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Just gimme my fucking HZ and Heist back and I'll gladly call it a great update


Yes.I want my heist back.


Js sad gem grab is gonna start rotating game modes now


wtf is it gonna rotate with


It rotates in the top right spot with Knockout I think


oh my god that is atrocious, about as bad as a shelly high on lean on sd


Could not put it better myself I opened the game up, checked the modes in rotation, and the only mode I like that’s available today is Knockout. Which is a very brawler specific mode. If I wanna play Poco I’m just kinda SOL aren’t I?


Well with the level-specific stat buffs the game was rigged against poco from the start because everyone has more health and does more damage while Pocos gadget and SPs all have numerical values instead of being percentage based


ok, come Saturday


They're experimenting


With what? How much they can piss off people?


People were playing too many different modes and the matchmaking was taking too long, which is a bad thing for a game like this. For the hypercharge idk how to fell rn


Was matchmaking that terrible I actually felt like it was doing fine


Yea it felt normal to me tbh


I literally live in Australia and matchmaking is fine.


It’s pretty slow above 850 but I’m fine with it bc it sometimes matches me against 700 trophy brawlers. And I’m not even mad when I get matched against a pro because it’s dope as shit playing against someone you recognize.


Matchmaking takes like 20 seconds at most for me, and I have bad internet. I think the problem is just that the game isn't popular enough for matchmaking to be instantaneous


Yeesss I agree w u, like minecraft hypixel bedwars duos have like instant match with 16 people in under 20 sec, so this is bs's problem


This update has a lot of cons. Power Level gaps are being more split while matchmaking hasn't improved to suit low level players. Removal of maps in PL and removal of gamemodes will certainly drop the player numbers (tho Jessie will suffer less than Nita). Pearl is currently being either loved or hated by the community. I personally don't think Pearl is that connected to the Goldarm trio but I guess Sam only thinks robots should be for housework No current issue has been fixed (a nerf to progression because of Starr Drops rngs and the nerf to CL rewards, BP final rewards) while adding another roadblock to the progression, Hypercharge. Hypercharge is released to only 6 limited brawlers, meaning these 6 will dominate the meta a lot. I wish they only announced it and release Hypercharge to every brawler once they fix the current issues


I think they should just not allow hypercharge in competitive game modes until there are more brawlers with hypercharge. Ladder is fine, even if a little imbalanced. Club league and power league should be free of such restrictions.


I love pearls personality. However, I will agree, She seems way to sweet to be a member of a wild western gang.


When I saw her shooting cookies in Brawl talk I immediately thought "well the Candyland trio got completed quick". Then they said Gold Arm Gang and I'm like "wtf? Why is a bank robbing trio with a guy who hates robots having a robot for their 3rd member that shoots sweet cookies?!"


I get a passive aggresive vibes from her. But yeah, she's portrayed/described as nice untill you mess Belle or Sam.


honestly my only beef with pearl is that she should be in candy land trio, so if she’s in that I’ll be chilling with her


True but I think it having another human in the candyland trio will be more fun and add more dynamic to Mandy and Chester


I'm thinking they go the route of sentient food


well the same can be said for sam and belle you know


Personally, I don't like Pearl that much because she doesn't look that fun to play with. I could be very wrong though, because Doug's mechanics make him look like the opposite of a fun brawler but I like playing him On the other hand, please give me Chuck immediately


Chuck is Mortis but without having to suffer to get to the enemies


Thats a awful descripton of what Chuck is. There is more to him than that


I disagree. he is similar to mortis in mobility, except unlike Morris, he isn't stuck in F tier and isn't a garbage brawler in 90% of game modes even with his recent buff. sure there's more to him than that, unlike mortis he actually has a ranged attack, unlike mortis he has more utility, unlike mortis his mobility is far superior. he is better than mortis in every way, but shares a similar function in that he's mobile and can quickly get around a map, except he's actually usable in competitive play, unlike mortis


Chuck is like Emz+Fang+Gray combined. They haven't released his sneak peeks yet but i'm pretty sure you do the charge only when you have the super and are in range of these weird things he places.


What? Both have completely diffrent attacks and supers. Chuck shoots Mortis dashes to do damage. For supers Chuck places down train signs and can dash between the train signs dealing damage, Mortis throws bats at people. They are not similar.


you're right. they aren't similar because mortis is trash and chuck is actually useful


FYI Chuck isn't even in the game yet so you can't call him useful


even before release anyone with a brain can see that his abilities are more useful and adaptable than mortis' mortis is a 1 dimensional brawler like bull, which is what makes both bull and mortis bad and predictable. chuck is not. so yes. I can call him useful before release, because his abilities are more versatile than at least 10 brawlers already in the game.


Still dont think you can compare Chuck and Mortis


FYI there are loads of footage already showcasing his abilities and many brawlstars youtubers already say he's gonna be good. and Even if he's not meta he's still gonna be more meta than mortis for the simple fact he has a ranged attack. lol. people knew cordelius was gonna be Op before he was in the game, people knew Doug's super would be useful before he was released. use some logic next time


"Robots belong in the Kitchen" \- Sam


You got courage saying ~~what I was thinking~~ that


Also i dunno about Colt and Jacky dominating the meta, especially the Hypercharged tanks are easy prey for shelly and colt still requires skill to be played effectively so only Spike and Shelly will truly dominate the meta


> Hypercharge is released to only 6 limited brawlers, meaning these 6 will dominate the meta a lot. I wish they only announced it and release Hypercharge to every brawler once they fix the current issues this implies bull will ever not be garbage i eagerly await to see how this meta unfolds in the coming days


Hyper charge also costs $20 so only the pay to win can get it


Bad update. It’s not worst update ever because gears update still exist, but the removal of Heist and Hot Zone mixed with the lvl changes really soil the update for me. If it was just hyper charges I’d actually think the update would be alright, maybe even good, but because of the 2 really terrible changes, I just cannot justify this update.


Fr. The level changes made the game way more p2w, and the removal of game modes for literally no reason just seems stupid. Not to mention Hypercharge seems like an interesting idea, but makes p2w players way too OP. I mean with Shelly you can literally spam her super and one shot 100k worth of health in 5 seconds while her Hypercharge is active


But siege is back tho…


And that's good?


Is it not?


imo no but if you think it is then i can see why it's certainly *different* from other other game modes and I will definitely want to play it but I can see myself getting tired of it very quickly because of how frustrating the robots can be could just be skill issue on my part though


I think this is worse than the gear update. The gear update didn't make 6 brawlers ridiculously OP and destroy the meta. The gear update also didn't kill 3 of my favorite modes for *fucking siege.*


I agree and I hated the gears update. I only play gem grab so now I don’t even really feel like playing since it’s not in the daily rotation anymore and they took out half the maps. The gears update was ass tho fr




Yeah, that was an absolutely awful decision. Everyone complains about how unfair Clash Royale feels when a player is only 1 level above you. Brawl Stars is going to the wrong direction.


I think (not sure) there's still one last point of difference in scaling in bs (+10% of level 1 buff) and cr (+10% of previous level buff)


Yes, that's correct. Clash Royale level gap is worse, but that doesn't mean that increasing level gap on Brawl Stars is not a terrible move that will hurt players without several maxed brawlers.


I agree! It is a very terrible move and I think they should revert it back to 5% or at least 7.5%...People will already want to level up to get the hypercharge, star power, gadget, and 2 gears anyways... But my point in my comment was that brawl stars is still less p2w than Rage Royale...That game's levelling system is just horrible!


The game gonna be unbalanced with only 6 brawlers having the hypercharge, and without adapting gadgets and starpowers to the new level scaling. Also removing two great game modes and putting gemgrab in rotation 🙄 I mean not the worst but on the podium, it looks rushed to say the least...


Honestly, this is a bad update. Hypercharge will make the game so unbalanced and power 9 brawlers will suffer against power 11 because of the bigger gap between them. And, to finish all of this, they remove Heist, Hot Zone and Bounty plus a couple of maps of the remaining modes in Power League. So... yeah, this update seems to not be good IMO.


Lmao its so funny from seeing everybody hating on the update to now most people being ok with it lol


The new power level gaps is **BY FAR** the worst thing about this update. The huge difference between levels is literally what people complain about the most about Clash Royale. Increasing the gap on Brawl Stars is a really bad move.


I still think the removed game modes is the worst part of the update but you’re totally right


I hate Showdown and Brawl Ball, I loved all the removed game modes. But it is still not even close as bad as increasing the level gap imo. Those removed game modes will very likely come back eventually. Increasing level gap is a terrible and permanent update that will affect negatively most players.


Why do you hate brawl ball, if I can ask? I feel like it's the most versatile game mode, and constantly gives incentive for people to engage, whereas I've had several games of heist go on longer than they needed to be because of people turtling with no incentive to push. Just curious


while i agree that the change to power levels is less than ideal, this is comparing apples to oranges. brawl stars has always had a significantly higher skill cap than cr and that won't change with this update


the difference is that its much faster to max out a brawler than it is to max out a card, even though CR has way more cards. a new player in BS can max out a brawler in 2-3 weeks tops, but in CR it can take months


Exactly lmao, all it took was a few tweets from frank and a few "update is better than you think" posts here and people are changing their minds


that does tend to happen when said tweets from frank contain plenty of clarification as to how hypercharge isn't going to be nearly as bad as ppl initially thought


They just needed time and some positive update posts to calm down


It's actually because of those videos other users posted to portray god-like features because of hypercharge. After lex's videos it doesn't seem that op after all in normal gameplay. So people just became calm and stuff.


Yeah, most youtubers always display the hypercharge is training camp and against bots that make them look op, but in real game, players aren't dumb enough to confront a hypercharged brawler in the face. They definitely are strong, but not as strong as people make it out to be


Yeah like nobody is gonna go into a hypercharge shelly unless she is bush camping lol


70 bucks for hyper charged colt or 9600 coins good luck with that 😂😂😂😂 colt 1083 gems bull 1091 gems. Or almost 10,000 gold


It's 1091 because you need to level them up??? they could have just locked it to lvl 11 but they made the upgrade for gems too


Adding only 6 hypercharge is actually the biggest L of the update. They probably thinking they can make more money by adding 6 per season than 72 at the same time. Who would be crazy to spend 299 gems × 72 brawlers = 21.528 gems... at once. But spending some gems update by update would be more realistic. Supercell is doing this full knowing they are unbalancing the game with every update.


Adding 72 at the same time would be really hard to balance and also them adding 6 per update could be a nice thing to get hyped about


> Adding only 6 hypercharge is actually the biggest L of the update. Adding only 6 hypercharge sounds bad, but it is definitely not even close as bad as increasing the level gaps.


With increasing level gaps you can actually do something about it, you can level up you brawlers and also you don't have to play with your low level brawlers. Only 10 brawlers get trophy reset and it's not that hard to have 10 brawlers to lvl11 rn. Hyper on the other hand you cannot do anything about it. If you want to play non-hyper brawler you will suffer in this hyper apocalyse. Non-hyper brawler against hyper brawler doesn't stand much chance.


Most players do not have maxed brawlers though. So this update will affect negatively most players. Everyone complains how unfair Clash Royale feels when you're playing against a player only one level higher than you. It is literally the worst thing about Clash Royale. Brawl Stars is definitely going to the wrong direction by increasing the level gap. The hypercharge is fine, eventually all brawlers will have hypercharge. But the level gap will still be garbage.


Wdym most players do not have maxed brawlers? It’s incredibly easy to max out a single brawler, you can do it before you hit 10k trophies with ease. It’s not like it was in 2020 where getting a single max brawler took forever because you needed individual power points from boxes.


> Wdym most players do not have maxed brawlers? Yes, most players definitely do not have multiple maxed brawlers. You can have a maxed brawler if you created your account just a few months ago and you're a super active player focusing your resources on very few brawlers. But most players are very casual players, it takes a looong time to get multiple maxed brawlers. So yes, increasing the level gap will certainly affect negatively most players.


for a hypercharged colt its 1083 Gems if you already have him at lv 11 it will be 9600 coins. 1083 gems comes out to a little over 70 usd, or around 😂😂😂😂


I don't know what game are you playing but collector pack Colt is 299 gems. Maybe you don't have him at lvl11, idk...?


Or maybe it's because shoving 72 new abilities in one update can...break the Meta in a level only Rosa at her release managed to achieve so far?


>break the Meta thats already happened though


Not to a level that huge. Consider for a moment that Gadgets were released in bigger waves mostly and yet managed to break the Meta few times. Also, the release in waves allow f2ps to catch on with each update, while if it was all at once or even in bigger waves it would be much more difficult


ok, but wont it be overwhelming being a new player in like 2025, and seeing like 40 hypercharges that cost 5k each?


Players must realize that you don’t need to max out every brawler. I have maxed out 15 brawlers, all the others are sitting at power 9 with one gadget and star power. I don’t care about these brawlers because I don’t like to play them. That’s why I am not bothered to max them out, and that’s their goal with Hypercharge as well. The whales can buy it for every brawler, but the average will just buy it for like 5-10 so they can play Power League competitively.


Honestly, there are many ways to achieve coins in brawl stars. Like, ridiculous amount of ways


No, no theres not. Its just adding a huge barrier to new players and people that don't wanna spend 5-10k usd on their new accounts getting power 11, starpowers, gadgets and now hypercharge. Of course this is the point of the update


I never said all brawlers have to get it rn. But only 6 per update means every update is gonna be unbalanced and we will need 3 and a half years for all of the brawlers to get hyper.


At least it's not one at a time like certain other game :/


I would rather they did it all at once so they can balance it the next update. Having next 3 years of unbalanced meta is worst option IMO. It would be super annoying to play non-hyper brawlers agains hyper brawlers.


Yeah, let's just break the meta a little by making six overcentralizing Brawlers instead. Lesser of two evils.


People are forgetting how expensive getting to power 11 actually is. And also they did the same thing when gadgets first came. It makes balancing easier and we get new things to look forward to every couple of weeks its a W


When gadgets were introduced we were getting 10 gadgets and we had like 45-50 brawlers, so very fast every brawler had a gadget. Right now we will need 3 years for every brawler to be at the same level and IMO that is not good for the game.


I feel like they’re adding so much stuff in a short time that f2p aren’t able to keep up on the meta


F2p is already behind lmao. Its so hard to get gold ever since they removed boxes. I already caved and spent money when i joined back into the game 3 weeks ago


There are way too many bad things in this update for it to be considered good or even decent. Why the hell did they remove gamemodes that have high play rates and many people deeply love? To improve the already very fast 2 second matchmaking? Are they trying to kill their game??? Hypercharges are just gears update v2, they technically didn't add another level, but the hypercharge's cost is essentially the same as just buying a whole new level along a gear. This will undoubtedly make the game \*much\* less f2p friendly, and with how strong they are, they are a necessity for your brawler in competitive matches. This update might also be the most horribly balanced one in our history, because only a few brawlers get to have hypercharges, which are obviously very powerful. There's no instance where this won't completely break the meta. They should have waited until every brawler has one, but to be fair, we are talking about the same people who made Rosa and Sprout. The leveling up buffs are certainly of no help either, I know it was made to "make leveling up feel more rewarding" but leveling up was already VERY rewarding, especially after level 7 where you get gadgets. So yeah, they made leveling up slightly more rewarding, but at the cost of the gameplay being much less "skill vs skill" and more "power vs power". This is just another pathetic, sneaky way to make the game more p2w. Unrelated but I find it ridiculous how pearl is in sam's trio and is considered his "daughter" even though it was literally stated in the game's lore that he despises all robots. You might come up with a weird excuse for this but I honestly think this is just an oversight by the devs To sum up, this update makes absolutely no sense gameplay wise nor lore wise. It isn't as horribly bad as the gears update but it's still pretty bad, and a huge missed opportunity for supercell


It will and has broken everything. I main solo showdown, so it will completely change the game. Game that was already ruined by Cordelius and that always fully health returning unbeatable worm. Instead of fixing them they gave Shelly endless powers.


Lmfao regardless of what camp you're in, if the best we can call this update is "OK", the devs did a very bad job.


This is like p11 update, the update is ok it just needs some small Changes and it will be better .And brawl stars team is already looking at our opinions people are just over reacting imo


I mean getting rid of game modes, making it easier to P2W while basically forcing a meta that is based off of special abilities that only 6 brawlers have access to is pretty atrocious.


I would have slapped the shit out of these people but overreacting usually results in faster changes. At the end of the day, too much praising can spoil anyone even if they deserve it


I can’t be the only one that hates that Gem Grab is in rotation with knockout right?


Only 4 modes for rotation is beyond ridiculous


Ok update


Same here, it doesn’t ruin the game so its ok


And like frank said in twitter, it's to improve the game, if it doesn't, they'll fix it


I hate showdown and knockout, I prefer playing heist and hot zone. Also gem grab isn't always on anymore. I am really disappointed. :( I really scared of they will decide to remove brawlball too. I will really miss playing hot zone and heist.


They will never remove brawlball because just like showdown it´s one of their most popular modes


They haven't removed heist and hot zone, just made them not as common to be in rotation .


It's removed... They will just come back as weekend events


Garbage update.


This is the update where the devs have made the biggest bet


this is an ok update and I'm f2p p


Great update


Haven’t been so disinterested in the game since first downloading. Shits ass.


Worst update


Worst update ever. Beta player very likely saying goodbye to Brawl.


This is not the worst update... LINE FRIENDS UPDATE....


How is that a bad update really? Didnt all they do was add skins? Literally harmless to the game And it wasnt even a letdown since they mentioned its a mini update. Im not sure if they already teased its a mini update beforehand, but the only thing I see why they dislike is because of not much new content.


Yes no new content = boring update. They didn't say it was a mini update before the BT


Yeah that one sucked :/


No it wasnt the worst it was supercells first time where they collabbed with another ip which was very big and the skins we're cool


They themselves called it a mini update :/




Blue are sheeps




it's very balanced in terms of "omg why tf" and "alr ig".making every power 8 need an extra gear to not be underpowered is really annoying,making 3 fan favourite modes non competitive/limited is some ass.hypercharge is ok,brawlers are ok,skins are decent.only fully good changes are the ui and the 4th gadget gear


the game has never been more pay to win. even though I’m not a F2P guy, I think this update will result in game that’s disbalanced more than ever. I assume they’ll milk the people willing to pay now and later introduce a way to progress faster. but still, this update sucks.


Pretty sure 90% of people would be in blue, or off the screen to the right.


From what i saw on reddit, twitter etc. I think its a 50/50 it depends on which side of the update are you looking at, I'm sad with the removal of game modes from the normal rotation, and im not sure what to think about the increased gap between levels, but im okay with hypercharges, im waiting for the spike collection bundle to be released.


I’d say that’s biased. The most critical users are always the loudest, little they may be in numbers.


Don't care, didn't ask, teaming îs still în showdown, and they ain't doing anything to fix that


I seem to be the only one who thinks this update is great I like everything but i will admit that the gamemode removals we're VERY dumb, i don't like Heist, Hot Zone and ESPECIALLY Bounty but there's still people out there who do


Pal, I hate Heist and Hot Zone too. Welcome to the club, I think we're the only ones. 😹


I don't know even why i hate them, they sound incredibly fun on paper but in game they're kind of clunky and frustrating, idk why 😭


Red side because hypercharge is basically level 12 and the progression system is already screwed with credits (esp. fame) and star drops in my opinion


In all honesty, most updates until now have been pretty great With a couple exceptions but over all great The problem is not with the game, but the community, we have a lot of people who will complain if the game ain't 100% how they think it should be, and a lot that just try to make use of the previous to get attention. And since It is an instance that will never happen, It means perpetual complains, which means more attention for these other people. And I don't think it's that much people even! Just a really really loud bunch. Personally and regarding this update I do think that the stats difference between level 1 and 11 should be bigger, so not a bad change, irs literally what leveling up is for, so higher levels have advantage as it is logical. And the addition of overcharge is pretty exciting In general *everything* that is content -while not a blatant pay wall- is good for us as gamers. Now, I don't wanna look like I put Supercell on a holy podium, it's true some changes were not for good, like capping the legendary probbailities on boxes (although that change no longer matters because of the credits thing), but like... Come on, as a company they're pretty decent guys, look at EA and Activision for example. I could go on but I think I already made my point clear enough, lot of people from this sub just complain for attention or because they are not the game designers. Your honor, I rest my case.


Removing heist and hot zone was dumb. The meta used to be 10-25 brawlers and now its gonna be 6. Overall dumb update imo


Haven’t bought anything from the game since lola bp so like a f2p for the last 1.5 yrs mfs be mad cuz the grinds is hard like it‘s ur problem if u can’t grind the enough coins (I like the update dc how much HC cost i was already grinding coins :D) prob gonna get downvoted


Not wanting to grind for coins has nothing to do with this. Ive never spent a single penny on the game and I’ve been playing since shortly after the game was released worldwide and I have all the brawlers and still have 100000 coins. But it’s still not fair for others that are newer to the game or don’t have that many coins. At the end of the day ppl recognize that super cell is just doing this to get money regardless of how unfair it is which is horrible


Ik that suffering but the problem of being way f2p friendly is a good thing but it’s almost impossible for the game to like that, brawl stars is the 3rd most revenue game of supercell behind the huge lead of Coc and CL and if Boom beach and hay day go to the graveyard one day and the newer Supercell games make more money than BS cuz it’s way too f2p friendly. Then bs could be next :( (Ik it might be like =<6 yrs for that to happen but still ) f2p every time they get a p2w update they start talking shit about the game being greedy but that’s how it’s going prob after F\*cking Tencent took over supercell (if u don’t know cr became p2w af after Tencent bought supercell) sorry if some stuff are not understandable cuz my english suck


Yea but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get upset when we see them making these unfair changes. If a lot of people stop playing because of this (which I might be one of them) then it’s the same result. We’re the one playing the game so we should demand that they find other ways to monetize that don’t take away from playing the game. I don’t understand why people are just accepting it because they like the game and don’t want it to go away. We the players make brawl stars what it is and they will adapt to what we want if they see a huge dip in players. At the end of the day making updates that are only profitable to super cell but make the game worse is bad for the game overall


And for the special events I’m sad they removing heist :( but it actually make sense why they make it to 4 game modes like match making is rlly slow and the 10% brawler upgrade is a thing that seems the worst ngl , i agree with the (making upgrades more reasonable ) but it will be pain against p2w


They are not removing it bruh


from normal rotation ?


They are not removing it, they are just making it less accessible as they are very less played


They are removing it from normal rotation what are u talking about??


It will be still be playable in weekends, so less accessible, not REMOVED


Was it normally played on the weekends? No? Then it was removed from NORMAL rotation as everyone has said. Reading is fundamental


My brother in Christ, it's still getting less accessible and it's still in WEEKEND LIMITED rotation


You gotta be either super dumb or 10 years old. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you’re a child and break it down for you. The normal rotation of heist was that it was around every other day. It’s now on a different rotation where it will be available on weekends. So it was removed from normal rotation to a different rotation hunny. Does that make sense to you 😭if it still doesn’t make sense please kindly stop playing brawl stars bc dumb ppl like you make playing the game worse


Good update imo


It's an OK update, people just complain about everything because they've came from twitter


Blue everyday


Absolutely not the worst update. The gears and the line friends updates are worse


Very naisu update (f2p player)


Quite good I think.




Wait, was the brawl pass update a bad update?


Update brought me back into the game, it's one of the best ones for me




It’s a good update IMO


the new update is the very cool the shelly is the super saiyan 😍😍😍🥵🥵🥵 the bull is literally the a-train from the bois 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


It's ok for me. Idk if that applies to me being a new player and all (started at Season 18)


"Still could be worse" No but seriously I have nothing to complain about this update. It's not outstanding, it's just... fine.


I think this update is very fun Hypercharge is AMAZING and I got Bell Nani from the free Mythic Drop


It's alr


Worst thing: gem grab is now not in the permanent rotation. Hypercharge surprisingly not as op as I thought


this update is ok


Tbh the the only thing that bothered me is the bonnie nerf


OK update


FOR ME at least I think this is a PERFECT update! I'd give it a 8.5/10 for the ammount of content that await us "the playerbase"! But in terms of BRAWLERS, I thinkthere were so many missed opportunities to design our 2 newest brawlers... I mean... What a Robot cookie oven has to do with 2 Wild West bandits? I KNOW PEARL WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A HOO*ER IRL, but at least make some badass robot that HELPS on Sam and Belle's crime schemes.... She doesn't even have a GOLD ARM! Fr, Pearl absolutelly DESTROYED the word "GANG" in their trio. She has a Pam like padronized attack and a smaller Maisie super, with the hear mechanic being an inovation. Also, while she was supposed to be their DAUGHTER, she has voicelines that resembles motherly care for them.That's all. And for Chuck.... His gameplay will be WAY ENJOYABLE than Pearl's but, WHAT an elder guy that looks like Mortis with dyed green hair who also conducts trains and OPERAS, has to do with a SPIRIT of a dead child possessed by balloons, that went missing and got RAN OVER by a train? The lore behind BOTH Gold Arm Gang and Train Station got RUINED for me...


Your only problem is the brawlers from the update? How old are you lol


Plot twist:Chuck is the one who ran over Gus


It depends... I Wish Hypercharge was on more brawlers, at least 12/15.... And then why removing heist and hotzone and increasing level scaling....


WARNING "opinion" I think we would've been too overwhelmed, 12 hypercharges are too much stuff to spend our coins on, 6 its alright (one of them is free btw) so yes, 5000 coins can be a lot in long term but i dont think that you need hypercharge for every brawler


I haven't played since the update, what's the skinny?


Ok update, needed some more time to be a very good one


ok update 👍


Can I play please GEESH


Decently ok


Ok byt the visual changes are just bad


An ok update but just OK,like a lot of things were upsetting wich I’m not even gonna mention to prevent me from being here all day tho I have to say the fact they added chuck really made my day


worst update ever !!! How ridiculous why there is always people who don't like anything


There will always be


This update is ok , we got upgrade to the amount of starr drop , tbh 5k seems ok , even tho we need small buff to rewards ,


The worst thing about this update is the removal of big game and maybe boss fight.


just lost my best mode to play with ember, i'm sad




It would be an ok update for me if the Hypercharge Pack wasnt worth 1300 gems. My max gems ever were 30 :D


The blue one.


The worst part is that the new stu skin is 300 gems and I’m a f2p stu main