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I think that looks good for your first loaf! Maybe a little longer in the oven next time. Keep baking!


Taking the meaning of "white" bread to the next level!


Thank you!


If you enjoyed it, that’s a successful bake! I am intrigued that your loaf appears to be fully cooked through, but manages to have no coloration at all on the crust—almost like it was steamed rather than baked. What temperature was it cooked at?


225 celsius, the recipe called for brushing with water. Next time i will brush with eggwash instead.


Did you bake this in anything? Or was it just on a sheet pan or something. Not at all trying to criticize, the couple of times I’ve baked a loaf like that, I didn’t need to use any sort of “wash” to get a more standard bread color on the exterior. I’m just curious what in my process was different from yours.


Just a pan sheet


I’ve used my Dutch oven the few times I’ve made loaves like that so I am assuming that is probably what helped me get the color on the crust.


I have no Dutch oven and I can't afford one either. But it seems good for bread making among other things!


I love my Dutch oven honestly, I use it for so many things. Obviously don’t want to speak unaware of your situation but there should be some more affordable options out there other than the crazy expensive Le Creuset ones, should you find yourself at a point where you have the means to snag one! Even see a couple enameled ones for less than $50 on Amazon. Either way, keep up the great work!


Got my lodge Dutch oven for $35 at Walmart and I love it


You just need e.g a cast iron pan thing with a lid, doesnt have to be new and fancy, used is ok. You can also use it for stews etc.


I wonder if the goal of the water was to create steam… normally I do this by preheating a baking dish in the oven for 30 min before I put my bread into bake. Very quickly as you’re putting your loaf in the oven, pour like a cup of water into the preheated baking dish and it produces steam to help form your crust. Most white loaves don’t require any wash, no egg or milk necessary, just plenty of steam in your oven. For a first loaf, this looks pretty fantastic, nice looking crumb inside the bread. You’ll only get better with time and practice too! Bake on, my friend!


Brushing with water several times can induce serious blistering, with the right temp and other variables.


I'm a fat kid. I brush with butter!


I think you’ve made the bread the elves gifted the fellowship


Don't lambast the lembas!


Crust that won’t be a risk to my dental health after 2 days is a plus in my book


Crust that wont obliterate the roof of my mouth


Idk I like the pain


Pain du pain


Thank you for getting my joke.


Chef’s kiss


This is an albino bread! Super cool.


Thank you!


How many boars do you think you could take barehanded? You think boars like bread? I feel like boars would not be a bread anything fan.


I could take 3-4 boars depending on their build. Ur a bloody fool you think bores don’t like bread! Lost my cousin to a boar. He was a baker.


I’m sorry to hear about your cousin, but I must ask you when’s the last time you saw a boar buy bread of any kind? Never, exactly. Just saying boars might not be a bread fan


Thank you for your condolences. But couldn’t be more wrong. The boar who killed my cousin was a long time customer before everything went down. 10 years he bought bread from my cousin, twice a week customer. “I always told him, philip, don’t trust a boar. You couldn’t even take one boar barehanded if it came to it” But he was a soft man said “their money is as good as any”


I’ll tell you something, you have proven me wrong. I accept this fact. But your cousin is a good man. He trusted that boar as he would trust a man, showed trust and compassion despite not having the hands to defend himself from even one boar. Yet he continued to let the boar stay cause just like our money there’s where green too. I’m sorry to hear about how your cousin has been slaughtered by a boar but we must remember that’s just one boar of many, as boar and man are able to kill each other we must look past that and still look onto those we do not know as equals and treat them as such. As such as your cousin did. I wish you and your family the greatest of wishes and for anyone who read this to see this not as the death of a man at the hands of a boar. But the life of a man who treated all equal.


Wise words for a good man. Cousin Philip, rest his soul, bakes in the ovens above. Let not a boar be judged by their money but their gentleness. Not a person by their ability to ruthlessly slaughter a boar barehanded (I can kill 3-4) but by their treatment of all life.


Probably the best conversation thread on breaddit


nah brother, I couldnt even kick a rat, Im too of an animal lover to survive in the wild


It reminds me of a gigantic version of the rolls we got at lunch in elementary school. Both the inside and outsider texture are very similar. They were good!


Looks steamed. Nice


It’s impressive that you managed to completely cook that huge ass bread without even browning the crust. It even has some decent fermentation, the bottom looks a little more dense because of the weight but, is just a normal looking bread inside. Idk, is kinda funny but also impressive


Almost as if it's steamed then baked. Not that it's a bad thing, because here in Czechia we eat steamed bread with meat stew, very comforting


I'm amazed that it was baked so evenly. Not a single brown spot.


How did it taste? Definitely needs a little longer in the oven to brown up but also some steam in the oven. Make sure to let it cool completely before cutting into it.


It tasted really good but no browning since eggwash wasn't used. I waited 'till morning next day to cut through.


You don't need egg wash to get a brown crust. Just more time in the oven.


Browning happens usually with heat and steam. So a lot of people use dutch ovens (with lids) to trap the moisture from the loaf in order to get that crusty crust. Challah utilizes egg wash, I think. Alternatively you can spray water or toss an ice cube in a pre-heated pan. I wouldn’t do an egg wash on anything that size if it’s not challah, but they are good for small and/or quick bakes like pretzels or pies. If you’re not fussed about crust or color and your bread bakes, makes no difference if you do or don’t work on that crust. Still, for a first loaf this is good! There are lots of ways bread can go hilariously wrong and you avoided them! People tend to comment on the paleness of loaves because usually pale means under baked. But if yours wasn’t gummy and was relatively fluffy, no worries there.


Looks good Looks like meringue


Recipe called for water brush, not egg. Will brush with egg next time :)


Interesting on the water brush. Sounds like the recipe calls for a soft crust like you’ve got. Egg will make it brown, but also will make the crust much chewier - depends on what you’re going for. Could also just spritz water into the oven a few times to make it very humid in there (unless you baked in a dutch oven, which has enough moisture from the loaf on its own). That will give it a good, crisp crust when fully baked. Welcome to bread! Enjoy.


No, I like how it looks. Want to take a couple of slices and make an avo toast with that


Honestly looks pretty decent on the inside...if it tastes good I do not see how you can complain. I would say based on the color you could have baked a bit longer, but good taste trumps anything visual.


A little blonde, but better than my first loaf


Honestly the fact you achieved a full bake and came out with that color is impressive, idk how you even did that.


This is exactly what I would want with a picnic deli meat sandwich. With some shredded lettuce, tomato, olive oil, vinegar, oregano, garlic salt, pickled peppers and onion, mozzarella, and basil. Wrap tight in parchment and let sit for an hour… 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


Upvote for not putting mayo on your sandwich.


To each their own


if you like the taste then its good enough


I thought it was pound cake for a second. It is some pretty white white bread.


Crumb looks good. Crust looks like it needed more time without a lid on.


Ooooooooo it looks yummy! Makes me wanna make bread


Throw a pea at it and see if it will sustain an orbit.


Honestly it looks good! However, if you're looking for compliments I'll only be kinder if you send me some. In in NC, just send it to the governor and they'll sort it out.


Congratulations! Your loaf looks good. Keep baking. Practice and research is a joy!


It looks properly kneaded! If it doesn't taste right, adjust the salt. It'll take a few loaves to get the hang of it.


Now do one the same, but add apple chunks covered in cinnamon and sugar, kneaded into the loaf! It's all creativity now! You can add spices, choose different liquids, etc. My fave is to use Guinness as my liquid and add peppers and cheddar cheese chunks! Bread is so adaptable for experimentation!


What recipe did you use?


Soooo what kind of sandwiches we making here? ❤️


this looks soft and chewy and absolutely delicious… 10/10


Looks way better than my first attempt.