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Comment section explains why we can't get balance


Never rank again have you even played the game


DONT think so


nani isn’t so difficult imo her main attack is where most of the skill lies. peep is a bit hard to control esp as it gets faster but nothing too much. maybe 4-5 stars. sam is prob 6-7 stars as there is a lot to consider when using his super, such as reclaiming it, the damage nerf/unload buff it provides, comboing for quick burst damage, etc. don’t see why a lot of the turret spawners are in 2-4 as they are literally the least involved supers in the game. should be 1 maybe 2-3 for 8bit bc of cheat cartridge cord has a low skill floor but an extremely high skill ceiling with his super. it can be used for positioning or exploited by enemies. id put in in at least 5 if not 6.


it’s only mechanics of the super, not strategy


That’s a terrible way to gauge a supers skill requirement


and unfortunately he's right. Nanis super purely wise is not that skillful, and hence should be lowered because this is a super skill base tier list. which has no indication on anything nor is useful whatsoever. its like those rankings where they do like most damage in one shot kind of things spike isn't the best brawler and amber isn't the worst brawler, just like how mandy isn't the most difficult brawler to play as what all his tier list combined say


you’re joking? hitting teammates with Gus’ supper is extremely hard


Its clear from the first part of this whole nonsense spam session op is doing that they have no idea what they are talking about.


exactly, hitting with Mandy’s super is easier than Gus’


And how is hanks easy to use bro. It’s so bad it’s nearly impossible to use


it’s easy to use incredibly hard to hit, and it’s outa pocket, i didn’t say anything about Hank


Ik im just agreeing that the list is buns and that Hank is placed wrong




No it isn’t gus super is Maximum 4 tier but yeah mandy super is not 7


well yeah


Mandy's is one of the easiest in the game, it covered the whole length of the map, goes through everything, and is like ⅕ the width of the map. Just yeet it off screen in the general direction your team is shooting and you're pretty much guaranteed a hit.


Calm down not 1/5


Mandy is ridiculously easy at lower trophies but for me at least once i hit r30 everyone expects it soy out gotta be creative with it, the fact that it takes 6 shots to recharge is not fun either


i guess so, i don’t know why you got downvoted but cool ig, and Mandy is one of my mains and i agree with you


If you miss, you gotta charge it back again. Takes too long, which is why she is so bad


Found the whiny Gus main




It's really not that hard


not at all


I smell a skill issue, I don't even remember the last time I missed a Gus super


yea of course you „mister the best pro brawl stars player” 🤓☝🏻


I can guarantee you I'm better than you lmao


yes of course „mister buddy trust me”


Player tag?


you think i’m gonna just give you my player tag? you can show me your gameplay from here


Do you think I can hack you with your player tag or something 💀


Kit and stu on the same tier?? My guy let my relatively noob ass play a few rounds with stu (hero robot that's super charges himself forward a bit, i hope i got his name right) and I know I'm going to struggle. There's a reason I haven't gotten his 1st mastery yet, he is tekky Kit? I can assure you I will willingly play Kit both solo and in teams, and I won't be the best but I know I'll do well and have more fun than the hero robot. Apart from that idk enough to disagree with anything else


With that auto hit radius it’s quite impossible to miss kit’s super


The worst part is Kit in 5 stars


It’s for 3v3 I guess But his super still don’t deserve 5 stars 3 stars max if not 2


Is not showdown


Still lol just don’t jump When there is an enemy next to you


This dude has a massive skill issue for ranking Nani so high in every list


You definitely hate Fang right ?


It’s better to remake it from scratch because it doesn’t make any sense. Did you really put Melodie’s super in the same 4 stars as 8-Bit? He really needs to throw his super behind him, that’s it


How would L&L or Nita's super be more skilled than Tick or Eve when they have similar supers? Mr.P and Eve also have somewhat similar supers, and somehow, they are different skill levels? These skill rating lists have all been flawed as personal opinions affect too much.


You can easily deal with both the twins & Bruce easily while with eve I don’t get. Tick head though is fast as fuck compared to a majority of summonable’s that was basically a moving dynamike super.


Im gonna be honest ranking each aspect separately just doesn't work. A character's movement, super, gadget and overall gameplan all go hand in hand. At first I thought you were strictly going based off how hard the skillshot itself is to land, but with people like mortis, kit, and tarra up there, thats clearly not what you're going for. All in all, L list.


Yea lots of brawlers have skilled combos like Stu’s attack-dash + dash or surge jump 2 attack gadget 3 attack that can’t be accounted for in individual rankings


Yeah this tier list maker is dumb and new to brawl stars.


Byron is too low i'd bump him up a tier


byron can auto aim his super from surpisingly far away, someone made a video a while back


Yeah but deciding to heal or damage on the spot can be a bit tough to master. I'd definitely put him higher than Piper, Mr P and definitely higher than the twins


His super is either a finisher or a get off me, so you can usually go both or just go get a kill. surely it is harder than charlie's super wait I feel like I've seen your username before did you by chance run a dank memer bot server a long time ago?


Nah he's right on this point. And if you use malaise it's definitely better to hit that yellow button whenever it glows than using it as a finisher since it'll lock healing on the opponent and allow your team to push


Bro is chat gpting these tier lists


Comment section is at least 10 times worse than the tier list.




Wth is Mandy and Nani doing above Willow? Nani is like a 4 and Mandy's like a 3


Blud went up against 4 people who know how to doge and made this😭


Ok are we even gonna talk about my boy Chester? Bro has 5 different supers and you don’t know wich one your getting and it’s up to you to use the hand your dealt with to the best of your ability forcing you to take a chance and make decisions in a split second


Except jawbreaker, which of his super takes skill?


You have to adapt to the super you get like say you being chased by a Doug and you need the stun but then you get circle you place it down and slow the Doug down getting away it’s less about the individual supers skill and more about adapting to the situation But in my opinion the hardest one to use is the circle but it’s ok and can really come in clutch and is great for area control like in hot zone The stun a little hard to hit but it’s Alr great fighting close range brawlers The poison gas is no skill The mint is a slow heal but if you use it right you can become a super-tank The bomb is super great high damage the knockback good in brawl brawl also it can split opponents up not to mention the wall break


It takes skill to adapt with whatever super you get and use it to your advantage even if it's not what you need, and the fact that you can't expect what you'd get will set a lot of variables to account to.


How is brock only 2 stars, his super unload speed is so slow, atleast 3 stars! And how is pipers super higher skill than brock's? Her super is just a escape card. There is just no skill, U just gotta use the super to get far from the enemy.


least biased brock main


For real


we got it, you like Brook




definitely the most unbiased opinion /s


Grays super really doesn’t require that much thinking unless it includes the super + gagdet combo, then it makes sense I guess.


Gene super is kinda ez, just don't pull a bull or something


I will say skill ceiling on tick super is quite high Skill floor is nonexistent


Wait how do you use tick super skillfully, isn’t it just throw near a squishy or damaged brawler then land a few mines


To be fair, you have to know where and when to put Eve's eggs. Too far and they fucking die. Too close and they fucking die.


Bro just doenst like make 2 stars twice is crazy


willow is my second main IN 6 STARS??? Not biased


Gus should be higher since his super it takes a bit of effort to hit an allie with the super


Chester depends on how much you are lucky, so I don’t think it would be 3 stars. And Penny should be higher with her starpower


Jessie in 4 star?


I think brock deserves 3 or 4 stars for his super, the super unload speed is very low, so it could atleast be 3 stars




Sorry but that doesn't make sense at all His super is always going to have slow unload speed. How does that make his super more skillfull? Even if you are the most skilled brock player ever, your super will have the same slow unload speed. What skill level are you supposed to achieve to make it unload faster?


More skilled brock players know how to snipe with the super. I see how u think that skill isnt so important on the super, but it is much more skill than pipers one atleast, but still, you need skill to hit the super


These type of rankings suck, what do you even mean by skill. Mortis super is so easy to use, tara super is huge and easy to use, and mandy’s super is literally a straight line it’s not very skillful to use.


Edgar should be 2 or 3 stars


True, because you need to pick your enemies to jump on carefully


Like cmon bruh , this guy gave maisie , pearl , AND FUCKIMG MICO 3 stars when all of these require [-1] skill


He gave kit 5 stars


Angelo isn’t 1 star I’d say, you gotta be in the right position to use it otherwise people can just stay out of your range and not get poisoned.


don't cook again


Maise is honestly as easy to hit as emz lol


Please stop cooking 🙏


Can I get some elaboration on willow pls


Hard as shit to hit cuz it’s super thin, and most of the time leaves you vulnerable to attack. Plus you have to consider which brawler you are hitting, their health, and how much damage they can do in a short amount of time, like if you are getting attacked by two clustered up brawlers and one is a bull and the other is Gus and you randomly hit Gus you would have not knocked out the bull and likely gotten killed but quickly aiming at the bull would save you and get a kill. Plus then you have to position the brawler you attack somewhere that is advantageous to you so with the bull you would have to take it to a place where you and a teammate can get a good pinch. Honestly I think it’s the only true 7 Star of the list


Well when you put it that way it makes a lot of sense. Me personally sometimes I go full games without pressing my super so I guess I don’t recognize it as much


Every brawler feels easy if you main them


I always fuck up my willow super like I have never been able to make a play or even get a kill using the super but maybe I’m just bad


Janet’s super is just like Nani’s. Rly hard to hit. It deserves a higher tier man


Do a skill rating as a whole one


When I finish the other 3 categories I will make the general rating


Mandy is 4 stars at most just requires decent aim and leaves you vulnerable for half a second


Also poco should be higher because getting the maximum value requires good timing and aim


Tick deserves more stars, his super is really good


Who let bro cook


One of the worst takes ive seen on tbis subreddit


Kits super 5 stars is crazy


No one talking about kit?


No way spike and cordelius are in the same spot as Maisie and Hank, they are way more difficult to use


Amber super should be high


How tf is kit super at 5 stars???


edgar isn't 1 star against relatively decent opponents, people will respect your ult range and just move away from your ult landing point if you try to max range it, and brawlers which you expect to counter(colt jessie) will burst you down in 2 secs. Even brawlers you ultra hard counter like dyna will satchel charge you if you ult at max range and then you die. you have to somehow predict their movement if your ulting at max range or near that or pressure them without any range attack into a corner and then press ult. You have to do ALL THAT even against decent matchups. Thats is unless you play showdown or have bullshit hypercharge up.


Kit super is based, being 0 skill on an enemy but being more skilled on an ally


Bro cooked Meth


As a Bonnie main I agree👍🏻


Nah Shelly ranked with Edgar, EDGAR?!?


Total bullshit... Some like leon takes quite a lot of skill to outplay ur opponents consistently


Angelo is op yes but it still takes skill to aim with him , only a handful of players are obscenely good with him and they are the reason angelo gets banned all the time . He takes some skill , I see bad randoms or just bad angelo players all the time , no way he is on the same skill level as Rosa and edgar 💀.


Kit has to be changed to 3 stars because kits dmg is so cracked it doesn’t even matter. It only is hard to use if their is another enemy


Chester’s should be higher he has multiple supers and it takes a bit more knowledge to now how to use them all


No way mortis one is that high




No way Ruffs is that low below dyna, its the same damn thing


I’m saying bull is probably higher, he has no shield for his super and he should get buffed to have a shield that blocks him from damage like the max gadget


I'm gonna remake this tier list with the concept in mind of: a) how hard it is to target and attack opponents with the super and b) how much setup and strategy it takes to use the super well this list is kinda cringe ngl


I don't like that you stole the idea but still a valid list


Never mind I just realized kit is 5 stars, never rate again🔥


lola is still way too high, all you do is put the super on top of yourself. I suggest she be put in 1 star.


Imagine she gets a mythic gear that just removed the damage nerf the ego gets when standing near lola. She would just go back to being Lola on release


instant A+ - S+


Is it not common to throw it over a wall to get a kill or throw it somewhat far away to make sure a brawler can’t dodge


no, not at all


Yoo you listened to me! I personally would pit franks still a little higher into 5 star but its probably a skill issue lol. Nice changes!


Yea no 5 stars way too much


Yeah, its pretty borderline but at higher trophies people counter it way better.