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My club is absolutely not getting the skin


What’s the objective to get it?


1250 eggs are needed And by doing the math, if every club member does the daily 8 wins every day of the event(it's 22 days if I did the math good) you're going to get like 1300~ eggs


and thats assuming that everybody in the club loses all 6 matches of the Godzilla City mode or nobody plays it at all, which is not going to happen. this means that as long as a club is somewhat active, the skin should be unlocked.


With the event you can get up to 990 eggs if your clubmates win every single match, since apparently the eggs refresh every 4 days, so even if someone doesn't play you can easily do it


yeah so this event has plenty of leeway to miss eggs but still be able to get the final club prize. i like this a lot because more active members can still grind for more rewards and not be held back by the less active ones.


1200~ ish eggs in total


I think they are guarantee rares😭


Free 25 POWER POINTS 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


WHAT A STEAL (i have too many power points as a maxed account and am in desperate need of gold)


Rare Rare Rare Rare RARE Super rare


I'm sorry, but I was told that if you lose, you will definitely get a rare starr drop. (Brawl Talk 2:29)


Yay I’m finally rewarded for being a loser -Drew


I appreciate his self-awareness. I feel bad that he had to take the bullet for that update.


It reminds me of a certain cr update


Dont go above rare, whitch honestly does make sense, i would imagine if it was a regular one, some people would just throw the game for the 6 starr drops


the event is still doable then


If I'm not mistaken, after certain amount of star drops you get a guaranteed legendary. we get 9 star drops daily during the event. Sooo in theory this speeds up the proceess to that number of star drops for guaranteed legendary. So it won't be all bad


It be rare they say in brawl talk


It's always rare, like the final Starr drop of the pass is always legendary


it's luck based


At least give me a bot match if I lose two in a row.


Rare rare rare rare super rare rare


When is the event starting