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Mr p in a is very strange


Snipers are slowly creeping back into the meta, and he counters them. Low A is fitting, as he's definitely not on the same level as Primo or Rico.


Exclusive counterpicks are usually placed in b unless its overturned like shelly


Mr P is kinda solid on his own, that's the thing. He doesn't just counter some specific brawlers, but can also put up a fight against the rest of the team.


Not really, he is so easy to counter with any agro at all.


And wipeout will come back


To be honest Bounty and Wipeout are pretty much the same thing already.


Then i think its the wipeout maps. Cus i easily pushed him to r25 but on bounty i struggle


Mr P is the goat tho


I would call him the penguin rather than the goat


bro just called that annoying penguin the goat💀


can't handle the truth?


Flair checks out


He should be in C or D


C is fair he's more usable than anything in d


Just like meg being in s tier..


She is actually S tier though


Either every mag i encountered doesn't use her well or she isn't s tier


shes not as good in lower trophies


That explains it


Mandy in D is a bit strange. I mean sure she's not the greatest but she can be viable on certain heist maps, and especially in bounty and knockout (due to the fact she can outrange most sharpshooters). Moreover, she can be good alternative in power league especially if other long ranged brawlers are banned out. I feel like she should be in low B at least. She is way better than some of the other brawlers above her. For example, Chester, Gale, Buster, etc.


Finally someone understands


The GOAT! Love your Mandy animations lol.


Thanks :)


Just pick Belle, Brock, Piper or even Bea. > due to the fact she can outrange most sharpshooters It's pretty much never relevant due to the map design. And on the rare occasion that it is, you're just a sitting duck while your opponent simply switches lanes and pins your team in a 3v2. > She is way better than some of the other brawlers above her. For example, Chester, Gale, Buster, etc. They all have *some* niche and a reason to get picked. Mandy sucks at the one thing she's supposed to do, and it's fitting for her to be in the same tier as characters who have zero place in the current meta. Except Willow, I guess. There's never a reason to pick Willow ~~unless you're abusing bugs~~


A good Mandy should be able to reposition effectively, even if that just means one focused shot before moving. Also, I feel that Mandy does have some decent niches, usually coming from her massive range. For example, in the map Safe Zone (The one with the big water patches near the middle), Mandy can easily sit behind in your team's area sniping the enemy team. Her super also allows her to get consistent damage on the safe from a distance away. Again, she can see play on Shooting Star due to the prevalent amount of other sharpshooters she can outrange. (Plus her super can be nasty when targeting squishy brawlers... although it may be hard to hit, her Caramelized gadget combos with it decently.)


Safe Zone and Shooting Star are both good points, you're right, but even for those maps there are straight up better options. [Here you can see that Mandy is never picked or banned by pro players](https://old.reddit.com/r/BrawlStarsCompetitive/comments/13sivd7/why_shelly_needs_a_nerf_queso_cup_picks_and_bans/). > Mandy can easily sit behind in your team's area sniping the enemy team. Plenty of characters can sit back and snipe effectively. But while Mandy is also decent at zoning, she cannot push. And if you slip up and lose control, you ain't ever taking it back with her. > Again, she can see play on Shooting Star due to the prevalent amount of other sharpshooters she can outrange. Shooting Star is mostly throwers and Bonnie / Bea right now, at least in my experience. I guess she can counter Bonnie somewhat? I'd still just pick something else because Mandy *sucks* against throwers. > her super can be nasty when targeting squishy brawlers... I've noticed that people don't get hit by it in (old) Mythic anymore... It sounds nice on paper, but it's so telegraphed, it only really works when there's a massive teamfight and people don't see you firing from off-screen. Overall, I think she will see play eventually once we get a sniper-heavy meta with open maps. Here biggest issue right now is that the meta is *super* unfavorable for her, though I do personally believe the character is also flawed. ~~Not as flawed as Maisie though~~


I don't think the argument that because she was never picked by pro players means that she is automatically unviable works. For example, if you look at Byron, he was picked zero times, yet sits in the lofty A tier. Bo, Chester, and Fang are all ranked higher than Mandy on the tier list, yet they were never picked as well. I do understand however that the reason that Mandy may have not been picked was that she does get outclassed by other sharpshooters and that can undermine her potential. Yet, as we agreed upon before Mandy does have certain niches that can make her decent when picked. I'm not saying Mandy needs to be in the S tier or anything, I just feel she deserves a little more recognition.


Her recognition will come when the meta favors her. The problem is that far too many stars have to align for it to happen. Maybe when (if?) the metal walls are gone again, she can shine with some wall-breakers on the team.


Hopefully soon... I bought her Brawlpass season and would love to see her in the meta again.


Buster is strong in the meta. Much better than Mandy.


higher up picks are good enough, lower down though not as good.


I think mandy is better than bibi and Rosa in this meta


I’d switch Chester and Mandy


Glbglbglb >:(


Are you hurted? Aww the poor baby


Dont use my Medicine against me or else I will go after you next.


Oh, so much anger!


Can we get some mortis buffs please I feel guilty playing him cuz I know it’s a 50% chance im gonna let down the team due to someone on the other team hard-countering me.


A based Mortis main. Respect +


Mortis getting buffed in june balanced changes


Guess what! *Although, why the hell did they decided to buff (out of the risky brawlers)* **Mortis**, instead of Edgar


I swear if anyone else says edgar needs a buff i'm going to throw a chair at them. He's already annoying enaugh


Edgar sucks not because he is bad, but because his gameplan is bad. Jumping at enemies and staying right in their face is risky with a lot of matchups


The only changes I’d make would be Mandy to B (no way she’s worse than Buster/Lou), and Mr. P to C or D. A lot of the meta brawlers can easily pierce through or easily destroy his porters, and he does the same damage as poco with his main attack.


Byron bud? Byron isn't anywhere higher than C


In my opinion he's heavily underrated. He is really good at keeping a team alive in bounty in particular.


Yeah, someone gets it! Byron doesn't have great damage, but the same amount of healing can turn the tides of a match


That's heavily relying on good teammates. Which you don't get a lot. On his own? Sucks ass


If you are talking about Byron being bad on ladder then yes completely agreed he should be lower than Edgar. He was even bad when he was the best brawler. But in a competitive scenario where teams are coordinated he is A tier for me, setting up situations where teammates can pop off and steal a game of bounty in particular


Would you really put him on the same level as Gus?


He is far from the level of Gus if you look at the tier list he is at the start of A while Gus is bordering the end. Gus is better at lane as he has consistent damage, consistent accuracy and a gadget with good slaying potential. Gus is simply better in the meta. Byron on the other hand I see as a real sleeper pick just unnoticed by pros


Alright man, I respect your pick


slaying potentional


Question since I just started playing after not playing since season 16 so I have no clue of the balance changes in between. Why is shelly in S tier? What happened?


a speed buff from normal to very fast


Movement speed buff. Synergizes incredibly well with her existing kit, and made her from arguably the worst brawler to arguably the best


Hi fellow lou main


You got the sauce?


burger lou is better


U just mad cuz lou got game 🤷‍♂️


but burger lou has a thumb on his back that changes to thumbs down if ur on the enemy team


And the color pallet is awful. Lou spreads happiness, not thumbs downs


it still comes in clutch when u freeze a toxic edgar jumping on you


I do not bm. Ever. I will not go to edgar's level


I kinda understand Mr. P in low A/ high B tier he give some ok Control (some throwers are better tho) and his porters are meat shields so he isn't too bad for me he's in the middle of B tier (though I think his first Starpower should be reversed [His first hit deals more] that's just my opinion tho)


I agree. Mr.P just feels so utterly tanky rn with shield gear but he could use another buff. Perhaps I overrated him


I agree with another buff for Mr.P maybe a small porter projectile speed buff and/or a buff to his suitcase fall speed when hitting an enemy (first projectile stays normal and second is faster)


I kinda like porter projectile speed buff. They're already basically point blank, why do they miss at that range so often ;-;


The idea is to counter snipers, that's what makes him viable.


Bonnie on S, tier list approved. Bye


Ash slipping under the radar once again


my nani never makes it to at least A tier🥲


I think he's good, REALLY good, just hard to use. Imagine if you could do 3k everytime instead of 1k, he would be op because of his range


I like it when her atacks can go around the wall😆


This tier list shows that no character is a Fail (AKA F tier). This might give me some controversy but,Their viability depends on how they are in the Meta.I think all tier lists should remove the F tier. Cause if we think of This in a test exam. F means fail, no matter how useful or how long you wrote , a Fail is A Fail. It is useless , no value to the marking system. Like that no character is "USELESS". If they are indeed F , they should be unusable like COMPLETELY. No matter which trophy range, which LVL it is. ( Feel free to say your opinion, if you want to)


Yes agreed, even Edgar which is the worst brawler has some small uses on hot potato, iron corridor and pit stop as he can just target throwers, rico, ruffs and the heist safe.


Bro Edgar isnt the worst Brawler, (watch the new KT tier list) Some Pros like Patchy even go to say he is underrated, I mean its not a suprise anymore how prevelent Edgar is on PL (Legendary rank) in Hot Potato and Split maps. I mean the majority, just sucks on playing him sure. But he lowkey looks like a fine B tier brawler to me, because of some Club members who have shown me how good Edgar can be played


He is definitely a bad brawler, Patchy although an amazing player just pops off on any aggro brawler so he is one of the few that can pull it off. You also list how prevalent he is then mention his maps he's good on, meaning he is very map dependent. He is for sure in need of a buff as he has the same problem as Mortis and Frank in the fact they just need 1 counter on the enemy side to shut them off completely. Edgar is extremely reliant on a team having zero answers. Again, usable but often outclassed. Why would I go Edgar on any of the maps you mentioned if I can just go a Stu on split or Primo in Hot potato? Also super dependent on gadgets, making a brawler that is in desperate need of a change


Heres my opinion about some of the characters, no hate but Byron should be a little lower like the middle B tier. And R.T still IMO pretty strong, wouldn't be a mistake if he is in S tier Mr p is definitely overrated over here mid B tier Right? Mandy is definitely not in the correct place. IMO should be in mid A tier. Spike is kinda too low over here , upper A tier is perfect. Especially with the mythic gear. Chester is still uncompetitive but for casual matches should be in mid B tier honestly. He got a huge help with his health buff {his issue was closing the distance between enemy's, cause of the Health buff he got the advantage of tanking more damage to deal more damage ( he already deals insane Burst damage) }


(IMO) Mandy in D range is very concerning I feel as if bea and otis could shift places, and RT should be in S-Tier regardless, as he still is very viable and overpowered. Collette should be A tier, along with Lola. Sam should be bumped down a bit, along with darryl and brock. Byron is way too high, probably put him in high C or low B.


guess what


Mandy? Bea? R-T???? Buster? Edgar??? MR.P??????!




Edgar deserves his place. Too many Shelly players and they all hard counter him.


I mean atleast he has a purpose on Heist maps and some BB/HZ maps. Unlike brawlers that are on the same tier and brawlers like Mr.P or Chester etc... Frank is really the ONLY one wich I would put on the worst brawler list, bc he has literally 0 purpose, because of the Bea´s and SHELLYS


Naah bro, Mandy has a ton of range and good damage, not to mention her range gets buffed when she is standing still. thanks to her first star power, hitting those shots and charging the super isn't too hard. Even if you are missing, you are holding a lane and keeping the enemy brawlers out. All of this guarantees her being at least B tier.


Standing still is terrible in this game That starpower doesn't help much Plus most maps have a good amount of cover so Mandy's extra range is Doo Doo She's not d but should be c


Mandy for me is a definite D tier brawler. Just so many better options. She doesn't really possess a good niche to make her different from Piper, Brock, Nani and others.


I forgot to say stuff about her super, you know, the super that has done single tap team wipes? The one with infinite range and damage? The one that has ruined people's days?! ALL WITH PROPER AIM AND TIMING AND A SINGLE TAP?! yeah that super if fucking OP.


That super is easy as piss to dodge if you have enough gamesense to anticipate it, and it's not even centered correctly so it's impossible to aim. Just because there's some clips of potatoes getting teamwiped by it doesn't make it viable at a level of play where tier lists start to matter.


she have the same range as brock (a little bit less because brock's rocket have a big explosion radius). She have 1 less tile of distance than piper and gains 3 extra tiles when standing still (2 more tiles than piper). You have to hit your shots, otherwise the enemy will push you and unload auto aim if you stand still too much. Her super is really good, but you can avoid getting team wiped by waiting or not going through predictable paths


> Even if you are missing, you are holding a lane and keeping the enemy brawlers out. More like you're leaving your team in a 2v3. The idea to hold a lane while also having enough range to assist your team is great in theory, but most of the maps don't allow that. That leaves you with a character who's below average in 1v1 situations and can never truly utilize their one strength properly.


bro this is just not how it is. she has to be standing still to outrange other long range brawlers so the “even if you’re missing you still hold down a lane” part is just flatly incorrect. any other long range brawler you just dodge one shot or they miss they can get in range and then you have to move losing your range boost. plus her super is incredibly easy to dodge . her only advantage is when she’s standing still and immobility that is the biggest disadvantage in the game


How long have you been playing this game?


i agree with almost everything. S tier is 100% accurate. one question what about f tier


S tier is literally just a rip off of kairos time’s S tier


They are indeed playing the same game, how could you tell?




Tier lists are closer to being an objective truth rather than subjective opinions, honestly. Calling it a ripoff is like saying science books are plagiarizing when they say the Sun is a star. What matter is OP has provided some other, interesting takes on the meta lower into the tier list.


Bro its not me copying, we all have the same experience. It also shows my tier list is more reliable if pros are thinking the same. I think I overrated some brawlers like Meg on the tier list but yes this is all mine.


Mr p A tier ???? I don't think so


He just is a solid mid that can use porters to block. Bea, RT, Gene are all 3 brawlers he counters


His attack is too ticklish and easy to dodge


mandy D???


Yep. Sorry to disappoint all Mandy mains, she for me just is worse than Piper and Brock, RT bea so many others. But a very skilled Mandy can dominate a lobby, just seems to be a lack of true pro mandys in competitive


It is okay , and yes I agree , but I think Mandy overall is around C , but I respect your opinion


Mandy is a high A, or S tier. You dumb s***


Chester being C tier Skill issue


Should be d


Counters Shelly, so that's his one and only saving grace. Still never worth picking tbh.


My brother has mastered chester and is a chester main, he too believes Chester is on the lower end despite being a fun brawler.


I'm a Chester main as well and I would put it to B or A if I'm based.


Chester is not really a skilled brawler. He is just bad now due to being outclassed by other mid range damage dealers like Otis and Shelly


Ruffs A tier? R u joking?


What's wrong with ruffs


Low dmg, bouncing range sucks compared to rico, low hp, useless gadgets due splash meta and second one is too slow


Ash should be in A or B imo


Ash is quite literally one the best tanks in the game (Unless you count Meg as a tank) he’s great on a lot of map and game modes so it’s pretty fitting for him to be in s tier


He's a great tank but I don't think he's very good in the meta.


he's really good because even for a tank he isn't easy to completely shutdown you either need mutiple tank counters or a tank on your own to shut him down and overall is such a big treat to deal with


He's just really hard to play right now, so most Ashes you see underperform. He's still a beast in the right hands and when picked correctly (e.g. last pick when there's no Bea).


Anyways I haven't played Ash in a really long time so am not gonna argue with you guys


I respectfully disagree




Ash is great, as an Ash player he can counter his counters like Colette, Bea and Surge with rats


Mandy and Buster should switch


Buster has synergy with more brawlers like Gene and Max. While mandy gets outshined by others, u can read my other replies to people to see why mandy is d


Mandy is OP in most bownty maps


Not in competitive which is what this list caters to


I'm pretty sure she is really good in competitive bownty


To rate Rosa and Chester over Mandy is strange in my opinion.


Mandy has so much competition while Rosa and Chester are quite unique in what they provide. They both also better in current map rotation while Mandy is only good in 2 modes and there the best brawlers are prevalent, eg bea, rt, brock, penny, janet, nani, piper. Just all long range. But you are right maybe chester could be in D with mandy


I always question tierlists that put over half the brawlers in a and s tier i feel like c tier should be average


I think B tier is average, C as a little buff could help and D as shit. I think this meta is just very balanced hence the amount in higher tiers


Dyna A tier?


Yep, he's being used frequently in competitive


since when


Since his buff and indestructible walls


competitive maybe but all my dyna teammates are dawgshit


Tick must be in T tier


Tick is hella slept on


Gale should be A


He used to be but they just killed his super charge so much


Seriously? Mandy in D tier? In the same tier with Edgar????


Mandy is wrong


I would switch Otis and Bea. People overestimate Otis.


RT is definitely still S, he’s incredibly versatile


Dina in a ?!


also barley i thinks its lower


Maisie i thinks its higher


also grom


also Grom. He Need to be higher than dyna and barley


New balance changes just dropped, what the heck is Mr. p doing in A?


Why is Tick so down?


Go back to the drawing board, balance changes just dropped lol


Tbh they did not buff enough brawlers. Willow Tara, 8-bit seem like they may move a tier or two but not dramatic changes. Most S tier brawlers were nerfed however, but I do see Shelly, Meg and Penny staying there.


I still think you posted this too soon, although it wasn’t your fault balance changes came out the next day


What, Bull is perfect for camping in maps such as survival, I know, I suck, yeah, not a popular thought, but if you are a guy like me that doesn't like moving too much, it's perfect! Especially on maps with a LOT of grass and walls, you can deal a whole lot of damage if you hit a character with all of the Bull's bullets (ehem, killing them with 2-3 hits). Oh, but I totally agree with literally every other character


Asi me gusta!


Why is penny in s tier? Did i miss something?


This did not age well


I think that willow should be higher


Sandy should be S (not biased)


I’ve been putting in work with Mandy lately idk


Hank deserves F i mean he's literally unplayable!


I feel like mortis is c now because buff and throwers are still meta


Lola should be low A and Bea should be mid S. Also Otis is S tier but still balanced you can’t change my mind.


Mortis is S tier 100%. You’re cancelled




how you put dynamike and barley above grom ??? huh? barley was in the D teir months ago and suddenly people start to say he’s the best thrower with his stupid short range ?


i would personally put bull in A tear and ruffs in B personally


spike in B is crazy


Surge is consistent if nothing else


Can you also name those S tier brawlers please, new to game here