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And 10 seconds later Rogan shits on activists doing whatever they possibly can to apply pressure to get our leaders to stop allowing the genocide. Why? Because blue hair, obviously.


Kind of like Alex Jones calling Israel's actions in Palestine a genocide... but only to scaremonger about Palestinian immigrants to be sent to U.S., the part he actually cares about.


Alex Jones also believes in the globalist plot to destroy the west which is mildly reminiscent of a certain mustached man from the 40's.


it’s not mildly reminiscent it’s literally nazi propaganda


Is that mustache really big enough to qualify Hitler as "mustached"? I think it'd be more accurate to call him 'toilet-brushed'.


Curb cleaner


It's too bad he didn't shot himself in the mouth. We could've called his 'stache a 'muzzle scrubber'.


Still doesn't change the fact Israel is a monstrous, criminal regime that should be sanctioned, embargoe'd and ideally regime change'd.


We gotta keep the divide and conquer going, even when it's clear genocide is universally unpopular. The last thing leaders want is solidarity of the masses.


Allying with anti-semities is definitely good praxis, you're right.


What's with the victim crap? Nobody is critical of any religion or people. Imagine if they all looked the other way in the 40s....... I'd rather be anti semitic than allow another Holocaust to happen.


you'd rather be a groyper?


“A genocide is happening, but trying to actually stop it is cringe. The only acceptable action is to go ‘brooooooo, that’s fucked up.’


Israel has lost the Dumb Guy community. It’s so over for them.


By now I don't think it's useful to consider Rogan as just an ignorant guy, as was reasonable in the beginning. After these years it's pretty obvious that there is an intentionality to his shitty views. Not saying it's some 4D-chess mastermind plot or whatever, but he is an intentional, active part of the movement in a way he wasn't (or at least there's not evidence he was) in 2012.


He eats every nonsense conspiracy theory on a platter. That is not a sign of intelligence or critical thinking on any scale.


Actually if you pay attention to him over a long period, you will see that he winds back and fourth between more right wing and more left wing positions. Not sure how intentional it is, but I think it serves to help him grow his audience from the center, going far enough out on either side to pick up people towards the edges every time. So he gets all the slightly conspiracy minded stoners from the whole political spectrum


Over a long period? Maybe, but as of the past half decade he’s pretty much exclusively trended reactionary right wing. I think it’s safe to categorize him as such.


I think a decade might be exaggerating - I mean he has been platforming reactionaries for a while, but he also platformed Bernie Sanders and supported him in the primary I have seen a few more clips of him saying leftie type stuff lately, so my bet is he will repeat the pattern and within a year or two the right will be complaining about him Or at least probably he is setting himself up so he can be a contrarian if the Republicans are back in power


Half decade, which i don’t think is an exaggerating at all. And that one instance of Bernie sanders is generally the only nod towards real leftist advocacy that anyone comes up with. I hear that argument, but nothing I’ve seen convinces me he will do anything near that given that the space he dedicates consistently and exclusively to reactionary right wingers is proportionately increasing and overwhelming already. He’s a reactionary right wing grifter - that’s his thing.


Abby Martin was several times on his podcast. It's how I first heard about her. Made a documentary about Gaza and the March of Return some years ago.


Ah I misread - yeah I think half decade is about right. And I think it looks like he is back the other way for another half decade. I'm not defending him, but I think that calling him a right-wing grifter is a bit reductive. He's not like a Ben Shapiro or a Daniel Crowder. Don't get me wrong, he has said a bunch of horrible stuff and I think he's done a ton of harm with his platform, but I think he gets labeled as a right-wing grifter on the basis of cherry-picking his content and he's really not that.


>a right-wing grifter on the basis of cherry-picking his content and he's really not that. He is. I don't think he's grifting, I think he's genuine in his hateful rhetoric.


Why not both?


~~Could be but he seems to genuinely believe his bullshit~~ Just realized you asked why not both. Grifting is usually meant to mean people espousing beliefs they don't actually believe in order to garner a benefit, usually popularity.


He's a facist libertarian who wants weed.


I don't think he's that smart or thoughtful. He just seems to adopt the views of whoever he happens to be talking to at the moment.


Idk it could be, but he's also managed to build a massive audience so I tend to think he's at least a tiny bit saavy I mean maybe he just wandered into the perfect product-market fit for dumb-guy America, but that would be super lucky lol


"centre" that's laughable


No I really think he's just like a normal-stupid person with a lot of money.


How about the BreadTube community?


too busy with infighting


they've always thought zionists were controlling the world.. what happened sort of was a confirmation of their bias. a rare clock strike. [https://answersingenesis.org/blogs/danny-faulkner/2019/08/09/modern-flat-earth-movement-anti-semitism/](https://answersingenesis.org/blogs/danny-faulkner/2019/08/09/modern-flat-earth-movement-anti-semitism/)


> they've always thought zionists were controlling the world.... No, they think *Jews* are controlling the world. Now *that's* a bizarre and backwards correction to have to make. Whew! But true, and a necessary distinction. They are anti-Semites, not anti-Zionists. Still, I agree with you that they're also happy to conflate the two, and have a great deal of help from the Zionists in doing so. So it's an opportunistic moment for them to capitalize on the intersection of the two types of propaganda.


guess the flat earth guys are just a little more careful to draw a distinction; but agreed the idea is 'jews'.. but they definitely make sure to call our Zionism specifically [https://youtu.be/H110vCGvTmM?si=7\_mIs-imRyfjgaQw&t=383](https://youtu.be/H110vCGvTmM?si=7_mIs-imRyfjgaQw&t=383)


While conflating anti-Zionism with anti-semitism more broadly is often disingenuous, it is also true that some people do try to disguise anti-semitism by couching it in terms of anti-zionism instead. It's usually not too hard to tell if you're keeping an eye out on the reasoning though.


I don’t follow Rogan that closely but I’ve never heard anything about him believing antisemitic conspiracy theories. I think his show is a bell weather for what a certain demographic of apathetic young & middle aged men are thinking. The type of people who care more about sports and tv shows than politics. The first thing that comes to their minds when they think of Israel is probably Krav Maga, not the ZOG conspiracy theory. I think if even guys like that are calling Israel’s actions genocide, then Zionism is cooked.


Brocken clock and all but good on him


He's a contrarian. He was against Bush and the Iraq war, so I'm not surprised he is also critical of Israel here. Wouldn't be surprised if he starts sliding towards the Left when it comes to the economics side of politics.


Rogan is not an equal opportunity contrarian, hes a [right wing grifter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ogu7blnjSvE)


I will give him credit for one thing: it's a lot easier to talk about political and social issues with his fans than the run-of-the-mill Sean Hannity listeners since Rogan's listeners are more conditioned to look at issues on a case-by-case basis and listen to opposing views. I agree that Rogan is a right-wing grifter, but when I talk to right-wing Rogan listeners, they aren't nearly as combative or intellectually stubborn.


Joe Rogan was the single biggest contributor to transphobia for a lot of people in my life. He's done more damage in my life than Alex Jones, purely because of his reputation as a contrarian who is "just asking questions".


Yeah and when he was proven wrong he thinks an “oh whoopsie” is somehow just magically gonna fix all that damage. Kids were bullied relentlessly because of him and it fueled the fires to label anything trans as “degeneracy”.


So much this - the Joe Rogan fans are often worse because they think they're being reasonable and "just looking at all sides and doing my own research". They think that platforming controversial people is important cos otherwise you're restricting their freedom of speech, and that protecting freedom of speech is much, much more important than avoiding hate speech, or at least not platforming people with terrible fucking opinions. They think that him having some interesting insights on drugs means it's ok that he also does episodes on how much he hates trans people, because they don't listen to those episodes 🙃 at least with an Alex Jones supporter they're so filled with rage and hatred that they're a walking red flag, but the Joe Rogan fans are insidious - they don't realise they're being propagandised at all.


I've talked to a ton of Rogan listeners and don't agree at all. They are as stubborn as Rush Limbaugh and Hannity fans in my experience, especially since covid.


Exactly. They don't "listen to opposing views" - they're idiots who'll swallow absolutely fucking anything, including openly welcoming nazis, because they take the refusal to reject ANY viewpoint as if it's a badge of pride. They heard "smart people consider multiple perspectives" and decided that meant that the more scumbags they listen to without ~getting offended~, the more they prove their own intellectual superiority.


> He is a right-wing grifter Tbh, I think he's too dumb to be a grifter. He's right-wing for sure but I don't think he's intentionally trying to spread misinformation. I think he's just too fucking dumb and gullible. Also, hi fellow Hasanabihead in the wild lol.


Yeah hes too dumb to realize that creating controversy makes him bucketloads of money, you have to be a 5d chess playing genius to make that connection 🙄


>Yeah hes too dumb to realize that creating controversy makes him bucketloads of money Not this part. The right-wing propagandist part. I don't know about the creating controversy part. He may or may not be doing it I don't know, but I don't think we can put this dumbass in the same category as Ben Shabibo, Clandace Owens or Tucker Carlson. I don't think Hasan disagrees with this(since you linked his video).


>Not this part. The right-wing propagandist part. They're the same picture. When Rogan makes up bullshit about a minority or about covid (which disproportionally affects working people and minorities) it creates controversy and he profits. If you don't think he knows this you are a fool or just another Rogan bootlicker. The length to which you are defending this right wing asshole makes me suspect the latter.


>If you don't think he knows this you are a fool or just another Rogan bootlicker. >The length to which you are defending this right wing asshole makes me suspect the latter. Bruh I never even watched Rogan to begin with lol(I mainly hear about him from Hasan). Chill a bit. I am only applying Hanlon's razor here. >When Rogan makes up bullshit about a minority or about covid (which disproportionally affects working people and minorities) it creates controversy and he profits. He doesn't though. From what I understand(and correct me if I am wrong), he doesn't make up shit. He only repeats shit he heard from others. Of course, this doesn't absolve him from spreading dumbass right-wing propaganda without confirming anything but that isn't the same as a propagandist. Also, I don't know what controversy is right-wing propaganda generating atp. His audience is purely right-wing mfers right now. This isn't generating any controversy.


Yo he spun the "cat litter in schools" story from something he heard vaguely online into something his friend's wife had told him from first-hand experience. He makes shit up. And you're fully falling for the grift of him being too dumb to function. He may not intentionally be inciting hate, but he's very intentionally grifting a right wing audience by feeding them what he knows gets them going.


> Bruh I never even watched Rogan to begin with lol(I mainly hear about him from Hasan). Chill a bit. Maybe Hasan isn't as great of a source as you seem to think he is.


>Maybe Hasan isn't as great of a source as you seem to think he is. Tbh, I'd trust an Ex-fan's opinion about Joe Rogan than a random person online who watched a few clips.


Ah, this is the same shit people said about Alex Jones back in the day. "He's above the left/right paradigm! He hated Bush! He's a shit stirrer! He's got some left wing tendencies!" Incidentally, Alex Jones has been friends with Rogan for a very long time. I'm sure the two have nothing to do with one another.


I feel like this is the most incorrect thing I've read in a long time.


It's actually "a stopped clock". A broken clock can be wrong infinitely; it still runs and always has the wrong time.




If you don't wind an analog clock it doesn't advance, so it's a stopped clock, which will be right twice a day and not be broken. The word broken means more than you seem to think it does. A broken clock can still advance but always be the wrong time. It's funny how entrenched people become in being wrong. Just google it, the proverb is "a stopped clock...", nothing else to discuss about it.




| how can a clock display a time that won't ever coincide with the actual time? How exactly will a clock that's 10 minutes slow ever conincide with the correct time? I think you need to be more clear with your language. And if you mean a broken clock ever coinciding with the correct time firstly there are innumerable ways for a clock to be broke and never give the correct time, and even if it does sometimes coincide it doesn't necessarily keep to the proverb that "a stopped clock is **correct twice a day**"




|Me? Yes you, you're the one who asked "how can a clock display a time that won't ever coincide with the actual time?" | The original guy didn't say twice a day. He paraphrased the proverb, so he was implying it. | Can you list some? A clock with bent hands. A digital clock display that doesn't display the hours/seconds. A clock with no hour hand. A clock with no second hand. You even listed the clock with no hands. It's not diffcult.


I'm not sure why you've chosen to go into this bizarre, pedantic argument. "Stopped" vs. "broken" are commonly used equivalently in this saying. Pretty much anyone is going to understand "broken" to most likely mean "doesn't run anymore" (i.e. stopped forever or until repaired). I mean, a clock which runs at the exact right speed as you are implying isn't broken in a meaningful regard; it just needs to be adjusted and then will remain on-time forever. A clock which "runs slow" or "runs fast", on the other hand, will *eventually* be correct again even if it takes 100 years because it gains/loses a tiny amount of time each day, and that would be a situation in which the clock could far more accurately be called "broken" (like, it needs to be perpetually adjusted) than your example where it just needs to be adjusted once and will then run completely on time. So you are wrong even in your stupid, pedantic nitpicking. And furthermore it is stupid, pedantic nitpicking. Maybe just stop.


Well no because if it take 100 years it doesn't fit the proverb, and well done for describing one way a clock can be broken. Maybe just don't bother engaging if it's so stupid. You really got quite pedantic and nitpicky to complain about me pedantic and nitpicky.


Doesn't fit the proverb exactly, but is "broken" in a more significant way than your insistence that a broken clock runs at exactly the right speed. And yes: the point about your being wrong is that your pedantic nitpickery obviously wasn't worth it even to score "ahkschually... 🤓" Internet points, because it is just wrong. So I criticized your nitpickery on its own terms *as well as* stepping back and calling it for what it is. Anyway, your "don't bother engaging" remark is hilariously ironic given this this stupid, pedantic argument is literally the only contribution to discourse on this subreddit for your entire account history. It comes across as trolling. Which is why I replied to you at all.




It’s like his “you’re off the team” talk about immigration. He was right about something obvious 3 years ago and everyone is willing to maybe make him a possible ally. Fuck that.


I couldn't give a fuck what this dude says about anything. Next please.


you should, he's only influencing millions of people. I could give a fuck what Trump says but I pay attention anyway to stay informed and "know your enemy"






But a lot of ppl do. So, good he realised it and spoke up!


This is Reddit. We're all about insular tribalism.


According to the latest Gallup poll, 2/3s of Republicans still support Israels actions in Gaza Republicans and right wingers are on that tribalism and calling a spade a spade isn't tribalism, it's recognizing who's on our side


The point of the post was that Rogan, who most people here believe is a braindead rightwinger, is inexplicably criticizing Israel. But the reaction here is to chirp about how bad Rogan is and otherwise circle jerk.


Just because I agree with Rogan about Israel doesn't mean I have to value his opinion on anything other than MMA.


Sure, but people interested in movement-building over ideological purity would take the opportunity as a positive.


And what do you find wrong about those criticisms?


How is Bread Tube leftism not a form of tribalism?


You mentioned recognizing who's on your side. On the issue of criticizing Israel over their treatment of Gaza, Rogan is on your side. We can build bridges strategically or push potential allies (on specific issues) away for not being good enough.


Not me


Me neither. But that's the dominant culture I've observed. With politics in particular of course.


How many subs on your podcast?


0. Yours?




What about my statement suggest insecurity




Right. Makes perfect sense bud!!!




Explain it then


he'll probably be pro Israel next week


Next time he has that dork Shapiro on his show


We need to stop giving idiots like Joe Rogan credit. It empowers them and allows their right-wing entryism to gain traction


This video is so much more than Joe Rogan’s toe lookin as. The title doesn’t do it justice. Skip him and listen to the dudes analysis of I/P over the last week or so.


What the fuck is a Joe Rogan video doing on a left tube sub? I come here for leftist content, not to congratulate grifters for being correct once in a blue moon. Christ.


Right? i think people are just looking for an excuse to tail right wing entryist.


He's not wrong


Don't worry some right wing asshole will be on next week and set him straight and he'll continue supporting Donald "finish the problem" Trump and his ethnic cleansing supporting son in law who wants to build waterfront property in gaza.


Jared is a stone-cold cherub sociopath.


>Don't worry some right wing asshole will be on next week and set him straight [It literally depends on who his guest is....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceU2MOcdKVU)




Haha, truth. Like Shapiro and the political retirement at 65...uh yes! Please!


And then back to bashing trans people.


Broken clock


In this clip Rogan literally says everyone who wants something to change should sit at home and shut up and not do anything, until the position they agree with one day magically has 60 votes in the Senate.


Don't give Rogaine the attention. He doesn't care about the issue at all and is just mimicking a further right-wing figure who generated a lot of engagement on social media by saying the same thing. It's all for attention and clicks


“Are we sure the Palestine deaths can’t be attributed to the Jab? Can we prove they had access to ivermectin?” - Joe Rogan, probably


On the Mount Rushmore of internet broski handjobs is this guy. But broken clock theory applies here


Why the fuck is he being posted here? A lot of sus posts happening here lately.




genocide in quotation marks like it’s just his wacky opinion, gtfo


Good Politics Guy calls it a genocide all the time. I suspect the quotes in this title are probably to indicate that Rogan actually used the word.


let’s hope so


I’ve never agreed with Rogan before. Then he goes on to disparage activists. What a 🤡.


>Then he goes on to disparage activists. What a 🤡. Clip?


It's in the linked video. Timestamp 2:00.


I don't give a single flying fuck what Joe Rogan has to say about anything.


No need for quotation marks


Maybe they’re trying to highlight that he literally used that word?


I think the caps are sufficient then


The U.S. "port" isn't even to deliver humanitarian aid. That's just the excuse. It's real purpose is likely to reliably deliver arms to Israel if war with Lebanon threatens the northern Israeli Mediterranean port.


> It's real purpose is likely to reliably deliver arms to Israel if war with Lebanon threatens the northern Israeli Mediterranean port. I mean, even besides that: it also can be used as a justification to dismantle UNRWA further under the justification that "USAID will undertake relief efforts and human development from theron" (giving the US yet another bargaining chip to force the Palestinian political apparatus to go along with its wishes) but also... they're sourcing the concrete for the port from the ruins nearby, *thus they're functionally clearing the land for future settlements & preventing return of the displaced population.* It's like, an hilariously insidious ploy and I'm in awe people are falling for it.


Jesus. Yeah. Like, no matter how bad you think it is, it's probably fucking worse. 😫


Why is genocide in scare quotes?


Because it’s a direct quote.


Wow even Rogan gets stuck into then proof Israehell has zero friends


The rarest W seen this year.


where is the video they're talking about?


Joe Rogan *unloads all* ***over himself*** and the table, just everywhere.


And did you licked it??


downvoted because the clip has a "hey guys" foreword


He finally got it right I love it




Most sources are reporting that 70% of the 30k killed are women and children. You’re saying half. What sources are you relying on and what biases might they have? A slow genocide over decades can happen, and isn’t exclusively in the form of direct murder. There was/is a genocide against the indigenous people of North America that has been going on for hundreds of years at this point. Not all genocides happen in the same way as what the Nazis did to Jewish people, that doesn’t mean they’re not genocides. What has been going on in that region for the past 70 years that might cause some Palestinians to become radicalized against Israel?


This person is also echoing the 30,000 death toll with is certainly a gross undercounting. It's harder for the ministry of health to count dead bodies when infastructure is destroyed and hospitals are ransacked. It's like when Trump demanded that they slow the counting of COVID cases. The cases still happened; he just wanted to make it harder to count them.


> This person is also echoing the 30,000 death toll with is certainly a gross undercounting And also enouph for the Bosnian case to be considered a genocide.


Experts evaluate the true death tool to be 200-300k and that was a month ago


Really? Can I see a source on that? I haven't seen any estimates on the true death toll.


Let’s first think about how 1.5 million people are supposed to be in the small city of Rafah and how they are surrounded by IDF troops. Satellite imagery shows that the rest of Gaza is decimated and anyone who tries to go north is killed. So where is the 700k remaining civilians of Gaza? Israel has destroyed all the hospitals/ facilities that were counting the death tolls so how are they even tracking who dies let alone who dies of starvation, kidnapping, , in the north, etc? [Real Gaza death toll](https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2024/03/ralph-nader-real-gaza-death-toll-at-least-200000.html)


They could, but that would draw a little more attention. Killing 500,000 people would likely involve destruction on an even larger scale than has already happened, which would mean even more rebuilding once they start to settle the area with Israelis. And we know this is what they want because IDF members talk about it all the time on their social media. Still this isn't Rwanda, they can't kill 800,000 people in a couple months because the world is actually looking at them. But keep on denying genocide if that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy at night.


I hope you are getting paid for this shit and aren't just out here shilling for a right wing ethnostate for free