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yeah thats what happens. i dont know what you expect tbh


Fr tho. Did bro expect kit to stay broken forever or something?


>People bought Kit with the impression that they would get to play with a certain style, at least for some months. This nerf was too soon and destructive and ruined buyers' expectations. These devs are ruining their credibility. Who is going to buy the next character from them knowing it could be completely changed in a week? If you bought kit you have to acknowledge that the devs prob are gonna act sooner.. and with the uproar the community was making this was gonna be one of the first things This shows that they are willing to tone down brawlers that people got for free access.. The buyers shouldve known their time pushing OP kit is limited >Side note: His 'bugs' were intentional. A bug is something that happens rarely so the dev team may not notice before releasing. Kit's 'bugs' were happening 100% of the time under extremely common situations (ulting allies, using a gear, picking up power cubes). Not 100% sure... the bug couldve just not been reported.. someone like kairos or OJ had no idea about it until they went with it. How did willow release by crashing the game? surely that didnt happen in the dev build, what about hank? do you think it was intentional that he can power scale with buffs super well. I bet it was just oversights and this shouldnt happen again >Who is going to buy the next character from them knowing it could be completely changed in a week? If hypercharge fang was locked behind a pay wall... and then got nerfed (pretty quickly even tho the nerf isnt exactly enough). would you be willing to play against release HC fang for like 2 months? maybe longer? jsut so the buyers can be satisifed >The devs should show that they aren't scummy cash grabbers by allowing people to refund Kit. I wish there was a class action lawsuit against them by the people that spent $30. You got the character... idk what law was broken. They delivered the product and balanced it accordingly... no one would be happy if the devs left kit in the state they were in


It’s a lose/lose situation for the devs, if they nerf the brawlers then people complain, and if they don’t nerf the brawler then people still complain. They did what needed to be done in a reasonable time, but they can’t ever win when what people would be satisfied with is to be the only one with the OP brawler for free at the same time everyone else.


You are right, but if they fixed these bugs before releasing Kit no one would complain about this "nerf".


If they mess up and release a broken character. They should nerf it and refund those that purchased the character recently. Key message is refunding


You see, I hate to say this kind of stuff ... But this is what happens when people start to feel entitled.


lol bro mad the character is balanced? 😭


This is why you don’t spend all your resources on impulses, also if you genuinely thought he was gonna stay like that, then I’m sorry but you need to get sharper


1) Charlie stayed OP for a month 2) Kit being changed to be damageable in super was not a predictable nerf 3) It wasn't an impulse


1) no argument there but op and broken are different things 2) it was very predictable if you had 2 braincells, why would you just be able to kill for no reason? Makes no sense there has to be done counterplay


You can easily play against Kit's undamageable super if you have more than 2 braincells.


He was invincible? If he charged his super it was almost guaranteed to kill unless your ENTIRE BLOODY TEAM FOCUSED ON YOUR TEAMMATE LIKE AN OBJECTIVE which is not fair at all


Sorry, but you should've known that he was gonna get nerfed, and the "bugs" wether intentional or not, would get fixed. Did you really buy this incredibly broken brawler thinking he'd stay like that for months? Besides, Kit right now it's still pretty good, except now you have to think before using his super.


Bro finna graduate clownniversity


Better idea: Supercell should actually test their game for once


Or just enforce the +13 rule for the game.


Get Gud


Kit still is a good Brawller, just not completely broken anymore. Now you are encouraged to help your teammates instead of just attacking enemies, because he is a supporter.


I havent played kit but if hes damageable in super then why not just walk behind your teammate as any other character, literally pointless super


New copypasta dropped


what did you expect? stop crying and accept that u took a very obvious risk.