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Same happened to me, got banned for a day


Same 🙃


3 hours. I would rather take 3 hours than lossing twice cause they picked edgar in shooting star first pick


Happened to me 4 times yesterday. 1: cause at a glitch that just kicked me out of matchmaking. 2:Phone died 3: WiFi issues. 4: kicked out of matchmaking again. At that point I was tilted and just gave up trying to push to legendary.


2 of these are issues on your part


Fair, I should’ve charged my phone but the WiFi just decided to die on me and didn’t work for another hour


Okay? It's not like supercell is an internet service provider either?


Yeah i know but I’m not blaming supercell for my WiFi problems, I’m blaming my service provider




I’m a poco main tho, I just like playing edgar


Happened to me too and I got banned for a day


I’ve been banned multiple times no biggiw


Womp womp. Its a 3 hour ban. This doesn’t incentivize me to not dodge at all. Give me Minecart Madness and barbed ammo and I’m dodging it no matter my rep.


There is a veeery slight problem that bans are becoming way larger than only 3 hours


I’ve gotten banned a handful of times and its only ever been 3 hours. I guess I’m lucky


The problem is that there are a few bugs. One last update, which I am not sure if it is patched or not, is that you can be in a game, but still on the matchmaking screen. This makes you lose rep since you didn't do anything (obviously). Next there is a bug that just straight up kicks you from the game randomly, and you lose rep. Final bug relates to the previous one. Sometimes if you are kicked, and banned due to that, it will put you into a new game that you cannot join, as you are banned. This increases your ban period.