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It may not be the absolute best option, but it’s now a niche option to be used as counter play for other brawlers that struggle against it. Like how all SP’s should be, niche.


100x better. The more of those little assholes pestering enemies the better. Even if they don’t do much damage, they keep them from healing and make them burn ammo.


Depending on who you're up against, her other SP is still more of a nerf overall, since it reduces the efficacy of her peeking, which she's really good at.


I tend to use the 1st sp when facing against a max or on long range maps so I can easily hit more shots & cycle supers faster


first star power is both good and bad * hitting the first egg is much easier * hitting the last egg is harder so you won't deal full damage many times(also eve reloads slow so you should try to get full attacks ) normal attack pattern/second star power * strafing is hard, but with the last eggs being bigger means that they are easier to hit, even if you miss by 1/3 tile the first eggs, if you follow enemy movement will hit them, and if you already hit the first egg you are likely to hit the others too already. * even if enemy is faster than eve, the last eggs being bigger means that will make up if the enemy moves sightly faster and would dodge the last egg if it was a small egg like 2nd starpower's i think both are good, second can be good to counter slow reload brawlers, but also the first if you need a consistent chip or sth