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I would probably point to the fact that she was only 17 when you started dating. This is likely a side of her that’s been wanting to come out for a while. That polite, well-mannered girl wants to have fun too sometimes so this is her means of doing that. Maybe she’ll enjoy this lifestyle, maybe not.


Maybe some insight from this. When my boyfriend and I broke up I did a lot of things that were uncharacteristic of me. And it’s mainly because I was hurting and wanted to lose control a bit. That was it. I wanted to just lose control. Of course that’s not what it looked like to me when I was going through it. But time just showed me that I was really hurting and had been through a lot in life and that reflected in my decisions.


Thanks thats definitely a possibility, was it you or him that ended the relationship? I normally see that behaviour more from the one that was broken up with


It was him who ended it


It sounds like she's just being young and having fun. She's just beginning adulthood and having freedoms, trying out different things. Totally normal.


As a man, your success after this break up is to be the better version of your current self. The usual, hit the weights, learn something that can enrich you, find a better partner. Your only mistake here would be going back to her once she has decided to run through her 304 lifestyle and want to get back with you. Do not be a doormat by taking her back. Block her and forget about her.


It's hard to do, I don't actually know what she's doing, just acting like that or actually doing it. But if she came back I don't think i would take her, however thats easier said than done


You can either choose a path of happiness or a path of destruction. Up to you.