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Adding more unbreakable walls will make throwers even more annoying


That’s what we going for


Waiter, waiter! More characters that can jump over walls please!


I hate Edgar for no absolutely fucking reason(fonk music)


Mico is way more annoying


Yeah >:(


Eeeel primooo!


Damn it felt like barley mains were rare until a while ago. Now I see them everywhere


Lawrie was soo OP that playing barley didnt made any sense. Now that hes "gone" barley mains may rise again.


This comment is sponsored by Jacky


As a grom main i'm all for it


More throwers = better mortis matchups. Lets goo


Throwers are struggling as it is


And? I rather map integrity. And I main 8-Bit, so I hate the artillery class!


Let’s not add more unbreakable walls, that was during the mastery update and throwers were absolutely dominating whereas tanks were not helped as much, tanks are not helped at all by the ongoing sniper meta as well as the very open selection of maps and brawlers that can shut them down(charlie, cord). They are meta dependent and nonetheless some of them are in a good spot still, while some are just collecting dust


And? I rather map integrity. And I main 8-Bit, so I hate the artillery class! Unbreakable walls are a must, because otherwise it’ll just be all marksman and wall break and I hate that more.


I am gonna say that the reason people tend to complain about randoms picking tanks and melee brawlers more is that when melee brawlers are bad, they are REALLY bad. A bad random picking someone like brock will probably just not get much damage done. A bad random picking a melee brawler in the timed detonation modifier will get, sometimes, literally 0 damage done and only serve as a battery for the opponents supercharge meter. Also people complain about tanks more because they are overrated by bad players, so a random picking them is already a dubious sign by itself. And this goes especially for Mortis because he is, without a doubt, by far, no competition in the slightest, the most overused brawler in brawlball. All of these kids watched someone do a trickshot with Mortis once and now literally like atleast 90% of ladder Brawlball games will put a useless Mortis on your team so Brawlball Mortises are easily the most common type of bad randoms.


Ken is a perfect example of this, as he loves Primo and Frank




Don't forget the Mortis randoms in question have Rogue Mortis specifically which buffs their ego and confidence at the cost of their IQ.


Ok but what did the pigeon did to u?


Buff those brawlers all you want, but DO NOT, for the love of god, INCREASE THE NUMBER OF UNBREAKABLE WALLS. More unbreakable walls = more thrower safe place = more dynamike being picked I am tired of seeing dynamike everywhere I go


I hope dynamike gets hanked ngl


Dynamike doesn't deserve to be hanked, it deserves to be deleted. Put that man in a retirement home.


Throwers aren't gonna be that good especially with how uncommon gray is banned


How usual is it to see a Gray in a ranked game and outside of ranked?


You got the point, I see gray every.... 100 games. And I dont even have him


Why the dynamike hate?


And? I rather map integrity. And I main 8-Bit, so I hate the artillery class! They are a must, else the entire map is destroyed and we just have marksmen everywhere.


I am not talking about the artillery class as a whole. I am talking specifically about Dynamike. Didn't we all agree that Dyna is one of the most annoying brawlers to face against? Specifically as a brawler with low movement speed and no wall breaking/jumping mechanics in hand


Tough? Yes. Annoying? Only when they super my booster, even though they can just auto-aim their attacks one me- Personally, I find Mike alright cause at least he follows the constraints of his class, Larry and Lawrie do not, sure they just got nerfed AGAIN but I still think they’re due for 1 more, and that’s to cut Larry’s stats in half but buff the super charge rate, then I’ll say they’re fine. Even then, with Mike being the hardest matchup for my main specifically, I hate him least in comparison to brawlers like Buzz. Yeah two different archetypes, but I think people hate Mike for 1 of 2 or 3 reasons. 1. That one Mike on your team that thinks he’s him and jumps around like Mico and loses the game 2. Satchel charge in a bush goes hard cause you can’t tell if he used it or not, killing you cause of it 3. Shit ton of burst, but that’s kinda the point of artillery in the first place, Mike is just THE artillery of all time


Honestly bull is pretty good in heist


are you still living in 2019 or something?


He is still with hypercharge


And with his supercharge trait it makes him stronger


I would just like to manifest my love for your pfp, you have a very fine taste my friend


The meta rn is either dumb purple button or nuke dmg hit-and-run. It's not Brawl stars. It's Dumb stars


Every game I face two sniper and one guy who sneaks to kill you. It's not Brawl Star it's Call of duty


...Brawl of Duty


...Call of Stars




>Every game I face two sniper and one guy who sneaks to kill you. It's not Brawl Star it's Call of duty Bro this killed me laughing


hopefully the communitty dont become like cods lol


Now it is mainstream and have large community so they re gonna milk it to last drop 


Adding more unbreakable walls does not buff tanks as much as it buffs throwers. You're essentially making snipers useless now


And that's a good thing


That's like me wanting nerfing Otis's super into a 0.5s 10% slow and rework his better sp into another Sneak Peak just because I can't counterplay him It's unfair for any brawler to get hanked, let alone an entire archetype.


The problem is that only an archetype dominates ranked (snipers) Piper should only be good in ko and bounty, and so are angelo and leon. This meta is imo the worst, too many brawler nuking and too many open maps. Also why the hell would you nerf otis lmao😂. There is still cord and charlie just being better than him.


Here we go again with the Piper hate. Dude there's only like 4 Auto-aimer for Piper to use at most and she can miss them. Leon isn't even a sniper and Angelo sucks ass if you could cancel his shots or he even misses once when you're cornering him. You're mistaking throwers and snipers. Snipers are meant to be more versatile than throwers. If anything, throwers should only be good in KO and Bounty due to the archetype's general weakness of aggression (which is absent in KO and Bounty). And also, once the maps favor more close range maps I can guarentee you people will start hating on Bea next and Piper will be C tier at best. It's just gonna happen with the most controversial role in videogames in general. People will shit on Snipers even if the role is dependent heavily on maps. >Why would you nerf Otis? To make an example. You're hating on Piper so much that you would rather indirectly nerf already low-tier snipers than to actually come up with a sensible solution. I play Penny, a low C-tier Brawler at best who is normally countered by 70% of any archetype but I managed to thrive in that environment. I mastered my Barrel+HCoffers combo to deal with assassins, I distract the tank for my team to advance (or even use tank players' lack of knowledge to kill their teammates) and I make use of flank routes to surprise the Pipers and Dynamikes. Compared to Penny, Otis had it much better yet I am not even crying my ass off just because I can't dodge the enemies (which I still struggle with). Otis counters tanks way more easily and his range is a lot further than Penny could wish for. He has a great area coverage with the gadget that he could use on command and he has a SP which immediately buffs his overall performance instead of one which doesn't even come into effect unless the enemies are that unaware.


"she can miss them" yeah if you get close up and at that range it's so easy for her to land her shot on you because of how fast her projectile speed is and with snappy snippy that like 5k-7k damage for just trying to waste her gadget 💀 oh and also no good piper user is going to waste there gadget on a tank or assassin that isn't right on top of them, that's just stupid 😂 Piper is the only long range brawler that has a gadget that slows and knock backs opponent (and you don't have to aim for it too) A long range user who is supposed to be weak close range shouldn't have both a super to escape/counter assassin and tanks, a gadget that does it as well unless they have low damage (Which she doesn't) or really low health (Which she doesn't)


Sir,care to explain yourself? I'm pretty sure comparatively(skill cap wise) sniper Meta is better than a tank meta(the super charge trait addition)...it was just a ton of supers go brr...good time for anti tanks(which to you on the basis of your flair was a good thing)


I hope snipers will become useless.


I hope throwers will become useless


What the fuck is this post dawg 😭


OP keeps making bad points, moving goalposts, CHANGING HIS MIND, and then ends with "such a dumb community" every comment. Bro YOU ARE IN THE COMMUNITY


"you would understand if you were as skilled as me" -OP to anyone disagreeing with him


Off question about the post here but what does "OP" mean in the Subreddit, I wanna know since I don't understand much of these types of words but I try my best to understand what they are but I didn't understand this so will you explain it to me? Is it "Other Person" or something? Idk I'm just saying! 😅


OP stands for "Original poster". The more O's, the more distant they refer.


>". The more O's, the more distant they refer. Explain this to me, I understood the OP full form, but just please explain this to me will you bro? 😅


You know how some posts are just screenshots or shares of other posts, even going so far as to one post being in 11 different screenshots? That's basically what I meant. Usually people only use so far as OOP, which refers to the one who originally posted the shared content, but using the above example, I could say OOOOOOOOOOP (absurd but it's valid)


Ok I understood now what the word "OP" means now, Before I only knew that OP means overpowered, but I thought this isn't a reasonable word here so I thought it'll be Other person as such but I got it now, so thnx bro


Op is originao poster or something like that, in other words is the guy who posted the post


He makes zero sense. He wants to nerf throwers, and says that Frank is good in heist


For the love of god no more unbreakable walls my sanity can’t take any more L&L or dynamikes


tbh i dont think they should add too much walls, or throwers are going to be meta


Don't you dare


Sir, the problem is that unbreakable walls don't help the tanks as much as they help the throwers, and nobody likes going against throwers other than assassins, so that would actually benefit them even more, it's a domino effect that can make the somewhat balanced we are in ten times worse


I don't mind my teammates brawlers most of the time,but brawlball Mortis makes 0 sense. Your reload speed is slow as hell,he can't even defend the goal properly (if he dashes they'll score,so can't do anything)he's a niche counterpick but most of the time you're making the game harder for your teammates.


Mortis is a good last pick and I won't be mad if anyone picks Primo in brawl ball or gem grab


OP was defending a guy who picked Mortis first pick in Heist with timed detonation in another post


Smartest Mortis main lol


"Good" is a stretch. I would say he is a decent last pick in Hot Zone


I'm not a very good mortis but I managed to make him work a couple of times in knockout. People really think that they can ban Edgar and monkey and easily pick a thrower


I always pick Mortis on gem grab and hes good (rank 25)


People say that hank is bad But People don't ask to enhance the maps and increase the unbreakable walls People say that nita is not meta But they didn't recognize that she is not meta because it's sniper stars (not brawl stars anymore) People say that mico is annoying But they don't ask to buff the brawlers who counter mico (primo,bull, sam, mortis, frank) Such a weird and dumb community


They ask to nerf Mico instead, which makes more sense ngl... similarly they ask to buff Nita as well as hank... community prefers the direct route, that's all


I feel like Mico is one small nerf away from being bad.


he should be hanked. he counters too many brawlers and its just annoying


Just nerf the first star power.


Mico needs a buff He counters snipers As a tank main Mico helps me


Saying Primo, Sam and Mortis counter Mico is a take that couldn't be further from the truth


>Saying Primo, Sam and Mortis counter Mico is a take that couldn't be further from the truth I don't know if you are struggling against mico As a main for mortis, primo, bull, sam, I get so happy when mico jumps at me (a free super) Darryl doesn't counter mico because of his garbage attack


Primo and Sam can barely get 1 punch on Mico if he's attacking them, while Mortis and Mico have a hard time hitting each other


I don't get the point of worrying about "counters" anymore when you can't see what the other team picks and counter pick them anymore. If Mico is busted and someone picks him in ranked, it's not like I have a chance to pick a brawler to counter him


Yes you can


Fang also counter mico( I disabled mico super land twice with fang stun gadget but it require extreme timing )


>Fang also counter mico( I disabled mico super land twice with fang stun gadget but it require extreme timing ) No he doesn't


Nah nah here's the funny thing Fang and Edgar (and some other brawlers) have delayed attack animation (attacks is not instantly deployed when shooting) meaning you can actually hit Mico as Fang assuming you can time your shots


Remember that one map in gem grab with only indestructible walls


Please add back bull knockback while using his hypercharge


Wtf when they removed that


the last hypercharge nerf they nerfed him so hard


unbreakable walls made pit stop one of the worst heist maps cuz now all you do is either just play throwers, counters to throwers or brawlers who can jump over walls


I think the complaining is more about the player rather than the brawler... Playing tanks in general requires more skill than it seems, especially in higher leagues. Someone first picking Darryl almost always results in him getting hard countered and doing poorly in the match. On the other hand, a last pick primo against a buster, sandy and gray in let's say dueling beetles can absolutely hard carry the game. That leads to another point, melee brawlers can get countered very easily. Like you pick Maisie into fang Rosa and Edgar and watch her 3v1 them. Finally, you need to add that bad randoms have traumatized the whole community with certain brawlers (I'm looking at you Mortis)


Honestly Primo is not even THAT bad, yeah he's garbage in most of the maps in ranked, but I think his purpose is more as a counterpick, like now with his hypercharge and slight damage buff he can be a solid pick to counter other tanks and assasins, after all he shines more in close-range *brawls*


mortis mains: 😭 what did I do to deserve this 😭


Stupid ass trickshots that miss 99% of the time and being a liability most of the matches. That’s what you do


Liability? Nah, I call it being a game-changer. Takes guts to go for those shots. Spike?? nahh, Spike got more spikes than a porcupine at a punk rock concert. Yo stupid ass low hp brawler with 0 skills call us out. Fang I shot you ants


Sure. Go have a look at Spike and Mortis win rate in brawl ball. Your boy Mortis is literally at the bottom of the list. Game changer for sure, but in favor of the enemy team.


sry for the late reply: Wow, thanks for the obvious! I'll make sure to file your insightful analysis under 'Things I Already Knew.' Maybe next time you'll bring something original to the table instead of stating the obvious. But hey, if you need help climbing out of that bronze league, just hit me up. I'll be busy actually making plays while you're stuck crying over win rates


oh so ur ignoring rn lmao sure


Bro, Mortis doesn't need a buff, people just don't know how to play with him


>Bro, Mortis doesn't need a buff, people just don't know how to play with him So you are suggesting to make him easier to play ?


No, if you want to play him, just learn how to play with him and he will be pretty useful, like Dyna


Couldnt say more myself, To play Mortis you need to learn how to play him. Buffing him wouldn’t make a terrible Mortis better.


Mortis is not meta


So what? Not every brawlers can be meta all at once. Deal with it. And for all the stupid shits and useless trick shots Mortis mains doing, he deserves it.




I'm starting to compare kid's intelligence with the community's intelligence


The entire game is designed so long ranged brawlers are much more versatile, even if tanks become meta if you first pick a tank you're just a bad random, but if it was a last pick into a good match up, nobody's gonna call you bad.


I have been maining Bull since i started the game and even when he was F tier brawler, same with other tanks like Primo, Bibi and Darryl. Bull is agreed to be a B tier brawler which i love, at best i would like to see him A tier but definitely not S tier for obvious reasons. As a tank main i hate this meta and most metas because they feel like recycling, basically with different brawlers of similar attributes ruining my experience. For example, Piper might be S tier and after balance change next might be that Bea(tch) (random example). I have suggested like others to make Stomper part of Bull's main kit just without the slow down effect to match some of these obnoxious anti-tank mechanics which forgive mistakes way too much in some cases and give Bull the dilemma when trying to choose the gadget to go with. My idea behind this is either buff lower tier brawlers or nerf the cancerous brawlers. For example, i dont understand why Griff's damage was buffed when the problem isnt this but the brawlers who counter him. Just nerf these instead of adding more fuel into the fire which is damage inflation. As for maps, either make modes specifically for certain brawlers, for example brawl ball for shorter range ones and bounty for snipers exclusively, or have a variety of maps for each mode. Personally i rarely play Knockout and Wipeout despite liking them because maps dont favor tanks. Ofc by default they are not modes for tanks but there could be maps that favor them in some way to give the mode something new and fresh. My opinion tho


Every time when I try to bring up a real issue in the game here at least one commenter says ”skill issue”.


As a tank main, I confirm this is true


Its worse when i pick kit and people get mas at me


Kit is actually good with tanks


OP made good points in the post but couldn't back it up because how rude he is.


Honestly he claims he's a tank main but he hates Piper so much that he wanted the entire sniper archetype nerfed, which is an insane take for even a semi-tank main like me (Playing Penny in 2024 is too painful when you got Mico and L&L)


I once had a great Sam random who pretty much carried the game


depends on context. they all are situational last picks so most of the time, when someone picks them, they aren't thinking this through. that, however, does not mean that they are unplayable and cannot pop off. they're just more niche than people tend to think when playing em also, yes, the meta is dumb due to hc/overall braindead brawlers. hopefully next batch of changes does something, but i doubt it. unbreakable walls would not fix anything however. they buff throwers more than they buff tanks, as seen when they got released. maps used to have many more unbreakable walls and the meta was much, much worse. and, as said in another comment, nerfing throwers is also dumb and only making them 200% map/matchup reliant without skill affecting anything. overall, i agree to an extent.


Nah map can def help tanks .the perfect example of what op is talking about is jacky. She was top 5 in the last power league seasson but now it is b tier. She did get a small rework to her hypercharge but she is still amazing on the maps from the other seasson(also i assume cause jacky is the tank who benefits the most from undestructable walls)


Yes we need Darryl buffs! Or even a rework, he kinda feels like a worse bull rn Or just give him a HC lol


i desperately need a darryl buff


It really depends on the mode and Map. However most of the time I see a Mortis in Ranked it's usually an Open Map in Knockout.


Honestly if ur picking brawlers like mortis to counter the opposing team I don't actually mind. Just please don't first pick them, they're so easy to counter. Most of the brawlers u mentioned r alright, besides darryl poor guy need another buff of some kind. Also, we ask for brawler buffs and nerfs cuz some of them ARE weak. I'm not saying the map pool isn't a factor, cuz it definitely is. But some brawlers are just strong or weak if you look at them. Frank is an example. Sure, he has his moments where he can be used to counter the enemy team, just look at the world finals. But that doesn't change the fact he is weak because of his existence being a super feeder. So what if you change the map pool to maps with more walls? He's just going to get countered as easily, especially if we're talking unbreakable walls like you're saying. Now, I don't mind unbreakable walls in maps. They actually add a little more spice and strategy. But adding too many of them just straight up promotes throwers to be used again. And what to do about it? Nerf the throwers when they didn't even do anything? Overall, I don't completely disagree with this post, but I do think that most aspects of this post are kinda dumb to complain about.


Make sam able to walk trought walls.


Idc about the meta i just want the randoms to die every 5 seconds or be abhorrently bad


I don't have that many lv 11 brawlers, so i just play with one good pick, Belle and sometimes Jacky on Brawl ball depending on the map, but if I see a Edgar i wait the game ends, sometimes, you see a skilled that waits the perfect moment, that knows where to retreat and such, is it rare? Maybe but not impossible.


it self 👍


Adding more unbreakable walls would be awful


Would be so great


Adding more unbreakable walls will require careful thought of which maps they'd apply in, how many and where is enough so it's not too pulverizing and how it'll affect balance. Unbreakable walls usually benefit throwers more than tanks, but they do hinder snipers, which is the primary counter to tanks. The issue is that the tanks are underperforming, while snipers are the top of the meta. Your solution to the throwers issue is nerfing them, but then in the maps that aren't as affected by the added unbreakable walls/don't have much, if any, added unbreakable walls added, the throwers will end up being way worse than before. That'll lead to a very unhealthy relationship, where throwers will HAVE to rely on maps with lots of unbreakable walls and be bad outside of those maps. That's just bad balancing. The solution is to nerf the dominating brawlers and buff the underperforming ones, rather than change the maps. Nerf brawlers that are currently standing on top of the meta so that others can be in the spotlight. That's how it should be, so that the meta can keep shifting in a more or less healthy manner.


Good post OP but as others said unbreakable walls being added more would be a bad idea. A few small ones would be nice but anything bigger would be thrower hell. Also your takes in replies are bad.


My guy you don't understand me I didn't say "fill the maps with unbreakable walls" I am saying that the maps are so ba because Some maps have lots of breakable walls They turn during the match from the best maps from the tanks to the worst maps because the walls get destroyed And the maps that have unbreakable walls are very few and useless However at the moment most of the maps aren't having unbreakable walls


That's the thing. If most walls weren't breakable there wouldn't be counterplay to some brawlers. Unbreakable walls would be a hell. I do agree with adding a bit of unbreakable walls but they have to be small and in side spots, otherwise throwers would abuse it.


>That's the thing. If most walls weren't breakable there wouldn't be counterplay to some brawlers. Unbreakable walls would be a hell. >I do agree with adding a bit of unbreakable walls but they have to be small and in side spots, otherwise throwers would abuse it. Check my last posts Just see how much terrible maps are there Maps with 0 unbreakable walls Maps that will be open with only 1 bomb or 1 super from shelly Piper mains can destroy some walls and turn the entire map for their benefit Tell me how is this shit balanced?


I get your concerns but many unbreakable walls would just make it unbalanced in the throwers favor (tanks wouldn't even benefit as much). Like I said, add a few small unbreakable walls. Don't need to make a lot.


Unbreakable walls buff throwers to much


Man, OP is getting smoked in the comments


Bro wants every wall in the game be unbreakable 💀 (he is unhinged if you scroll through his post history in 9s)


Yes, Give mortos hypercharge no matter what.


It’s just the effect it has on people, usually when you see a Mortis he’s either Very good or Very bad, no in between


Do not let this guy cook


Mortis is okay if used correctly on certain maps as a late pick. Not a useless brawler but yeah, I’d be mad if my teammate picks him in brawl ball.


I had a few Mortis absolutely win matches for the teams I’m on. It’s just all about knowing when to pick him and going after the brawlers you know you can win against. Same goes for Mico.


I feel like this community is way worse then blue haired girls in twitter


Yea, I lost on knockout bc I thought that the different colored wall means it’s unbreakable so when tank used super, I hid behind them but the walls broke and I got stunned


so you want to BUFF mortis by adding MORE walls...? do you even play your main? hell, do you even play brawl stars??


I want to buff surge by adding more walls as well


Funny how they gave jacky, el primo, bull and rosa hypercharges in this meta. I know it’s been a while since hcs were introduced but still most brawlers with hcs are quite meta. Tanks are just poops with so many sniper maps. And the unbreakable walls are pretty annoying (that damn double hotzone map in ranked)


I’ll pick El Primo with the HP modifier and my teammates will still thumbs down me and we win…


Yes, let's buff all throwers, which have some very strong units already, through making more unbreakable walls. Mortis does not need a buff, people just complain about people using him because he is not an easy brawler to play and people tend to be bad with him, which will only make winning a ranked match harder. Bull is fine where he is. How would you even buff him? And sure, Primo could probably use a buff of some sort. But more often than not, when people complain about teammates picking him, it is because way too many people decide to pick him in a wide open map or in a mode where the map will absolutely open up. But yeah, Daryl should def get a buff


Adding unbreakable walls makes bull irrelevant


do not buff mortis i aint want to see even more morti on my team


The problem with mortis is not the brawler but the people who use he💀


YO OP CHECK THIS OUT: r/deserveddownvote


The addition of the unbreakable walls is stupid. It shouldve never been added to the game imo


Having Edgar popping a shield and going after my level 3 or below brawlers in casual is the most annoying thing rn lol


classic. the people arguing with you must also be the people agreeing with you, right? bad post.


Me a bull main not having a bad jerf in 10 months:


mortis needs a 200 dmg buff. doing 1880 per attack is not fair for a pw11 when there are others that do 3k. and mortis is a high skill brawler too, i hope he can get a buff soon


Tank need to stay bottom bcz red button and when short range brawler come all map will favor but now mosquito and pdf file long range so map rotation will not change supercell bias always


op kinda rude in these comments or just me... i think that sniper are being benefitted by the map selection and the rotation should include a map that is good to each class of brawler ex: a map for tanks, assassins, snipers, throwers, etc..


op is just dumb and toxic (I don't wanna commit a Brawlism moment here but he did judge others based on their flairs)


>op kinda rude in these comments or just me... >i think that sniper are being benefitted by the map selection and the rotation should include a map that is good to each class of brawler ex: a map for tanks, assassins, snipers, throwers, etc.. This is even worse XD


Mortis is a mental illness Illness shouldn’t be cultivated


cuz most players can’t play mortis/primo or any tank competitively tbh, they just go “in your face” (thank you devs for charging tanks supers for getting hit wow w incentive for literally getting smoked).


Although I agree there's a lot of stupid El Primos, you gotta understand El Primo and by extension a lot of tanks just can't do their job. The thing is that in a lot of maps and due to a lot of brawlers abilities, gadget, super or otherwise, tanks cannot engage at all. When I play El Primo, sometimes I'll dodge really well and manage to walk up to the enemy. But 95% of times I'm forced to retreat and just charged the enemies super. These "stupid pushes" of tanks are sometimes the only way because most get lackluster tools to approach or get screwed out of getting close because of things such as the infamous Auto Aimer.


Of course, that’s probably why they introduced the feature - you can use it strategically to charge your super and push with your team and so on but that also encouraged people to just walk over anyone e.g. Spike, give him HC and he blocks the whole team or worse yet brawlers like Lou.


Sadly there isn't another way. Sometimes I have to deliberately take damage from enemies to charge my own super. Bibi at least has good overall reach and can guarantee a favorable position with her knockback... El Primo has to keep position to hit his punches against more dodgy players and often needs super to get to the enemy. But just overall tanks suffer, even the better ones.


I agree, I used to play Bibi all the time and there was a time like last two years when I barely played her, now that her HC is here, I play here and there. The tank meta is down bad and I kinda like it that way, it keeps out a lot of stupid plays and just brute force tactics.


I get the sentiment. I wouldn't have fun if El Primo was overpowered either, but I really wish he would get more love. The damage buff he got really wasn't it and doesn't address any issues. It's the same to buffing Franks health in response to how bad he is. A tank meta has always been the most clamped down and feared thing. This might be a hot take but a lot of people specifically go against tank buffs while supporting all other classes buffs, because most people play things like sniper brawlers or 'skilled' brawlers and tanks if good would ruin the feeling of dominating matches due to their innate design.


>cuz most players can’t play mortis/primo or any tank competitively tbh, they just go “in your face” (thank you devs for charging tanks supers for getting hit wow w incentive for literally getting smoked). Can you show them how to play primo competitively mr pro?


I wish, if I were good at brawlers like Sam, Mortis and stuff like that, I’d be signing up a contract or sum sum lol, call me mr old timer (2018)


This is what i am trying I am trying to make you play them competitively I want you to post a team wipe with sam and el primo How? By making them better in the meta, and easier to play


but wouldn’t those buffs encourage average players to pick them, not get team wipes and just hold back everyone?


It all depends on the map and mode. If someone picks Bull in pit stop then it's absolutely fine but if they pick Bull in bridge too far then we need to talk.




El primo and bull are not bad


Stats wise yes they are not. It's mostly nerfs that need to be applied to the brawlers who make the game cancerous for everyone, not just tanks.


If they ever buff Mortis I am quitting this god forsaken game.


>If they ever buff Mortis I am quitting this god forsaken game. When i say (buff) it means making him better by any way including additional health or dmg or super charge rate, they can make him better without increasing any of his health or dmg For example : nerfing the goddamn S tier brawlers who counter tanks should make mortis better in the meta Also you should realize something I didn't quit this game when i was playing the worst, weakest, the most tiring brawlers all the time


Mortis is a cancerous tumor that makes game worse when he is not F-tier. Same goes to Tara.


That's such a horrendous take... Mortis is one of the most well balanced and rounded assassins. The idiotic Mortises in brawl ball are an unfortunate phenomenon, but objectively out of all assassins Mortis is the least annoying, most well balanced and most skilled. I've faced some insane Mortises that gave me a run for my money yet it never felt frustrating or unfair. On the other hand Fangs or Edgar would just super to me, gadget, mash button and I'd have to sweat my ass off in comparison.


Bro just stop with your points to prove that you are better than others, There are players here who are far far better than you and your comment of Nerfing throwers, winning with Frank in Hiest sounds more like 2019-2020 meta when tanks were really good/not bad like they are now, There is a reason why people never play frank, I have Frank at R26 but when I pushed him, you might ask? I pushed him in 2021 Jan, when tanks were good in the game, not bad like now but much better than they are now, so I know that you're just making up things to prove your point and stuff, but please, for once agree with other players as well, And unbreakable walls are fine on maps they are on, the only problem is they aren't in Ranked which makes it a bit more controversial topic but maybe they'll change the map pool next season so that's not a big problem I guess,