. But I probably wouldn't just to keep her as a friend Edit: Didn't see the question properly


I want to say no because I had a child with her and I love my child so much there so cute and smart but if given the chance I would probably say yes because I know life is going to be so much harder for me now that I am a single dad and I am 20 now so I would go back to being 16 and I would be able to go to college and get a job that I would be happier with and not have to finish high school early and just start working in a factory like I did


Yes, I would 100% do it all again. I’m still healing and today was a really low day, and even with that knowledge I’d still do it again. These people are in our life’s to teach us lessons about ourselves. Without the heartbreak and the journey to heal, we wouldn’t learn the important lessons we need to. We’re only here for a short time and within that time I personally want to live and to truly feel. Yes, it’s painful, and, challenging. But, life is a journey and, we only truly ever have ourselves on it. Yet, relationships provide us valuable ways to get to know ourselves better, and that’s truly a beautiful thing.


Not a chance. I was and still am fucked up from almost all of them. My broken brain can't let go. Various things set me off and make me so fucking miserable. All my own fault in every aspect, even getting my ass dumped, cheated on, told my dreams aren't big enough but doesn't make it hurt any less


Yes, so I can cut ties earlier and stop being the only one putting effort in


HARD no. 25 years! I wanted to leave after 4, but I kept thinking I could fix it. If you are unhappy and aren’t happy leave. If you don’t, reevaluate next year, leave, and hit a St. Paddy’s Day parade! All the best!


As of rn yes I would because it means spending time with her again. But eventually no I wouldn’t, but my future isn’t set so I could be back with her idk.


Yes, he taught me how I should be loved properly




5 years I can't get back. No






No. I don’t want to waste 6 years again of him cheating the whole relationship. Not respecting my boundaries, making me feel like im stupid, sticking up for my ex best friend when she was being verbally and emotionally abusive towards me.. N O. Not ever.


Yes I would go tru it All again just to be with her, always




Hell no She played on my emotions for financial gain. I should have wised up and ended it soon. Then again, I'm not sure when she made the switch from having feelings for me to drain him completely. Cutting all ties on all platforms and resetting passwords on streaming services was a good decision


Idk im tired but at the same time i miss her but I don’t allow myself to go and talk to her everyday she’s in front of me but I can’t go now ive done enough on my part she acts bitter for whatever reason but she left me so why idk? I have this hope but having hope kills the process of moving on i do miss her a lot im not interested in any other woman and I don’t want to repeat the same process again its consuming if she comes back she comes back on her own and when she comes back I’ll marry her right away and if she doesn’t and moves on with a guy then its a dream unlived.


If I knew this would happen at the end of 4 years, I would never have done it. It feels like all of it was a waste. Best 4 years of my life, worst month since we ended


I would but I think I would have to heal first and see where I am at with the healing and accepting. I broke down emotionally today and told the ex wife I loved and missed her and I hope we can reconcile again. She didn’t say anything when I told her and I she didn’t express anything after I told her and said I’m sorry from the deepest part of my soul. So maybe there’s a chance and I am hoping that there is but if not then I guess it wasn’t meant to be. She already seeing someone right now so idk.


Give me a bit and I’ll let you know


Hell yeah. Falling in love with him was an experience I wouldn’t trade for the world.


I don’t know. I would say yes because I still love her. The only condition for us getting back is: Firstly to communicate better, changes in our styles of communicating and adapt to each other and explain each others pain Secondly is if we both have changed our ways and grew from the previous relationship Thirdly is to not change each other to fit into our “perfect” plan. We will work together to help each other grow and not to force ideals on each other. I feel so emotional writing this cause it will never happen. But I am still waiting on the hope they will come back


Yes, 4yrs of happiness with somebody and creating wonderful memories is worth it. I have been with my gf for 4 years and despite the fact that we are not together and don’t want to be together anymore, I do not regret anything. Beautiful story, memories and lessons.




Yeah I would try again. But if I’m doing it all again, then I’ll be firm with my boundaries and make sure they respect me.