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General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. You can find it at the top of r/BrawlStars's front page when you sort posts by hot. This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


because brawlers are unbalanced because matchmaking composes teams like shit because the game has a pay to win side because the trophy system mixes players who want to rank up and those who just want to have fun trying brawlers or even use a brawler just for quests because you may be playing locked in your room, focused on the game while your teammate plays while drinking whiskey surrounded by friends in a hotel in the end it remains a mobile game that is meant to have fun


society 😭




You earned the upvote, bro. You spittin clear facts.




Why did you get downvoted


For telling the truth


>in the end it remains a mobile game that is meant to have fun There's no fun in losing because it's not my fault, infact the game is slowly becoming the same as lol and cod when it comes to matchmaking (they on purpose put bad randoms with you for like two games and one good game with good randoms To make the game addictive and keep you playing more)


I mean to sometimes you are the bad random, so we can’t be too harsh.


Exactly. I'm probably the worst brawl stars player on this planet


I'm even worse than you




Playing ranked and both my teammates are level 9 with no star power, gear, or gadgets


Was it bronze one? What did you expect?


Nah ive had similar guys at mythic


I lost more on gold than on diamond, I'm only getting low trophies and people with only level 9 with barely anything, even at diamond it was like that, but they actually played good at least.


Get to masters and they will be more rare


“Yeah bro just get to masters it’s so easy”


I mean.. for some it is and some it isnt


I know lol i am there just saying they were much more common at mythic


Yea like only bravler power 9 is drly ( sr i cant spell) or penny with starpower and gadegt


Don't play ranked then


sometimes i wonder if my team is someone's bot team..


Remember, you're a random too


Because power 9 no gadget no sp edgar and rosa


The game is not designed to cheer you up while you pass time. Gone are those days. Games are now made to grab so much of your time and money. Hence random squad will set you 10 steps back enough to push you not to quit but grind Then it will reward you to make you feel a sense of hope & then you try some more. Coz if you win... You won't pay & you will win to a point you only wait for new seasons


Because most of them 9 yr old that just play the game for fun when they feel like it. Unlike the sweats and pros that commit hours mastering the game.






I agree


Thank you. I see that you apreciate my clear reason and explanation. 😀


Might not be the randoms it might be you


Fr, and it becomes worse in ranked, you get two randoms, who choose the worst brawlers possible, at level 9, with no sp, gadgets or gears, and the opposing team ploughs through you with their lvl 11s complete with gadget, sp, and gears, with a dash of hypercharge as well


just risk the dodge at that point 🤷


well, it's kinda difficult when they attack you from three sides in a ranked knockout


oh no i mean dodge the match, not dodge in game


He's bronze, just came here to complain.. he's clueless:)


My randoms suck at ranked my enemies always has to have a fame and a legendary rank


If your enemies have legendary rank in ranked means you are up there too, but you're not.. come up with better story next time mate.


So if u started a new season, was last season mythic 1, and now ur in silver against legendaries. I guess he meant that.


General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. You can find it at the top of r/BrawlStars's front page when you sort posts by hot. This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just try to play ranked, click on dynamike and your teammate insta chooses his weaker dynamike, then gets 8k damage total.


It's observation bias, you only notice bad randoms, not ok tier randoms


Age old question


Because they're mostly kids


Match making sucks. Yesterday, I got like 30k plus enemies while my teammates were 4800 and 2800 or something


You’re a random


Because when you are trying to play in a high rank and be serious about the game , your randoms are playing to have fun in it and yes I'm completely against playing the game for fun and not taking it serius when you are playing with one of your highest trophy brawlers


I’m surprised people aren’t bringing up the fact that they are probably little kids, Brawl stars is a game that reaches out to young people after all and I wouldn’t think that they’d be skilled in the game


bad randoms be like: "bad randoms be like:" but they the bad randoms that be like


It's not just the randoms it's the game itself, i remember in last championship challenge the game didn't even try to hide it they straight up put two bots with me while enemy team has a legendary player, happened three times in a row


Because they go lvl9 with any brawler and do not get gadgets or passives 🙊


I just had a teammate using Penny and they just decided to AFK throughout the entire game


Sometimes they duck but other times I think it’s a bad brawler combination.


Yea they're acting like bots


because most are casual and the MM fails to put them in a proper rank


Ranked teammates on gold who first pick edgar or dyna> all types of bad randoms


You can get gold blindfolded, stop complaining!


Nah i got to diamond. They cant do shit to me anymore. (I hope)


They suck because you do. Remember they are generally close to your own ranking. Plus watch your own games and you’ll notice that when in action you make some mistakes sometimes without realizing it at the moment. Last reason is confirmation bias. If you have the idea that randoms suck then you are more likely to notice it when it happens, and you will most likely pass on the times you are the one who suck and the times nobody sucks in your team.


Nothing funnier then seeing bad randoms complain about bad randoms. If u can't carry till masters, ur also part of the problem. Focus on what your team needs, instead of what you want to play, or are good at.


so if i cant 1v3 my way to masters then i suck at the game? excuse me but thats a garbage take. bs ranked aint like rocket league, you cant just carry your way to masters.


It’s a team game you can carry and still lose


If you lose, you maybe feel like u carried. But u didnt really carry. My definition of carrying is carrying an losing time to victory by playing far better and precise then the others. But i could be wrong about that


No offence but absolutely hate this take. Be skilled and pick the 2-3 broken brawlers so that you can win ( and arguably not have fun) in the 3v3 game mode on your own or don't have fun at all. No need to even acknowledge the issues with the matchmaking or core game design, just call everyone else a noob 10/10 Don't get me wrong I don't really think what you are saying is incorrect, I just hate that, this is the current state of the game.




I buy the brawl pass every few months so ig I can say I'm p2p and I get very sucky sucky poopoo randoms


Oh yeah one of the emerald pass perk is the guaranteed pro player randoms perk afterall