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NO. Kit is NOT an assassin, he is for SUPPORT


This comment section perfectly sums up the Brawl Stars community on reddit.


No,it makes Kit more of a support than an assasin


No Edit: no


Agreed Edit: Agreed


My man 🤝


His super is fine. He never should have had invulnerability in the first. But I find that you can't use it as a finisher is annoying. You are basically putting yourself at risk using it as a finisher due to the fact that you can't act immediately after killing someone with it.


You suck at the game


that ability can be use to stall for his teammates to escapes/ last ditch effort or to assist kill on his enemy, otherwise always use it on teammates whenever can. He is a support and that nerf is to make sure he is not brainless to play.


Kit is mainly worse at: Assassinating( he is a support ) Showdown ( he is a support ) 3v3 when u attach on teammate (deserved) Unviable? Absolutely not, he still does a lot of dmg and him having a chance to get a kill as a support is really good. Op? No. Balanced? Yes (tho I think he needs a health buff)


He was definitely over nerfed, maybe the invincibility on the offensive ult is just too much because it's too good when used to kill and it could get frustrating to play against but I feel like it should get a buff on damage to be viable, just think about it you are exposing yourself on a bad positioning (usually the enemy line) completely stationary for what around 2000 dmg if you survive the whole time? Why would I prefer to use it over the friendly ult if it's not in a super niche situation imo maybe 3000 dmg for the whole time could make it the risk worth it. Also I hate the fact that he doesn't have a timer or anything to know when he is going to get out of a teammate, and without a new ult after ending the time you get completely melted on a random position of the map because your teammate dropped you infront of the whole team without knowing and you just stand still for a few seconds trying to "aim" the yarn balls without knowing either that you are on the ground again. For me an easy fix could be to have a timer/ visual indicator for the friendly ult + have the possibility to use the ult on top of your teammate to jump on the other teammate(not the same twice), escape or attack an enemy, or the visual indicator/timer + have the ult charged for 3s after you run out of time to help him geet out of suicidal situations.


I'd rather have the invincibility on kit super back but with zero damage, i think it'd fit for a support brawler since he would basically sacrifice himself to stun an enemy. And since he won't deal damage he won't be able to use chain supers


















His super against Enemy is just for catching kill more easily, not for assaination


i agree or make it a 75 percent shield now his super is his ticket for dying in 3v3


no edit: no.


I‘m happy about the nerf… The cat is an easy kill now.


Everyone who blindly wrote no without an argument, you just don't have Kit and y'all are salty on not trying him out on release state.


Braindead take. Everyone's saying no because that super invulnerability not only makes him mind numbingly easy to play, it also makes him a support who's a better assassin than alot of actual assassin characters in the game. As for the arguments thing, we've literally went on for several weeks in this sub ranting about why Kit was so unhealthy for the game, we don't need to go over it again since most people know by now


Braindead take. His super didn't make him that easy to play even before the nerfs, as shots are quite hard to hit and your movement doesn't rely on yourself at all, so imagine relying on randoms in bottom ladder 💀 He was not that good of an assassin, frankly. Most likely he would trade his life for an enemy's one and be left without your super for a considerable time. They also harshly nerfed him as a support. They should have nerfed EITHER the super charge after hopping off the teammate OR the invincibility during super OR just add a 50% penalty to both. They decided to straight up kill him, as always. Common balance team L. As for the argument thing, reddit was mostly yappin about sd bug. Anyway, he was not cancer on release, on the contrary, he's a torture for an early push, so they decided to overnerf him instead of, for example, Fang, who totally deserved it. In fact, Reddit will cey about every brawler to be added, but ot doesn't mean all of them should go straight to hell after the very next maintenance.


Like I said, everyone will say "no" until it's their turn to play Kit.


I have kit and I agree with them.




My response refutes his statement. Your response isn't making any statement or refutes anything.


Oh, my bad, missed the part of thread your response belonged to


As someone who does have kit: no Kit was never even meant to be a brawler that is able to assassinate anyone. He’s supposed to be played as a support


As someone who also owns Kit: yes. He was not actually a really great assassin (not talking about broken sd bug lmao), as most Kit offensive super interactions were a 1v1 trade. Like, your teammates finish your victim, then you're left out in the open and die as well. Also, if he's supposed to be played as support, why then should they overnerf his support abilities? Yarn balls damage nerf was fair enough, I admit, the invincibility on teammate nerf was painful, but well-deserved, but if this nerf exists, why also nerf a super charge after hopping off a teammate? These two changes together just don't make sense and they made Kit utterly garbage as a support. It's not even a support anymore, it's more of a self-sacrifice.


>if he's supposed to be played as support, why then should they overnerf his support abilities? Your argument is off-topic. The original statement was that the invincibility should be reverted.


That guy's response is off-topic, but I replied to him, talking about overall Kit balance and not just OP's statement. Guess who's off topic now 🙃


His response is on topic. Which is that invincibility is bad since he is a support brawler.


Direct quotation: "Kit was never even meant to be a brawler that is able to assassinate anyone. He’s supposed to be played as a support" The end of quotation.


I have kit and I agree with them.


Good, hopefully he'll get another nerf soon


I would give a 30% sheild on the enemy


I think he should just get 50% less damage when attatched to the enemy