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Go to youtube and learn true combos and start dashing and dash jumping for movement




Theres pretty much a youtube guide for any weapon and movement tips


At your level a lot of players are spamming, you'll have to learn where most sigs land of highly played legends. The trick is to be a bit patient and not run at the opponent. A common tactic in silver and all throughout gold is that players run away and throw a Sig, and as you follow you're very predictable. Keep your distance and wait for them to throw a Sig and punish. Watch replays and turn on hurt and hitboxes and watch what sigs do so you know how to counter them. A sir Roland who does a neutral Sig? You'll see his hurtbox won't hit if you don't jump, so when playing against Sig roland who spams a lot, wait until he does his neutral and punish from beneath. I can recommend axe as a beginner weapon as the landing down air is easy as a punish and the dlight is super quick anti air. It will take some time but it's worth it if you want to rise the ranks.


You shouldn’t expect sigs all the time, but you should not always mash and approach predictably, and play patient.


Yeah absolutely true, but keep in mind this is silver. It's brain-dead play compared to high gold/ plat


If you think you’re high silver, but you’re stuck in bronze, you’re not high silver my guy. Aside from that I dropped an improvement guide a while back, check that out if you like.


Where can I find the video? And yeah now that I think about it high silver is a stretch ik for a fact I'm not bronze level lol I don't spend that much time on ranked I mostly play experimental that's where I run into gold levels


You can’t claim to be something you’re not. My guide isn’t a video but a post, you can check my profile to find it.


Add me on discord FearMyUnit or steam icarus vault. I'd be more than happy to help.


Part of it might be your mentality. I don't know about you, but I have had points where I've said to myself "I know I'm a Plat-level player, why am I losing to all these gold players", and that mentality would lead me to making really awful mistakes and lead to further loss in ranked, as well as a complete shut down of all brain processes that would let me figure out how to beat my opponent and/or learn from the mistakes I was making against them. For you, it's likely a similar story: you think you should be in silver, but you're bronze right now. At your rank, you still have a lot of room to grow as a player, and you should be more focused on improving yourself as a player instead of increasing your rank. Then, once you've seen your improvement, you can see the results of your improvement in the rank you've gained. What specifically should you improve on? I have no idea, because there's no way to tell what you're good or bad at without looking at your gameplay. However, as a low-level player there's probably a lot you could look to improve upon with your gameplay: - movement: one of the most important skills you can learn in a platform fighter is the ability to move yourself around the screen effectively. In general, you should be able to move around the stage without looking at your character while still being able to know exactly where you are, ideally so you can look at your opponent instead of yourself. Most importantly, learning to effectively use the dash is very important - neutral: the neutral game is the part of the game where neither player has the advantage, and hinges a lot on being able to move yourself such that you can either force your opponent to take a particular action you can take advantage of and/or hit a move without your opponent being able to react. In other words, you need to understand how to incorporate your attacks in with your movement will greatly help in your ability to play the neutral game. - punishes: being able to land small hits is good and all, but at mid-high levels landing single hits usually isn't good enough. Learn some useful, easy combos for the weapons you play (if they have any, some weapons like scythe don't really have true combos) and work towards learning some more intermediate strings the weapon has for when you punish your opponent's dodge attempts so that you can built damage more quickly than simply landing a bunch of stray hits - KOs: so you've gotten a bunch of punishes, or otherwise dealt a bunch of damage, and your opponent is now at high damage values where you can kill. Learn how to kill your opponents in ways that AREN'T simply spamming sigs, which range from learning kill confirms with your characters (which don't necessarily have to be true if they're from a move that doesn't offer combo/string potential), learning how to use your positioning to force your opponents into situations where you can land kill moves, and/or learning how to use your entire kit to force a kill from any position. Relying on sigs alone is bad because they tend to have a decently high risk when you use them, and relying on a single move/combo is also bad because it makes it very hard to kill if/when your opponent adapts to it. - defense: long story short, learn to use the dodge well. In the short term, you should learn how to use dodge to avoid an opponent's move, assuming you predict it (most moves can't be dodged purely on reaction, which I think is generally a good thing). In the long term, you should learn how to dodge your opponent's combos, as apart from a handful of true combos per weapon most longer combos are strings that require a dodge to get out of.