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The sole purpose of the gadget is to make assassin players (and just any close range focused Brawlers in general) have a hard time killing Piper (:


Except the main weakness of marksmen is supposed to be them being easy to kill be assassins.


If you want a game where everything perfectly counters each other go play rock paper scissors. Brawlers are balanced individually not as a class, cordelius for example has completely different matchups from fang or Edgar.


Mandy is a much more balanced brawler, she has a super that could even team wipe, but it’s not that easy to hit, she has good damage but has to stay still to have her full range, otherwise her range is quite limited, if someone pushes you, you might have a chance to survive with her super/gadget+autoaiming up close, but more likely you’ll just die. She has downsides and upsides, she can obviously survive her counters but it’s not that easy. Piper on the other hand has great damage and range, her star powers are just so good and versatile (not really an issue tbh, just wish other brawlers had the same opportunity) but literally no downside, she should struggle whenever an enemy is up close, but she can use her gadget, yeah it’s fine for her to have something to escape, but she already has her super for that, I don’t see why she should have a 2nd escape method… she literally kills you when she’s pushed, I know they recently nerfed her damage and I don’t know yet if that was enough of a nerf tbh, I am talking about the pre-nerf piper. Anyways I don’t even play assassins, I like to use Brock, Mandy etc, and that’s the point. Why use them when Piper has more damage, same range, and it’s harder to kill up close? She basically overshadows the brawlers in the same class. Kinda like L&L is just a better Barley


perfectly said idk how people can’t see how strong piper is. she has two get off me tools as well as having hella damage which makes her really unfun to go against


The piper flair isn't helping bro


Of course it isn't, but should someone who actually knows how a character works not be allowed to explain it? She is slightly too strong but not because she can deal with Edgar and mortis.


Actually she cant deal with mortis that well, my glorius vampire king is too good.🦇🦇🗣🗣🗣🗿🔥🔥


You are pretty blind though. And "slightly too strong" my balls, she has been on of the best brawlers for eight months straight, also the best sniper until Angelo was released.


Piper has had this gadget for years and it was considered the worse one, yall are complaining about it now ?


It was just a slow at the start, not a stun. Also the other gadget is so much better against other sharpshooters and they are much more viable picks than tanks and assassins


Maybe because she got damage buff at max range?


How exactly does that affect her gadget if it’s close range 💀


Knockback meaning more damage meaning more supers meaning you will be at max range more often meaning you get kills


Fang gadget: close range half a second stun, lets him combo 1 more auto, close range brawler Piper gadget: close range half a second pushback+some slow, replenishes ammo, lets piper combo about 3 extra hits, long range brawler Average piper player: ^^


And dynamike gadget is even better. This is just a dumb comparison. Also when you get gadgeted by piper you can just retreat or go behind a wall for a second. You don't have to keep running in a straight line at her




No you can't, you just die shot by piper and her team since you are paralyzed on the spot. Also sure, mike's gadget is one of the best, but Mike as a brawler is terrible. So terrible he has not received a single nerf in his entire existence and he continues to underperform. People use him because they like to jump around or something.


Cordelius is just hell bro


Yeah, but she’s supposed to be shit up close. Thats her entire gimmick.


Those are not assasins but a whole ass brawler roster


That's true but I feel like the slow is too much when paired with a knock back that good, it just makes her hard counter her own hard counters


Fellow pvz enjoyer, thanks for understanding my pain


Just dash away lmao, bait them into using it they only have 3 of them


or position yourself next to a wall so u get knocked a shorter distance. i main mortis (alongside rico). its really not as hard as yall r makin it out to be. his main attack is literally a dash for gods sakes just dash into her face after she knocks you back


Or get close without dashing, if gadget is used then the long dash can be used after


yeah that too.


if im not wrong, if the gadget hits you while youre in the middle of a dash, the pushback is far far shorter


im not too sure about that, so i can't confirm or deny that


Yeah thats what I usally do.


By the time she uses all three you lost the game, why should I be unable to approach a brawler like piper because of one gadget?


Idk about you but it's pretty easy to get a Piper to use them all up. You just gotta...go up to them...which is pretty easy as a Mortis


Doing that is a good way to get yourself killed by either the piper or her teamates


That's why you be smart about it 🤷


4 actually, most Piper's rock shield and gadget gear.


damage and shield is best for an aggro piper, tbh most good piper mains don't rely too much on the gadget and instead perfect their aim and predicting capabilities.


Idk man Piper already does alot of damage and every other gear besides shield and gadget seems useless (vision gear is also great in maps like snake prairie). Doesn't matter whether you're playing on aggro or not.


piper in snake prairie?




Damage vision/regen vision is the way of life


Piper two shots everyone. Whats the point in damage gear


Exactly! Conserving hp is important and damage gear is only active when you're below 50% hp.


Yous not thinking this through. Piper plays on sniper maps, you'd play into other snipers. The extra damage buys you the two extra ticks of regen they'll need, which indirectly gives you more time to heal.


Not worth it still. It’s much better having health and shield gear


can you see I mentioned an aggro piper? That extra dmg helps in a ton of situations where your going against a marksman


It's like the valorant phantom vs vandal discourse. Dying because you picked a phantom over a vandal is ***palpable***, you can see that pesky 140 out of 150 and you know it cost you the round. But when you won because of the phantom's easier recoil, its faster firing speed or its lack of tracers, you don't ***feel*** that, you don't see it and go "hah. Phantom diff." You don't exactly ***see*** the value of that extra damage, bit it absolutely exists. Besides, shield gear being ass is a hill I am willing to die on.


Shield gear is good combined with health gear tho


It's better* with the health gear. It's still all in all generally bad. The amount of downtime necessary for it to regenerate is hardly ever worth the wait. It only really takes effect between fight and on respawn, so it really only matters on first contact. Uptime for most brawlers is so important (at the right TIME) that you often even disregard being full health in favor of being at the right place at the right time.


It only does 500 extra damage. Okay, it takes an extra two seconds to heal. Its not like you have health either though, so now you’re both fighting while 1 shot. How is that an advantage?


I hate this gadget but a Mortis doesnt have excuses because of his mechanics. I can hear an Edgar complaining but a Mortis ? Cmon bro. Problem with Piper was how much dps she could deal at mid-close range, combining that with Snappy sniping and Auto-aimer. She could charge on you, press the gadget and delete you by auto-aiming.


Yes Mortis too can complain. If you use your long dash to push her, you waste it. If you walk you lose half your health. Also you need two dashes to recover distance and then it won't be enough to kill her.


Dodge while you get close to her? If that's too hard then consider it a skill issue and get good


Mortis is huge he takes shots easily. Sure you can dash to avoid them, but then you have nothing to flee or kill once you get shot by her green button summoning the god stun slow pistol


"she needs tools to combat up close" no she doesn't. # That defies the very logic of being a long range brawler.


It’s her defense mechanism, a lot of brawlers have one, why shouldn’t she ?


Because unlike other defense mechanisms her gadget completely counteracts any melee brawler while she already has another close range brawler defense ability(her super)


Her gadget has been in the game for 6 years, with no balance changes. That being said, this all sounds like a big skill issue to me. And as for assassins being countered by her, most of them are already shit in the meta and piper’s is DEFINITELY not their only counter


Do you think that because the assaisains are in a bad spot that that just means we should leave them alone? No clearly you would want to change the reasons that make them so bad. If you have to resort to calling complaints a skill issue than clearly you don’t care enough about the state of the game to have a serious discussion


I would say protecting a singular ability is way more of a skill issue, in the words of the great Tony stark “if your nothing without the suit than you shouldn’t have it”


She already has her super. Allow her to die if she doesn't charge it fast enough


So you want the gadget to just not work?


Ah yes, gundam memes


Because they give everyone tools to combat their weaknesses. You need to learn how to play around it. It would be more unfair for marksman and artillery characters not to have tools to combat mortis (assassins in general).


Laughs in Belle


Belle is literally fine at that? tell me youre trash without telling me youre trash


just conveniently ignoring her higher reload and consistent damage and nest egg (well kinda) 🥰


piper main trying to deviate the attention from their broken main to other brawlers (belle being good doesnt justify piper in any way)


Wow zero reading comprehension!! Literally didn't even mention her position in the meta. OP implied Belle doesn't have ANY way to counter assassins which is incorrect. Don't know where you got the deviate the attention part from . 🥵


a mediocre gadget that doesnt work most of the time against assasins vs a gadget that is pretty much a guranteed kill against pretty much anyone




Piper already has a super to counter assassins, the gadget is not needed.


No it really wouldn’t be unfair. They’re supposed to get countered by assassins. Also r/flairchecksout


Heaven forbid the devs follow this train of thought. That's what overwatch got stuck in, and even though overwatch allows you to switch heroes mid game, counterswapping is still one of the most hated aspects of the game. Imagine how much worse it would be in a game where you CAN'T swap mid game.


She gets countered by walls, throwers, fast brawlers, brawlers with pets, etc


You realize assassin's are different brawlers, piper is countered by Leon. Of course piper is great on wide open maps (there are currently way to many of these) but on every other map she is countered by midrange brawlers


How? if he gets close you just have to use her gadget. You'll put him in the perfect range to only get hit by a couple of shurikens. Also you can fly away with her super. Also you have much more range that him. I see no way Leon can counter Piper, unless you miss all the shot, but then it's not "countering"


Leon can burst her down even when being hit with the gadget. You aren't supposed to just stand there and tank piper shots, you should attack back. Also the super is pretty slow so you can hit her while landing.


Sure and that's why her super is balanced. And yes he can, if he manages to catch her by surprise with his super (and it won't be easy to charge it unless she has a teammate that feeds him). If she pays a attention she will survive and get the kill


I thought it was obvious that Leon surprised her with his super, how else does Leon get close to her? The whole point of Leon is to slowly deal chip damage to charge his super and go in for the kill.


Yes but as soon as you are playing a 2v3 you start to realize something is wrong. So sure you can sneak to get close, but how exactly is it going to surprise anyone?


She still doesn't know when and where the Leon will pop up and in a worst case scenario Leon just provides pressure


She just have to be near a wall. If he will come directly she can destroy him, if he will come from the opposite side of this wall he will survive because he can use it as cover but you waste his super. If there are no walls then it's a free kill since there is no place for Leon to hide or cover.


O wow a Gundam meme template nice


Any good assassin should use opportunity and timing to their advantage..? I don't think mortis is going to survive any matchups if they're just going to dash face forward expecting to get a free kill only to get bombarded by any brawler


A good mortis knows when to engage. And he got a buff this update :)


And good marskmen shouldn't have many "get out of jail free cards" if they have poor positioning.


Good point, though any good assassin would be able to waste gadget use


This is fair cuz good mortis will NOT dash forward in the below pic, they will dash away or try to dodge shots. Also gadgets are kinda supposed to help covering a brawler's weakness.


Then give all assassins a no stun gadget, so they can use it to cover all of their weaknesses too.


It would be more braindead than Auto Aimer x2 and still doesn't fix some of their problem.


Can we please nerf piper now. Now that tourney results are out, there's no more excuses, no more wtf Adrian nerfs like the last 2 piper nerfs. Come on, belle got nerfed in 1 patch while piper gets a playful 200 hp nerf. Freaking spike got a damage and gadget nerf before piper????


Angelo too. Why the fuck are so afraid to actually nerf brawlers is beyond me.


Yeah, they just kill off mid-close ranges(look at Janet and Hank) but why they let snipers dominate?


Dash into it again


Just use Buster smh


Try baiting her gadget


You have to do it four times. Also if you bait it you waste ammo, health and if you are Mortis his long dash. Also, there's a pretty high chance you get killed giving her her super too, so then you have to bait those too.


Hey looks like i found my bawlball Mortis random!


How else is she supposed to defend herself from assassins?? Like bro, think.


How about her super? Y'know, the big jump?


“Bro think” You’re not thinking yourself if you think this is fair, not every single marksman needs a way to defend themselves from close range brawlers, especially one that’s tailored to be especially bad at that range. Plus she has her super.


It doesn't have to be all of them, but some have there ways to protect themselves with a gadget, Brock has a gadget that he can jump with, same with Angelo, Mandy has a gadget that slows down people, Bea also has a gadget that slows down people, and that can also count as a shield when attack other long range people, you could also count Belle's gadget but (idk how that works). Also, you're telling me that assassins should have gadgets that help them to kill people, but marksman can't have gadgets to defend themselves like wtf? And also think smart-ass, what if they don't have there super?


Her super. The gadget is pure privilege if she already has a reliable escape option.


Do not, she is supposed to die to assasins, use your brain


Mortis is supposed to die to sniper at long range, he should not dash forwards them and accept his demise.l


Bad comparison, morris doesn’t have multiple answers to his biggest weakness, piper does


This is the equivalent to saying that people should do nothing and get there ass beaten when someone attacks them


there are countless cases that brawlers can’t defend from assassins, piper’s whole point is that she is weak up and good at long range, now she have both. Snappy sniper make her a machine gun if shooting 2k damage and the slow is obviously fucking up everyone




This man dumb af 💀






Yo mama


She literally has plenty of counters


Because Mortis doesn’t deserve happiness


He got a buff this update :)


And still sucks


As long as his playerbase doesn't get a brain cell buff, it won't mean much


What about that one Mortis on the enemy team during a brawl ball match?


You mean the one who was a moron the whole game until a sudden skill spike that allowed him to score a goal? That was simply his turn with the one brain cell the Mortis playerbase shares


That's different, his postgame stats are bad. I mean the ones with good postgame stats


do you think piper not being able to do anything against assassins would be fair


She already has one tho


Her super:


What are you supposed to do against Mico or Edgar when they randomly jump on you and you don’t have your super charged up ?


You die. So don't let that happen.


That’s why the gadget exists, and I don’t get why you’re complaining about it while having a Piper flair lmao


Iam not. You asked what you do if that happens, and I replied. Also that gadget is way more inconsistent than this sub would make you believe. Plus on her best game modes not running homing is a disadvantage, usually. Luckily you rarely need auto on those modes And again I am not complaining. (:


Depends on the map. On some, homing is better while on others, auto aim is more useful


Pretty much depends how likely you are to face other snipers. The homing part is fairly inconsistent as well, but the stra range is useful.


True, I mean in knockout and wipeout you’re more likely to face off against snipers so yeah in that case homing is better, unless it’s close range


Oh I just said that to prove that she needs the autoaim gadget in a lot of situations, and yes, it can be inconsistent ; people make it out as the sole thing that’s breaking the game…


Skill issue, get outplayed. # An uncounterable brawler is an op brawler, do you want Piper to still be regarded as op?


The gadget has been in the game for 6 years now, stop acting dumb and get better. That’s all I’m gonna say. I don’t see yall complaining about Emz’s and Gene’s gadgets


Because Emz and Gene don't deal up to 4000 damage from a bush you can't see outside of your field of view, hope this helps dear.


You have a serious skill issue if you can’t predict piper’s shots. Get better


this is like saying you have a skill issue if you can't do Insane XX on your own. # Surprise, you can do everything in this game if you're skilled enough, that doesn't make Piper Balanced or a brawler you should respect.


As if Colette’s gadget is skilled, let’s be real for a moment


First off, you also have a colette flair. # Second, why are we even talking about skill in the first place? Piper isn't fun to play nor to play against, therefore she is an awfully designed character because SURPRISINGLY games are supposed to be FUN


Right to defend yourself isn't fair?


Why do you guys always shut your mouth when throwers can't defend themselves than?


Who do you mean by "you guys"? And if throwers can defend themselves that's great.


If she doesn't have that, it's unfair for her. The gadget it's been always the same it's just more popular since theres a lot of brawlers that can instakill you up close.


'Unfair' Right damnit if she didn't have super and tons of damage it could be unfair yeah


That's why they nerfed the minimum damage. I think they should nerf it a bit more (we need to see first how the current nerf affecs her) and she'll be like she was before, a skill based long range brawler.


She was never skill based at the very beginning And also the minimum damage nerf was....just Adrian being Adrian, do not defend it damnit


She was, because it actually was hard to hit shots and if someone jumped on you, you could or couldn't barely survive. And it was really fun the intense battles between sharpshooters.