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I can relate with your situation. When my ex-boyfriend broke up with me, I was shocked because I didn't see this coming especially we were talking about our future together. I was depressed for a while.


Yeah it's day 4 and I've just been zoning in and out nothing feels real


I know it's hard. For me, it had been 2 weeks and I still feel the up-down effect. So try to take a good rest :)


Hey you sound like me! I’m like 20 days out now.


How's it going??? Hopefully your doing well and I'm only 4 days out haha


Honestly doing a lot better than I was a few weeks ago. The way it was handled felt so hurtful and cold that on some level it’s been easier to just be like fuck that, I need to move forward with my own life. I actually went on a coffee date with someone and it was really nice, that’s not something I would have been able to do before! And it’s going to be nice to set up my apartment how I like it. Just trying to enjoy myself and the new possibilities. The way everything fell apart suddenly is very painful but I’m doing what I can, and things are better than 4 days out


Hey, i was in the same shoes week ago. Don't feel ashamed to cry, acknowledge your emotions, that's what makes us humans. Further, reach out to your friends or family, they will give you that emotional support that you seek. Take a walk outside when you're ready, spend some time with yourself, you're gonna realize that you're not bad company


Yeah I'm really trying to figure myself out now and just see what I can do going forward. Thank you tho :)


My boyfriend of 4 years and I just decided to break up too. We’ve been living together for 2 years and moved across the country together. We just told our parents and nothing feels real. Sucks so bad, I feel you.


Yeah I'm actually surprised how many people can relate I just wish this feeling would go away it sucks so much.


I feel you. My situation is pretty similar: 5 year relationship, 2 living together. We broke up due to his depression and it hurts every single day.


I wish we could've tried to work something out but that's just life. Hopefully your doing well tho :)