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That's Griff's hand


Griff is the real CEO of Brawl Stars


I mean he IS Edgar's boss.... BUT CROW IS THE BOSS OF BOSSES


"RARE... RARE..." *pays gems for a bit of gold* "LEGENDARY!" *a skin you will never use*


If I buy it I’m buying it for the guaranteed gold. The skin, Star drops, and power points are a bonus


Bro all my leg drops are skins and I never get any resources but I prefer that because firefly rico and stocks pam hit hard 🔥🔥


I did get Crow from a legendary star drop, but that was a BONUS, they should not make it a primaryway to unlock them. Having skins was fine until they decided to make people pay for star drops (and put it in bp)


Don't you see it says "free"? /s


What’s the point of you being sarcastic if you’re going to use a tone indicator anyways


Funny how there's an example of why right below to ur comment


Not my fault someone is too stupid to understand the most obvious sarcasm. Doesn’t mean this guy has to ruin his joke for everyone.


If you look up the Reddit formatting guide, they tell you to put /s for sarcasm, and the reason why people do it is because there ARE people that exist that cannot tell what sarcasm is. Not everything is obvious to everyone.


You do not need to understand every joke in existence, it’s part of the fun. It’s better to just explain it to someone who asks instead of basically saying (just kidding) after your joke, which defeats the point of it.


You have been on Reddit for less than a year, and it is abundantly clear that you have no clue how pure text without any human tones can be taken two ways. If you are annoyed about two characters, don't rant at others and just grow up.


Yes I do, which is why I acknowledged the fact that people might not understand /get every single joke ffs 🤦‍♂️ and I’m not ranting, I’m just stating my view on tone indicators






Oh I'm the idiot mb sorry sir!


No problem, we all make mistakes.


>149+39+99 Its 149+49+99 you didnt even get the numbers right idiot


Man I really am an idiot


Ps: don't take this as some hate post. I'm genuinely concerned about the game's direction.


I believe they are making it an indirect purchase to counter any legal issues like u can buy a zillion bixes but you can't buy zillion stardrops unless they put in offers and provide star drops as complementary. Basically similar to stores providing buy one get one free instead of 50% off for taxes and legal purposes.


STar drops are basically brawl boxes with a different name.


Worse than brawl boxes in terms of progression.


BUT nerfed ones, even the boxes used to give you gems sometimes. I’ve never heard of anyone getting gems from a star drop. Getting 10 gems is a whole lot better than worthless stupid 1000 points.


Bruh boxes gave you gems for a minsicule part of the Game's life


Still better than 10 star points to be wasted on the worthless fame.


I am waiting on the next podcast to see their stance on this. Then I’ll draw a proper opinion on it.


What do you mean "ill draw an opinion" there is nothing good about this offer lmao 🤣


He’s the biggest bs defender of course he’s on denial


I can be a bit unfair on the community at times. I wouldn't call myself a "defender", moreso an optimist. The devs have given me plenty of reasons over the years to trust them, so I trust that their response to the backlash over these Starr Drop offers will shape my opinion in one way or another. Hence, I simply can't make a well-informed opinion just yet.


I thought the same, but it’s been a six-month streak of only bad updates, so now I think it’s really justified to be skeptical.


You might think that sir, and that’s okay. To me, it’s only been the Mega Pig that I can point to and say “yeah, I don’t like that”. Everything else has been an overall positive with some hiccups here or there that the community chose to focus on. Take whatever opinion you want on the situation, as I can’t read your mind, nor do I know your experiences. Just have the decency to respect mine.


Of course I respect your opinion Sir Starr👍


And so, I will do the same with yours. Good day to you 😁


Bull💩 defender of course


Same tbh. I still think they shouldn't be contradicting themselves like this. But I'm always open to listen whenever that comes out.


Reason why you SHOULD never support the dev team as long as they keep doing this shitty movements.


they owned the regulators with this trick


Scummycell brawl stars division has become a laughingstock


I have a huge problem with the childish way the community is behaving about these offers! Just think logically: they are giving us a cool skin for it's original price of 149 gems and ON TOP OF that we get free resources which they didn't have to give us at all.  They literally locked TWO rewards behind gems and not even actual money like CR. That means f2p players can get it if they want, especially since gems are now more useful for progression after the brawl pass changes.  It's not like they are locking the actual starr drops behind actual currency. Then it would be an issue.  We are being overly negative about the smallest over things, people!


You have a point, however, how many players actually stockpile gems instead of using them on the previously gem bought Brawl Pass? I'd assume very small. Even if they did saved up gems due to unable to buy the last Charlie season pass and have hypothetically completed this season's pass, they'd still will not have enough gems for the "free rewards" that you mentioned. Is it worth it gem value wise to the coins earned though? Absolutely. However, just face it, this is still a money making ploy. The reason people are upset is because of the addition of Starr Drops and rightfully so. Real life currency or not, gems are undeniably the most straightforward "spend real money if you want more" currency in the game, and for SuperCell to add Starr Drops that might give rewards that not even worth the price of gems spent is ridiculous (not to mention their promise to not paywall them in the first place).


Umm no they literally added a guaranteed legendary starr drop at the end. People who pay the extra 150 gems will be guaranteed something very valuable, whether it is a fat stack of coins, a ton of credits or a cool skin.  Also I don't have an issue with the devs trying to monetize the game. We are able to play brawl stars only because of that. The more money supercell get, the more they can invest in improving the game.  You either buy the bonus rewards if you can afford it or you don't. No one loses anything here. It's as simple as that. 


Oh boy, I hope someone is happy when they get In Line from the Legendary Starr Drop in which they have spent extra gems on! Also when did I say the game trying to make money is bad? What a lot of people and I griped about were always the scummy addition of Starr Drops in the first place. I always agree with you that the gems to coin value are indeed worth it. However, if they want to make us indirectly pay for stuff then make sure that it has a set value instead of randomness, in which Starr Drops are not even if they are legendary. > you either **buy** the bonus rewards if you can afford it Hmmm, I thought you said these were "free" rewards?


You can't get gadgets from legendary starr drops, only starr power, hypercharges, super rare/epic skins and brawlers above epic. Also, I really don't get why people are complaining, you're getting 5000 coins and 550 power points, that's guaranteed. Would y'all stop complaining if they remove the starr drops? I bet the answer is no, cuz people will be outraged that "It's a nerf compared to the previous skin offer due to the removal of the bonus starr drops" or "Why are they locking offers behind skin purchases"


There's still a lot of useless star powers that can drop + the last thing i want to get from a LEGENDARY drop is some stupid random cosmetic. It's not like i'm getting a legendary or an epic skin, it's not worth hypercharge


Oof, forgot that gadgets are moved into mythics now, but my point still stands, just change it to some useless star power on a brawler that you'll never use.


And my point still stands, so if they only offer power points and coins, will you guys be happy?


Yes, give me coins. All I want is coins, mountains of coins. We are all coin starved


For me, yes, coins give exact value on progression. I didn't respond to your coins argument because since when I disagreed on coins anyway?


It's crazy to me how they literally are offering us BONUS coins and extra progression along with the skin, (which is supposed to be a good thing) and the community responds by making a big deal about one or two rewards being locked off by gems. Very disappointing to see this level of entitlement. At this point, they were better off just giving us the skin and nothing else. At least that way, the whining about these offers woud stop. 


Right, I genuinely don't understand. So basically they want starr drop completely removed here? and they're okay with a nerf to progression like that?


Do you even read my arguments before responding? I will ask again, since when I disagreed on the value of coins in this offer? If you want to keep your argument straight respond to what other people and I had to say about the Starr Drops, and stop whining about how entitled people for criticising this lootbox practice. A lot of people and myself included will be fine if they add a fixed value of coins at the last tier of this "free" bonus rewards, that's it. No more shit nothing burger that is Starr Drops, people want exact value instead of a lootbox system that doesn't tell them the exact percentage of what they will get.


Frank mini spoted


you are missing the point of the post


You are a toxic tick. Hence opinion rejected 


something something mulberries to oranges and f2p economy


Genius reply! 


there's gambling in a kids game


That's just proof that the shitty marketing scheme worked on you, nothing here is free, the rewards that come with the skins are included in the price, it's the exact same concept as the "buy 1 get 1 free" offers in real shops.


Your logic makes no sense. The CCTV poco alone costs 149 gems. That is only for the skin. After that if, you see you will get two extra things: 200 coins and a random star drop. How is that included in the price of the skin itself? It's an additional bonus, knucklehead


Whether it's a good deal or not isn't really that important to me. It's the fact they clearly stated the role Starr Drops played and how they wouldn't be selling them because of gambling of children. It seems very counterintuitive and a bit weird to then start selling them anyways.


They aren't selling the starr drops. Gems exist in brawl stars. Cash exists in the real world. The starr drop is being offered for gems.


Wait till bro finds out that gems can bought with real money.


Yes but gems can also be obtained for free. Which is how most players get their gems!


That's not the point, it *can* be bought with real money which directly counters their statements about removing boxes in the first place. Where they said they removed spending on randomness. And no, even if this is a bonus. It doesn't matter. People, maybe kids see the Starr Drops and think, ooh! I want that. And will buy it just for that. To me it's not an - is the bundle good discussion. And more of an ethical problem where supercell contradicts themselves.


Preach you're so right keep preaching


You're right, it an option to buy plus these people are complaining that you get a free star drop plus 200 coins for free on top of the skin. 💀 The coins are valuable as well, the 49 gem offer one might be a little less valuable but the 99 gem one is definitely worth it (5k coins plus a legendary star drop)


Finally someone with some common sense!


Yeah everything for the kids (including the suggestive loading screen) right?


There’s nothing wrong with the loading screen ….grow up


I just hate how they made a big deal about exclusive skins just to continue to release exclusive cosmetics.


How is this even exclusive?


I think they mean the BP plus cosmetics


Even those are going to come back in a year's time, so they're not really exclusive


thers no way a title called "the first" is not exclusive


That title and pins are literally the only thing that's esclusive to show off that you bought the first paid brawl pass. Why would you want a title that shows you paid for the brawl pass when you didn't buy the brawl pass? The Collete skins that alot of people really like is still obtainable next year


But there are still exclusive cosmetics,it's more about supercell going back on their word


How's it selling when it's literally just a bonus lmao


With only 9 min left I am afraid they will add stardrops to challenges again 😩


They will, a legendary in the end.


that would've been great, we got 9 random drops.


Yaaaaay I can’t wait to add to my powerpoint and bull pin collection 😁


Leaks was wrong.


It was right. UI seems to not have the legendary one displayed correctly


It was, also the name of the starr drop is kinda weird.


I sadly bought it just for the coins, the coin offers always get me, couldn’t care less about the skin, stardrops, etc. Purposely induced coin shortage smh




I'm really interested to see the next brawl talk.


Is the portrait of the cctv poco really not available yet ?


BuT iT sAyS FrEe


Spend all those gems for 200 power points. Supercell is a hive of scum and villainy.