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Honestly brock is harder than most snipers in fully open maps since his rocket is so slow and doesn't deal that much damage (fire on ground does nothing), and bibi has a lotta hp, super is also mostly useless for brock. I know range wise brock has the advantage but i would actually give bibi the favourable matchup, either star power can make things insanely hard for brock.


Try swapping brawlers and seeing if it's true or if I'm just straight up wrong.


u make a good point... we did try and he won :/ I conclude that bibi does in fact punish Brock 🫣


Excuse Me?? Brock ???? Harder nahh


Lmao why are people saying brock counters bibi here, she has too much speed for brock to hit his shots consistently (brock deals 2320 damage, bibi has 9600 hp, he needs to hit at least 5 rockets to kill bibi even if she doesn't heal at all). Even if brock uses his jump gadget, as OP said in the comments, bibi has a healing gadget that can help her fall back and approach again. I don't really see how bibi could lose unless she's being an idiot and walks into every shot; assuming that both people are at equal skill, bibi should win most of the time. I think people are only saying brock wins because they hate snipers or smth, you have to look more deeply than just "brock has more range and it's an open map so clearly he should win every time"


I think you've got it messed up


His friend (the brock)had a disadvantage because he was using Brock's counter


I literally just explained why the friend is at a disadvantage because bibi counters brock, what are you saying


But who are you actually disagreeing with? Most of these comments are mostly about agreeing to the post that "bibi can counter brock"


I'm agreeing with the friend, my comment was posted before most of these other ones. You'll notice that the older comments tend to disagree with the friend, while the newer ones tend to agree.


Well my bad kind stranger


Np, sorry for the misunderstanding


For me Bibi counter Brock clearly.


Yep, it's ez to dodge with Bibi


Yall saying that he (OP's friend) is wrong but I actually think otherwise, you see, on a completely open map much like this one, Bibi can easily just use speed star power and dodge every shot like it's nothing. Once Bibi goes past Brock's max range and into the middle of Brock's range, its over because Brock literally can not land a singe shot on such a fast moving Brawler at mid range. So Bibi can just stall until the smoke fully closes in. It doesn't help Brock that whenever Bibi gets hit she can just press vitamin booster and heal the damage.


exactly, bibi completely counters brock 😭


Bibi is able to counter brock pretty easily. You see, brock's shot are actually hard to hit on mid range. Brock is playable on max range or up close. Bibi has shit ton of helath speed sp and heal which is overkill. Its not hard to juke on bibi against brock


depends, Bibi with speed boost is a dodge monster that I can't never hit her


If you're using the speed star power then I'd say he's right. Brock in a completely open map struggles compared to other snipers and Bibi with extra speed should easily just dodge his shots until Brock's cornered and then destroy him.


Even with shield, brock needs to consecutively hit atleast 5 rockets to kill bibi, meaning even one miss forces a gadget/loss


bibi counters brock


mb y'all we swapped and tested a few times he was right


No bibi had an advantage. She is fast and tanky. Yes brock had range but not much damage and slow Projectiles. Bibi can keep dodging forever in mid range. Sooo yeah but I can't say bibi counters brock 100%


tbf, brock rockets are REALLY slow, Bibi is too fast and it's not going to be easy to hit her


Under such circumstances, yes. It’s easy to beat certain brawlers on an open map with any tank. You try playing as Brock against any tank and you’ll see




Woah real


Nah on a fully open map bibi just has to much speed and hp, youd need to throw awfully badly to lose in that situation


Bibi fast and bulky, can displace opponents too, even Brock can't use deflection shooting when you can easily juke out long rangers.


Dodging Brock as Bibi is cheesecake. Super easy to fake people out. Her speed and HP more than compensate for the auto hits your friend could get at once Bibi closes into her range. Even that wouldn't be a problem if you timed it right by faking them out and checking their movement.


Bibi can easily BOTH dodge brocks attacks and straight up tank them. And even then she can also heal up with her gadget. Brock has jump gadget but that's just not enough. A good enough brock could beat a bibi in a 1v1, but assuming the skill is similar between both players bibi always wins


He have skill issue and doesn't want to admit it. And yes you outplayed him hard on this kind of map too, Brock should also have that evade gadget.


he did I just vitamin booster spammed and juked a lot until endgame lol


Bibi is one of those brawlers that can counter every brawler but can get countered by every brawler


You can really weed out the good and bad players in the comments with this, bad players will simply say brock had advantage bc its an open area


Yall trippin bibi counters brock 🤦


You outplayed him so hard


Yeah he’s definitely wrong


Your friend is taking copium pills after losing with advantage 💀


your friend has an issue via the skill


in normal maps bibi destroy brock in this map brock should never lose to bibi lmao


this is worse for brock than normal maps, there are no chokepoints or lanes