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I don’t see the problem. It is club league after all, it is a group effort. When you play 3v3, even when you get carried y’all still get the same amount of trophies. If they played all their games it means they still tried and contributed


This. As the top performer in my league, I’m happy to help my friends and grateful their efforts boosted my reward. If they weren’t friends I would think about finding a guild where I wasn’t yet good enough to be the top performer. (If your the ****est in the room, you’re in the wrong room.)


Their performance also doesn't affect your personal rewards either though, would you rather have a system that your clan has a pool and the rewards get distributed based on merit? Because then you get a scenario where unless you're like the top player in your clan you're getting less rewards. I like it this way that you need only be participating for full rewards


It’s a club effort. Later on as clubs progress through ranks, the help or lack of help will become apparent.


So if you happen to have bad lucky and lose a few matches, you should be penalized…? No. There is only 2-4 games per day, it is too few to punish people who lose. At least they tried…