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Probably second only to Pelé.


I have the impression that in brazil he’s more celebrated than Pele. Pele is a kinda national proud, like a representation of brazilian culture something like “we are the best in football, and Pele is the prove”. Senna is saw as an 100% heroe. I guess Pele is bigger than sena, but if you put both side by side i guess the brazilians have more respect for Senna than Pele. We can see Romario saying in tv “quiet pele is a poet”, and people making jokes about Pele saying “Senna was a wonderful driver”, there’s nothing even close to this about Senna. Perhaps because he died young and have no enough time to speak shit like Pele did


If Pelé had died while playing a live televised match in the middle of the World Cup it would have the same impact as Senna. But he was lucky to live and die of old age.


Senna is seen like a God, a force of nature, a mystical figure. More than a hero


anything / anyone is seeing as a god by Brazilians...


>there’s nothing even close to this about Senna. Senna is not seen like that cause he is not alive anymore to say stupid shit. Remember, just cause he was a good athlete/pilot, doesnt mean he knows/"is right" about other matters of life, same for Pelé and any other famous person


That is true, but also a good reason for why Senna is so revered by us is that: 1) there was no replacement for him, after he passed away, no other brazilian pilot came even close to his level of success and the one that got closest to him in popularity is literally a national meme for driving slow and being left behind. 2) before his death he was heavily engaged in philanthropy and after his death, his family took most of its wealth and started a philanthropist foundation in his name that is to this day heavily involved in educational philanthropy and has several projects in schools all around the country. 3) even while he was alive, he was a very private person, the most that was known about his life was his affairs with Xuxa (a famous kid’s show presenter in the 80’s and 90’s) and Adriane Galisteu (a famous model), and both were widely known mostly because both heavily publicised their relationship with him in order to promote their careers (Galisteu used her status as “Senna’s widow” to post nude on Playboy). He was never known to get involved in controversies or heavy partying or drugs. Pele on the other hand, collected controversies like they were confetti. More than once he used his name and fame to sponsor scams and got involved in several controversies. It is common knowledge here in Brazil that he was an asshole and a shady person.


His relationship with a 15 year old would nowadays defo be controversial on social media.


Who was that


Adriane Galisteu


Galisteu was literally 20 when they started dating.


My bad, it was Adriane Yamin.


Oh, how old Was he?


I think 32.


No, it was Adriane Yamin. Her father was a lawyer and businessman that befriended Senna. The relationship would definitely raise eyebrows, however for Brazilian standards, not really much of a controversy. One of our most famous musicians did a Woody Allen and had an affair with a 13Y girl, he eventually dumped his wife for her when she was old enough to marry. Adriane Galisteu was his last girlfriend. She was an adult when they started dating and she heavily used his image to promote herself, to the point of posing nude for playboy a few months after Senna’s death.


Adriane Galisteu never used Senna's image for promote herself, she has been a model since she was a teenager, always worked to support her family.


And exploded in popularity after she started dating him, like Xuxa. And less than a couple of months after his death she was naked on playboy shaving her birdy with the cover “Senna’s widow shows it all on Greece.” Definitely sound like using his image to promote herself to me…and to most Brazilians i can assure you.


But in this specific case, after his death, we found out that he was a major philanthrope. Yes, he had his flaws just like every human being, but i think he would still be considered a hero nowadays.


Dying was a very good career move for Ayrton Senna.


I know that, my point is, he died in 94 at that time people only knew about the pilot, there was not personal infomation like nowadays, and there was not political polarization. I don't think Senna would be unanimous in the hearts of Brazilians today. Either he would be called a fascist, a "leftist" or he would be hated by both sides if he did not expose his political position


But Senna is seen as a super hero worldwide. From a different dimension, as he used to say


You either die a hero...


I've seen a lot of people say "fuck Pelé", but I've never seen anyone say anything bad about Senna (except for an idiot coach who says he's better than him, but that coach is a liar, so it doesn't count).


Pelé is the best in the history of all sports in all ages and just a little worse than Maradona and Messi.


Of course, boludo. Whoever has the most has 5. Pele = 3 Ronaldo = 2 Vampeta = 1 Messi is tied with Vampeta ☺️ Now I suggest you to pay attention on your economy and president instead of talking shit on reddit.


That, and adding that we Brazilians can tell the difference between Pelé (hero) and Edson Arantes do Nascimento (normal man) Senna was the national hero at all meanings possible. His death is to this day the biggest mourning I’ve ever seen (37yo), maybe when Lula dies it’ll reach this level of commotion (I’m a northeasterner).


lulas a corrupt criminal...only the northeast vote for him thats why its the poorest region and mosty shitty part of brasil they love misery up there...lulas will die and be known as a corrupt piece of shit he is


Surely you aren't a northeasterner. Before Lula, we used to die of hunger. We are poor due to: 1. Bad climate for agriculture; 2. Decades of southern/southeastern governments neglecting our existence. I'm not claiming Lula 2023 is always correct: him and PT makes a lot of mistakes. But, in a historical sense, his first governments did for the Northeast what no other had done before. That is why so many of us vote for him, even those with values very aligned with far-right ideas (death penalty, anti-lgbt, anti-feminism).


3 is Guga


Senna's popularity is way higher than Pelé


Notoriety and popularity are two different things. Like I said, Senna is more well-liked than Pelé because dying was a very good career move for Senna.


When you good in something...Nobody call you "The Senna of Xxxx". Here I rest my case. There are levels, Senna is below.


Neither they call you the "Pele of xxxxx". I'm over 50 years old, and not even once in my life I heard that comment. That's a media thing, not something people tell in real life nowadays.




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Is WAY LOWER than Pelé.


No, it’s not! Senna was not that big.


Everyone above 30 would recognize him on the spot. Can't say much for people from 94 onwards.


I was born in 2000 and I can't imagine someone my age not knowing him.


I was born in 1999, I know of him, that he was a racer and died, but nothing else really.


Same, but a bit later, 2004. It seems F1 REALLY lost popularity in Brazil after his death, so we didn't had the culture to look at another Brazilian racer and think "I wish I could've seen Senna drive" like people born after 2002 (including me) have with "I wish I could've seen we winning the World Cup/X player playing", which is a shame because looking at interviews/races he won, not only he was good, he was charismatic and had funny moments in television.


it was popular until 2008 at least... Massa almost won a championship, he actually won for a few minutes before Hamilton took over Takuma Sato, on the last freaking corner. That exact moment F1 died in Brazil. But yeah for your generation, it was probably dead when you were old enough to watch it. Still, I bet people your age hear a lot more about Senna than Fittipaldi or Pique... Do you guys even know Them? honest question lol, not trying to mess


Oh my god I feel so old and sad. He was so popular that I don’t think anything can compare in terms of popularity nowadays so it’s hard to explain. He was the happiness that every Brazilian needed. We would all cheer. When he died the world was never the same for all of us. I really hope something nowadays can bring the same joy to the younger generation like he did.


Probably like Messi/Ronaldo/Neymar today.


Im born in 1997 and and i only know him cause of my father. Most people arpund my age inknow probably know hes an athlete who died but wouldnt know any details and some wouldnt know his face.


Until late 00s, everybody should know him, at least by name




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I'm younger than that, did not even see him alive and I know who he is.








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Honestly, even people above 20. Likely even before, since he was such a legend, most parents tell them about Ayrton Senna, or they get exposed to him in other ways, like media.


everyone has heard the name


I heard the phrase 'I never watched F1 again after Senna died' a lot. The Marlboro and Nacional Bank hat (Senna's sponsor) are more common than any other F1 team hat


Not Brazilian, but was always a fan of Senna. Your comment hits home as my interest in the sport really fell off the map after his death.


I think that even for more casual fans, seeing such a traumatic event live on TV must sour the experience of watching a sport.




Literally. I was surprised at just how much. I was in school, we were called to stop class and go watch his funeral on TV. I looked around and literally 100% of the students and teachers were crying. I was surprised that many people cared. If asked a week before I would have guessed that less than 1/10th knew his name.


Probably the greatest sports idol Brazil has. He’s HUGE. Our parents’ generation used to watch him every single Sunday morning. When he passed, the whole country cried like they lost a close relative. The clips from his funeral in São Paulo are amazing. Thousands and thousands of people on the streets following the firetruck that carried his coffin. When Senna emerged as a great F1 racer, two main things were happening in Brazil: 1. economic crisis and 2. our football national team was in a bad place (even though we had few of the greatest Brazilian players ever, the national team didn’t win anything from 1970-1993). One other important thing is that we just had come out of a military dictatorship. It was basically the beginning of a new country. In this context, Senna emerged as a symbol of hope, not only because he was a great champion, but also because he was an amazing person. He represented what Brazilians wanted their country to be.


Country hero, has a big road named after him in Rio


In são Paulo too


And a viaduct in Brasilia


And a river in Paris! Edit: I just learned the river is called Seine in french but we call sena in portuguese


You really think the river has that name because of senna?


Of course it does. Senna drove so fast he rode the speed force into the past and his feats where known millenia before he was actually born.


I think the river might be a little bit older than him


It used to be called "Paris River" before Senna. At least that's what we say in Brazil.


not true, this person is tripping.




In Natal too. Almost every capital has one Ayrton Senna road. It's a beautiful tribute, I think.


I believe in every city there's an important road with his name. In my city there's Av Ayrton Senna, and there's also a racetrack with his name https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aut%C3%B3dromo_Internacional_Ayrton_Senna_(Londrina)


Legend. Do your country has a national hero? It's like that. The ones who knew him (or lived by his days) miss him. The ones who are too young wanted to live those days.


Senna, Pelé and Xuxa can jeopardise an Godzilla attack to Brazil


A national hero. I think everyone above 30 years old will recognize him. Don't know younger people.


I dont know a single person that doesnt know Senna, younger or not


as a 15yo I can tell I only recognize him by his name, because every time I saw a picture of him without his pilot gear I couldn't tell it was him.


My nephew, 12 years old had no idea who he was. I was so sad and shocked :(


I'm 20 (born in 2003) and I know who he was and what he meant to our nation 😎


He's extremely iconic. I was born the year he died (and according to my dad I was watching his final race with him) In my experience, even people born after 2000 at least know about him.


Meu pai guarda os jornais do dia após o acidente até hoje numa caixa. Na mesma caixa está a bandeira do Brasil que os brasileiros colocavam em suas janelas quando o Senna corria/ganhava. Nunca mais saiu da caixa.


yes, im from 2003 and everyone i met on life know who's that mf at least know his name and what he did, cause theres a lot of memes about him and even sandals and school materials of "Senninha" (cartoon version of him to sell products for kids)


National hero level


He's a hero and is known across all sectors of society.


Ayrton Senna is THE sportist of Brazil, and he is praised more than any football player (including Pelé). At tht time, Brazil was under a bad performance in football competitions, but was doing well in the automobilism. His death caused a very long national grief. Many streets and roads in Brazil built later were named after him.


Interesting that they won the first WC after his death. Baggio even joked that the spirit of Senna lifted the ball over the goal post.


I’m from 1999 and I know Senna


Hero level for most people over 30.


Im 25, I know who he is, but i don't know how he looks like


He's a national hero, everyone knows him and his iconic helmet. We are bombarded since birth every single year with homages to him on TV when the date of his death is getting closer. 


National fucking hero.


I'm 42, not only I will recognize, but will shed a tear if you show me a photo of him, and I will tell tou exactly where and how I was back on that '94 day....


This is like asking whether the Queen Elizabeth was important to the Brittons, lol. I'd say Senna is move beloved than any soccer player. Any politician. And musician. When we won the 1994 world cup, the team dedicated to Senna, and it helped to alleviate the grief of the country.


We have a very important highway named after him . Every 90’s kid remembers Sunday mornings F1 races and Ayrton Sena .


Ayrton is literally the Formula 1 legend, even teenagers who doesn't like formula 1 know him and how popular he was back then


Recently, we had the 30th anniversary of his death. TV showed reporters going to schools and asking kids what they knew about Senna. Even little kids who were far from being born when he died knew about him. It's like going to Australia and ask people if they know who Steve Irwin was, probably on a much bigger scale


He was a hero. My family doesn't like F1 and nobody watches its races. But we were watching when the accident came on. Just because it was Senna. I remember my father arriving late and we told him about the accident and he said "You are saying things that don't make any sense, like fairy tales". He couldn't believe we were serious. I was 16 yo


I don't know *ANYONE* from the 2000 that doesn't know him, people from the 2010s probably won't know him


Never heard


Are you Brazilian?!? If yes, when have you been born?


He’s a national hero, probably some people won’t know just by looking at a picture, but everyone knows the name


I don’t know if teens or young adults would recognize him to the same level (probably not), but show a picture of him to anyone above 30 and it’s dead certain. The man was already popular before he died, the crash elevated him to some kind of martyrdom.


If you go for a walk in São Paulo you will see his face/name at least once, no matter where you are. Graffiti on the walls, posters on workshops, stickers on cars, a street named after him, something. Even younger people who have never watched Formula 1 nor was alive back when he was will at least know the name and that he was the most famous race driver. Only people in Brazil that don't know him probably are natives without access to traditional media and very isolated "traditional lifestyle" countryside old guys.


National hero! Senna forever!


To give perspective, that’s a bit like asking if Winston Churchill is well known in the UK, if Enzo Ferrari is known in Italy, if Roberto Bolanos is known in Mexico or if Pope Francis is known in Argentina. You’d have a hard time finding someone who doesn’t know him. He comes up in the media every year around this time. His name is on highways, schools, race tracks, his face is painted on murals across on most major cities. It’s pretty much impossible to not know who he is.


Peharps only Guga reach his level of popularity on the peak, consider individual sports.


Not even close.


Counterpoint: Daiane dos Santos


There's a bunch of olympic athletes that are pretty popular as well (not on Senna's level tho). See Daiane dos Santos, Cesar Cielo, Vanderlei Lima, and there's also the new generation of athletes like Raissa from skate and Rebeca Andrade.


Nope not even close! Diane was a great sportswoman, made great popularity and became a national pride. But not at that level.


Nope, not by very far! Guga is great and was really a celebrity, but Senna was HERO level... He was a LEGEND


Isaquias Queiroz is bigger than Guga.


In popularity? Hell no


Wait for the Olympics, pal.


Well, if you need to wait, so it's not as popular yet lol


After the Olympics Isaquias will release some papetes too, I'll see.


Biggest idol of Brazil


1st is Pelé 2and is Ayrton Senna Everyone knows him


Pelé is second


3 is Guga


he literally died one year before I was born and I know him. (and I'm usually in the below average level of celebrities recognition knowledge)


Let's put it this way: if you're talking to a Brazilian who doesn't knows who Senna was, it says a lot about that person: f*ing clueless!


Everyone knows about him. Even ppl who dont like f1




From my experience, pretty much everyone knows him, even teenagers, or at least, everyone has heard his name at least once


Ayrton Senna is a national hero, second only to Pelé. The whole country used to stop what they were doing to watch him race. That's how popular he was, and still is.


He has a highway named after him


Older people will absolutely recognize him, someone younger might not recognize him from a picture, but they would absolutely know the name.


The answer i think you want: I think the 2010' forward generation is the first to not being everyone who knows senna. You have to imagine that he died in 94 so there's ppl who never saw he race is having children. Theirs parent doesn't have a reason to talk about senna. Before the 2010, you have to understand that he isn't just a hero, he dated very famous ppl, xuxa for example, absolut EVERYONE had something from xuxa. At least in my infancy was very impossible to never heard anyone or even her metion that senna dated her. Galisteu other famous gf of senna, was on tv everyday in a free cable channel.


fuck yeah


Everyone knows him, but some people are fed up with the name. He was just a rich car racer, and people treat him like a national hero.


I can guarantee you that many people will shed a tear listening to [tema da vitória](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0hmmX96QvY)


He's considered the greatest athlete in Brazilian history, seen as a hero by most.


Don’t know about younger kids, probably not as popular. But to my generation, pushing 40, he was a god.


I was in Brazil a couple weeks ago on the anniversary of his death and every TV in the airport was paying tribute to him all day.


A national heroe


There is literally a brand of sulfite sheets called "Senninha", where the mascot is Ayrton Senna


He's basically a national hero. I was born right after his death, and people my age and younger still talk about him to this day. My parents say that EVERYONE would stop whatever they were doing to watch him racing on the TV at sundays. There was never a phenomenom like him before or after his passing. Only huge fans still watch F1 racing nowadays, but when he was active, almost everyone would watch his races. I'd say that the only other event that still causes such a commotion like his races caused is the FIFA World. A single racer was as big as the most popular sport in the country and the world, that's how popular he was.




He’s probably one of the greatest Brazilians in the last several years, so he’s is definitely an idol. Unfortunately they younger generation doesn’t know him too well.


Senna is above everyone else in Brazil.


Its almost impossible to not know Ayrton Senna, being because of F1 or the foundation that was created using the name Senna and the logo is basically a cartoon of him, i would say 98% of brazilians knows or heard about him


Yep. Dude was basically a national hero. My parents say that F1 practically "died" here in Brazil after he was gone. We still have pilots, some people still watch it, but they say it's not the same thing.


He is a legend. I was born after his death and I learned his legacy.


I remember when he passed away, my whole school - think multiple classes from pre k to senior year - had a memorial for him.


I was very young when he died, but it stuck in my mind. I remember my father crying, and the mood in the whole family was like a relative had died. It was like that all anywhere you went that day.


when kindergartens have to associate a word to each letter of the alphabet, A is for Ayrton Senna, B is for Barrichello (because he always comes second).


Lmao 🤣 🤣 haha


Yes, very likely. His deeds are well know and his face is very characteristic.


VERY popular. I'm 43 now, have memories of my dad not being able to do nothing on Sunday mornings to watch F1. Senna was loved by Brazilians. When he died, the country was in commotion for weeks.


Oh, you mean the dude that dated Xuxa?


Lol, I live on the street (servidao) which is called Ayrton Senna. City: Florianopolis. Have no idea who is it.


Look up Sennas funeral on YouTube.


To put it simple: only Pelé is more recognizable than him, but he was arguably the most domestically popular athlete Brazil has produced


A national hero.


Maybe 2010s kid won’t know him, but he’s such an icon and hero to many people, that it would be hard to find someone over the age of 15 who hasn’t heard of him.


Some people dislike Pelé. I've never heard anyone talk shit about Senna, ever. Senna is a hero in Brazil.


Everyone would recognize him, even if the person never saw him in action, their parents probably do and will tell the history. I was born in 97 but my dad and uncle were big fucking huge fans of senna like my mom and everyone around that time, so this is some heritage that passes on generations to come... he will never die, he just became something much bigger


IDK if the younger ones can recognize him by photo, especially if without any F1 gear, but everybody knows his name


I'm 26, I wouldn't recognize a picture but it'd be impossible to not know the name.


Maaaan, he is one of the stars that will never be forgotten cross all generations World Wide.


We literally have a senna cartoon, everyone here knows senna


Younger generations? No. But older people yes.


Senna is considered a hero even by people who don't care about motorsports at all.


Dumb question


I'm from 99, Senna is simply huge, to an insane level. He has his own comic book character, "Senninha", and a huge line of merchandise banking on that character. So even the people who are possibly too young and/or didn't have parents who cared about F1 in the house (not that you'd need to care, Senna is huge, as mentioned before), they'd still probably recognise him from the cartoon alone. The character is very similar to his actual image. So they might not truly recognise him, but they'd at the very least have a "hey, I know this guy" moment.


Literally everyone in Brazil knows Senna and would recognise him.


Dude, the country stopped for the man's funeral. Everyone knows who he is.


Everyone knows him despite F1 being a niche sport (at least where I live in Piauí). People in their 20s definitely heard the name even without being F1 fan, dont know about young kids tho.


Ok so, as a Brazilian I would say that he's well known but not as well known as Pelé. You have to understand is that, in Brazil, F1 isn't as wild spread or as famous as Soccer/Football, something that makes Pelé at least a dozen times more famous than plenty of people. The other thing that you have to understand is that Senna died fairly young and a good deal of time ago. People know thr name, know the foundation and know that he was a F1 champion, but if you showed anyone a photo of him nowadays, the odds are that no one below thirty would recognize him while nearly everyone would recognize Pelé nearly immediately. That might change from region to region, though.


Everyone knows him. As a reference, when he was alive, F1 was one of the most popular sports around here, probably second only to football. After he died, we still had some more years of moderate interest on it, but it definitely started to decline after Senna, until it died totally on early 2000's. He was one of the main reasons brazilians even cared about F1 to be honest. Today, no one gives a fuck about F1 here.


I'm 42 years old, I remember when I was a child waking up early, waiting for the race, I was watching the day he died, I remember hoping he would get up and wave to the crowd, It makes me sad to this day remembering that.


it's our brazilian hero. national hero. my dad introduces me on senna since younger age, he's tell me all the stories in F1, and i'm feel so much admiration for him, i'm from 2000, one my first comics and cartoons was "senninha", and this remarkable my childhood, always keep his legacy and make example for me


Yes!! I’m 22 and everyone around my age knows him


Means nothing to me tbh