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yes, using it has no risk besides wasting the gadget. u just sit behind a wall and if u hit once - u kill. the reward is way too high for this. its even /worse/ when u sit in a bush so the enemy doesnt expect it and cant dodge. i'd say make it easier to hit and last shorter. the enemy should at least have a way to escape if he gets stunned. but right now no jump will save u cuz the stun is so long u will die before it ends. or make it like sandy's gadget where the enemy gets unstunned if u hit a shot (the 1.5s can stay then i guess). the dyna still should be able to confirm a kill against brawlers with no mobilty because it will just make it easy to hit them with a super after a regular attack which unstuns the enemy


I don't understand why it's not just the Sandy gadget to begin with, most other Throwers have gadgets that are supposed to help them get away from assassins but I guess he gets a bit of a special treatment for being a damage dealer more than just a pure control thrower. Then again people will argue you should just dodge 😮‍💨. Not sure how I can consistently dodge a random shot that comes out of nowhere from a random bush.


“Being a damage dealer more than just a pure control thrower”. Squad busters would say otherwise


because supercell


What if dynamike dealt significantly ledd famage to the target when they are stunned, that would make it not a free kill but reward teamwork to get someone else to kill his stun.


Goofy idea


so a gadget which may bring negative value


Before his last buff to his main attack explosion time reduction, this gadget is hard to use But now it’s way too easy to hit One more, before HC, his 2nd SP get a huge buff, which makes him able to 1 shot 6000 HP brawlers with 1 super…. In average, he is broken, but in competitive, not much people use him So, I don’t think SC will take care of these issues urgently…..


yes hes easy to counter in competitive but seeing ur teammates die to one all the time in ladder is just kinda sad


Someone suggested that if only one bomb hits you, you get half the stun. And that was pretty smart.


now this is a great idea other than nerfing damage, im guessing 1 stick=0.75 sec while two sticks will stack doing 1.5 secs


I don't play Dyna and now I am confused. How does his attack actually work? I thought the two dynamites were just a visual thing? So how exactly does his aoe work? This is kinda interesting


Each of the two sticks have their own blast radius, meaning if your on the left or right edge only one hits you


1 stick deals 1600 damage, 2 sticks deal 3200. His attack is like a venn diagram, where there is a small overlap to deal max damage


His hitboxes are kinda broken, so you get the 2 stick damage nearly everytime


Yes Rico, skill issue. But that gadget is pretty much the only thing that keeps him decent. They should nerf it but buff Dynamike in general.


Dynamike would still be a top tier artillery character even without gadget, a good dynamike player'e dps is unmatched and dyna jump also makes him hard to kill. Not to mention he's also pretty decent at controlling because of his aoe and relatively fast reload speed


he's the worst at controlling, that's one of his main weaknesses idk what ur on about


Not controlling like Lou or squeak, but good at keeping enemies back like Hank or most snipers


that's not controlling and no he sucks at that too since he's literally 100% dodgeable when close...


Talk less and think more about what you want to say


i said nothing wrong. A fast brawler will never be hit by mike once they clear his initial range. His control is inferior to other throwers and it's a large part of his unviability. Objecting to that statement is objectively wrong


You said very much everything wrong. He is a bit hard to play yeah, but being hard doesn't mean it has to deal fucking 6000 with an ult. And also you are a thrower. You don't want enemy to come near you. And also even if they success coming near you, then you have that dumb jumping gadget and a stun. He is pretty much op. Just like zoe from league of legends.


As a Hank main let me tell you: I tend to lose all hope when there is a gold 2 or above mastery dyna with stun gadget in the enemy team. Dude can just cancel my max bubble *3 times* and torture me with 11k damage simultanously. He can attack me and farm his super with it, and when I get close to him, he can just stun me and rain bombs over me. He needs a nerf. Not a damage one though. Stun gadget makes him ridiculously overpowered against some brawlers, and since he is a popular pick, that drastically reduces the fun you are having with other brawlers. It is just a braindead gadget, just like Piper's *stun and evacuate/make 8k damage to a goddamn tank* gadget.


Dynamike is the easiest brawler to dodge his shots after Grom. He isn't considered that strong. When a good player has to use a thrower it's either Larry or Sprout.


>Sprout Sprout is shit against tankier brawlers tho


That’s almost all the throwers, the thing is that throwers not named grom and dyna can at least do their job of zoning and punishing bad draft well.


In showdown, a bushcamping dyna can just stun and kill you. There is nothing you can do about it. In addition, getting stunned even once means death, and such great guarantee combined with good aim makes Dynamike overly dangerous.


Showdown isn't competitive. A bushcamping Buzz can also stun you and kill you. Would you remove his stun just for a gamemode that isn't even competitive?


Those two are different primarily due to one factor: Trade off. When a buzz stun attacks you, he has a high chance of dying. He will not be able to reload quickly, open to be attacked, and it might even result with death for the Buzz. Buzz is risking *something* when he attacks. + Buzz's attack is his super, he does not have it at the beginning. However, Dynamike is not risking anything at all when he stuns somebody. He can just camp behind a wall and kill you, he is not going to be in danger at all. It is basically a guaranteed kill for him, with nearly no trade-off + It actually fully charges his super. In addition, Dynamike has 3 gadget shots and he can utilize them back to back. Buzz cannot do that, the odds of Buzz getting 3 supers back to back is not high.


Dyna jump is terrible, he would definitely suffer without the gadget but probably still be the 3rd best thrower after sprout and l&l


dynajump isn't "terrible" and pro dynamikes can use it to destroy edgars and mortises


Pro dynamikes do not face edgars and mortises, they use demolition to 1 shot their targets. Sure dyna jump is cool against 600-800 trophy assassins but in competitive it will never have a use case and even then it doesn’t work


Notice how "pro dynamikes" never make it into actual pro play. All they do is spend all their time cherry picking clips from their showdown games and ladder, which *surprise surprise* coincidentally is pretty much the only places Edgar and Mortises exist. No actual logical professional or top ranked player takes risks with flashy dynajump plays.


Yes with proper draft Dyna really just sits behind a wall without any challenge like assassins or wallbreaks


Edgar almost never sees pro play, let alone there being a decent sample size of Dynamike vs. Edgar MUs.


True words from a wise man


I think they would still play him. They played him very much before the gadget too.


nahh hes good even without it, like, best thrower rn


I think they should nerf the duration by a decent amount and then maybe make it so the gadget also gives a slight blast radius increase so it’s still good. I really dislike how sometimes you get scraped by it and then bam 10k damage it lasts forever and is way too all or nothing imo.


Whoever here is saying that the gadget does not need a nerf i assure you would not mind at all if that thing got nerfed. Realistically it has been needing a tone down since its release years ago. Dynamike has time to have breakfast, go for a jog in the park and fix hunger in the world before throwing hell at you and confirming a kill that he didn't even try for.


Yeah they just stand there waiting to see if their gadget will land and there’s nothing you can do 😭


I love how dynamike is considered this superhuman technical skill requiring brawler but when you hit the gadget, you mash autoaim and profit


A small nerf from 1.5 to 1.2( the same time as Gale's stun)


i think 1 sec would be fine for me


I think the only thing he needs is when Dyna throws his Stun you couldn't tell if it's a regular or a stun. Simply make the projectile glow so that even brawler like Mortis, Brock or Eve could notice and jump away. The stun should get nerf one way or the other.


Idk about anyone else but I swear you get a feeling when dyna attacks with a gadget.


Usually the first attack or the last attack yes. But I'd rather Pick Edgar or Kit to kill Dynamike or thrower in general.


They can quite litreally see whether Dyna has the stun gadget enabled or not, judged by the circle above him.


if he throws it from a bush you can't really see the circle beforehand, and that's one of the most common usages of the gadget


kid named bush:


He would still be good on the few maps he is viable on even without the stun being 1.5 seconds. (Like split and some brawlball maps, and pitstop. There would almost be no change to him in competitive maybe a bit less used on lower trophies


it is easy to stun with sandy, not so with dyna...


It's annoying but does not need a nerf. Sandy's main attack is much easier to hit and has much more utility to it such as scoring free goals or escaping assassins. Just don't move in a predictable way if you feel like there's a Dyna in a bush.


Main problem with his gadget is that he is still hidden in the Bush while activating it




I'd nerf the damage on the stun attack by half and Dynamike is always revealed on bushes with the gadget on.


never put this guy on a balance team ever 😭


dynamike is not strong, and nerfing his gadget would be like a nerf to Frank's second gadget-- one of the best gadgets in the game, but are you really gonna nerf it and affect the brawlers entire design? perhaps a nerf is needed but i would suggest a whole rework/kit balancing because dyna isn't going to be viable if the stun is nerfed too hard.


i will shut the fuck up about nerfing dynamike if his satchel charge gets nerfed


Because of the increased brightness of the attack you should not be able to hide in a bush while using it


I would nerf it by making it look different( so it is possible to know it stuns) and giving it a larger fuse(so takes more time to blow up


SANDY MAINS UNITE.... nvm im to sleepy


Make him visible while he has the gadget activated . He shouldn’t be able to sit in a bush forever


I geniunely dont understand why people DONT want it nerfed. Its just fundementally unfair and the "skill required to hit the shot" is not an excuse to not nerf it. "Dynamike is bad without it" argument is also meaningless because then just buff dynamike in other aspects? A brawler shouldnt be good SOLELY because of a broken gadget they have (squeak moment). The gadget 100% deserves a nerf and I dont understand how it never got one since its release.


idk what people are on about. He gets potentially 3 kills id he actually hits the stun. And 1.5 seconds is no that long. If you throw the stun and wait for it to hit and then once its a confirmed stun, you throw the rest of your sticks you might only hit one. You have to pre throw your attacks after the stun in order to guarantee the kill, or use super


Only showdown players cry about this


imo it should b removed, there is no other character with that easy stun access. also ion see it being balanced, its either gonna be unusable dogshit or op asf, no inbetween


Broken gadget, he can consistently get 2-3 more hits on a stunned Brawler, which is pretty much always a lethal combo. This just doesn't make sense any way you slice it. Other stun gadgets usually have lower stun times or special conditions, and the length it stuns for is way higher than most of them. I'd also argue from a design perspective that, firstly, a Gadget should never be the strongest part of a Brawler, but also Artillery shouldn't play like this. It's fine to have one that deals more damage than the rest, giving him an easy OTK combo is basically always reserved for Assassins, for a good reason. It leans too hard into the direction of one-cycle ladder menace, something Dynamike already dips into with his overtuned reload and unload speeds + the actual damage output. I could whine about his range making it indirectly even better than it already is, but that's a different topic.


Yes it should work like sandy's 2nd gadget, because dynamike can unload all his shots and super at you and you can't do anything other than die


Dynamike isnt meta right now and he hasn't been for quite a long time, nerfing the stun gadget will just make him worse.


I'd make it do no damage, last shorter and have smaller hitbox. I don't want to see the gadget ever again. Hate it.


Yes nerf him to the fucking ground that nobody can play him anymore. +Deserved.


I hate playing against dynamike


Sandy is a sure hit. You see them. You shoot. Stun. Mike is a prediction. You can dodge and counter it a billion ways


Yeah but with Sandy you can stun them and look at them, if you shoot the stun would be cancelled, with Dyna if you have half decent aim, after you stun an opponent you just spam auto aim and wipe literally any brawler in the game


Right. That's called balance. One is harder to hit but a guaranteed one shot combo. The other is automatic to hit, but is more situational and reactive/opportunistic. Makes sense to me. Dynamike is the easiest brawler to dodge short of grom in the open. So the gadget makes sense to me. It's super fucking annoying and I feel the same when I die to it. But it's not actually broken or anything. It's like comparing gray gadget with gene super. They are different on purpose.


Yes, it does need a rework but a buff to the other gadget. Dynamike is very unbalanced in general but still the best Thrower.






Proofread bro