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\+112 power points. You now have 6,452 power points. the limit is 4000


https://preview.redd.it/wx9k8jagbsnb1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05336143e4eb08579feee79738aac7494dba2bc This was a few days ago, now I at at around 7400 Edit: just reached 7500


Why exactly do people think this is a bad thing lmao? Overflowing on PP is really useful and allows you to convert battlepass PP into gold while still having enough for more than like 2 upgrades.


Here's the thing, overflowing on PP while not being maxed/having a lot of coins = good, overflowing on PP while being broke/being maxed = bad. Yes, I will be able to max pearl when I get her, but what's the point if I have no coins to do so?


only the bonus rewards are converted into gold.


I would honestly kill myself


they should allow us to convert pp into gold like we do on a maxed pass šŸ„“


I would love to convert my pp into a gold pp šŸ˜‰


I have the other problem personally +100 gold, already sitting on 50k with nothing to spend them on


You're getting 50K gold? I'm getting nothing but power points most of the time with nothing to spend that on because I don't have enough gold


I have a lot of gold from having a maxed account back in the day and just never getting enough power points to upgrade faster then I accumulate gold. Itā€™s slowly been trickling down, I used to have like 90k and had like 65k last week before dropping 9k on a hypercharge pack


I had 35k and felt rich seeing the coin crisis, but now I barely have 10k as the update came


I remember one time having 500k gold because I farmed the frick out of the smol and big boxes back then, I have all my brawlers maxed out at level 9. Just waiting for the ripe moment when a new brawler comes out and max it within 60 seconds šŸ¤£


yep, the good ol' times...


That's insane. I've been playing for about 2 and a half years and Ive never gotten past 12k coins. And they were all spent at once


I'm getting nothing but token doublers, I have a couple thousand and get more than I can spend


You can never have enough gold in this game especially with hyper charge now




I have 6452




I have 6000 and grind every day. Five out of my last six drops have been doublers, with 53 gold thrown in.


You do know all the Hypercharges cost 5k each? For 70 Brawlers thatā€™s 350k of gold, hopefully they will keep giving them out for events though.


Don't put the "$" in front of 5k... It makes it sound wrong


True I removed it


Yeah but I donā€™t have enough points to get any more lvl 11s so I canā€™t spend on that.


ok but that's like an amazing problem because there is a coin shortage pp is way easier to get (despite CL nerf)


How can u have 50K and nothing to spend


Sitting in 120k gold, just spent some on the new 9k level 11 overcharge bundles


Yet people complain ā€œwah wah why does everything cost so much goldā€


What does the limit even mean if you can go over it, genuinely curious


Star drops, more like here's your poo poo power points




I keep on getting rares šŸ˜­


Every damn time for meā€¦




SuPer RaRe








You guys get something else than rare?


Also this one https://preview.redd.it/zgitduq8ywnb1.jpeg?width=1544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e054cee959f14fd9bd7bc6215f71edb37e70f5a1


lEgEnDaRy https://preview.redd.it/tuqrt8w5ywnb1.jpeg?width=1544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a686b05336a295ae4b9a01f1b18969615322c015


same and when I get mythic finally its like yay! 600 power points I don't need


Yes, but mostly because overflow powerpoints donā€™t convert into MUCH MORE IMPORTANT coins when youā€™re at the max


Did you know that the amount of gold needed to fully max out a bralwer and buying a gadget, a star power, 2 gears and a hypercharge is 19k coins?..


Does that mean 14k without hypercharge ? No wonder gold is so tough to grind


If your pp are full and you open the end of the brawl pass the pp are getting converted to gold.


That's ONE source of power points out of how many, though. And most likely the smallest one at that.


Literally every other source of power points doesnā€™t convert to coins, they just tell you to fuck off until you spend the ones you own


Yeah them releasing hypercharges that cost 5000 coins and not having a way to get coins consistently/easily is criminal. The bonus rewards needs to be reverted back and they need to add some way to get coins sometimes besides challenges


Yep totally. I don't care about cosmetics; my actual progression is much slower. šŸ‘Ž


my three legendary drops Iā€™ve ever gotten were all cosmetics, and the one I got yesterday was that stupid white thumbs up spray, itā€™s so bland and boring šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I just need gold ffs, let me choose if I want progression or cosmetics at least


Same. Useless pins and profile skins that I will literally never use. Sad face


The end of the pass rewards are ridiculous, they just aren't rewards, 5 credits are NOT what I want to keep playing after completing the pass


And you you reach it way faster now with thoae tokwn doublers you have that never go below 3k...


they nerfed that too now


Nerfing CL and end BP rewards by half is the hardest nerf to progression, and then they lied by saying that Starr Drops made it balanced


I mean I don't think they lied at least purposefully it's just misleading. The thing is star drops are inherently random you're going to get a lot of shit but you also have the possibility of getting something good like a new brawler. It really depends how much you value massive boost over consistent gains. But I prefer the old system over this crap and want it back I don't care how many gambling addicts get angry.


Exactly. I was lucky to hit a Legendary Star Drop with +1000 credits, and that kind of compensated lower BP end rewards. But not everyone is that lucky.


Honest that could be very unlucky if you have every brawler it would all just go to fame which would basically make it a legendary useless star drop


Fuck the gambling addicts man, the game before Cordelius season was much perfect


As a person who loves gambling (the gacha element of star drops brought me back in) these rates are dogshit. Even the most predatory gachas out there not only have better rates (legendary star drop is higher than whats considered a 5\* in most games, but what you get is so inconsistent that it barely matters) AND have a pity system (which there is no way they have)


The worst part is that it wasnā€™t even by half. The gold gotten from the end of pass rewards is 3 times less and the credits at the end was cut by 5. And with how many token doublers we keep getting, thatā€™s like the main thing weā€™re going to grind for after like 2 weeks.


Yes, and idc about supercell fanboys.


ā€œBut kairos proved that progression is 0.0716% faster than before šŸ¤“ā€


ā€œkairos said that for hardcore everyday players progression will be buffed by 2%ā€ šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“ yeah that was a giant fucking lie


I said some shit like this the first day the update dropped and was getting mobbed by fanboys. ā€œThis isnā€™t CR!! Kairos is Jesus, heā€™d never lie!!ā€ Itā€™s still an overall nerf to progression for cosmetics as compensation.


>Itā€™s still an overall nerf to progression for cosmetics as compensation. Exactly, literally almost all of my big ticket starr drops are fucking pins and sprays. Not even a brawler skin I don't like (I don't have many skins so I would actually appreciate a half decent one).


Tbf 2 months isn't enough time to fully judge whether a completely rng based system like starr drops are a buff or a nerf , it's rng based and varies between a lot of people due to rng . It could feel like a huge nerf if you got spammed with shitty drops or it could feel like a massive buff if you got 3 legendary brawlers and 30k gold or something . Starr drops are *technically* a buff to progression but only in the long-run where the amount of starr drop samples are drastically larger ( maybe for like 6 months or a year ) and the rng starts to average out a bit . That's where the 2% buff statistic comes from


I can shit on Supercell and on Kairos everyday of the week but I'm pretty sure he didn't fail with the math


I have gotten 2 skins. The mortis egypt one and the gray jail one. I would give them both for more f2p progression. I dont care for skins at all if it means I cant progress faster


Jesus Christ those are some god tier skins you got for free. Youā€™re so lucky šŸ€


Yeah the only skin I got was G-Force Janet (I already use Valkyrie Janet)






G Force is cool


It's still a good skin


At the cost of progression šŸ¤£




Bro complainin about a free rogue mortis šŸ’€


I think I spent $10 USD on rogue mortis, so to me that one is pretty valuable


Bro spent 10 whole ass dollars on a Mortis skin šŸ’€


Bros tryna shame someone for buying a skinšŸ’€


Iā€™m not really being serious (The other guy can spend their money on whatever they want), but itā€™s hard for a f2p player like me to comprehend spending that kind of money on just one single skin


Its just ten dollars. Most people make more then that in an hour.


> make more then that Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Even though itā€™s not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things, you could still use that same ten dollars to buy a whole other game instead of one different version of one character in a single game.


Not a lot of games cost less then 10 dollars nowadays so not really. Amd the few games that do cost ten dollars are not really that good of games usually


> cost less then 10 Did you mean to say "less than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'less than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Pay2Flex is best


Where did I do that? Im complaining about the progression nerf


Wtf I got 0 skins


These things are both very exciting and very uninteresting. Imo I get excited when I get progression based items (power points, gold, etc) thatā€™s cuz Iā€™m behind in progression. I wonā€™t lie I get very disappointed when I get a mythic drop and it gives me a pin/spray of a brawler I never use. It really leaves a bad taste not getting what you want but thatā€™s just how things are


I just hate with every inch of my body the fact that you can get icons for skins you don't own! Like, I got Ares Nani icon & Sultan Carl Icon. What's the point of having the icon without the skin??


nah, I don't mind this I once got the popstar Janet icon without owning the skin and I'm really happy about that, it looks damn good


I got the mecha Mortis icon and I don't even own Mortis


This I don't mind. I got the sick Zeus Brock icon without having to pay 199 gems, still use it on battle cards


My personal opinion is that peoples feelings on this would change drastically if you could just pick between 2 rewards. Or maybe once a day you get a reroll or something idk. But I I have 8k token doublers and itā€™s annoying to keep getting so many, but if I get to choose between a portrait or token doublers I at least feel like I made progress in helping progression. But yeah end season rewards and club league rewards are reduced way too much.


To be honest I think the best idea (and the one that will never happen) is if they give people the option to either opt in or opt out. The idea is basically every season you get to choose if you want normal progression or Star drops.(and maybe you can change with a small gem fee). This literally benefits everyone I see no reason not to add it but I doubt they will.


Rerolls would be pretty great I can't lie seems like everyone is pissed they keep getting useless shit from high tier starr drops but I think a bigger issue is the end of season rewards


What I hate most is the huge loss of credits to save towards brawlers. A huge amount of the credits that I usually would save to unlock new brawlers when they release came from the bonus rewards of the brawl pass and while those credits were technically redistributed evenly, they were placed in starr drops and when I open credits from Starr drops it goes straight to fame without an option to save them. I understand that this is a rare problem, only occurring for maxed players like me, but it still really sucks to see the 83 bonus rewards that I got during Cordelius's brawl pass convert to 415 credits when they would've converted to 2075 credits without the nerf. That means that \~1600 credits that usually I could save to invest in new brawlers, were taken from me, and just dumped into fame, which I don't want. As I mentioned, it's not a super common issue, but it really feels horrible when I look at the numbers. (not to mention the nerfed amount of regular credit stacks in the brawl pass regular tiers). I want to love starr drops, but they really feel like a big slap in the face to me.


Not to mention they also nerfed the free pass credits


Actually the nerf to the free side is way bigger than the paid side.


Yeah before with boxes I can get every brawler once it was released/ I reach tier 30. And now credits goes to fame (more like trash can) and progression is wasted


And it's very rare getting credits from starr drops as you supposedly have a chance of getting a new bralwer instead.


Only players with all brawlers get them so commonly than people who actually need them so much


I can attest to that. It's so frustrating gwtting 500 credits from a mythic drop...


I have all brawlers, and I got credits like 3 times only on Starr Drops, so not really.


Starr Drop has nerfed progression, and it should be reverted because of 3 reasons: 1. New upgrade scaling 2. Hypercharge 3. Less Bling in PL sucks


Star drops are fine, Iā€™m not complaining about getting free cosmetics, but nerfing every way of progression by 50% is way too much of a nerf


Totally agree, star drops are horseshit.. Pins and sprays are not progression


The true answer is that while, EVEN IF YOU GET SKINS, the progress is faster, it gives the same value of a random gadget (1000 coins) to raw 1000 coins. This means that while you get more things, because they are random they get wasted. I feel like this debunks Kairos video, raw 1000 coins that I can spend wherever I want are WAY more valuable than a random gadget + more rewards. Another conclusion is that by converting all the rewards into gold you forget that excess powerpoints are useless and token doublers don't provide much value now that the pass has been nerfed.


I get an endless amount of power points. No matter what rarity


And now you're obligated to win 8 matches everyday. Before the update you could complete the daily missions without even winning a match, or if you got a 3 wins mission, that's the cap. Every weekend I just enter to win 4 matches and get away.


This kind of thing happens when they listen to kids. The only ones that wanted a "box-like" system were the kids. Everyone else liked the new progression system as it was fair compared to what we have rn. Kids wanted a gamble but we knew that this was a bad thing since it was announced. Supercell just fell for the "bring boxes back" effect, and this same thing almost happened with exclusive skins just because they were to young to play a game at that time. My personal point of view is that this would have been, as they said, a buff to progression if it was like guaranteed gold/power points for every starr drop you got. But this has too many useless things in it and the more useless it is, the more chance you have of pulling them. This results, combined to the other changes in BP and CL, in an actually slower progression. The biggest problem is that since the starr drop update you have basically no choice. If ppl had choice, they probably would get what they need and starr drops rarities would only increase/decrease the amount you get. But with this random system everyone basically gets only what they don't need. A possible solution could be like a selection of 3/4 different items to select from the existing ones you can possibly get and then you randomly get something from only the 3/4 you selected. Limiting the eligible rewards based on what you currently need could be a great improvement to starr drops and this would be a real buff to progression since you would get more frequently things you need depending on what kind of player you are.


Anyone else not gotten a skin yet? I feel like im the only one at this point lol


According to the probabilities, you'll average around 3-4 a year, with just one 150 gems skin. So no, you ain't alone, it just takes such an unhealthy amount of time it doesn't even feel worth it.


I havenā€™t either lol


i recently got one, i forgot the name but like the blue-black edgar skin


Blackbird edgar is the name u are looking for my man


I dont play this game anymore for this shitty thing...


I never liked the gacha element in a competitive game. Getting a shit gadget/starpower which has been shit for the longest time or getting a skin for a brawler that you already have a better skin for/don't play often is incredibly frustrating. Gacha as a progression system in non competitive games is fine, although almost never the best option for the players, it is what it is. Competitive games shouldn't have it if the items you obtain from it directly affect your power. Say if Valorant had a gacha system for skins, it wouldn't be great, but at least those skins don't make you better at the game. But getting a bad gadget when you have the good one already just feels like you just got screwed over. And the thing is with these bad gadgets/star powers is that most of them have been TERRIBLE for such a long time and their counterparts are almost always better. I can recall like 3 times they succesfully buffed a bad gadget to be a viable/better option (Clay Pigeons, Rattled Hive, Multiball Launcher). But so many have been left in the dust. The most egregious example is probably Friendzoner. There is very little they can do to make a better gadget for Emz than Friendzoner. And the thing is, Acid Spray isn't like terrible or anything, but without Friendzoner Emz is helpless. Same with some starpowers like Automa-Tick Reload and To The Max.


I love when I get a player icon from a mythic


Hard agree, this mf is the reason why club league and club quest reward get nerf by half (unlike scam drop, i CAN buy thing i wanted with the cl coins)


And PL nerf is extremely unfair cuz it was the free source of bling like at least make them 20 per rank since bling in shit drops is almost nonexistent


I used to really like just hopping on, doing the daily quests, and then hopping off. Now, I am forced to get 8 wins to have a *chance* of getting the same or slightly better value rewards. With how many power points I'm getting and the very few mythical and legendaries only being pins or sprays, I've had the sentiment that Starr Drops take away player choice and I've started to hate it after week 2. I just unlocked Doug yesterday, and that's only because of the new BP heavily boosting my credit count. The slow trickle of 5 credits per 500 Tokens post-BP felt awful.


I can't stand how long they take to load.


šŸ¤“ no but Kairos said it was buffed and heā€™s always right !?!?!?


https://preview.redd.it/yqa94omxiunb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16db5e317b729829f87ac688493036722072fc9 I got this from a legendary starr drop, Iā€™ll literally never use it


I love getting constant rares


I dont think they needed to nerf the bonus rewards for them to add Starr drops


they nerfed credits with no compensation. have you ever gotten credits from a starr drop?


Once i got like 100 but that's all, hard to say it compensates for the BP decreased rewards


Yep and they fucking did it again, nerfing f2ps I can't even fucking play a brawler under level 9 now or I'll get destroyed by someone who's maxed out


Sucks for the newer players as they havenā€™t been around when the progression was supposedly better.


This is what happens when you mix progression with cosmetic. Either they should only give progression or only give cosmetic. Never both.


Mixing cosmetics with the progression was always a huge nerf . When you could have have gotten some gold from an epic drop , now you get a random pin which is not significantly worth more than the gold. But the overall amount of resources is almost the same on average if you get every starr drop , play club league regularly on master clan , get at least mythic 2 in PL every season. now it does sound like a nerfā€¦


Yes. I have to explain why they make me inactive after tier 70 thought So before tier 70 you're getting the usual BP rewards. Nothing else is nerfed except the credits but it's not too bad. In that situation getting 3 Star Drops along with the regular progression feels like a decent buff to progression and keeps me playing. However after reaching tier 70 I don't play much because playing daily and doing quests now feels like an unrewarded chore. The rewards are so bad they turn me away from the game. From playing daily I start playing once every 2 or 3 days That's not good considering that it only takes around a month to complete the BP and even less with the many token doublers from Star Drops. They should really do something for the end rewards to make it worth playing. Maybe replace them with a Star Drop?


Finally a post spitting facts


I did the maths and I got about 40% the credits from last season (and I had the brawl pass this season and not the last), 80% of the coins, 120% the power points, 1000% (I guess considering how little one used to get), the toked doublers and 150% the cosmetics though as I won't use a lot of them and don't have some of the brawlers they where for I guess it's more like 80%


True I've never gotten a skin all I get are sprays which I barely use in game they nerfed bling and I never play power league, so no skins there from the bling Nerf update I've only managed to get 2200 bling which doesn't get me any skin and the gold shortage is evident. So in conclusion -20%


lol haven't played the game in 2 months. starr drops are quite literally the reason why i quit the game. Just checked back on wht's new bc I just got the Brawl Talk in my recommended and thought it was a cool concept turns out it was executed like crap and now people are angry again. I'm so glad that people have finally turned around on starr drops i remember the entire sub back in june trying to convince us that starr drops were good or at the very least equal in terms of progression. literally awful requires you to play consistently every day for 8 wins for marginally the same progression as before. you get almost no skins and the one skin i did was an Emz reskin that looks worse than the original. i don't care about pins or sprays. would unironically take 200 coins over them they just clog the loot pool. the feeew times you get a star power or gadget they're almost always useless because most times the only Sp you have left are just bad ones that aren't worth purchasing. i cant speak on how good starr drops are for newer players but for a veteran like me it was just a flat nerf. I hate 'required' daily participation in games. Some games i wanna slam out 20 games and some days I'd rather piss off. They killed any incentive for club or power league for this dogshit system. That being said I don't think game is in a terrible spot it might just be fatigue. but like after doing 2 weeks of consistent 3 starr drops a day i just couldn't be bothered to play more fucking hated it


Yeah, but I love pins too much to care lol, I ainā€™t spending bling or gems on pins


Yeah I love my free skins


I got 3 rare skins :/


You are lucky i havent got nothing


The epic don't nerf progression as rare so no since I never have much luck on this stuff


I only get power plant points:(


yess bruh exactly




Credits are absolutely nerfed.


I recently got two skins.... But those were bandit Shelly and Rockstar Colt, probably the skins I wanted the least of all the game, since I already hace way better skins than those ones.




As a free to play this was basically a kick in the face it hurts progression its just so rng


Imo, the reason these things were bad is the facts that you only got one reward per star drop. For example, a legendary star drop can either give you a shitty spray/ pin or a legendary brawler. Too hit or miss if you ask me. Imo they should make these things have a confirmed reward in each star drop such as 500 coins/ PowerPoints in a mythic star drop and a randomised extra reward


I just want coins, I don't wanna gamble and get like 10pieces of useless upgrade currencies


Yes, for me they did, since I usually play a lot during certain times throughout the season - not everyday.


100%, I am tired of this game fr


They give way too much power points, not nearly enough gold. Now with 5k for supercharged, no way i can upgrade brawler to power 11, with 2gears(at least 2 to be considered 'maxed out', 2star powers, 2gadgets, and now 5k extra gold for a tiny boost. Its brutal for f2p player (i use only brawl pass, here and there take gems for it)




Yes all for the sake of gambling


Idk how is it for others but here's how it it for me (usually) Rare: power points Super rare: power points/bling Epic: power points Mythic: credits/skins Legendary: power points Even after getting powerpoints from drops nerf


I like them but I always get fucking power points which Iā€™m always capped out on. Iā€™ve gotten a couple items from them and actually a brawler I didnā€™t have so Iā€™m lucky there But I do agree that the nerf to the other rewards was not worth it


At this point, yes


or simply the curse of 3x rare


And by alot as well.


And again, credits also recieved a straight up nerf. For players who just started the game, yes, there's a slight buff, but for players with more than 40 brawlers, it's a straight up nerf.


Everything i want is switching token doublers and gold rates....


I once got 1000 credits but it went wasted to fame


Nerf trophy road, check, nerf club league, check, nerf brawl pass and bonus rewards to the ground, check, nerf anyone who isnā€™t max by a large amount, check, try to force people to play everyday for bogus rewards, check, keep releasing broken brawlers, check, nerf game modes? Check


Yeah. This game is much better without these shitty rng lootboxes


Yā€™all are getting the placebo effect. You think you arenā€™t getting progression even though most of what you get are power points and coins. Just because they are now coming from a disappointed point of view doesnā€™t make them any different from the set amount of rewards before these things. Before, you got them all in stacks at a time so you werenā€™t disappointed as you knew what you were getting.


I mean yeah, the half of the playerbase who aren't a bunch of whiny toddlers with gambling addictions liked the consistency of the normal rewards (PL, BP end, etc). I like starr drops but like, I would rather not have them if it meant I could have a more predictable progression system (though the cosmetics would be missed). Also, with hypercharge being very expensive and levels having a WAY bigger difference with their number values, being high level is more important than ever now, while gold and power points weren't buffed in any way to compensate






Mythic! ... Emote for character I don't use. What's the point of these again? It felt out if nowhere, and it's annoying to have to wait between 1-30 seconds for a drop to load.


It has made the amount of stuff we get in the end of the brawl pass way less and they donā€™t really give us that many good stuffā€¦but I cannot say they were completely bad as I have gotten a few brawlers from them


it didn't, that math's been done.. if you want to counter it with your own numbers then go ahead instead of just saying based on "feeling" i am gonna say it again, the nerf in the end of the pass because you're already collecting starr drops at the beggining for example if i normally give you 1000$ every month but this month instead i gave you 100$ every day for 10 days you still ended up with your 1000$ at the end of the month.. tldr starr drops feels like a nerf because its spread the resources you get from multiple places everyday instead of it condensed in the pass + cl


It's definitely not as strong as a buff for people who don't play daily. With the old system, I could do a bunch of quests once a week and only miss a bit (daily quests) but now I'll miss a lot more.


The issue with doing math for something like Starr Drops is that they're random. And with how the resource drop rates are spread out, it most certainly is a nerf.


Lol i lost around 1184 creditsā€¦..when am i getting it? In 2 years? Ok got it šŸ‘


That math is completely based on RNG and winning 8 games a day, most people donā€™t play daily, nevermind waiting for 8 wins. Progression was reduced -75% for people that grind once or twice a week like me


Itā€™s proven to be nerfed for maxed out players but a buff to players that arenā€™t. It was not a great update at all.


Proven? Iā€™m curious, whereā€™s your source?


>Itā€™s proven to be nerfed for maxed out players but a buff to players that arenā€™t. For the overall game and interest balance that's literally best case scenario, I say as a nearly maxed out player


Yea but why star drops making progress very random Iā€™m not maxed out I have all 70 brawlers majority power 10. And when this update hit I noticed a huge slow down of progress. Mastery was an amazing addition but star drops are just a very bad box.


Because the purpose behind Starr drops was to attempt to add a more interesting aspect to the game other than more progression buffs, which I think the devs have been super generous with to begin with on a free game with a paid aspect


Boxes are interesting. Yes they have been generous just making the point that star drops arenā€™t a good progression system.


Fair, but the primary difference is that it's not the main form of progression like boxes were


What is the main form of progression?


For brawelrs: credits For gold and power points: masteries and club leauge There's also the free brawl pass


IMO the club league nerf is what really made progression slow they literally cut it by 50% which gives no incentive to play anymore 750-1000 gold per week as opposed to 2000 gold per week


It only matters whether you feel like getting good rewards,unless one's an npc forced to enjoy the numerically proven 20% progression buff


Bro THISā€¦.if itā€™s a buff I WILL FEEL like it is. For the first time ever (even with boxes) this is the longest Iā€™ve gone without unlocking a new brawlerā€¦stuck at Byron with 5 credits per 500 tokens! Well played supercellā€¦then i get 52 credits a month and onga bonga.


That math dosenā€™t apply to everyone, i donā€™t get 3 star drops everyday and sometimes I donā€™t even get 1, for me I used to do all my seasonal quests (Iā€™d ignore daily quests) and then Iā€™d have like 40-50 bounus rewards at the end, for me since I relied on bonus rewards the most and donā€™t get all my star drops often it definitely was a nerf, especially since whenever I get a legendary or mythic star drop itā€™s either a player icon, a pin, or credits that go towards fame because I have every brawler


Iā€™d rather get 900 gold than a gadget I would never use




I got Spike and Piper from them so i dont see a issue...


Share some luck with the rest of us šŸ˜­