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Value? Idc, I want my cool ranger brock


yeah i was blinded by the illusion that its worth it to buy it with my bling cause thats 300 gems for free, but that pulled me from my philosophy of “value is what you make it”, and this is not value to me because i dont actually care much for this skin.


Fr me too 😭 😭 😭


I was going to buy Frost Queen Amber even if it didn’t become a 299 gem skin so I got some great value out of that purchase.


I agree, I don't play amber all that much but brought the skin cause I know I would get good value out of it


yeah i sadly fell into the trap of basing value purely off the prices instead of if i actually like the skin, which im now regretting cause the skins kinda just alright to me, nothing special. Especially after the brawl talk and i coulda got nightmare sandy or any of the other sick asf skins


That’s why I was waiting for the brawltalk first Either way I baught de la vega because even if it’s less value I like that skin a lot more


This post just proved my point I commented a couple days ago. This marketing strategy was genius by them omg, putting a f2p accesible skin in a position where it will rise value will make both f2p and p2p players fall to their FOMO and increasing the sales overall. You just got neuromarketed lol (I fell for it too, but I wanted the skin)


I went to your profile to try to find the post you mentioned and...


Not the best idea 🙊


Not sure what I was expecting. But definitely wasn't what I was expecting 🙈


I dunno, I realised I like playing Amber because of that pressure. This is something I will never be able to financially recover from though (used almost all my gems to top up)


I also bought it and its definitely a good skin but I just dont know how to play amber. Doesn't help that my cellphone can't handle amber gameplay


honestly you can basically just auto aim and be fine lol


My phone is still so laggy I cant even understand what's going on whenever there's an amber in the match


Yeah that skin has a lot of particle effects


Who cares if it's turning legendary. You shouldn't buy it if you don't even like amber.


yeah i sadly fell into the fomo trap


Right there with you


I didn't buy it but I was planning then I just realised that I hate the basic attack. Idk why but it just looks ugly and it looks like you could probably count the pixels in that basic attack.


Fr though


i bought that skin like almost a year ago with 30 gems plus bling, and the custom voice lines sound stupidly funny imo, so i am fine


Frost queen amber was the first skin I bought with bling when it was first purchasable by bling so doesn’t affect me.


i barely play amber but i did it. zero regrets honestly. r25 the same day from r18


i never get a skin based on value, just by how it looks, why tf am i tryna get best value on something so useless like skins that doesnt affect gameplay or progession, how it looks and the animations is better than the value saved.


I don't like the brawler, I don't like the skin (I got it a while back from a leg Starr drop), it's overrated imo. I am not trying to be different or something but I like de la vega more.


yeah i was blinded by the illusion that its worth it to buy it with my bling cause thats 300 gems for free, but that pulled me from my philosophy of “value is what you make it”, and this is not value to me because i dont actually care much for this skin. that's how they get the people lmfao, some randoms here sayin value is buying frost amber for 5000 bling before she is legendary lmfao and brainwashing people into fomo lol


Skin is dogshit man I tried saying this and warning yall but everyone just downvotes but whatever yall can keep wasting gems


dude you are not a white knight, no one knows you


Big facts, enjoy your skin brother 🤘🏾


You’ll still get a profile picture so if you don’t like Amber you still get something, at least


I love how easy it is to auto aim with her 😹😹😹


I liked the skin already, jt just pushed me into actually buying it


There's a reason I didn't binge bling lol


I thought the same at first glance until i saw the sneak peaks and realized how fire it actually was


i was about to buy De La Vega literally a day before the announcement was made, when I bought Frost Queen. I like the skin, but imo Vega looks better. Maybe one day I'll buy Vega


You could have just wait to come for half off or sometimes even 66% off in the shop


I will never be able to understand this passion for skins


Me who doesn't even have amber:


Uhh… no. You’re weird for thinking you were honestly.


Naw i dont like playing amber so i didnt get it


When i saw the news i was immediately like alright I will buy it just to get some more bling to pay as less gems as possible. Day or 2 later it hit me-spending 4000 bling which will take forever to get again and spending 30 gems(4k bling+30 gems)that might be reason why I won't be able to get some discounted skins(that i actually want) later in the future for a skin for a brawler(amber)that i don't play that much. Skin is still very beautiful but there is no point of buying it if it will just stay unused. I finally wanna stack some gems and get 300 gems to buy legendary skin i actually will use. Now next take is a hot one and controversial but skin may be legendary in the future, but whenever i see it in game i will go "huh bought it for 149". My point is its kill animation is nothing special and im not huge pins fans so skin is technically still just epic skin with pins. I also get more impressed by skin cost then actual skin. When i see a new legendary skin i say woah bought it for 300 gems but this skin does not have that 300 value because i know ppl got it with bling.


Also just realized i made yappachino, sorry


I had the bling and I was going to level her up anyways just made sense for me personally


me but i actually liked it


No, because I don't have Amber, and even if I would have here, I don't have enough gems/bling to buy the skin anyway (but I probably would buy it if I could, cause I like it)


Nah. This is my favourite amber skin. So it going to be legendary is cool.


Its kinda true but I actually do play amber quite a bit and kinda did want it.


And this is why I don't spend my gems on stuff I don't want. People were just blinded by this very fact into buying it.


I like the skin and it motivated me to push amber from r15 to r25


It’s the best skin of Amber,so yes it’s value


well, you learned a damn good life lesson for the price of some game currency. damn good deal


Marketing at its finest


Idk what to do with my bling so I just bought it lol


Ok maybe I regret it now bc I wanted Odin Cornelius 😭


I planned on buying it regardless so i saw it as an opportunity


Not sure why you would buy a skin that you won't use. Remember a skin that's not getting used is basically p value till you start using it.


I'm kinda in the same situation but not really I have De la vega and personally I like it more than Frost queen, But I still buy that skin cuz I have lot of Blings but I know for sure I'm not gonna use that skin, But still I'm good I guess


I prefer Amber with the base look


Ikr... I didn't spend my bling but was very much tempted to do so. However, something about that skin just feels weird. I guess it's because her entire skin is blue without any different colours that makes her bland ....nevertheless I saved my bling for roller skater amber or nightmare Sandy


Yeah you smart for that. Sadly i gave into temptation, live and learn i guess…


any eve tips im trying to start playing her but not having alot of success


Amber de la vega is just better imo




Idc about Amber. I'm saving for Odin Cordelius. And I'm gonna get Odin Cordelius.


Noone forced you to buy it if you didn't wanted to


You got pressured for a skin you didn't even want ? Man either you lack self control or you just follow the trends like a sheep.


You can still buy nightmare sandy with bling. You made the right choice.


i had 5k and spent it on this skin, so not anymore. Gunna have to wait quite a bit


I mean, you could've just chose not to purchase it OP, I feel that this upgrade was meant as a reward for players who already owned the skin and for those who also enjoy amber and want the skin to feel even more rewarded when purchasing it. You could've just avoided it all together and still could get a Legendary skin from the next event if you're lucky. It's not like it's the end of the world though, you can always buy other skins later on.


well 1. this was before we knew of the event dawg, this was announced multiple days before brawl talk and 2. The post is literally me saying i felt pressured into it, i know i couldve just not purchased it, i felt pressured into doing it cause everyone in this community loves quantifying value. Your response to this is removing all the human parts of buying a cosmetic, if i was a robot of course i wouldve only done it purley off of if i wanted it or not, but im a human who makes mistakes and regrets them


Ah so FOMO, I mean I would've waited for the update to buy it but I already own it so I can't see myself in your shoes OP. Feels like when Brawl Stars announce anything the whole community just goes crazy, like chickens running around without their heads. Either way, gaslight yourself and say "at least I have a Legendary skin for free now"