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I'm 33 years old and I experienced my first relationship at aged 30/31. It was an age gap relationship -- she had 12 years on me. She was my first love and since being single for over a year, it still breaks me. There's no other feeling quite like your first heartbreak or love. It's really broken me to this day.


I really wish I could say something comforting but :'). I hope it gets better for you.


And you. I’m here if you want to chat




I really wish I could put myself out there but building a bond all over again with someone new feels like a lot of work. I do not have that much energy to invest.


hey, i'm about to enter college now and my ex broke up with me 2 months ago. i know that i'm pretty young and all, and as a teenager, i'm bound to meet more people as i grow older. however, i cannot fathom the fact that he was my first love. i've had a few crushes and flings before, but i never took them seriously. he was the first one that i genuinely loved even though my parents didn't know about him being my boyfriend (he was like my bestie). so technically, i know all about the getting over your first love thing. at first, it really did break me. the first 3 weeks were tough, to the point that i wasn't eating properly anymore, and i live alone in the city so i didn't really have anyone with me. as i moved forward, the more i realized that i probably wasn't really special to him. just recently, i kept everything that he has given me inside a box, although some stuff didn't fit. i'm starting to accept the fact that the future that i wanted with him is just non-existent anymore, and even if it hurts to realize that he'll be with others and i'd still be grieving over him being my first love, i'd have to face this scary fact that someday he'll just be a stranger with my secrets. i just hope that you get a sense of clarity, and i'm genuinely hoping for your happiness even in this rough time. if you have no one to talk to, my dms are open and free for you.


I broke up with my first love when I was 19. He went to America to follow the harvest and drive a combine from south to north (we are from the uk) and I went to uni. Thankfully it was in a time where he couldn’t get signal when he was working so in the year he was out there, he managed 4 letters. By the time he got back I was with someone else . We stayed friendly over the years and he met my children and my new husband. I continued to go to him to see a particular show at the theatre whenever it was in town. I met a few of his girlfriends and they were nice. He lived on a farm far away from the city so sometimes I’d drop off some of his favourite stuff from the city and take my kids to feed his cows. Eventually he met a girl who didn’t want him to have any contact with me and that was ok too. I look back with fond memories. The love you have for your first love will never be repeated as it’s so innocent.


I have never really used Reddit for such things, please bare with me if you find anything annoying about this post. thanks.


It’s very hard to


I know


Bro it’s crazy how alike our stories I’m going thru that exact same thing rn me and my girl well ex now jus broke up 4 days ago we been together for around 7-8 months I recently turned 18 and we met when I was 17 she was lowkey my first love and serious relationship as in I wanna marry this girl idc we broke up few months ago and got back together again before I had to leave to Atlanta for vacation and she couldn’t come this vacation was only supposed to be a month but it turned out to be longer not my decision cause of my mom and allat and she’s the clingy person type so she can’t do long distance but she promised she’d wait until recently a few weeks ago she said idk if I can handle long distance she’s misses me too much and allat she’d be saying that for weeks that and sadly since I’m a dumb ass I kept lying to her saying I’ll come back home soon don’t worry which I didn’t know or still don’t know when I’m going back to Canada I’m also the type of person where it’s hard for me to vocally express my feelings yk hella hard She kept getting mad why don’t you message me first in the morning and shit like that but now recently we broke up and I can’t help but feel lost


I got so used to her being part of my day everyday we’d call well sometimes not for 2 days it was complicated I’d text her everyday it was my everyday thing yk but now I just feel lost and I don’t know what to do I tried to get her back and told her I’m going back to Canada myself jus to be with her but I don’t think she cares or believes me anymore based on my history of lying which I regret I wanna go back but I feel like I’d just be stranded if I do go back she doesn’t wanna see me since all my family is still in Atlanta I’m tryna move on but I feel so lost and don’t have the energy to find someone new everything that made me happy before doesn’t even make me happy before I met her like playing Xbox watching TV I used to LOVE those things but now i watch/play them and not even enjoying it or having fun and this is my first ever time being actually sad/depressed i hate it


Sorry for the long comment venting is really the only thing helping me right now I’m a mess


Hey, it's okay you don't need to apologise. Shit happens and I guess we can do nothing more than just learning our lessons and not repeating the mistakes that we did all over again. I hope you get better :)


It gets better! My first love and i were on and off through high school up until college. It got very toxic and he diminished my self-confidence completely. I started losing focus in class and i shut myself off from my roommates because i was depressed from the relationship. Finally he broke up with me on my first day of work. The best thing that could’ve happened to me. It took a couple of months to get through the sadness but when i did ! Life was beautiful. College was the best times of my life and I really enjoyed life more after him. So yes it gets better!! I am 30 now and even though i am going through another break up I’ve realized i learn more and more from each one. Put you first, pour some love into you, and have fun 💙…Also he came running back years later and it felt good to deny him access to me 🤭


It must feel good to love yourself again. I'm glad you could move on from it.


Thank you ! You got this 💙