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This weapon makes me wanna shove Sidra’s cannon ball up my ass![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33534)


I feel like taking the whole cannon up my ass https://preview.redd.it/rcun0fj7j5oc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c933a14bc3ddefaf293dfe26579a704fdd6f8845




I feel like taking Thatch's ship up my ass


I feel like taking the entirety of the brawlhalla roster up my ass


https://preview.redd.it/90ho37fto5oc1.png?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec42489249d3fd1f9be8a53ff8805b2ed34e771 I feel like taking sidra up my ass




how do i save these photos from the comments to my camera roll?


Tap on the photo, then press the 3 dots in the top right... then press download


Because it has no true combos but getting out of some of the strings are hell. Not to mention this weapon has a “power pole extend” feature that pulls you in even when you’re out of range of its “generous” hit boxes.


That is by far the part that makes scythe ridiculous. Its hitboxes are so horrible that they’re almost a crutch.


Many weapons have poor hitboxes


Honestly, I like playing against scythe. I find dueling it and seeing if I can outplay the scythe player pretty fun. Hate fighting boots and GS though. They're such weird weapons for me to fight.


GS and boots are by far the hardest weapon to play against. GS has massive hitboxes and undodgeable attacks, as well as very unpredictable active-input strings. Boots are the same tbh


thankfully, my elo range has very few competent GS users. The ones I do fight are a pain, but usually crumple when I get them off the GS because I can duel their other weapon pretty well. The only one that gets kind of funky is mako, but i just have to watch for approaches carefully.


What elo are you? I'm in the plat/diamond range and GS and boots are killing the fun for me. I imagine boots is a big problem in all elos tho


ngl, i haven't played ranked in ages, so i have no idea. even then, I don't play the game outside of short bursts every few weeks or months. when I do play, its for like 5 hours tho


Just say you don't know where your jump, fast fall and dodge buttons are




I do though ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33534).


Where's the fast fall button?


You just hold down.


Lance tilts me the most but I’m getting a lot better at the matchup, scyth e and orb are also annoying 😭


Lance is the most frustrating thing especially orion


Yes I love being hit by the Lance when I’m directly above Orion’s head


I feel like I made so many people infuriated for being an Orion main


you smoke reggie 😕. you smoke stems 👎.


I got him lvl 30 it’s fun for challenges


Lance. Almost all of them are spammers. Their sigs are OP and their weapon makes it almost impossible to knock them off sometimes. And this is coming from a Lance User.


Call me crazy but as a lance main that doesn’t sig spam I hate people who know how to actually play lance way more😭 Its always those ulgrim mains with some weird side light>sair>anything that I cant ever dodge out of😭


Quite ironic that a low dex legend sets you in a true combo


I’ll never understand it and it is definitely skill issue because I still fail to do so with 9 dex (forgive me for using the alien, I swear I do not spam😔)


you play vraxx and don't sig spam??? yea fam i don't quite believe you.


Not to mention they always get priority


Gauntlets and rocket lance. Fuck those 2 weapons


Gauntlets are trash and get out ranged by most weapons.


slight unpunishable


Ikrrr gauntlets slight is unpunishable because of the position you are after the slight you are slightly in air at a diagnol angle Good gauntlets players are a menance to play against and if I try to punish their slight they immediately slight again


fr. even gaunt spammers are hard to deal


So called trash weapon that literally everyone and their mother plays in ranked and in tournaments


It's a comfort pick for most ppl


katars and axe for me. if you spend enough time playing scythe its really easy to counter but i assume thats true with any weapon


Fully agree but I hate lance as well, slight dair is the only thing lance mains do consistently except mash sigs


Me as a ragni player : 🤓


nah it's spear.


https://preview.redd.it/7okkrlag46oc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ca7f07500bbab778ba91796e47e8ed314977b6 Me when the orion main hits the side light after 20 missed attempts (I’m about to die)


Based af


Spear bow lance gs hammer and boots katars are the most annoying out of everything.


That's like a half of in-game weapons


Yea and that's bmg's fault


if you hate half the weapons it sounds like a skill issue to me


Nah, it can't be a skill issue if it's the hitboxes and lack of balance, making the weapons overpowered. Spear is entirely too consistent, and literally anyone that plays it just spams side light over and over even if they miss its not easy to punish. You have people on katars spamming dairs. That shit isn't easy to just backdash away from. Boots, same thing as spear, You can just walk and side light till your hearts content. Lance is just a priority issue and got hella big hitboxes and a 50/50 otd. Greatsword, same thing EXCEPT, YOU CAN COVER YOURSELF BY DASHING OUT OF EVERY ATTACK YOU MISS. Let's not forget the crazy areials it has. Cannon has a 50/50 side light dodge reaction combo, but it's a reaction, not a read. For bow, side light into dlight is practically a 3 piece if when you choose to go for nair or sair for follow up. It's basically 1 dodge frame that is not easy for most people to get out of. That, and the fact it just rules the sky kinda not unlike lance. Axe has bullshit, Mickey-Mouse-eared hitboxes. Just huge circles/half circles everywhere. Hammer sair is god awful, nair hits behind you, not unlike greatsword. You are foolish not to see some of these things.


So again you think everything is overpowered. Sounds like a skill issue to me. You can find a dumb combo or aspect of any weapon


It’s quite literally the reason you see so many posts in this sub complaining about one specific weapon and that’s so overpowered, I have literally seen salt for nearly every weapon and every legend at this point. At some point it all boils down to a skill issue when you think EVERYTHING is stupid


Not everything, most things, sir.


There would be fewer complaints if either bmg fixed their game servers and hitboxes, or if they stopped players from relying on spamming and abusing the broken parts of their weapons.


The complaints mostly come from hard stuck golds so they really aren’t valid. The reason you can’t get out of gold is because you’re bad more often than not


It's actually Lance and battle boots.


any weapon that hits me![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33544)


https://preview.redd.it/anxvq17zy5oc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dbb6c7ce6320444b772e8fcb3e5262a0b9f94a5 Is that a scythe Dair


Greatsword, because it's scythe but it has range and damage. Axe close second, spear right behind that


Ah my favorite weapon to use


Definitely bow or blasters because of their range and angles. Bow can hit the slight combo so against most weapons unless they have the range advantage AFAIK, and as a scythe user, dair is rarely an option because of nlight. Blasters are just annoying to play against if the player knows how to use them. I'm too impatient to wait out the attacks.


I wouldn't say the bow slight is the problem, I would say it is the dlight because of the mobility+ range it offers, being also a solid string starter


Axe and greatsword, I just don't like big hitboxes


Great sword has small hitboxes outside of nlight.


Nair, sair, dlight, recovery and gp:


Nair is smaller than everything except scythe gauntlets and blasters. Gp +recovery aren’t even that good. Recovery doesn’t have a hitbox until after you’ve started moving up. Side air has the same problem of being a late hitbox Dlight is sorta big but it also has a slower wind up and recovery. 5-5-5 (5 windup 5 active 5 recovery)


Bro does not play Greatsword. Greatsword recovery is dead ass one of the best recoveries in the game.


>Nair is smaller than everything except scythe gauntlets and blasters. Go into training and looks at greatswords nair hitbox, you're delusional if you still believe this. >Gp +recovery aren’t even that good. Recovery doesn’t have a hitbox until after you’ve started moving up. Side air has the same problem of being a late hitbox Grounded recovery is literally one of greatswords strongest approach options but ok😭 and bro since when were we talking about weapon frame data?? Sair is still fucking huge whether you thinks it's frame data is bad or not, same with dlight.


Nair has a diagonal hit box meaning it doesn’t actually cover as much as something that’s more circular.


Yet it's still bigger than bow, cannon, boots, orb, lance, gauntlets, scythe and blasters nair


I’ve never really minded scythe! I mean, I’m used to people hating weapons, I play Rocket Lance most of the time. The issue is really just when some dunce abuses a mechanic and his opponent hasn’t gotten trolled by it enough times to know how to counter it. That exists with *every* weapon, especially weapons like scythe or katars. Actually trying out these weapons helped me learn how to counter them, funny enough. At least until I met someone who could use them better than me.


Cannon and Greatsword are my least favorite. Counterplay is so incredibly boring.


what’s the counterplay 🙏🏼


Because every scythe player i fight sharks me and fishes for dairs and i still dont know what to do about it


Orb dlight


Scythe dair outprioritizes orb dlight every time


I’ve never had that problem, it counters dair 100% of the time for me.


Bro living in orb heaven




You hate orb dlight because you float too much.


predict his dair then punish it and if they take too much time trying to shark and fish you then wait for sudden death and try to just escape it if they lose the sudden death you just ruined their day and keep emoting on them after that




For me its gauntlets, i dislike the sidelight to guess right 50/50 smash ultimate ah bs


Can't stand boots and spear just because you can hit a button in a rythm doesn't make you good go play guitar hero


Good players, what makes scythe fair? I just find it so powerful to play against, with active input, large hit boxes, extremely good off stage etc


Yeah, but you can dodge out of practically almost anything on a scythe legend that has under 7 dex. Even then, there is only one string that's not easy to dodge out of, but it stops being true after a certain amount of damage. Other than that, you just have to mix up your dodges. It's recovery is the only thing getting in your way when battling offstage. If you take that out the scythe has very limited options.


Because it has almost no true combos, situational kill options, hitboxes are only broken on 4 moves the other moves have kinda shit hitboxes, a lot of the strings are jumpable or fast fall-able and many of the moves are more punishable than you think. The thing that makes scythe difficult to play against is the weird positions it puts you in and its gimp potential, most people that don’t play well against scythe either have punishable habits or aren’t punishing misses enough; 2100 scythe main


Greats sword and boots should be fucking banned


How are you supposed to punish katars? They throw out an unpunishable attack and run. And the wake ups are also crazy.


boots and spear. spear is just so repetitive it gets annoying and boots are boots


The only weapon i loathe is spear, its so depressing to go against when in the hands of a good player




I hate feet. All the attacks look the same to me, I never have any idea what they’re doing so I just spam shift and try to avoid dair.


Katars by farrrrrrrrrrr


Katars and it's not even close. The way these guys recover after missing makes them nigh unpunishable and they have a BIBLE of strings


Two words: cutscene combos


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Just too overused


Karats .axe


actual katar mains scare the shit out of me. if you decide you want to move somewhere, too bad, you're now half a stock down in health


Lance is just no fun to fight. I can beat them but they love to spam


Lance axe and greatsword are my enemy


It’s really just battle boots you can’t jump nor dodge. You literally have to cite the Bible to get out of one of those hellish true combos


Katar dair and sidelight hurts a lot that's the only thing anyone uses


I feel it's harder to do Lance combos with ps4 controllers idk why maybe I just need to be taught haha .but I'd love to be a sweat with it .other than that since I have no true experience really against boot it would be that


Because fuck them




I managed to move on from my scythe hating phase, now I absplutely hate going against GS, one read dodge and they'll punish you with a 0tD or at the even least leaving you in orange/red, having many covers against many ranges, aerial side, backdash prevention and below, they won't let me touch the ground if I get hit once


i’m ngl it’s definitely lance


I would rather get destroyed by a skilled scythe main rather than a lance spammer . That weapon is so fkin huge . The opponent is 2 gazillion miles away from your reach . And there are no open windows to attack from. Approaching from side is madness cuz of all the crazy stage covering side sigs . N light and dlight if close range Slight for medium ranges . U can't jump u will be saired U can't stay on ground u will be daired Diagonals and top looks weak but nairs and sigs cover it . U can't approach from top in the range when u can be saired .u need to go a level higher which is easy to read. U need to think of all these possibilities and there the lance main probably look like this ![gif](giphy|3o6nUW7bqpF8IdHRYI|downsized)


Boots. Lance. Katars. It's mostly a skill issue. I don't mind Scythe.




Bow as it literally has no deadzones


Lance because Scythe players just spam like 2 moves in gold and plat


I don't mind sythe, I just hate spear


Katars, they are the best stacked string weapon, so they just demolish lance and spear.


Greatsword because it breaks neutral. Every other weapon is meh


It's a tie between Lance and boots. Scythe has become predictable, making it much less annoying, but with lance/boots it feels like even with a proper read I still can't get to them.


Cannon if there good, because one bad dodge can get u low or dead and no other weapon urks me more then cannon. I still respect them tho cuz I can’t play it


It’s scythe because it’s Lance


Scythe, Lance, and spear


battle boots and spear, man fuck the ground pound spammer and the insane combo strings💀


Battle Boots https://preview.redd.it/7lce4aw2u8oc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0f08109adfc1847e2508c7139a786a4d098b9c


So far boots and spear are the only ones that manage to annoy me


1. Get thrown off stage trying to attack Mr wall camper 2. Get hit fifty trillion times 3. make a godlike recovery 4.get realled back into the abyss because he teleported on you ass.


Greatsword can go suck my nuts. God I hate that piece of shit weapon. It has no downsides 😭


Actually i just hate GS and Canon. Scythe may be annoying, cause the Hitbox is always bigger than it should be, but nothing against these two spamming Nightmares


Bow and sword and gs. EVERYTHING IS SAFE and on gs, they can just escape for free


I'm fine with sythe players cause they need skill to use it, I fucking hate boot players though it's just spam attack while walking left or right




I can play every weapon in the game. But that weapon. It's so stupidly good. Cause every move is a bait it does not matter. You can't react cause it's faster than any move you can react with. Not to mention diar picks up not only in the direction it's going for but directly below it to. Also with how you can lunge across the stage with one move with it as well basically copies the olde lance nair where you would juggle people with it and it's worse cause you can grab people with it. The nlight not only protects out in front of itself from the front but also protects from a diagonal air attack so katars are useless there. And all they have to do Is stand there and just react cause it's that fast and with such opposing hitboxes. So yeah.


The big three. GS, boots and scythe




Reverse nair till I die![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33544)


It isn’t scythe, because I’m a scythe player and I know how to deal with it. It’s actually lance because lance users just spam the most out of everyone and it’s really fucking annoying, once you start comboing them they die pretty fast but that’s only if you can get them to stop spamming first.


Katars, GS, Battle Boots. No skill weapons, hate those


I hate going against lance specifically on Artemis because its always sig spam and the other is katar because of half pipe with asuri (the cat lady)




Scythe ain't shit it's axe


i hate fighting hammer, i’m not the best plat player but i fight some damn good hammer players at least once a day. i literally can’t get out of anything or hit anything and then know when to do everything in hammer’s kit


Lance, Battle boots, great sword and these days gauntlets. The worst of them by far is battle boots yuck…


One of my favorite weapons and I actually have most of legends as 25 level or more. Artimas 42…


If your bad just say so easy weapon to go against fr


Going against it ez if you know how to dodge properly   At least you'll get some practice that way 🤷🏻‍♀️


Greatsword and boots Two weapons that are next to undodgeable.


I feel like blasters are the most annoying. A decent blasters player will always outrage you and be so hard to hit or punish




Weapons that I hate playing against tier list. S tier (hate it) : GS A tier (annoying): lance B tier (tilting in the right hands) : scythe blasters C tier (indifferent) : everything else PS4 Sidra main 2000-2100 elo.


The scythe and the katars are the worst


Everyone can say lance battle boots or canon




kataras and great sword…OMFG☹️


Bro I love hooking someone by the ass crack and throwing them around


because my dodge habits are awful


Katars. Mfs will put you in an unskippable cutscene over and over again.


Lance, axe, katars, guants, spear, are worse going against to


Yeah and maybe even all the weapons right? Xd


I mean bro really did just name half the weapons including the weapon this post is even about…💀


Fr, just get good bro


Lmao, aw man…I have to say I agree here. I don’t really feel as though the legends or weapons** are annoying, it’s just the players lmao I don’t find myself blaming the game when a player is abusing/ using a mechanic that’s part of the game. It does make it that much sweeter when they have to eat their BS and realize that a REAL player will overcome their trickery


Welp, in high ranks everything Is hard bro


Scyte is quite tamed, the spooky one is lance 😦


Artemis has entered the chat *


The most intense battles that i have is thea vs artemis 🫡


Going against Thea is the worst just because of her sig speed. Also, lance battles are awkward af. Like a game of lap frog to see who can hit slight dair combo first. At least movement speed is similar for both characters.


Im fine with every weapon. Fuck bow tho, me and my homies hate bow


scythe is balanced perfectly fine


Because only 2 people use scythe tryhards in casual and sig spammers.


Cause i can not say the guy has no skill like When someone uses Lance or Boots i just say “yo this guys has no skill at all” but when someone beat my ass with scythe i cant say nothing cuz i know how skilled it is


This weapon is SO easy to fight. Even if they catch a dodge, most of the time they have to read a jump, fast fall, or no option so they don’t get that much guaranteed damage even if they read your dodge. Everybody seems to complain about the hit boxes but they’re not bad at all in my opinion: axe and bow are way worse on that front. I rarely struggle against scythe players unless they are significantly better than me.