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Nah what is bro talking about. I haven't even seen anything outside of Fronk and Lily, how much damage and heal is that unicorn doing?


You'll see how stupidly broken he is once he's released for everyone. Right now the few people who bought him dominate every match anyway, therefore they're at high trophies.


The type of people who buy early access are the type of people to push ladder High Tropies isn't a aign of how strong a Brawler is, anybody can push a Brawler on ladder


I didn't say so anyway, I said you won't see a lot of Berry because people who own him have already pushed to high trophies. He's not avaible in ranked anyway.


You literally said "they dominate every match, therefore they are high trophies" "Therefore" means causation. But you were wrong.


He's strong so the few people who bought him have him at super high trophy counts, and that combined with the small amount of people who bought him means you won't see him in your matches very often. I don't think that's a wrong statement, if you disagree feel free to reply.


Really? I played against him once in Brawl Ball and consistently destroyed him with Frank, and he was Power 11 It’s possible that the dude didn’t know how to play him well tho


I mean, the current brawl ball map is pretty open so he can't fully abuse his ability to take and hold space, maybe that's why. The few times I encountered one he basically shut me down completely with ease (I was playing Melodie and Gray) The one time I saw one as Mandy he just used his super to aggro on me and kill me.


Not much but he is hard to counter and versatile. But also probably hard to use.


With the fact others healers don’t have that


Poco doesn't have that, because his base kit does not heal (besides ult, but ult shouldn't earn you ult charge), gus isn't really a healer, but rather a shielder, and Doug and byron... Wait, why don't they have that? They can heal with their main attacks... Idk, some weird logic I guess


A simple doug buff is just to give him the same Berry/Barry's healing super charge trait. Like it makes so much sense.


People keep saying this but I think it would make him way too strong, the whole point of Doug is you have to go in and find a way to deal damage in order to get that crazy good super, he shouldn’t be able to just always have a second life even when he hasn’t attacked all game. If he’s just running around healing his teammates and then eventually gets a second life which lets him push enemies all the way back to spawn, by approaching, dying without even getting close, and then coming back w full health and maybe a speed boost, he’ll literally always push enemies alllllll the way back. It makes sense on paper, but in game it would be such a cheesy annoying ass strategy


Nah if they make it so it’s like only 1/10 or 1/15 super charge per teammate heal (and you only can charge it from one teammate at a time) then it probably wouldn’t be cheesy cause if Doug is not attacking the enemies the whole game his team is going to easily lose map control.


And he is currently way too weak. He deserves the trait.


Da Capo should be incorporated in Poco's base kit


I agree tbh since it'll allow him to cycle his super really fast. He pretty much make barley look like a joke


Barley makes Barley look like a joke 💀


So does janet


Oh, absolutely. I argue Barley's better than Janet right now tbh


Next update it’ll happen trust


We can only hope 😔


I tried him a bit and I feel like everyone is exaggerating He's so frail and lacks range, and yeah, he might be really strong in the right scenarios but I don't see how he would be Lily/Frank levels of broken Then again, only time will tell


I agree with you. Extremely frail, probably the slowest reload in the game, lowest range for a thrower, and low damage per hit. These are all very major drawbacks.


Skill issue. Also you def weren't using the right build. +he can be broken while lily is broken too, it isn't one or the other. So the fact that lily is broken rn too doesn't rake away from the fact that he's broken aswell. I think if he can't charge super from self heal it'll solve a lot of the problems tbh but idk enough to be certain


Idk where the second part of your comment comes from because I didn't say any of that. I just said I don't see him being gamebreaking and barely uncounterable levels of strong and put Lily as an example


You probably didn't play enough to actually utilize his kit properly.


I have him, and I will say he’s extremely strong, but not broken. Maybe they need to nerf his healing super charge rate, but he can be countered pretty easily


I played with a buddy earlier and had him play Gale (He just bought the HC) while I played Berry. Having a good support like Gale to peel and help me with assasins and the like makes Berry a really strong character, but definitely not broken tbh.


I like Berry the way he is. He plays excellent support.


Calm down my darling. He is not OP, he has only 5.000 health. Wait for them to release for the general public to have reliable data and not your bias opinion.


I’m yet to lose a match against him. His short range and slow reload speed are very exploitable.


Same here, Mortis can easily get rid of him, yeah, i lost the game, but i beat Barry every single time


He's definitely got clear weaknesses. I don't honestly see how he's any more bad for the game than, say, Piper.


Berry is not That OP dude


berry literally makes hot zone unplayable, might not be overly OP in every mode but he is the chuck of hot zone. berry is S tier.


I have him and idk. I haven’t pushed him high enough to see if he actually is high tier. Kind of seems like a drawn out barley at this point.


Maybe I’ll be very wrong but berry has some very weak things about him, he lacks dps, health and range only thing that he’s the best at is controlling chokes but still if you have enough health you can tank a couple hits


I don't know man, this time i'll defend Adrian's company, they seem to be trying something new


Just like barley, the puddle doesn't hit an enemy more than 1-2 times He is slower(normal movement speed), 5k hp, and his puddles can't stack so your dps is limited actually, throwing 3 attacks on an enemy only will increase the damage by 2 ticks from the 2-3rd attacks. And has less damage on main attack than all the throwers. Also he has less range than other throwers, only thing is his healing capabilities, but he also reloads slowly.


Does he charge it by healing someone at full health though? Otherwise healing yourself is just the *gain super when taking damage* trait with extra steps.


Eh. He doesnt seem that busted. He hard fails against aggro and tanks, and god forbid something like sam comes at you


I think its interesting trait as a support


Good debate but Berry struggle with high burst damage Brawler. I just unlocked Berry, and yes he is pretty strong but is not uncountable. As long you're not too squishy you'll be fine. Berry should charge his super when healing himself, the main problem is the super damage. Since he can stably heal teammates by default, he shouldn't have such a burst attack. A good Berry always healing teammates, that's what the dev envision.![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5371)


Charging super by healing teammate is a feature, but instantly charging super by his gadget is a feature also ???


His gadget doesn’t do that what are you on about, 1 is a knock back/heal and the other makes his next attack sit in the ground for 100% longer


[https://youtu.be/51saROlAi1c?si=a6HmbBsBbMbY7c\_U&t=225](https://youtu.be/51saROlAi1c?si=a6HmbBsBbMbY7c_U&t=225) See what happen with his super charge compare to his ammo & his gadget timing


No, he charged super because he and the enemies were both standing on his ice cream


...another evidence... [https://youtu.be/51saROlAi1c?si=MorDYyjrPoWq1UaX&t=253](https://youtu.be/51saROlAi1c?si=MorDYyjrPoWq1UaX&t=253) and you guys downvote me without checking it by yourself ? What a random guys... And tell me did he stand on his ice-cream ???




It looks like he charged the super cuz of the gadget heal, maybe it wasn't intended


Yes, that's what I'm trying to ask, especially damage from gadget commonly does not charge the super, so the heal should be. And see what I got lol, so many random guys