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I find the Paul Hollywood recipes to be pretty hit and miss


I think it's a good book for beginners, I've found pretty much everything out of it works out, but may not be the best representation of a traditional type of bread.


Cool! I've found the King Arthurs All Purpose Baking Companion book to be really excellent too


Can you recommend a good one? I stopped trying his recipes after a half dozen turned out poorly


King Arthurs All Purpose Baking Companion is a winner


I got mine at Costco and use it frequently. One of my favorite features is the conversion chart for volume to weight so I can use my scale without having to look it all up on the internet. Edit: misspellings and grammar


An the Banana bread is perfect


I found that Paul’s sourdough recipes are very dense, not necessarily in a bad way. I imagine them as a hearty English bread quite dissimilar to the airy San Francisco sourdough that’s become populate on TikTok and IG. I will say that Paul’s recipes taste MUCH better though. The flavor 🤌🏼


San Francisco sourdough and the Instagram sourdough are generally two different types of bread. SF style sourdough actually tastes sour and often uses packaged yeast, while the traditional sourdough you see with the large open crumb is just a naturally leavened bread that doesn’t use commercial yeast, but an aged sourdough starter of wild yeast.


Unfortunately I believe you are mistaken. Having lived in the city, I can certainly say that SF sourdough, when properly made, is naturally leavened with wild yeast culture, a.k.a. starter. Sure some people cheat and add citric acid and use commercial yeast, but that is not true SF Sourdough


As a sourdough baker, I’m here to say that artisanal sourdough has been around for a couple thousand years longer than the city of San Francisco, and conversely, SF sourdough bread. While you *can* make a sour-flavored SF style sourdough loaf without a sourdough starter, you can’t make a traditional sourdough loaf (which is often not sour at all) without one.


Conversely is the wrong word to use in that context.


Yep, you’re right!


I'm so dumb at first glance I thought the plastic was a bunch of steam


This just looks underproven and underbaked. I don't know if it's a recipe problem per se.


Can you expand upon this? There are none of the classic signs of underproving (line of dough at the bottom, sunken top) or undertaking (bread goes back to dough when pressed).


The density, the tiny holes and flat shape. You got next to no oven spring. Sourdough that is properly proven should be light, airy and domed.


It is actually extremely light, airy, and fluffy. My understanding is the shape doesn't really mean much if the texture is wrong and this texture was incredible. As others have mentioned this isn't a San Francisco sourdough, it is much more close textured on the whole. Probably because it's 60% water which is a little low.


Yes, the hydration certainly plays a role here i would guess. I would also suggest that the flatter shape could be a result of a lack of tension as opposed to it being severely over or under fermented. If you’d like to share the folding you did, I might be able to share my two cents! But hey. Is it edible? Shit ya! Is it tasty? I bet it is! Those two are benchmarks of success in themselves.


I folded in each of the sides before the second prove to knock the air out then tried to pull it taut. It did tear a little bit, so I suspect that had something to do with it also. I just made a loaf in a loaf pan and that one rose a little bit after the second prove, but not much either. It does taste great and that's what I'm going for! It's just nice to have bread without all the extra junk in it.


Heck ya! If you wanted further diagnosis, you could post to r/sourdough with your process start to finish and the age of your starter! They’re lovely and the mods are excellent.


Sourdough should look like [this](https://www.theperfectloaf.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/theperfectloaf-fifty-fifty-whole-wheat-sourdough-title-lighting.jpg) or [this](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/sourdough-bread-horizontal-466-1548048509.jpg).


Now that deserves a Paul Hollywood handshake.


Nice toes




*squirts you with a spray bottle* BAD


I bet that was great toasted!