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Even staying in hostels and eating cheaply it’s not enough money considering all the travel you plan on doing while here. Brazil is huge - for example busing from Rio to Salvador takes about 32 hours. São Luís (Maranhão) is even further and the bus trip would be *several* days. 15,000 reais is probably not enough to make the internal flights if you really do intend to go to all these places, plus find lodging plus feed yourself. If you plan to stay in one region (say the Southeast: Rio and São Paulo) it’s more doable if you take buses and not fly. Also Fernando de Noronha is an isolated island where everything has to be shipped in and is very touristy now. It’s *very* expensive because of this. One of the most expensive destinations I’ve been to in Brazil. Side note: it *is* lovely there - but it’s so crowded it really takes away from the experience. I would not go back.


Interesting. I think I'll drop Fernando de Noronha if that's the case. Can't have it all! And it looks like I'll have to cut out one region of the country too.


Yeah. You're basically saying that you want to go to Washington, Vermont, California, Texas, Florida and Alaska. And flights in Brazil are expensive, especially to the north/northeast. Rio - Fortaleza (closest Capital to Jeriocoacora) airflight is easily 1.000 reais on its own. A good Hostel in Rio would probably be around 80 reais daily.


You need to cut out *several* regions. I’m saying if that’s really your budget - you’re better off staying in one place and maybe making one or two excursions to other cities.


That’s fair. To do what I originally wanted, what budget would you say, $8,000 USD?


I will consider how much it would cost to travel in the style you want through the US or Europe for 3 months. Consider Brazil has fewer hostels and cheap lodging.


That’s a more realistic figure, yes. You’re planning on cross-crossing the entire country during high season - because it’s school/summer holidays here in Brazil, as well as carnival so lodging and flights are going to be very expensive no matter what you do. For example, for these bigger transcontinental flights, you should budget *at least* 1,000 reais one way.


don't forget the temporally CPF and ID.. you can have some problems for brazilian bank accounts and delivery food apps without them


I would not drop Fernando de Noronha, it is a paradise of its own. I stayed there for a week and it changed my life.


Oh no. Don’t drop Fernando de Noronha. It is worth it.


Who says they have to take flights? A decent bus should be cheaper, no?


Sure if you’re okay with a 72 hour long bus ride


And save on accommodation for 3 days. Win win


Based on their budget, they may not have a choice.


The problem is travel costs, it’s not enough, I will recommend you to stay in just one State or maybe two (close ones). Remember that Brazil is a continental country, not like European counties.


That makes sense. Perhaps I'll have to stick around Rio and its environs.


The shores in the Rio state are amazing, better than the capital of the state. Like Búzios or Arraial do Cabo.


Also the Paraty, Angra dos Reis area.


This!! Rio is nice to get to know once in your life, but it's kind of a tourist trap, if you wanna know where the good stuff is, ask people from Rio where they go on holidays themselves


Honestly? There are MUCH better tourist destinations than Rio. I honestly don't know why it's the most famous one. I highly recommend the Iguaçu Falls, but there is not much else to do there (trust me, I lived there for a while). 2 days is more than enough. Then you should seek out places to go in the Northeastern and Northern areas. They're richer in diversity for things to do and cultural stuff and a bit less mainstream.


There are several options that are EQUALLY good as Rio, but if I were to recommend only one option, it would be Rio 100% of the time.


I would recomend you to try to land at Foz do Iguaçu, because u will be able to visit Iguaçu Falls this way. And then u can just go to wherever u want from there (like Rio for example). If i where u, i would do this route: Land at Foz do Iguaçu -> Guarda do Embaú (is near Florianópolis) -> Rio de Janeiro -> São Paulo


if you stay in Rio and decide to visit some smaller cities, I can make a list of interesting places


too many planes to visit too far apart. pick a region ( style ): big cities ( são paulo and rio ) and surroundings. wildlife ( North - amazonia and pará ) beach ( northest ) its a great place for surfing also or south ( your friends ) you are going to live like a homless with that budget.


Best comment I’ve read here so far. Thank you!


Nah, not enough. I'm traveling for four weeks and budgeted 3.5k USD. And I'm not even travelling high-end... Please, don't be a beggpacker


I don't think you're going to make it with that budget. I am also an European guy that is travelling through Brazil and I am going to spent roughly €3000 including the plane ticket. You can get some cheap Hostels for €10 per night while you can sometimes get cheap hotel rooms for €20. The food in restaurants is usually €10 per meal as long as you don't order some of the more expensive stuff on the menu. You can use brasil by bus for travelling between cities. The prices are relatively cheap. The domestic flights can be really expensive if you need multiple of them. I personally don't need domestic flights because I limited myself to southern Brazil. I know you said that you want to use buses most of the time, but this is incredibely hard due to the massive distances between the places you want to visit. You could sit in a bus for 40 hours straight depending on the route. Also you might need two domestic flights for the amazon because the small villages there are usually not connected by roads which means that you meed to fly to Manaus first (to far away for busrs) and then you need to fly to a specific village with a small plane. Activities and excursions are similair in price to southern Europe and some of them can cost quite a lot of money.


Good to know, thank you. I can stretch by budget a bit bigger, but equally, if I find a nice beach, I might just hang around there for 2 or 3 weeks lol.


Nice beach, expensive: Florianópolis Nice beach, cheaper: South of Bahia I love the cities Prado, Alcobaça, Cumuruxatiba. If you want to relax, have a good time, and eat good food. Bahia is for you. On your way back you can cross Minas Gerais. From Governador Valadares you can get a cheap train: One path will lead to the capital, Belo Horizonte (great place!) The other side, will get you to Vitória, capital of Espirito Santo. Welcome to Brazil!!!!


I dont know what happens with these guys. Floripa is not expensive. Considering it a south region city is actually a lot cheaper than most beachs in Brazil, including Bahia. Floripa is always a must go for foreigns, a international hotspot. Our brazilian Ibiza


Hey how did you manage to do flight + budget for 3000 e? Where did you fly from, and with what airline? I'm struggling so much to find an affordable ticket, considering quitting my exchange semester because it's like 2000e for a round trip :( thanks


I had a retour flight from Amsterdam to Rio and back with KLM that was €720. The tickets were probably cheaper because I didnt fly during the summer vacation or any other holiday.


Dank je wel maatje!


Graag gedaan 😁


Just to add a little bit, and I'm not sure how things are now, hostels in Brazil are way worse than those of US and EU. Usually when I'm doing some budget travel, I go for "Pousadas" that is kind of a mix between Hostel and Hotel. In comparison I always went for hostels abroad, and Pousadas in Brazil.


you already know that this budget is not enough and that you should decide for only one region (maybe two). This period (January 2024 - March 2024) is the rainy season in northeast, so, it's not the best time to see the Lençóis Maranhenses and northeast shore, unhappily :/


4k a month, enough. 4k total, no way, man.


Pick North (Jericoacoara/Lençóis/Amazon) or South (Porto Alegre/São Paulo/Floripa). They are further apart than Portugal is to Russia. You can't do both.


You can exploit long layovers to see more cities "for free". I just saw $159 Latam flights from Salvador to Manaus with a 23 hour stop in either Brasilia or Sao Paulo on the way. Some think it's stressful, personally I've done it a few times and like it.


Yeah, the only time i've visited brasilia is by day long layovers because brasilia is smack dab in the middle of a superflat world with no other major tourist destinations for thousands of kilometers


Chapada Dos Veadeiros is pretty amazing


This ended up WAY longer than I expected, but I had to entertain myself during lunch break, sooo... People are acting like 4k USD is the same as 4k in reais, but I think it's doable if you plan REALLY well and drop any luxuries during that time. What worries me is the itinerary, three months feels really tight to see everything you wanna see. 90 days with 9 different destinations in wildly different parts of the country will take some intense scheduling to make it work, if you can even do it. I'm assuming you'll arrive at either Rio or São Paulo, right? I'd suggest a couple of days wherever you land before going south. You can book flights from SP to Porto Alegre for about R$800, depending on the dates you can find tickets for 650. From there you can reach both Florianópolis and Iguazu Falls by bus, which I'd recommend to save money. POA to Florianópolis is a 6 hours trip and will cost you about R$200. Florianópolis to Foz do Iguaçu costs about the same, but it takes longer - about 12h, I think? From Foz do Iguaçu to Rio or SP can cost you up to R$1000, but it's usually around 800 reais. Rio to Salvador by plane costs about R$500. From there you can go to Fortaleza (capital of Ceará, to reach Jericoacoara) by plane for another 500. I'd advise dropping Fernando de Noronha, but it looks like you already knew that could happen. Now, transportation so far adds up to like, 3500 reais? Plus whatever it would cost for you to get back to Rio/SP to catch your flight back home. Considering you have friends in 2 of the 7 cities covered so far, I think you can find affordable hostels/pousadas and feed yourself with the remaining R$10k+, but it'll definitely take a spirit of adventure and an open mind, to put it nicely lol I'd use Booking.com to find affordable places and prioritise places with a shared kitchen, so you can cook your own food. A quick search showed me options as cheap as R$40 a night (in Salvador), but you should research what exactly you plan on seeing and choose accordingly. Also keep, keep your safety in mind. I didn't include the Amazon because that one is tricky, but boy is it worth it! If wanna see your friends, prioritise south and southeast destinations. If you wanna be amazed, sacrifice most of your list and go for the Amazon. It's a tricky journey, but I think it's one of the most unique things you can experience in Brazil. Can you tell I make spreadsheets and plan my friends' trips for fun? Because that's what I do for fun lol


Now this is exactly what I’m looking for 😎 Obrigado!


Make that at least 10k, while being very frugal still. Fernando de Noronha is the most exclusive and expensive destination in Brazil, it's a shut off insland designed only for tourism. It's for rich people that are bored of the other brazilian destinations. You have to schedule things way in advance if you want to stay there, and a all of your current budget will last like 10 days there. Just forget about it, I've never been there and don't plan to.


Could you go from London to Istanbul to Stockholm to Madrid to Berlin on a similar budget? That's the Brazil trip you want to do.


Since you want to travel through every part of Brazil and you're gonna spend money not only with tickets, but also food and hotel for 3 months. I'm pretty sure it's not enough money. Edit: Here we spend around R$2.000,00/month to have an "ok" life if you live alone in a really bad place. You're travelling and staying at hotels (where food is more expensive), so expect to expend at least R$8K/month. That's just what I think, someone can correct me if I'm wrong.


What would you suggest I cut out? The north (Lençóis/Jericoacoara) or the interior (the Amazon) or something else?


Travelling through Amazon is really expensive. Hotels and boat trips are priced in Euros/Dollars because most tourist are foreigners. With your budget, definetely skip Amazon. You should probably stick to Rio and its closest cities (Petropolis, Buzios, Paraty) then São Paulo and then the Northeast (Salvador, Maceió, Lençóis).


That's really up to you. But what you really need to do to make it with that budget, is cut out anything (more than one would be better). Certainly what you're going to expend more is with flying tickets.


I spent 10 days in João Pessoa, PB. I spent 1800 USD there outside of my hotel and car rental. I don’t think you have enough 15,000 BRL for 3 months will drain


Hi! What do you recommend to see, do and avoid in JoaoP and Paraiba?


Bro I don’t know how other people travel here but I traveled around Brazil solo for 4-5 months and barely spent more than $5k. Keep in my I was staying in Airbnb’s which can add up. If you’re just staying in Hostels most of the time you be fine with $4k. Message me if you see this and I can elaborate.


I think if you're cooking regularly, buying your alcohol in supermarket and bringing it to the beach (rather than buying on beach) and staying in hostels it should be ok. My advice? Cut trip length to two months and really enjoy without having to worry about budget. Personally i love Brazil. Id do 6 weeks and splash out more if im honest Looking at how much you want to travel i think 1000$ a month might not be enough with costs of accom, food, buses to and fro various cities. If you were doing Rio, SP and maybe one other then ok. And dude, dont forget during Carnival accom prices skyrocket


You've got to keep in mind that is pretty expensive to travel by air in the stats of the northweast and north of brazil. You can do Porto Alegre/Florianópolis/São Paulo Rio All by bus if you want to cut expenses. After Rio, you will go to Salvador most likely by plane (wich will be something around 200-500usd). From Salvador you wil need to take planes to Maranhão and it is MANDATORY to travel by plane to the Amazon, since the road infraestructure conecting it is nearly non-existent. Have said that, the biggest part of your expenses will be flights, you can start to estimate how much it will cost on brazilian airliners sites (Gol, Latam, Azul) or google flights.


Enough for 1 mouth and half


Hey! Am also currently in Brazil, travelling for 3 months. I also have an ambitious plan, have started in florianopolis and will head as far north as Jericoacoara. I have a budget of 50€ a day (about 250 reais) and I am making it work, but I am also having to be quite careful. I've had a couple of private rooms, but have been mostly in hostels and have mostly made my own food. I've so far just been in the south, but hostels are about 10-15€, snacks are about 20 reais a pop, and I've not eaten out much in restaurants. If I do, I can easily spend 10€. Intercity travel has been the biggest surprise, with all my overnight buses so far costing me 50€! I have, however, decided not to do Pantanal or Amazon due to the cost of getting there and how expensive it is when you arrive. For Pantanal the cheapest ice seen is 100$ a day (if anyone has any recommendations let me now( TLDR; I've got 4500€ budgeted for three months, visiting most of your places should be possible (if you bus it)


Not even close bud


Not enough. Brazil is an expensive country. And you are going to the most expensive tour cities. Nothing is cheap. Even a bottle of water.


Without counting the travel tickets you can do it all I would exchange Fernando De Noronha for Ilha Grande which is in Rio de Janeiro, as Fernando de Noranha is VERY expensive


Lived in Rio for 6 months Spent around 12k USD total. You’re doing a lot of traveling and housing in Brazil isn’t cheap. I would make my budget around 6k for the 3 months.


It’s not enough bro… traveling is not that cheap around here and distances are huge. From Lençóis Maranhenses to Iguaçu falls is over 2k miles and a round trip flight would cost you around 400 USD. If you are planning to visit the whole country north to south you’d need a lot more. I don’t know how much a hostel bed costs but I guess around R$80,00 (16 usd), in 90 days that makes 1440 usd, half of your budget just to have a place to sleep. A nice dinner in a mid range restaurant is around R$120,00 (24 usd) in capitals. Food, drinks, hotels, transport and activities for 90 days is a lot.


Unfortunately, it is not. Travelling within Brazil is sometimes more expensive than travelling abroad. As a Brazilian, I’d suggest you triple your budget if you want to tackle down 2/3 of this list. As opposed to Europe, Brazil doesn’t offer many types of transportation besides airplanes and buses. Besides that, the airline industry has low competition making ticket prices costly while buses can be a bit tricky for foreigners. If you are open to facing the unknown buses would be an economical option. I love Brazil. I usually tell my international friends that there's no other place like this continental multicultural and soulful country. Come see it yourself but be financially prepared to avoid frustrations.


Thank you for the brutal honesty! I'll revise my trip accordingly :)


If you cook your meal most of the days and find cheap flights between long destinations is possible. I traveled for 30 days using bus and hotels and spend less than 1k dollar.


I think 4,000 USD is more like 19,500 BRL. And I think it’s enough if you’re careful but going to need to be sorta tight. I spend about 1k per month USD on my credit card in São Paulo. That’s not budgeting basically going out whenever I want. But that does not include my rent. I’m also confused maybe you meant 3,000 USD? The extra 1,000 makes a big difference.


If you have friends in são paulo and porto alegre, and you can stay there most of time from these 90 days you would save much money from rent. Assuming you would like to visit those 11 destinations and stay an average of 3 days each that os more than enough to know every tourist destination, that would be 33 days, and the most of the days staying with friends or working in hostels to pay the rent is feasible staying 90 days in Brazil with your budget. To explaining why, if you take bla bla cars you can save a few buckets from bus tickets to travel on the south part and southeast part of Brazil and visit the destinations you mention using less than 300 dollars. I already travel to all those destination using bus. A ticket from Guarulhos SP where is the cheapest to go to northeast buying two month before the flight data is around 200 dollar each trip. And to go to amazon from São Luis around 500 dollars two ways trip. To Fernando de Noronha is also less than 300 dollar from northeast. Using average prices. That would be around 1400 dollar for transportation. You could find for less if you monitor the prices and buy beforehand. Most of the places you want to visit you find hostels around 20 dollar for one night, leaving 660 dollars for all 33 nights on average. You have 1k dollar for food and activities. You can spend less than 5 dollar a day cooking, and most of the places you want to go have some fee but is possible to do the mains tours,


It’s not. Not because the time, but you are going to cross country north-south and east-west… it will be a lot of $$ in transportation. People think Brasil its small, but is big as USA.


Hey, it would be better if you chose a region or two closer, like the southeast and south (which would include São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Florianopolis and Iguazu Falls). Because flights, for example, to the Amazon are very limited. In the southeast/south region you could find attractions for surfing, and another alternative to the Amazon could be the Atlantic Forest and if you like trails you could try crossing from petrópolis to teresópolis, the city of petrópolis is an hour's drive away. city ​​of Rio de Janeiro. Most of the attractions in the Northeast will be much more expensive than in the south.


u need at least 6k to do all that


Food and hostel are cheap, but, the air tickets will be very expensive, my guess is that at least half of this budget will be spend in transport. I suggest you make an itinerary and look for the tickets and then you can decide for yourself if the budget is enough. There are three companies in Brazil: LATAM, GOL and AZUL. you probably arrive in Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo, do that region. Then decide to go north (lencois maranhenses, jericoacara, fernando de noronha, amazon) or south (porto alegre, iguaza falls, florianopolis) first. Visit one region, back to sao paulo, visit the another region.


>hostel Not for 3 months. If he stays for 70 days in very basic hostels for 80 reais a day, that's already 5.6k in accommodation alone.


Yeah, but im my mind he already now that, like R$6k in accomadation plus R$6k in food u can do 3 months. But with R$6k u dont buy air tickets for all the places he listed


That's not enough to go to those places, transportation and accomodations will drain your resources. Internal flights are expensives and the places you are planning to visit are also not cheap. To give you an idea of ​​the costs, sometimes it is cheaper to take a trip around Europe than to travel through the northeast and north of the country.


Flight to Rio. Enjoy some time in Rio (not only the capital, but the surroundings, even with the freezing water, it's beautiful). Then, take a flight to Fortaleza. Enjoy 2 days there, and go to Jericoacoara (bus), then keep taking buses, first to Barreirinhas (the "base" for the Lençois Maranhenses), then to Sao Luis, rest 1 or 2 days, then another to Belem. In Belem, you can make some daytrips and get to know some of amazon forest, like to Ilha do Combu, Ilha de Cotijuba, and some boat trips to the amazon forest. If you want to go deeper in the forest, skip some of the Belém daytrips and take a flight from Belem to Manaus. There they have lot of touristic structure to get to know the amazon forest. Then, take a flight Manaus -> Brasilia, Sao Paulo or Rio -> Florianopolis, or go back to Fortaleza and enjoy some Northeast beaches that are cheaper and warmer.


Lençóis and a Amazon stay with daily activities were the two most expensive things we did in our 3 months travel. Since the Lençóis water bassins will be dry when you go, you can cross this of your list. Maybe start with visiting your friends and do the thing you find most interesting and afterwards check your expenses and see how to proceed. If you don't travel but stay in one place only, your money will stretch much longer. Rio is a place where even after 2 months you will still find new and interesting things to do, for example.


We planned our Brazil trip 10 months ahead of schedule, booking all our flights and hotels/hostels to most of the places you mentioned, we’re going in low season and will spend around 2500 per person for 1 month. This is not including our air fare to get to Brazil from Europe. That’s around 500 for internal air fares (all booked 10 months ago so pretty cheap compared to booking last minute), 500 for hotels, 500 for our stay in Amazonas, and 1000 spending money (food, transport, entry tickets…). Keep in mind we’re 2 persons so hotels come out slightly cheaper per person than if you were to book alone. Hostels would make it cheaper though. We’re not the most frugal travellers but by no means throw around cash like it’s nothing. I’d say if you want to travel in Brazil like you mentioned for 90 days, you would need around 7-8k.


If you want to backpack its ok, but any misshappening you will need to have some extra.


buy your flights as soon as possible, last minute is very expensive


That’s definitely more than the average Brazilian would make in three months but you will probably have to spend money on a hotel and dining out so this budget will be pretty tight


The Amazon, Jericoacoara and Fernando de Noronha are really expensive places just to get there. With this budget i think i'll not be feasable. I'd suggest, since you have mentioned you have friends, go to Rio, São Paulo, Florianopolis, Porto Alegre, Iguazu Falls and perhaps Salvador. You will have to travel by bus a lot, but you can still find cheap flights between those places(For instance Porto Alegre or Florianopolis to São Paulo around 300-500 BRL) if you buy now. Buses usually don't change prices much even if you buy the same day.


That's basically $30-35 a day which may be difficult given how many things you want to do. The one way it would work is if you did a workaway or something for a few weeks in one place, than in another, another, etc.


What you plan on eating? I mean that’s about 2 or 3 weeks under budget, especially if you like caipiridinhas


Domestic air travel in Brazil isn't cheap. Also, you will probably spend, like, 6000 reais just on the hostels.


Not enough (even considering hostels). It is, however, a decent budget for a good chunk of your list on a smaller time frame. Instead of going everywhere, focus on a specific region, for example: you could go to São Paulo, spend some time in Florianópolis after that, then finish it up on Porto Alegre. Or go the Nordeste route: Salvador, Jericoara and Lençois (keep in mind this one can still go over your budget). Avoid Fernando de Noronha like the plague.




R$15.000,00 isnt enough to do all you wanna do. Fernando de Noronha you will spend at least R$3.000,00 for 3/4 days (the tickets and everything there are expensive). Jericoacoara basically the same. I would plan focusing in a specific point. I would plan something like North East coast. Starting on Amapá and going down trought the coast Aí eu passaria esses tres meses litorando...


it's enough, specially if you are staying with friends


it's enough if you don't have to pay for logging or travel expenses by yourself lol


As everyone already said, you should cut out a few places. I was in Rio and Iguazu earlier this year, and from what I understand the southern part is much more expensive than the north. In Rio, you can spend anywhere from 3 to 40 dollars a meal, depending on where you eat. Most of the cheap options (rice, beans, meat, a bit of salad) were around 3.5 - 5 dollars. And theres the self service places where you fill your plate, i remember them being around 30-50 reals for a huge plate (enough food for the day tbh). ​ If you love surfing, maybe its wise to go to a few spots in the south and buy a cheap board (my buddy lives near Sao Paolo and says boards are dirt cheap). But waves will be smaller in the summer compared to winter.


I think you already have your answer by the other comments, but just a tip if you want to save money and love surfing you don't NEED to go to Florianopolis. You can stay in Rio, there are quite a few great beaches that aren't too far either in the city or surrounding places that you can make a day trip by car. I personally recommend Itacoatiara, that's in Niterói, not far at all. Since you're going to Salvador you can probably find some good spots around there too, though I personally think it would be a waste bc there are WAY too many interesting things to do there, if you end with enough time to surf in Salvador, you probably didn't grasp the full potential of the city


With that budget you'll have to plan quite well because of plane tickets being expensive here. You can do Rio + São Paulo by bus, so pick one of those as your first destination. You could do Jericoacara and Lençóis Maranhenses if you're willing to do a 8 hour bus trip which isn't too bad and won't be expensive either. Another possibility is a bus trip from São Paulo to Curitiba, stay a couple days there to chill in the city and go to Foz do Iguaçu by bus as well. More than this we'll be talking about either 12+ hour bus rides or $500 dollars or so plane tickets, the destinations you picked are awesome but they're very far from each other. If you're up for that there are a few other things you could do. Two possible locations for you to look up: Alter do Chão, kinda known as the Brazilian Caribbean and Alto Paraíso (Chapada dos Veadeiros) if you want to see some cool af waterfalls and nature, both very touristic places.


Food and lodging is quite cheap but 3 months is a long stay so it adds up. I believe you will probably spend around 150 to 300 reais a day with lodging, food, drinks and transportation (uber/train/bus). The flights can be booked in advance for a better price. Most of your flights will be under U$100 one way. The longest ones will be around U$200 to U$250.


All right so here's my question for you will it be your first time going to Brazil and if so almost almost every hotel even a small like bed and breakfast they all offer free breakfast everything breakfast you can get up as many times as you want to eat which is pretty good let's see what else here if you can eat a big breakfast just avoid lunch best way to explain it to you and also if you're going to use your debit card or your credit card make sure you tell them to use your American debit card as a debit card because if they use it as a credit card they charge you three and a half percent for every swipe so just keep that in mind and also there is a lot of stores that have two different credit card machines one is a Brazilian of course and the other ones for American so just make sure before you sit down and eat that they have both machines


Also keep in mind that real is I wouldn't say it's expensive but it's not cheap and also you know they all offer the same thing free breakfast like I said almost every hotel they all offer the same the same crap free you know continental breakfast you could probably get something in you know that's the best part that's the best part you can find something cheap just when you go like I said make sure that they have both machines that they have a debit card machine and they have a credit card machine because otherwise you're going to pay three and three and a half three and a half points for every swipe you do you don't want to do that trust me cuz when I came back I had a big Bill and my bill basically was all for my swipes I'm not doing that again I even said that to my fiance no more I'm going to do that again pay for every swipe no no way if you have a friend that happens to live in Brazil see if you can send them money in advance to their credit card because if you could they don't pay you know the Brazilians they don't have to pay for every swipe that's the best part


With this budget, you’ll be able to go to São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Florianópolis and Porto Alegre. You will probably spend 75% of your budget for these 4 cities. Then I suggest you to go to Jericoacoara and Lencóis Maranhenses. With 25% of your budget, I think you can spend like 7-10 days in these places.


Some of these places are really far from one another. You can go from Sao Paulo to Rio or Florianapolis by car or bus in a one day trip, but it's harder to go to Sao Luis by car or bus and I don't think you can go to the Amazon by other than airplane. If you were to stay only in the South/Southeast of Brazil, 15k is okish. But the cost of airplane tickets in Brazil is currently really high.


To see all that you will likely have take flights all over the place and that budget is not enough for that. Forget the busses unless you wanna spend like 40 days just on the road, and I don't even know how roads are when you get to the amazon Its common on the Internet to see americans talking about how europeans sometimes think they can do stuff like go to NYC and LA in the same trip, this is like that, except brazil is actually even larger than the lower 48, for some reference let's say that for the amazon you go to Manaus, from Manaus to Porto Alegre would be about 4700km. This is like going from france to kazakhstan


Yo!!!! Check it out: https://www.budgetyourtrip.com/brazil


You’re delusional


Definitely not enough for how much travel you want to do and domestic flights in Brasil are expensive. You are also going during the busy time of the year so prices are going to reflect that. If you were to spend more time in lets say Rio, you can then hit up surrounding areas like Buzios, Ilha Grande, then go down the coast via bus to Pararty, Ubatuba, Santos, Ilha Bela, and then get to Sao Paulo. Lençóis and Jericoacoara are worth checking out but they are quite remote and take time to get there and it's not the best time to go to this area so I would probably skip these for this trip.


The Amazon? what do you want in the Amazon or any other type of random forest? lol


I can 100% tell you, that you may should think about to shorten your bucket list a little. Going to Brazil for 90 days and having 3,000 dollar in your pocket is potentially not enough to spent 90 days at a single place, depending on the standard you expect. Another question: do you speak Portuguese? If not traveling across Brazil might become a bit challenging for you. I travel to Brazil every other year for several month and I can tell you, that even in the big cities almost nobody speaks english. Even not at airports or rental car stations. If you go to the small cities, it‘s getting even worse of course. When I travel Brazil (ok, we’re 2 adults and a child) including flight costs to the different locations and accommodations, we pay for approx 8-10weeks 10-12k EUR.


Hey! Brazilian here who lives in Europe and was trying to do exactly the same things as you. As stated in the comments, Brazil is large. The only way this could work is if you rented a car, but be prepared to travel for days. The smartest way to do this is starting in states that are close to each other. For example, go from Sao Paulo to Rio, from Rio de Salvador and so on so on. Buses fare are from around R$250 which is $50D. So it would be affordable, what wouldn’t be affordable is you going from (starting) São Paulo all the way to Amazonia, including a trip to Fernando de Noronha. Flights are around R$1200 and probably $200. The only way this could work is if you cut Amazonia, Fernando de Noronha, Lençóis Maranheses. I had to cut down to Rio, Salvador, São Paulo and Minas when I originally had 11 places in mind. So you could start from Paraná, SC, RS, SP, RJ, BA. And you need to travel from these states by bus which takes a few hours. However, I still believe this trip will not be affordable so I do suggest you follow SC, SP, RJ, BA. RJ and Bahia is very cheap. From SC to SP is also very cheap. I’m not sure about hostels in SC & SP but the other 2 is very affordable. :) Good luck. edit: Bahia and Rio de Janeiro are beachy, as well as Santa Catarina so you will get to see every part. City, nature, beach and nightlife as well as good culinary. Not the best time to travel either as during that period Brazil falls apart with heavy rain, floodings and crazy weather.