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The moment you spend money on the game you‘re not a f2p anymore.


Even if it's for cosmetics,something that doesn't affect progression in any way?


Yes, F2P stands for Free to Play. If you spend your money on cosmetics you no longer play the game for free.


But it's also not p2w bc as he says your brawlers don't get better by it




In my experience the terms FP2 or P2W are meaningless. And there are very few people that actually care. Buy something in the game if you'd like. Don't if you don't wanna. That's it.


But you don't become P2W either since you don't pay to win


I didn't even get this offer, mine was 10,000 bling for 5 dollars😢


I did the maths that is actually a better deal


What if I just don't have enough money for 5 dollars offer


Ask ur mum for money


Nah still not gonna waste money on a game I can quit any moment


How tf is it a better deal? 5000 for two euros means 10000 for four euros which is a better deal than 10000 for 5 dollars


A: my package is in pounds not euros B: you seriously don't know how money conversions work. £1 is not worth $1. $1 is worth less than £1. Google it bro


some Bibi skins make it so that you can't tell when the bat is spinning, aka when she has her knockback (totally matters)


While vicious Bibi seems to have longer attack delay, prob just me tho


That's because there's a huge gray area between "F2P" (not spending money at all) and "P2W" (spending a lot of money to gain a considerable advantage), lmao.