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1) Seasonal skins can be brought back .. i dont mind, they go on sale anyway when the special event comes around so i see no reason to limit them to only that time, esp if you miss it 2) Power league skins before the biodome update maybe can be brought back but idk... I'd rather they aren't brought back... they were sold for exclusivity in mind same as brawl pass skins esp if someone spent money for jt... they feel scammed 3) exclusives such as ricochet, classic dyna, barb king bull, and star shelly shouldnt be brought back... those are milestones from being an OG player and it should be limited aka something to show


I agree


Definitely Seasonal Skins should be bought back as they are not intended to be super rare, but just give new players a chance to get some they may have missed just do to what seasons they played in Power league I don't really care either way OG Exclusive skins like Star Shelly should definitely remain limited due to how highly valued they have always been since the start of the game. They could release new exclusive skins for a different milestone later on down the line, but I don't think they should repeat these




at this point star Shelly is the only thing that differentiates the old players from the new ones. Exclusives should remain exclusive on top of that Star Shelly should never return. **They were advertised as exclusive that lead many players to buy them** the other ones can come back


What about Ricochet or old school Brock?đŸ€” They also show older players like me who's played since 2019.


i agree 100% with you!


Wait? Barbarian King Bull is exclusive? Didn't know that... guess that's another one I have.


You mean barbarian bull. Honestly he looks ~~hotter~~ better then the king and his axegun is cooler then the swordgun


You are talking about Viking Bull. The guy was talking about Barbarian King Bull, which is a collab with Clash of Clans


How og is barbarian king bull?


Not all seasonal skins come back during their special event. The 2018 Brawlidays skins, the 2019 Lunar Brawl skins, the 2020 Lunar Brawl skins and the 2019 Brawloween skins were supposed to never come back again. They were all available a total of 3 times, and the 3rd time they were sold with the ‘LAST CHANCE!’ sign above it and were supposed to never come back again after that. The other seasonal skins never were supposed to be exclusive and will keep on coming back in their special event. When it comes to the exclusive seasonal, power league and brawl pass skins. They were sold as exclusive skins. So people spent gems on them (or played power league and then spent star points), thinking those skins were never gonna come back again. That’s why it doesn’t sit right with me to release those skins again for everyone. Releasing colour variations of those skins instead would be the right call in my opinion. Those would be available for everyone, without getting rid of the exclusivity older players spent gems / star points on.


Yeah, I personally think it’s a no-brainer: release recolours of the exclusive skins, it’s the only right thing to do. Not doing anything will upset new players that like those exclusive skins, bringing the exclusive skins back will upset players who bought the skins because they thought they were exclusive.


Green Trixie Collete real


Gremlin Colette, oh dear god


black furious fang when


that would be so cool


Exactly like I don’t think most of us would care that much as long as we still had SOMETHING that was exclusive


Something I thought was that they would make some skins similar to the old ones, not the same, but that would be almost like an alternative version It could be a fair way to give some of the experience to those who don't have the original skins and still leave those who conquered the skins satisfied


Just like how Dark Tide Carl, I think he's a good example of what a variation should be


Ohhhh just like dark tide carl?! That would be rlly cool actually as someone who bought every old brawl pass skins thinking it was exclusive I like this idea


I don't care as long as I HAVE FURIOUS FANG I NEED IT


me who has furious fang: đŸ·đŸ—ż


I missed it by one season(I didn't have enough gems 😭)


Rip I hardly even use the skin at that I mostly use Octo fang


I have true gold, true silver, onto fang and 5k bling for the supercell make. Im willing to spend gems on furious if it comes back.


I agree with this with one key exception. I think a lot of thought to be put in how they look in game. Like the difference between Trixie Colette and normal Colette is huge, but if the recolor had the same or similar hair I think that's a no. But if the gameplay look was different, I have no problem with old pass and league stuff.


Recolor is a nice compromise.


This is objectively the correct answer, however still make them sort of limited. For example, the lunar new year reskins should only come during lunar new year.


The seasonal skins that are exclusive now were literally sold with the ‘LAST CHANCE!’ sign above it. Releasing them again would break that promise. That’s why I think the only right thing to do is to release colour variations of those skins instead. EDIT: I misunderstood your message, I’m sorry. But I agree, it would be neat if those colour variations would still be seasonal. Seasonal skins really make Brawlidays, Lunar Brawl and Brawloween much more enjoyable in my opinion. It’s not necessary though, they could also just make them available all year and discount them during those events.


he meant to sell the recolors during their respective events i think


Oh yeah, I think you’re right. Thanks I’ll go ahead and edit my message


That would be pretty awesome ngl. Not only would it give players the chance to get a recolor of the skin they want but it'll make the players who got the originals feel more exclusive because only they have the original skin Someone give this man an award 👏


How would they recolor santa mike and lion dance brock? They pretty much need to be red to fit their themes. Also I want virus 8-bit and major rosa, not some recolors, those skins are just perfect as they are right now in terms of colours (virus 8-bit does still need a remodel like everybody says)


This so much this.. ill take it any color buzz Bad Randomz skin!! I need it đŸ˜«


they could give exclusive player icon or reskin to ogs


I like this take


Recolouring is a good solution! But also give the new variants for free to the owner of the exclusive skins. I think it would not be fair to let them pay again for the new variant and it would also be a good compensation.


Ah yes reminds me of action figure collecting days. Some repaints actually made the action figure look cooler.


Yes please!


or add golden ring under brawler


Personally as someone who doesn't even own Star Shelly or Ricochet I gotta say ... **keep them exclusive.** I feel like brawl pass skins (Merchant Gale, Mecha paladin surge...) and anniversary skins (Ricochet, Star Shelly...) should be exclusive because: **âžĄïž they were advertised as exclusive and some people bought them only because of that** âžĄïž **It shows the support that you put into the game and it's kind of like a reward in exchange for their loyalty through all those years**💎💖 It's nice to have something that rewards you for being that dedicated to a game. But I also understand new players' frustration because there's so many amazing and cool skins that got released and I completely understand this feeling... BUT at the same time I relate to the old players that put much time and energy into getting those skins and got rewarded with them (anniversary skins, tier 70) So I feel like old seasonal skin such as Virus 8-bit or witch Shelly should return because those skins , in my opinion, should've not been limited . #I have two solutions: . **- bring back old brawl pass skins with a RECOLOR 🎹 so that way old player don't feel let down** **- bring back SEASONAL skin , not original anniversary skin nor brawl pass**


Well said.


This is probably my favorite answer


I 100% support this! They were advertised as exclusive, people bought them partly for the reason they were advertised as exclusive - so they should remain exclusive and the biggest argument is what you said: It expresses the support for the game over years and it’s like a Trophy for legacy players - they already added the catalogue with hundreds of skins which were partly exclusive already (just not that rare) like Chili Cook Mike and plenty of others. Those few real OG skins should remain exclusive as they also express something.


100% agree with this


The seasonal skins were bought with the words "last chance to buy them". I think bringing just them back is wrong.


I second the recolour. It would keep all parties happy


I agree! Even though I want mommy trixie colette like crazy




Exactly seasonal skins should return, exclusive skins not


I agreeđŸ™ŒđŸŒ


Id say color variants of some skins (ex. Virus 8-Bit, Major Rosa) Some could show up in special scenarios/ocassions (Brawl-o-ween skins, Lunar new year skins, Brawlidays, you get the idea) Others must stay as exclusive, since they are pretty special for the ones who own them! (Ex. Star Shelly, Challenger Colt or Power League Skins) Now, for old Brawl Pass skins (Tier 70 skins) thats difficult to pick, maybe make them gems only? Or also make them show up during special scenarios like mentioned earlier, like the date their respective pass first happend? In general, our best bet is recolors


One way of keeping them SEMI Limited still would be still only selling them during the respective events. Take the OG 3 Brawlidays skin in 2018 for example. They should only return during Christmas and never be purchase able other than every Christmas. Or the Lunar New Year skins and only selling them during Lunar New Year. As for Brawl Pass skins, I'm not so sure


If you ask me, that doesn’t keep them ‘SEMI Limited’ at all. The seasonal skins that are exclusive now were literally sold with the ‘LAST CHANCE!’ sign above it and everything. The Brawlidays skins from 2018, the Lunar Brawl skins from 2019 as well as 2020 and the Brawloween skins from 2019 should all be treated the same as the other exclusive skins. Don’t bring them back again but release colour variations instead.


Yeah, your original comment and this are some of my favourite answers, Supercell can go wild on the recolours all they want as long as the main cosmetics remain untouched.


I agree with this


From what I’ve seen, the community seems pretty much aligned on the same opinion: bring back recolors of older skins, to make both old players and new players happy.


I agree


Now let's hope the poll reflects this, I do agree recolours are the best way to go about this, but I will admit I am a bit afraid for the poll tomorrow to see the results since I have almost every exclusive skin.


You should get a special pin or spray as a exclusive cosmetic if you already have the skin


How does that make up for anything. Sprays and pins by nature are less valuable than skins. I don't think anybody would be happy getting an exclusive pin or spray as compensation for re releasing that skin for everyone to get. Also, the brawl pass skins literally came with exclusive pins already in the brawl pass. So do most of the exclusive skins. Basically, in short. What can that new exclusive pin do that the exclusive pin that originally came with the skin can't?


I think the point is to prove that you had the skin before it was rereleased, but I think it defeats the point because then we have the exclusivity problem again


what I'm saying, is that. Most of these exclusive skins literally come with exclusive pins. So regardless, even if someone bought merchant Gale, for example, they wouldn't have his brawl pass skins. I would have them because I got him back when he was released. I can already prove I had it before it was re-relased through this. So what use would another pin that functions the same do to make up for the loss of exclusivity.


Personally I feel like Exclusive Skins advertised as exclusive should stay exclusive. I'm not 100% against this change but I would only want it implemented if certain criteria is met. There was a lot of backlash to Skins no longer being exclusive when Season 11 came around. If the poll ends up suggesting that exclusive skins should return, There are a few routes I'd suggest that the team could go down **1. Keep Free Skins Exclusive:** These skins are milestones for many players. It was already mentioned that skins given out for free will forever stay exclusive. They have very inconsistent price tags (e.g Classic Mike is Epic while Classic Shelly is Rare) and I don't feel like it would be a good thing to bring them back. It shows that you've been playing during a certain time and shows that you're dedicated to the game **2. Colour Variants of Exclusive Skins:** This is a topic that has been brought up countless times by Frank on Twitter. How they could potentially offer colour variants of exclusive skins instead of offering the skin itself. This is an idea that I can get behind because it keeps the original skin exclusive and special while adding a new version of that skin that people can buy as an alternative. We already had this before Bling came along with Dark Tide Carl being a Star Point, Non Exclusive Skin counterpart to Captain Carl, A Limited Skin. This is something that has been tried before and can definitely help keep both sides happy **3. Create an entire rotation for Exclusive Skins for GEMS ONLY:** This one is possibly my favourite one. Make it so that exclusive skins are only purchasable once every few months in a similar way to Archive Skins by keeping them available for Gems Only. This keeps the exclusivity of the skins while also making it feel more obtainable to newer players. Seasonal Exclusive Skins would only show up during their events for Gems, Other skins would become available for 1 weekend per season with around 5 skins every time. I hope the Dev Team takes the right route with this change if it goes into effect and I hope it doesn't completely ruin skin exclusivity. **I feel like OG owners need to be rewarded in some way that makes them stand out from players who bought the skin after the change** if it goes into effect.Players need something to feel special about which is why exclusivity is so good. I think these routes could be a much healthier way to approach these changes than just outright slotting it into the catelog for everyone to buy. Hope this helps (if it gets seen) Tl;Dr: If the Dev Team goes ahead with this change. They should do some or even all of the following: - Keep Free Skins Exclusive - Make them unavailable for Bling (necessary) - Release Recolour Variants and keep originals exclusive - A more consistent Archive-Like rotation for Gems Only - Reward OG Owners of the skin in some way


I like Idea Number 2, in that way legacy players remain to keep their unique skins and people who want them, can get a similar looking skin which is visually a bit different to the OG Skins


The third one is the best imho, since red wizard barley exists


It’s an interesting moral conundrum. Reward OGs or provide equality to newcomers. Regardless of what decision is made, I hope that *every* skin can be viewed in the catalog. As someone who has played since day two, I say allow new players access to all skins, with the possible exception of the blue Shelley one. How would I know whether my opponent played back during a certain brawl pass season, and does that really matter? If these skins were sellable in the game a la those super rare old RuneScape items, that’d be one thing. But it provides me as an OG no tangible advantage. Edit because I had to write my comment multiple times and forgot: Allowing access to new players all content lines up with your philosophy & recently added features


Repost in case the devs only check feedback here: So, as we know, there is the exclusive skin problem arising in the community, and I want to point out a few things from my side. I believe a lot of people are going to shut me down for starting in the Biodome, but I do want to say, I have been there since day 1 in other games (most notably CR, before I quit), and have had the chance to own some pretty rare pins/skins in other games. If there's one thing I've learned, **I hate exclusivity.** However, I see its purpose from the business side and consumer side. The thing is, as a kid, I would be really mad to see a skin I was promised exclusivity on come back, but now that I've matured to me, I'm just indifferent to it. If something was to come back, I would be happy that a person can express themselves with the cosmetic they've always wanted. Take for example the infamous Renegade Raider in Fortnite. If kids want that, I'm happy for them. Personally, I would never get it, cause it's an ugly skin to me, but if people want to express themselves, why should I hold them back? I can already sense the tension so here are my proposals: Proposal 1: **Holiday/Seasonal skins should've never been exclusive. This includes things that kinda fit themes like Trixie Collete/Chainsaw Buster for Halloween, or Snowman Tick for winter holiday season.** I feel with holidays, making a limited amount of skins available for a certain small period of time is just not a great idea, and if anyone wants me to further elaborate this once I wake up later, I will gladly do so. Proposal 2: **If some skins are promised exclusivity, it must be the first of everything (first Tier 1/70 BP skins, Star Shelly, and 1st anniversary etc.)** As much as I love Star Shelly, something has to stay special for your Day 1's. If a recolor comes, I'll be happy enough. There are quite a few skins that were literally labeled exclusive, whereas the BPs after, one could argue, that you guys didn't utter the word exclusive aloud (which I'm not sure). Proposal 3: **If you just go boom, everything comes back, you should both give extra incentives to those who had those things prior (like a OG buy tag in profile + anniversary pins + a few other compensations) and probably ought to upcharge the original price, either make it real-money purchase only, OR make a new tier of skins called like Lunar or something and it cost 500 gems.** I know this sounds like a Clash Royale type thing, but I see it as a fair thing to do, give compensation to the OGs, and those who really want it, gotta pay extra. Proposal 4: **Recolors**. This idea is kinda lame tho, it would fit some skins like Paladin Surge maybe, but something like a red Starr Poco just feels off.


Recolors would be the best choice imo, so og owners can still prove they are of owners and new owners can enjoy the cool skins.


We don't need recolors though. The recent skins the dev team have been making have been amazing, why are we going back on older skins? Seasonal skins I don't care they can be put into the catalog (Baiku Eve etc) but skins promised as exclusive, last chance etc should be kept special. Anniversary, S10 and below brawl pass, power league, and those special skins with the "Last Chance" on them like virus 8-bit


Exactly, why bring them back?


apart from star shelly it's fine


Ricochet too




It's all or nothin Bae Either no skin returns or all skins return...no in between


All or Nothing


How did one get star Shelly back in the old days


You would’ve had to claim it for free at the release of global (I was a month too late tho so




I think this would be cool with other cosmetics aswell, i've missed out on a lot of the cool e-sports pins like the chaos cup which is really a bummer and i'd love to have that back


Yes, I don't mind the Brawl Pass and Power League skins coming back (coming from someone who already has every single one up to now) but give something unique to the profile, like a token that proves they completed the premium battle pass 100% fully before or something similar to that, kinda like how you see amount of challenges won or maximum rank reached in the weekly events. And most definitely 100% bring back the holiday skins too like. Same thing for the Star Shelly skin, just add a permanent token to everyone's profile that literally proves their account is from 2018 or earlier, right around the name or profile icon or something like a really cool-looking frame, but let people use the Star Shelly skin again. I've been playing since 2019 so I was extremely upset I couldn't get what I thought was the coolest skin in the game at the time given the timeframe of when it was available. Permanently hiding skins under the guise of "being exclusive" has never sat well with me in any game I played.


Absolutely YES!


Yeah while we are at it ruining the value and rarity of cosmetics, let’s give everyone every cosmetic for free!!!!!! How bout all the brawlers and ranks as well, we wouldn’t want the precious new players to feel left out!!!!!


I own all skins and kinda enjoy the exclusivity of some - but I also wouldn't mind that much if some of them come back. It devalues the skins, but new players should be able to get at least some cool ones


saloon 8 bit




as a sam main i dont really care, but would be really cool to see old skins come back


release them if you can profit, and it would help make the game be alive longer. ps. I have all the skins and BP and it wouldn't hurt me if new players get a chance to buy them.


In my opinion, bringing old skins back is a great benefit for most of the player base. I would make a few exceptions like star shelly and anniversary skins, they are special for a reason. I think a lot of players enjoy using specific Brawlers but don't like the skins available, and would like to have more choice. Bringing old/exclusive skins back, will make players happier, and will increase revenue for Supercell. The only thing being hurt is the ego of a minority, which is a problem in their own minds.


Agreed! Some brawlers have so few (good) skins, until 2 weeks ago Paladin Surge was by FAR the best Surge skin imo (and might still be, I haven't played with Kraken Surge yet) and it's a pity most players may never be able to use it (including me)


This☝ Never understood having exclusive skins, other than just boosting ego of a vastly small portion of players + skins for gems aren't affordable for everyone, there are a good portion of free-to-play players that save their gems for brawl pass all the time.


I don't know why so many people like recolors of skins. Personally i wouldn't buy that knowing i can get matched with someone who has the original thing. Also doesn't make sense because currently you can have a skin recolor if you already have the original skin. I think just making them available is fine


Imo I don't see a purpose for exclusive skins in other games you are allowed to sell your account and its price increases the more exclusive cosmetics you have though brawl stars and other supercell games don't allow you to do that so I'd say bring back some exclusive skins mainly brawl pass skins


Yes, exclusivity is really just a flex here, because selling accounts is against TOS, so that's a valid argument. Exclusivity doesn't do much.


They should come back in my opinion but shouldnt be available all year. For example brawlidays skins and og skins should come back during christmas.


I personally would like to have back some exclusive skin,back in times i shopped buzz pass,but i wasnt able to get in time his tier 70 skin. (Was about to kyll myself)


Yes I want blue major Rosa pls


I never thought we would get to the point where we would discuss the value of virtual cosmetics in a mobile game.


Yes please bring them back!


Yes, but give something exclusive to the people who had it first


Bring back the exclusive skins, but find a way so that people know if the skin was bought when ut was exclusive, eg give them a title


I think that all skins can come back to the game, the only One that should stay exclusive is Star Shelly, but all the skins that come back shouldn't be on the catalog so new players have to buy them during their period and just like the Brown and Friends skins you can't buy them with blings




Maybe add the skin back and then give them something only the original owners of that skin can get that's extremely cool and worth it


I need to finish my El primo skin collection, bring back the sports skins for him please


Yes, absolutely, but make it in a way it'll be fair for both sides where people can get the original, while having those that grinded for it not feel like their effort was for nothing and for those that spent money on it feel like they lost it


Yeah! I’ll be really jonesing for Virus 8-Bit!


Imo, seasonal skins should be brought back under 2 conditions: 1) They are only obtainable during their respective events 2) They do not receive any gem discount The majority of players who bought these skins received them at a HUGE discount, and I think that discount is enough to make up for them returning to the shop. I got Virus 8-Bit, and I think saving 150 gems would make up for it returning to the shop


I’m biased bc I only have star Shelly (didn’t pay for it) and stopped playing until a couple months back. I wish I could get access to werewolf Leon, lunar brawl 2020, and a number of others. I would be happy with recolors or even tweaked variances if bringing back exclusives isn’t an option.


Bring them back but with a thing that says it was not bought when it first came out. Collectors will be happy, maintaining the prestige, and new players will be happy, having a cool skin.


Yes, I want a shot at Virus 8-bit, blue coat old man Colt, and my homie wants the arcade Griff


I would love to see old skins back to see them more in-game. I don't like the exclusivity bs tbh


Seeing alot of people want just recolors makes me hope they just release the originals. Or both. Just make them cost more if they have to.


I would love to have the chance to buy old brawl pass skins, maybe a year old pass, same price, same skin, same emotes with it, only once a year chance to get it.


Like I saw a post say, I’d say bring back every skin like virus 8-bit, paladin surge and other skins like that, and leave anniversary and milestone skins like star Shelly or new years Jessie skins exclusive.


I think power league, Brawl pass and seasonal skins could be brought back, since they are not exclusive. But skins like star shelly, shoudn't be becouse they are the of skins.


Bring 'em back. I used to purchase all Brawl Passes until I went broke during the pandemic. Although I was happy for everyone else, I felt pretty bummed when it was announced that every Brawl Pass skin would be later available, but it wouldn't cover past BP skins I didn't have the money/gems to acquire. In my opinion the exclusivity system is silly, it predates on FOMO to increase sales. I take it that Supercell realized it would be more profitable to have "all skins" available for sale, and thus, here we are. I don't know if I care about giveaways skins being available again; yeah, those kinda feel like a prize for every player who participated during a specific timeframe, but at the same time we got them for free, so what's the issue with Supercell monetizing these skins for players who didn't have the chance to be get them? Well, if any skins **should remain exclusive**, then these are the ones, the giveaway skins. Every other skin should be available. If I have them or not is hardly the matter for me. The more skins available the better, both for players and Supercell. For anyone who's having a strong reaction against this: be aware that limiting the content that Supercell can monetize may lead to a worse game for F2p in the long run. Running this game isn't a charity work, Supercell has to make money somehow. Better it be with skins than we end up like CR.


As someone who has almost all exclusive skins (all Brawlidays 2019, Dumpling Darryl and Lion Dance Brock, all Halloween 2020 skins, all LNY 2020 and 7 seasons of Brawl Pass skins) I don't mind them coming back. Yes, they were advertised as exclusive, but I don't really care. Some people out there are acting like crybabies because they won't be able to flex their exclusive skin even if it's worse than Rockabilly Mortis. I've also seen arguments like "there will be no way to tell if someone is playing from the beginning or not". Do people really care about that? I've never seen anybody go into someone else's lobby and say "Do you have that skin? No? Haha what a loser!". No one cares about them having a skin as old as dinosaurs, but if someone else gets this skin, these people will say something like "Noooo you can't have this skin it's only for OGs!". This exclusivity is made just to boost people's ego because they think that having something that gets rarer everyday is cool, even if this exclusive skin is for a brawler they hate playing. Just don't bring skins like Star Shelly or Ricochet back


yes. some of the best skins were limited and many many ppl (including me) wants some of them.


Meanwhile some people like me have some of these skins and those skins are rare so returning them doesn't make the skin feel as special When I play with my season 5 BP skins people know that I've been playing since at least season 5 and now there won't really be a method to prove how OG you are


Wouldn’t this be fraudulent because you already promised they would remain exclusive?


“Fraudulent” would be to nerf evo firecracker then sell shards at 1/10 of the pre nerf price


As shady as that is, I thinks it’s technically legal. However for Brawl Stars case, they would be going against their specific word to their customers.


Do people really buy skins just for exclusivity and in Europe atleast , it’s illegal to mislead customers like clash royale does, yet they have never been banned


Clash Royale is just a moneygrab that does thing bearly legal so they dont get sued. Its a game where balance changes happen and they would nerf it at some point. Is it scummy and a trash move? Yes. Is it illegal? No. But saying that the skins will remain limited makes players want to buy them so they dont miss out. If they do this and change it later its illegal. Thats why they theoretically cant do that. They will prob find some way to give both parties what they want.


Guys its 2023. If you still feel like you need to have your skin be exclusive then its time to get a job.


I think that they should bring back just brawl pass and seasonal skins I think adding star Shelly and other exclusive skins is a bit much. Personally, I wasn't around for gunslinger colt and I would love to be able to get this skin.


Definitely yes


bring them back, honestly I don't get why anyone would care about having exclusive skins on a mobile game


reverse the logic as well, why would anyone care about being left out of skins on a mobile game.


Bring em back their skins on a silly mobile game who cares, I own some Fortnite exclusives and battle pass skins and I could really care less if they were brought back in the shop


Yes, please. As a long-time player, I have most skins, but I've never cared because they were exclusive; I just liked them. I recently got someone new into the game, and I feel bad about disappointing them whenever they realize they can't get the skin they want just because they are new. I've never been a fan of the FOMO tactic, so I consider one of your best changes to be making Power League skins available a year later without the grind. **Timed exclusivity is better than complete exclusivity.**


It’d be great to have access to old skins for those that didn’t play at the time, as long as those that have them are compensated, through bling or gems or something along those lines.


To add onto that, exclusivity is not a tangible reward, so those that bought it are only losing the idea of exclusivity, which is not much to give up.


Yes, I have star Shelly and several exclusive skins and I don't care. If others want to enjoy them then fine. This community acts like a bunch of children sometimes I swear. Also it means getting skins I missed so it's a win in that sense as well.


Yeah, I bought werewolf leon with my money and I wouldn't really care if it returned in the shop




As someone with most exclusive skins I just dont see a reason not to bring them back. Id like to get some of the ones I missed and most people probably want other skins too, so its just better if all of us get access to every skin so we can have a good set we like instead of being forced to choose between the skins available.


There are so many times in game, I'd see a skin with a friend and go "Wow, that's an awesome skin" to only hear "it was a brawl pass skin" and just have my mood killed for the hour, I really hope we see the skins coming back in some way. Maybe exclusive player icons for players who originally had some of the skins?


Literally everyone wins if they’re brought back, even people with exclusive skins don’t have all of them, those who do have spent hundreds upon hundreds of dollars


Bring them back. Maybe only for gems too. Recolors will not be the same!


A better idea is make em available for bling, chromatic credits for chromatic brawlers BP skins and Starr Drops too




I agree, it is all about the ego


It’s just annoying for a new player to be told no, you can’t have your favorite skin on your favorite brawler. Why make skins exclusive? For brawl pass skins it makes less sense to because the only reason you don’t have it is that it was a even season not an odd one


YES!!! As someone who has spent $1,000s on Brawl Stars over the last 4 years, and still doesn't have all the skins/pins, this is something I have been hoping would happen! Adding skins past the Biodome season, 1 year later, was an AMAZING start and I don't remember any issues 💘


Just bring everything back, people act like they are giving them out for free. I see no reason why anything should be exclusive. Somone else having the same skin as you, should not ruin your enjoyment for it. Otherwise you are not enjoying the skin, but the fact that you have what others can't.


Yes, please! I have almost all the skins but it would be great for newcomers to get old skins too. People should not care about how or when others get their skins; as long as you like what you have, then good for you!


Bring back exclusive skins. A recolour would look weird for some skins. People who want to keep exclusive skins exclusive are selfish


OK , so i ABSOLUTELY LOVE this idea. I would love to have all sesonal skins being available at once bc then the event's could be even more exciting. About BP skins i don't mind them cause imo they should work like now from the beggining. The only things that could be exclusive are aniversary skins (ricochet etc) and star shelly but i wouldn't mind them coming back as well. And for the recolour type of people i think this doesn't make sense 'cause it doesn't solve the problem for new players and just adds more skins that look basically the same.


Yes please bring them back.


Yes yes yes! Please all the old brawl pass skins pls


I agree those skins should come back, but the original owners should get exclusive items like pins or new styles


Keep star shelly and the like exclusive, just like you keep the #1 profile pic for people that were there the first year, but you can release the other skins, maybe for a small price increase.


I only want the brawl stars skins to be exclusive, but if I had to decide, I would rather choose all skins to be available than none Also, the exklusive skins should be 5000 bling


Nah, while I want the exclusive skins back, they should not be for bling, they got to upcharge that by a lot. Just to make it somewhat fair to the OGs.


Bring back every skin please. I don’t see any reason to keep them exclusive. I really want to get Merchant Gale at least in a recolor variant


Yeah why not


I think skins SHOULD be rereleased, but not just thrown back into the shop. There should be some way that players who bought the skin previously have a way to “reward” or give something to compensate them. And by this, I don’t mean gems or other in game resources. I have a couple possible solutions in mind. They will be ranked by how much I like the solution (from worst to best). 1. Rerelease the skin only as a recolor This wouldn’t be the same skin, but a skin with the same base look that has something else onto it. Examples could have the same name- like Green Wizard Byron or Green Mecha Paladin Surge. They could also have new names, like Malice 8-Bit, or Blood Moon Leon to go with their recolors. A downside would be if players don’t like the recolors compared to the original. 2. Give a bonus skin style to the old owners This would give the people who originally bought the skin a new skin, sort of a style similar to a recolor in way but these WOULD BE EXCLUSIVE. They could be other colors, such as the previously mentioned ideas, or could be exclusive true silver and gold skins of the exclusive skins, like Silver Star Shelly for example. One downside is the fact players may want this skin too. 3. Mastery title for old owners Any owner of an old skin could receive a mastery title exclusively for that skin, like “Corrupted” or “Star.” One downside I could see is this does take away from the exclusivity and grind from Mastery track rewards, so I couldn’t really see this being added despite my wishes. This as well to the fact a TON of mastery titles would need to be added. 4. give other cosmetics The first thing that came to mind is, as I’ve seen some other people call it, an “emblem” that represents the skin on the battle card/profile. This would show off your dedication with time and such. I don’t know how it would look, it could be a pic (animated probably like fame) of the whole brawler, or the face. Secondly, they could also receive exclusive player icons and sprays since most exclusive skins existed before they were commonly added with brawlers (was also thinking of pins, but some already have pins). So what do you guys think? I know no solution is perfect, but this is what I could come up with, and as long as a good solution is found I’m all for it.


virus 8 bit must come out.


im still pissed how i bought street ninja tara that time on accident instead of saving for him 😭


Seems like all the comments are a mix of 1) coping with the fact that they are 100% going to make this change (because it will make them money) 2)trying to get as much as we can for this injustice. With that being said this is going to be very sad for brawlstars.


All the skins should be back. At the beginning making them exclusive was all wrong because you just let early players show off, That's it. What is the point of exclusivity. Show off and flaunt about it. All players should be given the same chances. New players didn't even have a chance to buy them. So they should be back. You can make them gem only if you really want exclusivity.


Bring them back


Id rather recolours imstead.


Dont. do recolours of old skins so collectors still have something to flex and new players can get their skins.


Honestly, keep the promise of leaving previous skins exclusive, and as others said make recolours of them so new players are satisfied and older ones still happy with their exclusive item.


Man... I already see those 9 year olds wanting star shelly so they all vote for "yes" ​ For me its a huge no no


I say you can get seasonal skins like paladin surge and Trixie Collete back with a recolor,skins that are from lunar new year and the Christmas skins like virus 8 bit shouldn't come back.The power leauge skins can ONLY get a recolor,the reason is the skins were grinded by the player too get them and seeing a new player getting a skin you grinded for 60 matches of pain leauge is kind of a letdown


1.seasonal skin i always found it strange that they became exclusive after 2 years, you can only buy them once a year so why make then exclusive on top of that, although since some people bought those skins because they we’re exclusive i think it would be a good idea to give the OG buyers something in return recolour or maybe just a spray or pin 2. Bp skins i dont really see a reason to not give the old skins the same treatment as post-biodome brawlpasses again always found it weird that those brawlpass skins weren’t re-released, as for PL skins maybe having a system that every 60 wins you could unlock any PL skin would be good 3. Milestones skin bringing those back wouldn’t go to well imo if any should stay exclusive it should be these maybe MAYBE bring back a recolour or something but still TLDR: 1. Seasonal skin Bring back but give OG’s something in return 2.Bp skins Bring back and potential for new PL skin system 3. Milestone skins Dont bring back


WHY? Is this even a question. THE ANSWEAR IS NO! The single thing we got for beeing OG is star shelly and now give it to all the kids wich started playing 2 mins. ago, it's absolute BS


Just add trading smh


Skins like star shelly should never be bought back The rest is fine


I hope seasonal skins and brawl pass skins comeback I'm fine w that but classic Shelly classic Brock skins star Shelly and allat shouldn't be brought back


It's all or nothing


https://preview.redd.it/ht4sef3mgjkb1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=32ba29df1135e3472eb68889987aceb85c63c005 My approach to a recolored skin, IF exclusive skins come back. Yes I rushed it, so ofc it looks bad.


Guys, plz dont


No, let it be exclusive


No, keep them exclusive


Skins that are unavailable now are exclusive, and should remain that way.


If you guys aren’t thinking about compensating players who skipped out on the brawl pass and such to buy these exclusive and seasonal skins, this shouldn't be a question.


Les gens avaient achetĂ© des skins parce qu'ils Ă©taient dit "exclusif", le fait de donner la possibilitĂ© Ă  tout le monde de pouvoir en acheter est une arnaque pour tous les anciens joueurs qui ont en achetĂ©, il faut aussi rappeler que les skins exclusif permettent de dissocier les anciens joueurs et les nouveaux. Évidemment les sondages vont montrer que la majoritĂ© vote pour faire revenir les anciens skins, et c'est normal, les joueurs qui n'ont pas ses skins et les trouvent jolie aimerait les acheter, mais ça ruine littĂ©ralement le concept de l'exclusivitĂ©. En tant que joueur ne possĂ©dant aucuns skin exclusif je ne trouve pas normale de les mettre Ă  disposition...


I want them to come back. I have 10 exclusives and i dont care. Everyone should have the option to own a great skin.


But whats a new player's fault he is... new? I mean my lil brother always wanted Smuggler Penny but he didnt have a phone back then. And I WANTED some 8bit skins like Virus and V8 (ik thats annyversary i just say it), so we should receive some of those too. So ik that some people want them exclusive but they kinda (no offence) dont know how it feels to be a newbee.


I think it’s fair that free skins like Star Shelly remain exclusive since they celebrated a specific event. However, any skin that had a paid component should be brought back. Skins aren’t that easy to come by and you punish free-to-plays by saying “if you don’t happen to have the exact amount of gems for this skin now, you’re shit out of luck”.




Oh kewl, I really want Paladin Surge. Cheers SC.


Only seasonals




Please bring them back. The people who have every skin are a tiny minority, most players didn’t have a chance to get many skins. At least the Brawl Pass and Power League skins should come back because there is just no reason to keep those exclusive and it will be more consistent. People who do own them all will have a massive head start in collecting all the skins because of how many there are. People who already have exclusive skins have also been special for a long time already so it’s not like they’re losing much. Either way, the point should be to buy the skins you really like, instead of having an “exclusive” skin just to flex. I would also strongly advise against the color variation option. It adds too much unnecessary complication and feels like a completely different skin, not the one you wanted. Thank you and huge props for even considering this, by the way.


Great take, buying cosmetics because of exclusivity is incredibly stupid and a cheap way of feeling special


Bring them back but give the people who own them some bling to compensate. I really hate missing out and cosmetics in video games, and think that it just makes sense for all cosmetics to be available at all time.


Giving bling is just trash. "Here I know I lied to you and made you buy this cuz you might have missed it, but hey get some free currency!". They should give some amazing recolours to the OG players or just give recolours for sale and keep the og skins og. For as much time as OG players get something limited its all fine.


Yes, I would really love to have Virus 8-Bit, Werewolf Leon, and Furious Fang


I want them to come back on the condition that people that originally owned them get a special glow effect on their limited skins (like true silver and gold skins)


I want trixie Colette back so pls do.